
When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve – Review by Jo Wright

When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy TalesWhen Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love short stories! This is an awesome set of short stories, but I would have to say my favorite was the last one called Bones of the Soul. I was nowhere near ready for it to end the way that it did. This set is not what I was expecting, but instead it was so much more! These otherworldly tales roped me into Berve’s imagination and let me tell you, I was not fighting to get back out!

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Vampires of Atlantis by Courtney Davis – Review by Deb Robinson

Vampires of AtlantisVampires of Atlantis by Courtney Davis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this story. The story has so many creatures to keep my imagination overflowing.

Katherine is a human who works at a museum cataloging artifacts. When a monster escapes from Altantis to the human world, she is attacked and she has no idea why. She wakes to Ian the (King) of Altantis who has healed her as much as he could.

He finds himself extremely drawn to her and is irrationally feeling he can never let her go. The feeling to protect and possess her is very strong. Katerine is a strong stubborn woman and won’t put up with being told what to do. Ian will learn this lesson the hard way as they both try to figure out what is so special about an artifact the beast from Atlantis is trying to find.

The story will keep you glued to the pages to find out how the twists and turns are all resolved.

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The Magic Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 1) by K.L. Small – Review by Deb Robinson

The Magic Carousel (The Brass Ring #1)The Magic Carousel by K.L. Small
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Russell is 10 and in grade 5. He is a good kid but has some challenges going on in his life. He feels like a failure. With little confidence in himself, he finds himself being bullied at school.

Life changes drastically when his grandfather comes to life with him and his family. When Russell’s grandfather ends up in the hospital he is given a precious item by his grandfather. Russell takes magical journeys that will keep young readers interested and entertained as well as gain the confidence they may need as well.

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When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve – Review by Jennifer Ramos

When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy TalesWhen Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The collection of fairy tales was so good and different from other ones I’ve read in the past. Different approaches and perspectives are taken as Berve opens her readers to new possibilities in this realm. Absolutely love the images of the fairy tale museum! These stories were fresh approaches from familiar tales with a unique spin. I very much enjoy these stories and recommend to those faerie lovers willing to give these stories a try!

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When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve – Review by Donya Pedigo

When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy TalesWhen Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Could you be living in a fairy tale right this minute? Caitlin Berve thinks so. As she says, fairy tales are all around us, even in this modern age when I’ve noticed that people tend to pay more attention to electronics than each other. I really enjoyed her unique modern retellings of several fairy tales. She has added magic, intrigue, romance, and just so many amazing aspects that I never would’ve thought of or expected. The twists and turns and details she has put into these stories and her writing is phenomenal. The first story, Letters from a Wu, was my favorite and an amazing start to this book. This story of a changeling was so brilliantly written in a back and forth letter style that I’m sure it made it hard to get the narrative across without it feeling like an info dump rather than a fun, interesting story, but Caitlin Berve accomplished this seamlessly. If you want quick fun stories to read, then definitely check out this book.

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When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve – Review by Carla Clemmons

When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy TalesWhen Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I normally don’t read books with short stories but this one made me glad I did. My four favorites were Letters from a Wu; Borrowed Skin, Borrowed Year; A Love to Sleep For and my absolute favorite Bones of the Soul. Each of these stories got me thinking in different ways. The overwhelming sadness and anger in Letters from a Wu to the touching greatness of Bones of the Soul. All of these stories were not like ones I’ve read before. They were a very interesting take on fairy tales. Some I had heard of and some I had not and had to look them up. Like the one about a selkie, I had never heard of them before this book. I definitely enjoyed the writing style too. It made me not want to finish the book and I just wanted more. Even if you don’t normally read short story collections you would still enjoy this one. It definitely held my interest until the very last page.

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Vampires of Atlantis (Atlantis Book #1) by Courtney Davis – Review by Angela Hayes

Vampires in Atlantis (Atlantis #1)Vampires in Atlantis by Courtney Davis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


5 Stars


“Ian hated leaving the water, his home and purpose in life, or death, depending on how you wanted to look at it. He was a vampire of Atlantis, a city sunken to contain monsters that had once threatened the lives of all on land. The horrible beasts that preyed on humans without thought or mercy. Vampires may have sipped from the humans, but it wasn’t thoughtless, and it wasn’t violent. The vampires were royalty, they were the chosen ones, they were the protectors, the warriors… and in return, they were given blood offerings. It was a small price for the humans to pay for their safety. The city was sunk into what was now called The Bermuda Triangle and for 12,000 years the vampires had done their job perfectly despite being betrayed and forgotten by the humans, and for the last five hundred years, Ian had been in charge. Nothing had gone wrong. Until now.”

Vampires of Atlantis is the first captivating story in the new Atlantis series by the ever-talented Courtney Davis. It is an incredible fantasy/paranormal romance with vampires, monsters, good vs evil, agendas, danger, drama, secrets, emotion, chemistry, originality, fantastic world-building, chemistry, supernatural elements, high stakes, action, adventure, tension, intrigue, suspense, interesting/quirky characters, and so much more.
What happens when a monster escapes the watery depths of Atlantis into the mortal world? Ian, Vampire Prince of Atlantis, is hot on the trail and is determined to recapture it before things get out of hand. But things take an intriguing turn when Ian is drawn to Katherine almost as soon as he sets foot on land. What happens you might ask? Well, you really should read all the addictive details for yourself as I don’t want to spoil a single moment for you. Dive in, I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.
I am excited to see what awaits us in Book #2! Bring it on!
Happy Reading…

Thank you, Courtney Davis!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve – Review by Tanya Wall, August 2023

When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy TalesWhen Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Who doesn’t love a good fairytale? This is a great collection of modern day fairytales. I wasn’t sure about the book to start with, but found that each story intrigued me to keep reading. I loved the back and forth writing in the first story Letters from a Wu and the last story was definitely my favorite. Bones of the Soul takes place in a Phx hospital. Nazar not only had a bone disease but a special gift – that came through in his drawing.

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Vampires of Atlantis by Courtney Davis – Review by Mandy Ott

Vampires of AtlantisVampires of Atlantis by Courtney Davis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Vampires of Atlantis is a fun, interesting, paranormal read. Courtney Davis combines folklore and myths surrounding Atlantis with vampires, monsters, werewolves, humans, and other paranormal beings in this original story. While the idea of the story is very intriguing and the book itself is easy to read, I felt like some pieces were missing. The characters were one-of-a-kind, but it seemed like they didn’t have much of a backstory and seemed rather shallow. I did enjoy Courtney Davis’s world building and felt myself transported to the underwater world of Atlantis or the steamy streets of Miami. The end of the book did feel a bit rushed and it almost felt as if things were left up in the air. Overall, a good, quick read with lots of drama and suspense.

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Vampires of Atlantis by Courtney Davis – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Vampires of AtlantisVampires of Atlantis by Courtney Davis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I found this book to be an interesting story to read. This is not my first book by this author but it is one I enjoyed the most. I enjoyed how the author used details to give the story a realistic feel, as if you are part of the story. This is a story about Ian and his quest to save the Descendants of Atlantis from a monster and his queen. But what will happen when he saves a woman from death? What will happen when she finds out what he really is? I really enjoyed both of these characters. They bring life to the story and make it easy to read. I enjoyed watching their growth as well as the plot’s growth throughout the story. This is a fast paced, hard to put down story that you don’t want to miss. This is a great story and I highly recommend it.

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Review by @bjwagner

Vampires of Atlantis by Courtney Davis – Review by Trish Ann

Vampires of AtlantisVampires of Atlantis by Courtney Davis
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was an ok read for me. I love vampire stories but I had some issues with some of the plot. I did like the dual POV and found the characters interesting. I’m interested to see where the story goes and if some of the holes for me are fixed as the story moves forward.

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Vampires of Atlantis by Courtney Davis – Review by Ayla Phipps

Vampires of AtlantisVampires of Atlantis by Courtney Davis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Above the waterline. While this is the second book I have read by the incredible Courtney Davis, this book is a completely different universe as the other. Told from Ian and Katherine’s perspectives it isn’t a designated chapter but chapter thing, but it is easy to tell when the switch happens.
Ian is a vampire, once treated as royalty by humans and blood offerings made to them for their protection they are now long forgotten by the modern world. Katherine has worked at the local museum in Miami for the past decade, her heart and soul consumed so much that her ex claimed she loved her job more than him. A thousand years have passed since Ian was above the waterline on land, for the past five hundred years he has been the leader of his people guarding the prisons of Atlantis in the Bermuda Triangle. Norgis has escaped, something that has never happened in the 900 thousand years since Atlantis was sunk. Being the first time, it has ever happened he feels it is his job to hunt and return it to its cell. Only in the blink of an eye his mission changes he no longer seeks for the monster but for the woman who makes his blood run hot and calls to his soul. Katherine can feel his stare when she is near but struggles to see into the shadows to find him.
Did Norgis escape or was he released? Can Ian win the heart of Katherine? Will they get a chance to be happy or will Norgis succeed in his plan? The world while based in our time is otherworldly, the mystery of history playing out in the shadows and the depths of the ocean. The characters are relatable and when an epic level romance is thrown in all you can do is hold on tight as you sink into the ocean to reveal the secrets long forgotten. I so hope that a second book to the Atlantis series comes soon I cannot wait to see what mysteries await next.

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When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve – Review by Jennifer Reimer

When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy TalesWhen Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a collection of amazingly put together spellbinding tales that I just couldn’t get enough of. I read every story they were all great in their own way. they took me on a little journey to different magical like places and characters that makes you feel like you were really getting swept away to that world. This book had me right from the beginning from the story telling and the way everything just flowed and was put together. I can’t get over how these collections were so beautifully written with amazing and wonderful characters and interesting tales that sucked me in, and I had to keep reading to know the whole story. This author did a fantastic job of creating this fairy tales. I highly recommend this book!

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Vampires of Atlantis by Courtney Davis – Review by Jenni Bishop

Vampires of AtlantisVampires of Atlantis by Courtney Davis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4.5 stars
One thing I like about Courtney’s stories is that even though they are fantasy, paranormal, supernatural and romance tales they are as different as night and day and that keeps it interesting.
Vampires of Atlantis is the first book in the Atlantis Trilogy and is as original as it is refreshing. I found myself engrossed in this unique urban fantasy tale. Courtney has done it again and given us a story that is easy to get lost in and invested in the outcome.
Atlantis, vampires, werewolves and other creatures are woven together in this tangled web of survival. I love that the Courtney makes things realistic but in a paranormal way. The world building that has been created where Vampires dwell is easily imagined and is only limited by one’s imagination. Getting to explore the nuances of Atlantis, the lore and treasures is just as intriguing.
Its tale is told from dual POV, so you get a much more in depth look at the characters and the world they belong in. There is violence, a little sexiness, and insta love.
Katherine was left for dead, but a stranger helped her. Now she is faced with a decision to help the person who helped her. To face danger in a battle for survival of the Descendants of Atlantis from a true evil.
I hope this is a start to a new series.
As always, I am looking forward to more from the talented Ms Courtney and the Atlantis Trilogy. Bring on the second book Aristotle’s Wolves.


Reviewed by @jennadb

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Vampires of Atlantis by Courtney Davis – Review by Shelly Kittell

Vampires of AtlantisVampires of Atlantis by Courtney Davis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Fascinating paranormal story with a new twist. The characters are all quite entertaining. The plot has just a few minor glitches with tiny details yet it flows so nice. I loved the storyline. It is nice to read something about the paranormal vampire, werewolf, etc. with a whole new view. Tossing in Atlantis just gives it a whole new perspective. I enjoyed every minute. I was unable to put the book down. Right from the start, I was enthralled with the story. For you paranormal romance lovers out there, I highly suggest this one.

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Vampires of Atlantis by Courtney Davis

🏰 🌸 💘 💫 📔 BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE 📔 💫 💘 🌸 🏰
Vampires of Atlantis by Courtney Davis
Genre – Fantasy, Romance
Page Count – 222
Cover Designer – Marianne Nowicki

When Atlantis sank, it took with it a prison holding the worst monsters the earth had ever seen, and it needed something more powerful to guard them. Vampires. A race of humans, Descendants of Atlantis, once held captive by a stone that took their will and made them happy blood slaves, had gained their freedom from the Vampires of Atlantis, but the Descendants never stopped fearing the blood-suckers who had once enslaved them. 

When an unspeakable monster escapes its Atlantean prison, its Ians job to track it above the waterline and bring it back. 

Ians quest is derailed by the woman he finds seconds from death. Can he convince her to help him save the Descendants of Atlantis from a vampire and his monster minion? 

Will she turn against him when she finds out what he is, what she is, and what hes willing to sacrifice for the greater good?


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Vampires of Atlantis by Courtney Davis

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Vampires of Atlantis by Courtney Davis

Courtney Davis is an urban fantasy author residing in North Idaho with her husband and children. By day teaching young children and by night trying to find time to write down all the stories in her head. She’s always had a passion for reading and writing and has found great pleasure in providing others with an escape through the stories she writes.

Author Interview with Courtney Davis



Oathbreakers Anonymous by Scott Warren – Review by Brandy Vaughn

Oathbreakers AnonymousOathbreakers Anonymous by Scott Warren
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is an interesting sci-fi story with an included who’s who reference for the reader and it was helpful to keep the characters straight throughout the story. There is good character development and world-building that pulls the reader into the story. This is a laugh-out-loud fantasy novel that’s full of action. It will keep you turning the pages to see what’s next!

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When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve – Review by Susan Ratchford

When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy TalesWhen Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When Magic Calls: A Collection Of Modern Fairy Tales
By: Caitlin Berve
Review by: Susan Ratchford
4 Stars

I really enjoyed reading this collection of Fairy Tales! I thought Berve’s idea of a Fairy Tale museum was amazing! This retelling was beyond relatable and vivid, I felt every word! When Magic Calls really made me feel like it wasn’t a fairy tale at all, it was real! This book was so engaging and just dark enough to be addicting! Berve has such a unique tone and story, I couldn’t help but love it! I can’t wait to read more from Ms. Caitlin Berve. When Magic Calls was truly just phenomenal and unique! I couldn’t help but smile all the way through, as well as feel apprehensive in the best way. I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves Fairy Tales and lore! As well as dwell towards the dark side of each! You will not be disappointed!

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When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve – Review by Amanda Gonzalez

When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy TalesWhen Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love the way the author tells these Fairy Tales! Each story is different from the last, but all are interesting and well-written. Some stories are darker than others, but I can’t say I have a favorite. I also love the unpredictable nature of the stories, though I recognized a few elements in the various stories, I felt each story was something new. I will definitely be looking into more of Caitlin Berve’s works in the future!

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When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairytales by Caitlin Berve – Review by Micalah Weatherholtz

When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy TalesWhen Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I love fantasy and I love magic so When Magic Calls came across my radar I jumped at the chance to read it. These stories are incredibly unique, original, and I appreciated the way they were told but maybe fairytale retellings just aren’t for me. I believe they would be well received by someone who enjoyed those as that would probably add to the reading experience.

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When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve – Review by Sheri Schrader

When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy TalesWhen Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales is a fun retelling of classic fairy tales. This is my first book by this author, and I was not disappointed. She has created a fairy tale museum and tells well-known stories in new ways. Using fantasy, paranormal, romance, and more, the stories come to life. I also enjoyed that each story read quickly so I could catch one while waiting for meetings and other inconveniences that daily life brings. YA fans and older could enjoy the stories. The author really put effort into reworking the stories so they have their own life instead of being a standard retelling. I enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more from this author.

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When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve – Review by Tia Martel

When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy TalesWhen Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A girl in Nee Mexico steals a magical artifact. A man in the Rocky Mountains studies a girl in the wild. A raging storm wakes a boy. What do they have in common?

Fairy tales are everywhere and are constantly being altered to match the modern world. Watch closely because you never know what fairytale you might find yourself in.

“When Magic Calls” was far from what I was expecting, but in a good way. I love a fairytale retelling, but this took telling tales to a whole new level. It was a magical twist and turn in directions I never would’ve predicted with each story told.

This collection of fairytales is different than the usual tales we hear and was truly engaging and magical. You won’t want to miss it!

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The Magic Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 1) by K.L. Small – Review by Julie Johnson

The Magic Carousel (The Brass Ring #1)The Magic Carousel by K.L. Small
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read this book in one sitting and I imagine many others will as well.

We meet Russell right away. He’s in the 5th grade, and well, it’s just not his year. So many changes have occurred over the past year that it’s really affected his performance in school. Grandpa moved in, resulting in his room to change, his dad starting drinking more, and Tyler became a bully. That’s a bit much for a young man to have to take on.

Grandpa loves going to the carousel everyday, much to Russell’s chagrin. One day, that all changes for both Rusty and Grandpa though. Things will never be the same again…and that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

This book is pretty deep and one that teenagers could likely relate to. There are some intense topics covered and there are ways to help those issues throughout the story. I’ll also admit, I cried at the end!!! Have a box of tissues handy if you’re soft hearted!!

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When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve – Review by Amanda Haller-Doris

When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy TalesWhen Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a very unique and enjoyable collection of fairy tales for adults. The author was extremely vivid in her characters and you definitely could feel the magic within! Some of the stories I couldn’t quite place how they related to other fairy tales, but it did not make them less enjoyable. My absolutely favorites were, “Letters from a Wu”, “Borrowed Skin, Borrowed Year”, “A Love to Sleep for”, and “Bones of the Soul.” This was definitely a wonderful collection and I greatly enjoyed all of the stories. If you are a lover of fairy tales, this is a diverse collection of magical tales.

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Oathbreakers Anonymous by Scott Warren – Review by Santana Hicks

Oathbreakers AnonymousOathbreakers Anonymous by Scott Warren
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was initially drawn to this novel because of the title, I am, and always have been a massive nerd. I was playing D&D 5e before it was fully published and was still being called D&D Next. So when I saw a novel referring to oathbreaker paladins, I was immediately intrigued. The author did not disappoint, the main character was a half-orc paladin who called his club a ‘Smite Stick’. The novel kicks off with Marluck, the main character, losing his paladin powers and falling into a depressive spiral. Marluck ends up joining an AA style group called Oathbreakers Anonymous, and going on a quest with an eclectic group to try to regain their powers, in a scene that has fond echoes of LotR.

Once the plot kicks off, things happen at a breakneck pace. Which, while a good thing, is almost too much. We aren’t given any time to process what just happened before we are once again onto the next leg of the quest. That is honestly my only real issue though, the author did a wonderful job, made me like the characters, and made me laugh many, many times with all of their jokes and nerdy humour. It was very obvious that the author is knowledgeable of pop culture, the nerdier the better. You could tell immediately just from the references and jokes that made it into the novel, I even got introduced to my new favourite deity, Chocklar the god of hangry snacking. Chocklar will be a part of my D&D campaigns going forward for sure!

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The Sisterhood of Secrets (The Gods’ Scion Book 4) by Winnifred Tataw – Review by Lucy Machard

The Sisterhood of SecretsThe Sisterhood of Secrets by Winnifred Tataw
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book takes us back to the world of Arcelia and Rodrick, as they go through their adult life and manage their relationship with the politics of their families. I very much enjoyed this book, it was a quick read that I disappeared into after a day out on the river. With the way it ended, it wouldn’t surprise me if it was a final book in the series, but I would like to see another book pop up. Overall, a good book and a good series to try out!

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The Lone Star Child (The Gods’ Scion Book 3) by Winnifred Tataw – Review by Lucy Machard

The Lone Star ChildThe Lone Star Child by Winnifred Tataw
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I definitely liked this book a lot better than the sequel in the series. I really enjoyed how it followed a different character, and the book definitely kept me engaged. Sometimes I feel like I get slammed with character after character, and I feel like there could be more to the story, just a couple more details here and there. The plot was a fantastic plot, and it I enjoy seeing the writer grow as the series grows. Catch you at book four!

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Descendants of Time and Death (The Gods’ Scion Book 2) by Winnifred Tataw – Review by Lucy Machard

Descendants of Time and Death (The Gods' Scion, #2)Descendants of Time and Death by Winnifred Tataw
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The book seemed to drag on a little bit through the beginning and middle. It goes over a lot of politics for a good half of the book, which does tie in to the plot, but also can be a bit tedious. After the first books ending with Roderick and Arcelia, I was expecting a bit more romance, but of course nothing comes as easy as we think with books. I do enjoy the plot the author gives out, but the writing style can be a bit confusing. There’s a lot of POV jumps from character to character, and half the time I didn’t know what character was telling the story until about halfway through it. Make sure you’re reading the series in order, since the first book goes over the lore and background of the world and society set up. Over all, a book I did like, and I’m curious to see what the author does next.

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The Sisterhood of Secrets (The Gods’ Scion Book 4) by Winnifred Tataw – Review by Rebeca Elliott Figueiras

The Sisterhood of SecretsThe Sisterhood of Secrets by Winnifred Tataw
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the fourth in the Gods’ Scion series and I highly recommend reading the previous books before reading this one. By doing so, you’ll have a clearer picture on what had happened previously, the current struggle faced, and the characters involved.

Once again, I applaud the author’s world building and ability to paint a vivid picture of the scenery with words. The characters are well-constructed and have you rooting for them beginning to end and feeling their emotions alongside them.

There are more secrets and lies to be uncovered in this book and the twists leave you unsettled and asking who can be trusted.

I enjoy this series and how there are unique aspects to each, you just can’t get bored reading these books.

I hope to see more from this author soon!

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The Lone Star Child (The Gods’ Scion Book 3) by Winnifred Tataw – Review by Rebeca Elliott Figueiras

The Lone Star ChildThe Lone Star Child by Winnifred Tataw
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the third book in the Gods’ Scion series. I would highly recommend reading the first two books before this one for a better understanding of events, the world and characters.

Once again, the world building in this series grabs my attention almost immediately. It’s strong and links together between the books beautifully. The author also does a great job in painting vivid imagery to bring it to life for the readers.

The plot is gripping, and I was intrigued. It’s unique and enjoyable full of lies and adventure for the characters to discover as the story unfolds. Another aspect which stood out to me is the emotion that the author includes. Not only is it clear what the characters are feeling, but the emotion leaks out through the pages, and you almost feel them as your own.

I have been enjoying this series and look forward to more.

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