
Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom by Gabrielle Lee

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This is an easy-to-follow story about two young friends and a mermaid. It was nice to see how parts of the story involve science. While the story is easy to follow, I found it a bit choppy in parts and not flowing easily for me. I love how it explains science in an easy to learn way for kids. Mai and her friends give young readers a great science lessons with this adventure.

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The Day the Librarian Saved the Galaxy by Stephenie Wilson Peterson by Gabrielle Lee

The Day the Librarian Saved the GalaxyThe Day the Librarian Saved the Galaxy by Stephenie Wilson Peterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a fun and entertaining book for those that are just starting out with chapter books. The plot is fast moving and easy to follow. It has likeable and relatable characters that children will enjoy. It pokes fun at elementary school cafeteria food and has two young children coming to the aid of a feisty librarian who is more than what she pretends to be. This book gives readers an exciting adventure for young readers and those that are young at heart.

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Captivated (Hybrid Lovers Book 1) by Toya Richardson – Review by Gabrielle Lee

Captivated (Hybrid Lovers, #1)Captivated by Toya Richardson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Angelina’s life changes in one moment. When Salvatore and Luca come into her life Angelina must decide where her future will take her. Not only does her life depend on it but all human life does.

This is an interesting take on the vampire world. It brings vampires and angels together. As the hybrids fight against demons they also search for their mate. Now that Salvatore and Lucas have found Angelina, they work to show her what they could have and what it means. While I thought the plot of this book was an interesting one, I did not connect with the characters. Although this book is not a favorite of mine the story moves at a good pace and has some interesting supporting characters.

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The Mind-Reading Hat( Invisible Magic Wand Series Book 6) by Lois Wickstrom

The Mind-Reading Hat: Invisible Magic Wand Book SixThe Mind-Reading Hat: Invisible Magic Wand Book Six by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Another cute read in this series. This story seemed a bit quicker than the previous one, but it is still entertaining. It is an easy-to-read book, and the story is easy to follow as well. Once again on his unbirthday Caspian goes on an adventure. This time he is given two gifts and uses them to unravel another mystery. While this new adventure for Caspian was fun it did not seem to pull the reader in to the story as much and was quickly over, but young readers will enjoy this fun story that has Caspian thinking and learning as he enjoys his newest adventure.

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Toby: The (Mostly) True Story of a Former Bad Dog by Stephenie Wilson Peterson

Toby: The (Mostly) True Story of a Former Bad DogToby: The (Mostly) True Story of a Former Bad Dog by Stephenie Wilson Peterson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

A cute story about a dog that gets a visit from a mischievous cat. Each new visit brings a new adventure. These new adventures always seem to end badly for Toby, but this does not deter him from having a new one each time the cat tempts him.

This is an easy chapter read for kids. It is easy to follow and entertaining. The story moves along quickly, and each new chapter is a new adventure. The dog is a cute character, and it was enjoyable to see his emotions and thoughts. Although this is an entraining story, I feel that the character of the cat was a bit too nasty, especially when you have young minds that soak everything up.

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The Fighter (An Underground Bad Boys Romance Book 3) by India Kells

The Fighter (An Underground Bad Boys Romance, #3)The Fighter by India Kells
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Juliet and Ten are in a bind and when Ten decides to take a chance at underground fighting their paths cross with Gage. One split decision from Gage turns their lives upside down. Soon the three have the wrong men interested in them. Can Gage find a way to help Juliet and Ten or will the bad guys get to them first?

While I found the storyline of this book an interesting one, I did not fall for the characters. Their story pulls you in at the start, but I quickly found the character development lacking for me. The characters are continually confused which I understand is a major part of the storyline, but it soon becomes annoying. The story keeps changing the direction of the romance and I did not like the build up of the story being a threesome and also highlighting the chemistry between the two men only to go in a completely different direction. In the end I was confused at the direction the romance went after the big buildup and attention paid earlier in the book to the connections between certain characters. The plot moves along at a good pace but ends abruptly and surprisingly for me.

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The Know it all Pencil by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Gabrielle Lee

The Know-It-All Pencil (Invisible Magic Wand)The Know-It-All Pencil by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A quick and easy book for little ones. Caspian receives a special pencil and paper from his grandpa. These special items take Caspian on a special adventure. One word begins the fun and soon he is finding and trading items. The story is easy to follow and very descriptive. It is an interesting story that keeps the young readers entertained and eager to see what happens next with each new item that Caspian gets and when this adventure is over it brings readers back to a point where Caspian is ready for another adventure to begin.

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An Alien Storm (Soldiers of Saedo Series) by Calla Zae – Review by Gabrielle Lee

An Alien Storm (Soldiers of Saedo, #4)An Alien Storm by Calla Zae
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Vanessa is trying to live her life for herself and leave her painful past behind her. Yet it seems the past does not want to leave. As Vanessa begins to settle into her new life a storm comes to both the planet and Vanessa herself. For Vanessa, Arkon is a bright spot in all the chaos. Can he be the one to banish the past for her?

Vanessa and Arkon’s story is an interesting read. The two work well together and make a nice couple. They each have their own demons to deal with and find that by working together love has a better chance. Their story is a fast paced one that revolves around emotions. While this book immerses the reader in a fantasy world, I felt that there was a lot of constant describing of the details that pulled me out of the story. The romance between the two is good but I did not feel connected to the characters. While this may not be a perfect book for me it does a good job of moving the story arc along and keeps the reader interested.

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Claiming My Mate by Nicole Howl – Review by Gabrielle Lee

Claiming My Mate (Wolf Hollow Pack #1)Claiming My Mate by Nicole Howl
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Lily has lived her life under the cruel rule of the wolf pack and its King. Her life changes the moment the wolves take notice of her. Their cruelty brings everything to the forefront and soon her life is thrown into chaos when she crosses paths with the prince of the pack.

Claiming my mate is just the beginning of Lily’s tale. Wrapped up alongside Lily’s adventure are the threads of many other sub plots. Readers not only get a romance but also the threat against the hierarchy and the court intrigue. I enjoyed watching the way Lily begins to blossom and find her place with her mate’s support. While each of the characters have strong personalities, I did not find myself connecting with them enough to get lost in their story. The plot is good, but I found the characters to be one dimensional and did not feel the emotions through out this story. Although this may not be my favorite book the author has woven an interesting tale in this first book of the series, and I am interested enough to see what happens to the characters.

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