
Curse of the Forbidden Island by C.A. King – Review by Devon Pulliam

Curse of Forbidden IslandCurse of Forbidden Island by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Oh I so need more of this story! Had this been an actual hard copy I would’ve found myself looking for more pages. Selene finds herself with no job and no place to live. She believes she’s a great exemplary employee but finds herself in desperate need of employment, once again.

She visits an acquaintance at the employee center where she is able to grab a listing for a job, on an island. Benefits is not only employment but housing as well.

Looks are deceiving and upon arriving she finds herself immersed in a whole other world. Will she run when she learns the truth or will she stay and make the best of it?

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Savage Start (Hidden Valley Elite Prequel) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Charlene Gonzalez

Savage Start: A High School Bully Romance: Hidden Valley Elite PrequelSavage Start: A High School Bully Romance: Hidden Valley Elite Prequel by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I never thought I was going to be into short series like this one but I have to say I was drawn into Riley and Cole from the start. The author Isla Vaughn did an amazing job! Who knew that a woman like Riley can hold so long her V-Card (funny way to say her precious gift)? Love it how Cole, a hot guy like him can get any girls he wants was drawn into Riley but they were enemies from the start funny life, but love has its way.

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Night Hawke (The Hawke Family Second Generation Prequel) by Gwyn McNamee – Review by Ana Evelyn

Night Hawke (The Hawke Family Second Generation #0.5)Night Hawke by Gwyn McNamee
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ayyyy caramba – spicy spicyyyy! From beginning to end. Jack and Hawke unknowingly both have the same intention on a night out before big days / life sets in. The sparks and chemistry starts to soar and they have a wild wilddd night. Of course who wouldn’t want more?? I need and want more of this story! It was a short, sweet, spicy hell of novel. Trust that you won’t regret it. Hoping to read more from Themis author in the future! 🔥 🌶️

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Three Made In Heaven (Made In Heaven #1) by Elena Kincaid – Review by Jess Dimmock

Three Made in Heaven (Made in Heaven, #1)Three Made in Heaven by Elena Kincaid
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The fantasy twist in this book is one I haven’t encountered before and I really adored how this story was built! The three main characters meet as children and build an unbreakable bond, in their shared dream. As they grow up the love they share changes and grows as they do, yet the belief that they are all just conjuring’s from each other’s minds is a thread of doubt in all of their minds. What will happen if they try to find out the truth?! I just can’t stop raving about this book. The adult scenes are steamy as all get out, but the building of the relationship from the very first page is absolutely grippingly written! Read this one peeps, you won’t regret it!

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Echoing Hearts (The Echo Series Book 1) by C.R. Alam – Review by Jess Dimmock

Echoing Hearts (Book 1 of The Echo Series)Echoing Hearts by C.R. Alam
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a really well written slow build romance. Honestly it almost reads like a “How to build a good relationship” style book in a way. With some self-help, healthy friendships, and a really nice irritating friends to lover’s story. Our male lead starts off getting left at the altar of his big grandiose wedding and ends up accidentally meeting the woman who is his opposite and life saver. I really can’t say enough about how much I enjoyed this book!

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Master Calabrea (Masters of the Consulate Book 6) by Sylvia Black – Review by Tracy Greenhalgh

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”Master Calabrea: Dark Vampire Romance (Masters of the Consulate Book 6)” src=”” /></a><a href=””>Master Calabrea: Dark Vampire Romance</a> by <a href=””>Sylvia Black</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>5 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
How have I missed this author? <br />This book (6 in the series) can be read as a standalone and I am assuming the rest of the books are as easy to read and hook you in as much as this one does.<br />We meet and follow the partnership between Tansia and Master Calabrea, as Tansia is embracing the new after a bad relationship, she is certainly not looking for a relationship let alone one with Master Calabrea. Add in some supernatural sight and prophecy and the story grows and continues to keep you enthralled. <br />A definite book hangover to deal with after trying to read this all on one sitting.<br />
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Savage Start (Hidden Valley Elite Prequel) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Charlene Gonzalez

Savage Start: A High School Bully Romance: Hidden Valley Elite PrequelSavage Start: A High School Bully Romance: Hidden Valley Elite Prequel by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I never thought I was going to be into short series like this one but I have to say I was drawn into Riley and Cole from the start. The author Isla Vaughn did an amazing job! Who knew that a woman like Riley can hold so long her V-Card (funny way to say her precious gift)? Love it how Cole, a hot guy like him can get any girls he wants was drawn into Riley but they were enemies from the start funny life, but love has its way.

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Master Calabrea (Masters of the Consulate Book 6) by Sylvia Black – Review by Sarah King

Master Calabrea: Dark Vampire Romance (Masters of the Consulate Book 6)Master Calabrea: Dark Vampire Romance by Sylvia Black
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

With Isla and the other traitors trying to reek havoc, Master Calabrea is tasked with finding Isla and returning with her alive. Tansia is assigned to the masters team thanks to her emerging psychic powers. There is an instant attraction for Calabrea. But, nothing is ever simple. Tansia goes off on her own with dire consequences. Will Tansia and Calabrea ‘s chance at happiness be gone before it begins? Will Calabrea be able to find Tansia in time?

I have absolutely loved this series and can not wait for the next book. I was a bit bummed it ended on such a cliffhanger but excited to see what happens next.

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Grace Under Fire (The Anderson Sisters Book 2) by Jennifer Raines – Review by Sarah King

Grace Under Fire (The Anderson Sisters Book 2)Grace Under Fire by Jennifer Raines
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Growing up on the family farm Grace knew her dream was to take over from her parents, run the farm and add her own stamp to it. However due to unforesee circumstances the time table to buy own her parents has moved forward significantly. Ryan ran from town 8 years prior due to a family tragedy but he is back now. Though he has no plans on sticking around, he just wants to sell his mom’s farm and move on again. Grace and Ryan have known each other for years but the tragedy Ryan left over also ended up meaning he left grace’ s friendship behind as well. Will Grace and Ryan be able to work through their history to be friends again? Eill Grace be able to turn to Ryan for support and help? Will Ryan be able to care for Grace in more than passing? Will Grace and Ryan be able to overcome thier past trauma, allowing Rachel other to live and love?

I have really enjoyed the Anderson sisters series both books were quick easy reads with great characters and unique stories to each of the girls. Each book can be read as a standalone so the order doesn’t really matter. Just pick a book and enjoy!

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Shadow (Devil’s Handmaidens MC: Timber-Ghost, Montana Chapter Book 2) by D.M. Earl – Review by Deb Robinson

Shadow (Devil's Handmaidens MC-Book Two)Shadow by D.M. Earl
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Shadows story will have you in tears and angry all at the same time. I could never imagine how someone could survive with everything she has gone through for years. Thank goodness Tink came into her life or she may not be here now. Everyone at the ranch has their own painful story but I believe Shadow (Zoey) has seen and been through the worst of the filth of humanity.

We all know from book 1 that Tink and Shadow and besties that will be there for each other no matter what. One would give their lives for the other and that is definitely tested in this book. Panther is Shadows’ fancy underwear secret. He will have her back no matter what. When Panther makes a deal to save a few girls all heck breaks loose. This is a must read.

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Tink (Devil’s Handmaidens MC Book 1) by D.M. Earl – Review by Deb Robinson

Tink (Devil's Handmaidens MC-Book One)Tink by D.M. Earl
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh my my, this was an amazing book. When reading the back of the book summary I had a preconceived idea of how the book would play out. I was wrong and pleasantly surprised as well.

Tink is a force to be reckoned with even though she is in a tiny package. She has a mountain on her shoulders dealing with the ranch. Her heart tears a little bit after every rescue. It’s a wonder she is coping at all. She is the Prez of the Handmaiden MC. She is the daughter of a prez as well. Everyone will need to come together to save the day.

“Noodle”, “L”, Ellington, is a Navy SEAL who is in Montana helping a Seal with an animal rescue. All military personnel have a lot of mental issues to deal with when they come home. It plays on the mind.

So much happens in this book. I was so tense when someone was coming for Tink. She is on someone’s hit list. These people are brutal. A few parts had me in chills and revolted at the same time. If you love a very suspenseful book with a definite edge, you will enjoy this book.

Please trigger warnings.

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Master Calabrea (Masters of the Consulate Book 6) by Sylvia Black – Review by Ashley Hasting

Master Calabrea: Dark Vampire Romance (Masters of the Consulate Book 6)Master Calabrea: Dark Vampire Romance by Sylvia Black
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Master Calabrea is on a mission. Usually he gets the job done thoroughly. That’s until he has Tansia, a red headed vixen. Their chemistry is so good! It was once again a great read of this series!

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The Man in Black by L.R. Liverpool – Review by Helani Kihe

The Man In BlackThe Man In Black by L.R. Liverpool
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The story does start off a little slow but don’t let that stop you.
I feel like I must warn you…the author did a phenomenal job…be ready to go on an emotional roller-coaster.
This story is filled with action, mystery and romance. There is a little something for everyone. Trigger warning: It does get violent.
The story is a little on the long side but definitely worth the read. Trust me you won’t be able to put it down and you’ll get to the last page and wish it hadn’t ended yet.

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Shadow Wolf (Protector Wolf Shifter Series Book 1) by Lilliana Rose – Review by Ashley Hasting

Shadow Wolf (Protector Wolf Shifter Series Book 1)Shadow Wolf by Lilliana Rose

Tamaska has a mission for her job. That is to make an auction go smoothly. Well, she thought it would till she met Kodiak. The first meetings are always important, and this one was already spicy between them. The way the relationship between them started and bloomed in this book was fun to read. There’s just enough drama to keep you going to want to read the next book!

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The 45th Parallel (Antipodes Series Book 6) by T.S. Simons – Review by Lucy Machard

The 45th Parallel (Antipodes, #6)The 45th Parallel by T.S. Simons
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Another new POV switch right from the get go! I was so excited to get a glimpse into the newest character view and to see where we left off from book 5. I loved the adventure that this book dived into, and I think it’s my favorite out of all 6 books! I loved seeing the new adventurers, and it was a nice installment after the ending of the last book. After reading all of them, if you’re someone who enjoys adventure, sci-fi, and a little romance, these are the books for you!

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Shore Lodge by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Heather Watson

Shore Lodge: A high-stakes psychological thriller (The Millersville series)Shore Lodge: A high-stakes psychological thriller by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the firs book that I’ve read by Susan Specht Oram. I was on the edge of my seat reading this book. I couldn’t wait to see what the characters were going to do next. The story is well written and pulls you in. I can’t wait for her next story to see what she comes up with next.

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Shore Lodge by Susan Specht Oram Reviewed by May Leadstone

Shore Lodge: A high-stakes psychological thriller (The Millersville series)Shore Lodge: A high-stakes psychological thriller by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This novel is not what I normally read due to easily triggered anxiety. However, I thought I would push my reading boundaries. Though within the first couple of chapters, the author had my hackles raised slowly! (Great for the psychological thriller aspect, not so good for my anxiety) The constantly turning story narrative kept the reader disjointed, which matches the main character, Jacklyn Stone, whose mental state was in disarray after the untimely loss of her husband of 37 years! All she wanted was to live with her husband and run the garden shop, but fate and an ungrateful child who believes they are owed more! The author hits on the paranoia of every parent and how their children will treat them when they are older!  The way Jacklyn’s children, Rose and Dusty, acted activated my anger and frustration with what Jacklyn experienced at this “retreat”! Yet, Jacklyn doesn’t go down without a fight and starts to regain herself back through this whole ordeal! I learned this genre is not for me, but this book was well written and assuredly a great product for those of suspense and thrills!

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Chatroom With A View by Glenn Maynard – Review by Heather Watson

Chatroom With A ViewChatroom With A View by Glenn Maynard
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is this first time I have read a Glenn Maynard book and I was excited to get this book. If you like to read true crime books then you will love this fast paced book. This book is darker than I thought it would be but it wasn’t to dark. Troy even living at home with his parents he has to battle his demons. I will be picking up more books by Glenn Maynard.

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The Man in Black by L.R. Liverpool – Review by Devon Pulliam

The Man In BlackThe Man In Black by L.R. Liverpool
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

First off this isn’t a quick read over the weekend book! The author did an AMAZING job at adding in all sorts of details that kept the story strong and alive and keeps you sucked in. I’m also not typically one that reads western books. But I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this one.

Fenimore/Simon is a dreamer and wants to join a gang in the West, rather than stay on the family farm and settle down. He has romantized/glamorized this in his dreams.

His thoughts on this lifestyle are quickly changed when he meets one the most well known (at that time in this book) gang leaders, who takes him in for saving his life! Members start dying off and well I know I’m not the only one shocked at who the murderer was! Way to keep me/us guessing until the end!

Simon quickly discovers he is at a crossroads with his sexuality once he really gets to know fellow gang members. Now the author does a phenomenal job at letting it happen naturally and the story keeps moving vs concentrating on this one part.

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed this book and glad I stepped out of my normal style and gave this one a chance!

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Shadow (Devil’s Handmaidens MC: Timber-Ghost, Montana Chapter Book 2) by D.M. Earl – Review by Heather Watson

Shadow (Devil's Handmaidens MC-Book Two)Shadow by D.M. Earl
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the second installment of Devil’s Handmaids MC and I have to tell you that D.M. Earl did it again. This book could stand alone but you really need to read the first one to get the feeling of the characters. Even though this book focuses on Shadow and her issues with the pedophile ring. She is the enforcer at the club and gives you more insight on Shadow. I can’t wait to keep reading this series to see what happens next.

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Tink (Devil’s Handmaidens MC: Timber-Ghost, Montana Chapter Book 2) by D.M. Earl – Review by Heather Watson

Tink (Devil's Handmaidens MC-Book One)Tink by D.M. Earl
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This the first time reading D.M. Earl and this author knocked it out of the park with this one. I really enjoyed reading this one. I am looking forward to reading Shadow next. This book has a lot of action that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Tink is trying to stop the human trafficking rings and helping the ones who need it. If you like girls as the head of a biker club, then you will love this series. I can’t wait to keep reading.

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Savage Start (Hidden Valley Elite Prequel) by Isla Vaughn – Review by helen dawkins

Savage Start: A High School Bully Romance: Hidden Valley Elite PrequelSavage Start: A High School Bully Romance: Hidden Valley Elite Prequel by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is the prequel to the Isla Vaughn’s new series Hidden Valley Elite. The story follows two young teenagers, Cole and Riley. They comes from drastically different background and financial statues. Riley and her mother move around constantly, never staying in one place to long because they are con artists and hiding from her biological father. Her mother says that this time is different, that they will hopefully be able to settle in and stay. The first day Riley is in town, she comes across a house party at a mansion sized beach house. After scoping out the house, Riley steals a gold lighter and get caught by a dangerously attractive alpha male. Cole, catches Riley in a bold face lie and when taunted by Riley, kisses her. To both of their surprise it is the most intense kiss either of them have ever experienced. Riley’s mother’s plans of staying are quickly changed and before they know it they are on their way to moving again. The book ends with a cliffhanger! I cannot wait until Book One is released to see what happens between Riley and Cole!

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Chatroom With A View by Glenn Maynard – Review by Devon Pulliam

Chatroom With A ViewChatroom With A View by Glenn Maynard
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Well I was not expecting this book to be as dark as it was. Not in a bad way either. The story follows Troy as he has to come to terms with some evil in his life. Not only the evil at home but childhood bullies he now works with. Add in a crazy ex girlfriend turned stalker and you have a wonderful crime story!

Troy battles his own demons after seeing a crime at the hands of his father. After working with his childhood bullies and hearing what they do in chatrooms to various men he plots a plan of revenge. All while taking care of his father that he is keeping alive because of a threat he grew up with.

This book was hard to put down once I started it because it sucks you in from the very beginning! I love crime novels and this one was not a disappointment at all! In fact I was expecting a different ending!

This story has several different twists that were perfect for the storyline and this won’t be the last book from this author I read.

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Caspian’s UnBirthday (Invisible Magic Wand) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Sarah King

Caspian's UnBirthday (Invisible Magic Wand)Caspian’s UnBirthday by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Caspian and his grandpa are off on a new adventure with his newest unbirthday gift! A pair of brown socks! This story briefly touches on things such as graciousness, thankfulness, and spending time with family. This is a unique short story that is creative, a dash of the unexpected with an enjoyable time. I would recommend this book to younger children. It is an adorable read.

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Lucky Stars by Fantasia Yu – Review by Daree Blake

Lucky StarsLucky Stars by Fantasia Yu
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This book is the first New Adult book I have read and it was a miss for me. Princess Mora is a contradiction, smart and responsible but doesn’t actually fulfill her responsibilities. There were many inconsistencies in the story that made me feel a little lost through it. It was a quick read and maybe my age/reading genre preference made this one hard for me to get through, I did not enjoy it.
I wanted to know more about the indigenous folk of Xot and why getting a copy of the original treaty was so important, but that wasn’t really explained.
There was potential for a great story but the lack of character development and the dialogue fell flat for me.

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True Colors (Landry’s True Colors Series Book One) by Krysten Lindsay Hager – Review by Devon Pulliam

True Colors (Landry's True Colors #1)True Colors by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is such a good book for young girls in middle school.
Landry goes thru losing/gaining/losing/gaining friendships over the course of the school year. Also while navigating having parents living apart and the start of a modeling career as well.

Landry shows grace and how hard it is to navigate that awkward age of 13/14. I thought the author did a wonderful job in the inner monologue along with the characters being super relatable. Middle school is so rough in all aspects and Landry shows that you can make it thru and have various friends groups and even how to handle those when they can’t cross paths with one another.

If my daughter was a little younger I would have her read this book/series because it’s relatable for those navigating the awkward teenage years between middle school and high school.

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True Colors (Landry’s True Colors Series Book One) by Krysten Lindsay Hager – Review by Jennie M Bechtel

True Colors (Landry's True Colors #1)True Colors by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Landry is a thirteen (going on fourteen) year old girl who just wants to fit in. She wants a modeling career that will make her famous, friends who will be by her side through thick and thin, and something interesting to talk about with her classmates. She has friends who may not be as loyal as she thought. Throughout this book, Landry learns more about herself, meets new friends, and navigates the difficulties of middle school. I really enjoyed this book! I love the characters and the dialogue. I felt the characters were relatable and realistic. One small criticism was the technology in this book. I feel like today’s teens might not communicate in the ways they do in the book. I would definitely recommend this book to middle school, high school, and even adult readers, and I can’t wait to read the next books in this short series.

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Hot For Me (The Balefire Series Book 4) by Tam DeRudder Jackson – Review by Kassandra

Hot For Me (Balefire, #4)Hot For Me by Tam DeRudder Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I DEVOURED this book! I just couldn’t put it down. The intrigue, the chemistry, was so well written. Cristy and Adam’s personality got me hooked from the first page.

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Family Lucky Stars by Fantasia Yu – Review by Helen Dawkins

Lucky StarsLucky Stars by Fantasia Yu
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book is about two star crossed lovers, Mora and Darin. Princess Mora and her sister travel to the moon planet Xot, for the purpose of Mora marrying the Prince Fidge. Mora absolutely hates being a princess and wants nothing more than to be free, she does not wish to marry Prince Fidge, even if it means helping the galaxy. She has just received the best news, she was accepted to go to the Bronze City for school, where she hopes to be far, far away from Fidge and princess duties. Mora is introduced to the rugged criminal and possible terrorist Darin and immediately is smitten. She must keep her real identity a secret from him though, she is not sure he would still be accepting of her being a Princess. How long can she hide her identity from him when the royals send a bounty hunter to retrieve her?

Darin, also only wants to be free and be a pilot. He has is technically a criminal in Xot and must take the people on tours of all kinds to receive credits, once he has enough credits he is able to go home in a community out of orbit. Darin immediately becomes infatuated with Mora. Will be put aside his fears of not being good enough and take a leap of faith to be with her?

While I loved the idea of the book, it was VERY confusing and hard to keep along. The book jumped around Alot and was hard to follow conversations correctly. I found myself constantly rereading passages so I could understand what was exactly going on.

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Absolution by Anise Storm & Taylor L. Ray – Review by Stephanie Nicole

AbsolutionAbsolution by Anise Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This story really broke my heart from the beginning. While I love a good rags to riches story, this one had so much emotion and so many feelings that I cried multiple times through the story. Full of romance, suspense, mystery, and more I just simply couldn’t put this story down. When I first saw the cover of this book and read the synopsis I knew that I would be pulled in right away, and I definitely wasn’t wrong. Having read several stories from this author before I knew that I would just love this one, and she did not disappoint. So if your looking for a great mystery, or some romance then make sure to pick this one up today.

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