
Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade – Review by Heather Bass

Gunner (Eidolon Black Ops #6)Gunner by Maddie Wade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have read a couple of books from this talented author but she continues to blow my mind. I love a good military romance but this story exceeded my expectations. This is the sixth book of the addictive series Eidolon Black Ops. This book could be read as a stand alone but there are previous characters in this story as well. As I was reading I fell in love with other characters so now I’ll have to read the others to this series as well. I was so hooked on this book I could not stop until I was finished. It only took me a little over a day to devour this amazing story.

Gunner Ramberg had a really tough life when he was little. He and his sister had to go live with his grandmother after a horrible accident with their parents. Gunner loves his sister so much but he almost killed her and now as an adult he carries that guilt everyday. He is all alone until he meets the beautiful Lacey. Gunner felt something as he saved from her insane ex. He wants to find happiness but he doesn’t know if he can. Can Gunner find peace with Lacey or will their pasts destroy them both?

Review by @heatherbass

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Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade – Review by Anantha Rusum

Gunner (Eidolon Black Ops #6)Gunner by Maddie Wade
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This suspense thriller romance revolves around two characters, Gunner and Lacey. Gunner is a man haunted by his past, where he is responsible for the disability of his sister when he was just 6. He betrays his team for the sake of his sister and is trying to make amends. Lacey is just rescued by Gunner and his team from an abusive boyfriend. They meet up together and spend a memorable night. That puts Lacey’s life in danger. How both of them cope up with the challenges and the struggles is the crux of the story.

It is a tear jerker with lot of twists and turns, it was a little confusing for me as I had not read the other books in the series. The book is indeed a page-turner, though I felt it was a little intense for me, considering that I barged into this book before reading the prequels.

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Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade – Review by Liz Vrchota

Gunner (Eidolon Black Ops #6)Gunner by Maddie Wade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoy just about anything that Maddie Wade writes but this one, this one has to be a favorite top read for sure. Gunner is definitely a novel that will rip you apart as you read and follow Gunner in his growth and determination to save face and make up for the pain he caused his sister so many years ago. Things have the added element of danger and adventure as Gunner works Eidolon, and the romance is enough to have you cheering for happily ever after after the first kiss. I couldn’t put this read down and soaked it all in, in one solid sit down so I’d prepare yourself with your fav drink and cozy spot. This is one you won’t want to miss!

Review by @lizaileen
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Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade – Review by Chrissy Spulak

Gunner (Eidolon Black Ops #6)Gunner by Maddie Wade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I give Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade 5 out of 5 stars! This is an amazing story! When Gunner is young and reckless, he almost causes the death of his best friend, his sister. After growing up with shame and guilt, he is tested once more when she is kidnapped. Can Gunner save his sister and forgive himself? When Gunner meets Lacey, hope stirs for the first time in a long time for the both of them. This story had me on the edge of my seat the whole way through! This author knows how to swirl characters and stories together to create a fantastic escape for the reader into a new world full of suspense and emotion. This book is a must read.

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Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade- Review by Krista Vaughan

Gunner (Eidolon Black Ops #6)Gunner by Maddie Wade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade- Review by Krista Vaughan

This is the first novel I have read of the Eidolon Black ops series and I will DEFINITELY be reading them ALL! The introductions to the other men of Eidolon have me itching to read the rest of the series!

Gunner was a member of this elite group until he was forced to betray them in an act of desperation. The loss of the tight-knit relationship he had with the men leaves him guilty and lost. The guilt that Gunner lives with made my heart ache. He doesn’t seem to realize how amazing he is in his strength and loyalty. When he comes across Lacey again after having met her once before, I was hopeful that she would help him. The passion they have held for each other was something that leapt of off the pages at you!

This is a MUST READ! Don’t miss out on the excitement and passion of Gunner and Lacey!

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Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade – Review by Angela Shirley

Gunner (Eidolon Black Ops #6)Gunner by Maddie Wade
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When you are completely broken, you have betrayed the family you have ever known to help your true blood family will they ever be able to forgive you.

Gunner is left broken, paying for the decisions he made against the people he deemed his only family but how could he have left his sister after she needed him when she was kidnapped. He is now in so much grief he does not know how he can carry on to live in this world with this guilt punishing him all the time.

Lacey has decided she can’t take the fame and abandons her life in the limelight to a quiet town but she always goes back to the time she had that one true love and he totally hurt her, until the day he walks back into her life and she sees he is just as broken as she is. Can they both heal each other or will a distraction threaten to end this budding relationship or can they both find the courage to fight for what they both want.

This is the first book I have read from this author and oh my I enjoyed every word from start to finish. I loved the broken nature of Gunner, who in essence should be a stone hard fighting machine but to see him so broken and lost was heart-breaking. When the two characters meet there is that initial chemistry but it smoulders underneath as they are trying to figure each other out all this time. My lord then adds in the element of the twist of who is after them and will their new found relationship recover brilliantly. The story is well written and the characters within the book are well developed and just enhance the story. I read this as a stand-alone story which I think is fine, but to truly get the family feel from the group I think I need to start at the beginning and read the series (oh what a hardship LOL). I think I have found my new obsession for the next few weeks.

Reviewed by Angela Shirley

Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade – Review by Debi Kircher

Gunner (Eidolon Black Ops #6)Gunner by Maddie Wade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade

5 Stars

LOVED THIS!! Another one hit out of the ballpark from one of my favorite all time authors. If you haven’t read anything by Maddie Wade up to now.. Even though I love reading all of hers in order this could absolutely be read as a standalone, but be aware that the characters from other books do play into this story and having the whole of this series is for me personally a must.

This one had my emotions a total mess especially going through some of my own issues, which I loved because it brought out tears I needed to shed. I loved this story, it was very powerful and had quite a few moving parts which were done perfectly. I connected easily to the characters and strengthened connections I already had with others.

Not giving away any of the storyline so I will just say, do yourself a favor and read this series, it is amazing and this author is a definite one click..doesn’t matter what she writes.

Another one sitting read because I couldn’t put it down!

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Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade – Review by Shadel Ayerbe

Gunner (Eidolon Black Ops #6)Gunner by Maddie Wade
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade is full of suspense. There is also romance, and action making it so much better.

Gunner Ramberg is a man full of sins, hoping he can do his best to wish it away one day. Lacey Canon, an ex-model who had her life turn upside down by a man that hurt her more than anyone can. She decided to settle down away from the drama. Gunner Ramberg works in private security and his life is all drama. After a chance encounter can they make it work?

This book is a series book and it’s book 6 in the series and there is more to come. I enjoyed reading this story. The suspense and action made the love story so much more enjoyable.

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Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade – Review by Tausha Treadway

Gunner (Eidolon Black Ops #6)Gunner by Maddie Wade
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade. This is such a good book, so full of emotions and tragedy. Its the story of Ramberg who is dealing with the ghosts of his past including almost losing his sister because of his actions. He is spending the rest of his life making up for that and trying to be a better person. He went to Eidolon because he thought they would be the family he never had but due to circumstances out of Gunner’s control he had to betray them so they have outcast him. Gunner is pretty much to the end of his rope and just wants to end things until he meets Lacey Canon who has walked away from fame due to a broken heart, to come home to a quiet life. When she runs into Gunner, a man who saved her life at one point she can’t quit thinking about him but when they spend a night together she is even deeper in but she finds out Gunner is fighting demons from his past. Will she be able to break thru those walls he’s put up and help him let go of the guilt he carries?

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Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade – Review by Heidi Schoolman

Gunner (Eidolon Black Ops #6)Gunner by Maddie Wade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a Military Romantic Suspense novel and is just over 200 pages. This story follows Gunner and Lacey. Gunner is haunted by the past at what happened when he was a young boy and Lacey is recovering from trauma from her ex. Gunner saved her life and they end up running into each other and spending the night together. Now Gunner has hope but someone is determined to ruin their newfound happiness. You will not be able to put this one down until the very last page.

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Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade – Review by Laura-Jane Minnie

Gunner (Eidolon Black Ops #6)Gunner by Maddie Wade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

WOW!!! I don’t even know where to start, this book was brilliant I loved every second of it. There was so much passion, emotion and suspense. Had me laughing at times. Gunner had such a hard childhood it is heartbreaking and Lacey still has so many issues since her kidnap surely these two should be the cure for each other’s demons.

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Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur

Gunner (Eidolon Black Ops #6)Gunner by Maddie Wade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is Gunner Rambergs story, he is tortured by guilt and shame after his sister got hurt in an accident which changed his, her and his Amma’s life forever, but when she was kidnapped he made a decision to save her and break the ties to the new family he had at his place of work, Eidolon. This burdens him with even more guilt and shame and is causing him to want to give up on everything else because of it, especially when he is approached again by the same people and asked to perform betrayal all over again, but when he is delayed in Düsseldorf, Germany, he has a chance encounter with an old friend at the hotel in which they are both staying. Lacey Cannon is on her way to a new start in England, but when she is delayed in Düsseldorf and has to check into a hotel overnight, she is stressed out and decides to use the hotel’s swimming pool to work out her worry, however, while she is there, she feels like she is being watched, but casting the paranoia aside, she goes back to her room and decides to go down to the bar for a drink to settle her nerves, but when she gets there, the last thing she is expecting is to run into Gunner, the man who rescued her for an ex she longs to forget and their connection is immediate and strong.

As the night progresses, they are getting along like a house on fire and have had a fair few drinks, Lacey is a bit worse for wear and Gunner wants to drop her off in her room, but when they open the door and see that it is trashed, Lacey is an emotional wreck as her past experiences come back to her with a vengeance. Gunner decides to take Lacey back to his room and proceeds to call the boss of Eidolon and explain what has happened and that she will need protecting when she gets to the airport and home, so when that is all sorted and he has spoken to the hotel managers, he insists that she stays in his room for the night. When Lacey wakes up in the middle of the night screaming, she finds that she is in Gunners arms and unexpectedly he opens up about his past and Lacey sees what is going on inside his head and wanting to help take the pain from him, she kisses him, before either of them can stop, one thing leads to another and passion ignites between them, leading to one night together. Gunner wakes up later on and leaving a note by her bedside, packs his things and leaves, he doesn’t want her in any danger again and he knows that he will undoubtedly be putting her there if he stays any longer, but when Lacey wakes up to find him gone, she is sad, but their because of their conversations the night before, she understands why he left and even though she doesn’t like it, she accepts it.

As she thinks about her past, her ex and how different Gunner is and how he makes her feel, she is still sad some weeks later, but what she doesn’t know is that Gunner feels the same way, although he won’t let himself get too close to her, meanwhile, Gunner has gone back to Eidolon to explain why he did what he did and to warn them about what he is currently doing, hoping that it will make up for what he has done, but as things progress, he realises that Lacey has given him a reason to live and now he wants to do everything in his power to make that happen, but will the past repeat itself, or will this new enemy think of different ways to cause pain and heartache? Can Gunner make right the past and work for a future, or will his enemies make good on their threats and take away everything he has worked for? This story will keep you in suspense and on your toes while secrets are revealed, new enemies are discovered and past enemies are renewed, but the twists will make you keep reading to find out what happens in the end.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade – Review by Karyn Taylor

Gunner (Eidolon Black Ops #6)Gunner by Maddie Wade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Gunner is the 6th book in the Eidolon series by Maddie Wade. Maddie Wade is an author I have become a huge fan of after reading the Tightrope book and the Fortis Security Series. I have the boxed set of the first 5 Eidolon books on my kindle and I’m sad to say that I’ve only read the first one so far but after reading Gunner and getting to know the Eidolon guys (and their better halves) I can’t wait to read the others in the series.
Gunner has become estranges from the Eidolon team after an incident involving his sister but needs their help when Lacey Cannon, a woman he has rescued in the past becomes in danger.
I absolutely loved Gunner and Lacey’s story and I have to admit to it having me in tears on several occasions, particularly in the prologue where I cried ugly tears. This is a fantastic story that will drag you through every emotion. If you are an emotional sod like me then I’d advise tissues. Gunner’s past has truly has a major effect on the man he has become and his story both fascinating and heartbreaking.
I adored Lacey too. She’s admired Gunner from afar ever since he saved her previously and she has to rely on him again when her life becomes in danger.
I love how Maddie Wade can entwine a great romance story with a fast paced, dramatic, dangerous, thrilling story that runs alongside and keeps the reader gripped from the very beginning and doesn’t let you go.
Would give this more than 5 stars if I could.

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Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade – Review by Jenni Bishop

Gunner (Eidolon Black Ops #6)Gunner by Maddie Wade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade is a is a romantic suspense story. Maddie is an accomplished writer where her narrative is enthralling, engaging and compelling and leave you wanting more. Maddie is a master of weaving intrigue and bringing it all together to bring us something truly masterful. Gunner is full of action and danger, drama and secrets that will have you on the edge of your seat and heart pumping. Her characters make you fall in love with them and make you feel like you are part of their lives and their families.

Gunner needs to make amens for walking away from his brothers in arms, but will they accept him back? Along the way he meets one of his rescues and maybe, just maybe they were meant to be something more for each other and a way to heal from their pasts.

I look forward to reading more of Maddie’s work and what she brings us next.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade – Review by Laura Furuta

Gunner (Eidolon Black Ops #6)Gunner by Maddie Wade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel
By Maddie Wade
5 out of 5 stars

I loved reading the book Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade. It is a story that pulled me in, and I didn’t want to put it down until the final page. I loved the characters of Gunner Ramberg and Lacey Cannon. What does the future hold for them? Read this book to find out. This is a story that had me turning pages to find out what happens next. Other additional characters have their part to play. Some of them are helpful to Lacey and Gunner, while others have other motives. The author does an amazing job of making the story and the characters come alive. I have read several books by this author and I have never been disappointed with any of her books. Don’t miss out on reading an exciting, entertaining, and intriguing book. I highly recommend it.

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Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade – Review by Angela Hayes

Gunner (Eidolon Black Ops #6)Gunner by Maddie Wade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4 ½ Stars

Gunner is the sixth book in the Eidolon Black Ops series by Maddie Wade. This is a romantic suspense- with plenty of drama, action, adventure, danger, chemistry, surprising developments, thrills, intrigue, mystery, romance, redemption, and emotion. I have read quite a few of Ms. Wades stories now and have a pretty good idea of what to expect- but she always manages to keep things interesting and fresh. From the very first page, until the last word, I was hooked- I couldn’t put it down and read it in one sitting, loving every minute.
This story also pulls together threads from previous books, as well as dealing with the underlying storyline which has bridged the series. There is so much that comes to light- bringing plenty of emotion with it.
I really felt for Gunner and what he’d been through- he’s carried so much guilt, grief, and self-loathing for so long- and the secrets/truths that are revealed brought so much perspective- and made me see things in a new light.
Loved Gunner and Lacey so much!
Can’t wait to see what Ms. Wade has in store for us next!

Thank you, Maddie Wade!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade – Review by Heather Lovelace

Gunner (Eidolon Black Ops #6)Gunner by Maddie Wade
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Wade hits it out of the park with this one! This author is an automatic one click for me – this book was a page turner from beginning to end. Gunner and Lacey were a couple of fantastic characters to follow. Wade always has just the right amount of suspense and drama and romance unfold. This book is a must read!

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace
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Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade – Review by Michelle Austin

Gunner (Eidolon Black Ops #6)Gunner by Maddie Wade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Gunner (Eidolon Black Ops #6) by Maddie Wade was a great 5 star read.
I was excited to finally get Gunner’s story.

This was a heart wrenching story, especially when we learn more about why Gunner made the choices he did. Lacey originally met Gunner when the Eidolon team saved her from her ex. When they come face-to-face again you can feel the connection between them.

Can Lacey and Gunner move forward from their pasts and have a HEA? Will the Eidolon team forgive Gunner for his choices?

Overall this was a great read. My emotions were all over the place. We get suspense, drama, action and so much more. All of the characters added a great element to the story. We also get lots of twists and turns. The author does a great job of pulling you in with her writing. This can be read as a stand alone but I highly suggest reading from the beginning so you can meet all of the characters. If you’re looking for a great series, 1-click and get started on this one today.

Reviewed by @mab54615
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Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade – Review by Emma Clawson

Gunner (Eidolon Black Ops #6)Gunner by Maddie Wade
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This novel hits all the emotional buttons when reading. From love to hate and a little of heartbreak thrown in. Gunner is a former military man and basically his new job is a supper bodyguard. Lacey is former model turned designer. When they meet up again, sparks fly between the two of them. When someone decides to play games with Gunner and Lacey, Gunner steps up. This novel was a very pleasant to read. The intrigue that is throughout the entire novel is just stunning and awe inspiring. You will step into a different world when reading this novel.

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Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade – Review by Kerry Baker

Gunner (Eidolon Black Ops #6)Gunner by Maddie Wade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Gunner: Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade is an gripping story that will have you hooked from page one. This book is action packed the whole way through. What I didn’t expect however was just how emotional I found the book to be. The highs and the lows really were an emotional rollercoaster. You never quite knew what was going to happen next which made the whole book so much more interesting.
The main characters worked so well together. They were both damaged and flawed and both so in need of the other. This really is an amazing book that you would urge you to read straight away.

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Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade – Review by Francis O’Sullivan

Gunner (Eidolon Black Ops #6)Gunner by Maddie Wade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Gunner is the sixth book in Maddie Wade’s Eidolon Black Ops series. It picks up on established characters and gives them a chance to take centre stage. Gunner and Lacey first met when Lacey was kidnapped by her ex and the Eidolon team rescued her. Since then, Gunner has left Eidolon and the relationship between him and his former brothers is strained. But there’s a chance he could repair the broken trust, and with Lacey moving to England to be closer to Skye and Nate he has plenty of reasons to try.
This is a fast-paced and emotional book. Gunner and Lacey have both been hurt by past experiences and, as the trust between them grows, are able to open up and start to heal. They also have present threats to face, getting tangled up in each other’s dangerous lives.
As well as all the danger and action, this book is very romantic. At times it verges on over-the-top but it works well to balance the darker aspects of the book. There’s a scene early on where Gunner is playing the piano and hears Lacey joining in playing the same piece on a different piano which particularly got me feeling a bit emotional!
Wade does a good job of filling in the backstory for any readers who start with this book, but it really makes more sense to start at the beginning of the series and read the books in order so you can see the characters developing and the larger plotlines develop.
For me, this is a five-star read. If you like an action-packed romance with complex, interesting characters this series should definitely go on your tbr list!

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Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade – Review by Piper Foster

Gunner (Eidolon Black Ops #6)Gunner by Maddie Wade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a short story nd my first by this author. Gunner life has changed dramatically as his sister when a choice changed this Milla. Gunner found himself working for a team who he felt trustworthy then to bertay him. Whislt undercover getting informed for Elidon he realise his true feelings. I would recommend reading the other books in the series before this so you have more of a connection to the characters.

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Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade – Review by Amanda Kimble

Gunner (Eidolon Black Ops #6)Gunner by Maddie Wade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade

This is the first book I’ve read by Wade. It won’t be my last and I’ll definitely be looking into the other books. Gunner is a fantastic way to start off a new author.

Lacey was once upon a time a model, but now she’s a designer. She is missing Gunner, who saved her at her friend’s wedding. When she runs into Gunner then things change for the best. The quote I chose for Lacey is: “I’m so sorry I blamed you. You’ve been shoved into untenable positions and done your best to keep everyone safe with no thanks and no support. You’re a good man, Gunner Ramberg, and I truly hope you can forgive me because I love the bones of you. Every single part of you has won over my heart and it belongs to you now.”

Gunner has nothing left. Or so he thinks. Running into Lacey is, what he thinks, the worst thing to happen to him. When she’s threatened he changes and sees her for what she is. The quote I chose for Gunner is: “I’m sorry, Pax. I’m so damn sorry for what I allowed to happen.”

Highly recommended for Military Romantic Suspense lovers.

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Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Gunner (Eidolon Black Ops #6)Gunner by Maddie Wade
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is an author I have enjoyed from the first book I picked up by her. She pulls me into her stories with ease and keeps me engaged. This book is no different. This is a well developed story that has characters that are both creative and of course hot. I was pulled into the story from the beginning by the characters. They pop off the page as the story comes to life. This is Gunner and Lacey’s story. Fate is giving them a second chance but will they take it. Will one night change everything? This is a story of healing, love and hope. They are so great together and they brought so much to the story. I really enjoyed them. This is a book I do not regret picking up and neither will you. I highly recommend this book and this author.

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Review by @bjwagner

Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade

~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~
Gunner: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade
Genre – Romantic Suspense, Military Romance, Protector Romance
Page Count – 213 pages
Cover Designer – Envy Designs
Traitor, Killer, Enemy those were just some of the words his former team at Eidolon now call him.
Gunner Ramberg spent his life paying for the sins he committed as a child, fighting to make life better for the sister he adores and almost killed. Eidolon was supposed to be his first chance to fit in somewhere. For a while, he foolishly thought he could be happy, but when his sister was kidnapped, his life was turned upside down.
Forced to betray the team he thought of as family to save his own flesh and blood, Gunner finds himself praying for death to end the guilt and shame he now carries.
Lacey Cannon walked away from fame for a quiet life and a real home. After the man who should’ve loved her hurt her more than anyone else, Lacey decides she needs to claw her way to happiness on her own.
On the way to regaining her happiness and security, Lacey runs into the man who saved her life, a man who has starred in many of her dreams and fantasies, but he is broken, haunted by the secrets in his past.
After a chance encounter, and a night together, Gunner has hope for a tomorrow he thought he’d never get, and Lacey’s new focus is to heal Gunner and give him a reason to live.
Their newfound peace is put at risk when an unknown foe comes after Lacey. With secrets and suspicion around every corner, Gunner and Lacey must fight for their future happiness despite the world being against them, and their enemy’s determination to destroy them.


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Maddie is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the Fortis Security Series. 

Steamy Romantic Suspense, Paranormal and Contemporary Romance are her favourites to read and that is why she writes them. Writing a world where her readers can immerse themselves for a few hours and find complete escapism is what she strives for. Maddie is a married mum of three children, she always wished for twins but boy was she shocked when it happened. She lives in Hereford in the UK, which is the proud home of Bulmer’s Cider and the SAS. Maddie loves martial arts and ale, although not together. Gaining her black belt in karate at just 14 yrs old, she then went on to study Jujitsu. She now watches her twin sons from the sidelines. Her love of books began in high school but she discovered writing when her boys were young.

Author Interview With Maddie Wade