
Obedience (Ties That Bind Book 1) by Liza Snow – Review by Heidi Sturgess

ObedienceObedience by Liza Snow
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Cassandra first saw Chandler as a little girl and he left a lasting impression on her so now the little girl has blossomed into a beautiful woman and is auditioning to train at their school…. Her audition leaves Chandler all hot and bothered ….

Chandler has issues of his own and his dad and grandfather seem to haunt him and his recent ex wife is a pain in the rear 😬but his attraction to Cassandra is undeniable and it’s from born doses , they’re both fighting the inevitable though ….

Cassandra is also running from her uncle , her very dangerous uncle , the very same one she helped put behind bars ….she’s also no stranger to loss having lost both her magician parents in a devastating fire

I think the best way to describe this book is artistic with hints of mystery , suspense , romance and sensuality, the ending nearly killed me but I would read this again just to be all bound and wound up 😉

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A River of Crows by Shanessa Gluhm – Review by Heidi Sturgess

A River of CrowsA River of Crows by Shanessa Gluhm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’m not sure how one will do this book justice with a review I think each one should read and keep their thoughts to them self , a secret of sorts , it feels sacred to share these folks and their story ….

Sloan heads back to her hometown of Mallowater with her father’s release from prison looming and her mother deciding she no longer needs to be in a psychiatric facility and her own life in shambles she has a lot going on and I actually hurt for her ….

Growing up Sloan seemed to have it all , loving parents (despite her father’s PTSD episodes) a brother , Ridge and a best friend named Noah but something changed when her mum had to go and get a copy of Ridge’s birth certificate…..

Life changed for Sloan , her dad went to prison , her brother was “dead” , her mother lost her marbles and the town shunned them 🥲

Now with her father being released , Sloan has questions and she’s determined to find the answers to them … what she finds left me cold and with lots of questions … people are indeed very strange beings and hell hath no fury like a woman scorned that is for sure ….

As the story and truth unfolds one thing struck me and that all this happened because one woman was hurt and her pain caused this rollercoaster of madness !

Absolute brilliance 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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Unexpected Entanglement (The Echo Series Book 3) by C.R. Alam – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Unexpected Entanglement (Book 3 of the Echo Series)Unexpected Entanglement by C.R. Alam
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Again I just got lost in the cover art ❣️love the dedication ❣️📚

So now we’re all friends or rather family it really felt good to be amongst my people again 🫶🏼 knowing Rae and her history I was curious to hear how the other family lived…

I can only imagine the shock Rowan must’ve had first of loosing her father and then his dying words and wish 🥲so Rae can’t meet up with her family but Chris goes on her behalf and he has alterior motives and none are sinister but the man has his own issues and he’s protective of his friend , bless his heart …..

So Chris and Rowan didn’t get off to a good start but soon enough they’re working as a team to arrange the wedding , promote the inn , get the community on board oh and find out who is trying to sabotage them around every corner …. I know such excitement !

Kieran is a good soul and a protective brother but his heart is in the right place and I just fell in love with his nature 😉

Alit of people saw Chris as a threat which in turn put Rowan in a difficult position so out of pure desperation she makes a rash decision that puts both her in Chris in the limelight but man what sun it was to watch these two , they’re so different yet so similar , a perfect match I must say 🥰😉

Gibbs worked on my last nerve but again you can’t fault the old guy , his heart is in right place he’s just not always good at showing it and more often than not comes across as a real gruff and grumpy old man , please be patient with him and his show him love , I know these people have become part of me so I just want others to love them like I do 😘

This is a story of love , redemption, regret, forgiveness, remorse , hope and so much more but it’s also laced with anger , jealousy and vengeance.
I was kept on my toes , I laughed , cried , held my breath and cheered friends on and I’ve a new found respect for cats 🐾🤣, just saying !

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I’ll Love You Tomorrow (Trading Heartbeats Trilogy Book 3) by Julie Navickas – Review by Heidi Sturgess

I'll Love You Tomorrow (The Trading Heartbeats Trilogy #3)I’ll Love You Tomorrow by Julie Navickas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love the cover ! I love the dedication! I love what’s between the pages even more ❣️📚

So when we meet Lauren she’s literally hanging on by a thread and even my tired is tired for her , my flustered is flustered for her and my heart goes out to her ….she feels like she’s loosing Mitch , her marriage , the restaurant and their dreams ….

Mitch comes from a more humble background than Lauren and I get that he has insecurities but there were moments where I just wanted to shake him and remind him Lauren chose him over everyone and everything else but I get his heart and then he realises life and love is about giving and taking and both him and Lauren do that near the end and man they’re just awesome and deserve every moment of happiness after all they’ve been through ….

Lauren is so determined to show her parents she can make it on her own and not live in her brothers shadows that she almost looses the most precious thing in her life but thankfully through their toils they find their way back to each other …

Before papers can be drawn up and signed they head to Vegas to be there for their friends /family when they get engaged and they agree to see what happens there for them as it holds special memories and again my heart just melts ….

This was a reminder how quickly things can go south and we need to make time for each other in our marriage and relationships , sometimes we get so busy trying to prove ourselves that we actually loose sight . I loved every page and boy did I cry but I also laughed and being part of these people is such a treat 🫶🏼 they have such supportive friends and family , they’re so loved 🥰

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Under My Care (Chase Care Book 3) by R.L. Dunn – Review by Heidi Sturgess

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”Under My Care (Chase Care Book 3)” src=”” /></a><a href=””>Under My Care</a> by <a href=””>R.L. Dunn</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>5 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
Talk about hitting the ground running ! While I hadn’t read the previous series or books I now wish I had because if what I’ve read is anything to go by I missed out 😉<br /><br /><br />Pete and his team are on a rescue mission , a mother and daughter but sadly mom doesn’t make it but the innocent in their care needs help and with a blizzard on the way they need to make an emergency stop at the local rural hospital and that is where his past comes crashing head on with his present …..<br /><br />Like I said we hit the road running with this read so not only does Pete have to deal with personal issues and injuries sustained but he’s got his hands full with Silas , a local that I’d personally like to remove from humanity , permanently 😡<br /><br />In-between the suspense , fear and horrid moments there was a bit of time for steam and romance so all my blocks were ticked ! A fast paced read that kept my attention from the get go 😉
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Just One Time (Beaumont Creek Book 1) by Samantha Baca – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Just One Time (Beaumont Creek, #1)Just One Time by Samantha Baca
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’m such a sucker when it comes to cover art 🤣🙈📚❣️I already fell in love before I even got started on the first page 🤣 I know I’m so easy to please 🤫😉

So Nate and Abby have been best friends since the age of 7 when Nate defended her from the school ground bully and I think everyone in Beaumont thought they’d get married and have the white picket fence, the dogs and the 2 children but life turned out a little different ….

Nate is a delicious firefighter and has no shortage of female attention but nobody really ticks all his boxes and he’s always had a spot for Abby so it just seems natural that he’d be willing to help her have a baby , so what started as “favour” turns out to be so much more 🫶🏼

Abby has her bakery /cafe that keeps her busy and had my mouth watering on more than one occasion 🤫🙈😉 I also have a new found respect for gosh and chips 🤣🤣🤣🤣( when you read it you’ll get it it , wink wink )

I had so much fun with Nate and Abby and I must just add that Abby’s mum worked on my nerves a bit but having said that I also see her mothers heart so don’t be to hard on her 🍄😉there’s more going on that meets the eye 🌸

I think these 2 have been made for each other since the day they met and watching them finally find their way to each other has been a beautiful journey I laughed , I cried , I blushed , I had cringe moments and oh help me I’m going to melt moments ….

Just one time tuned into forever ❣️

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White Picket Fences by Kyle Ann Robertson – Review by Heidi Sturgess

White Picket FencesWhite Picket Fences by Kyle Ann Robertson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was only 12 pages in and already I was identifying with the characters …..from loss and grief to fighting kids and kids waiting till the last minute to drop a bombshell of things being needed 🙈

Sometimes while reading this I couldn’t help but wonder if there was a hidden camera somewhere , because it really felt like a carbon copy of my home life 🤣🙈

There is also hope in hopelessness which is so beautiful , I think back to when Curtis’s room had to be sorted , all the things that had to be sorted and packed and in doing so they made new memories ….

There’s so much about this book actually ❣️📚it’s one of those that moves you , it will haunt you when you done and it makes you feel again and again and it’s one of those reads you’ll go back and read again and you’d want to share it with anyone who comes your way 😉❣️📚

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Ruthless Hawke (The Hawke Family Second Generation Book 1) by Gwyn McNamee – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Ruthless Hawke (The Hawke Family Second Generation Book 1)Ruthless Hawke by Gwyn McNamee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I know “Jack” and “Nolan” spent a weekend together many years ago and I was beyond curious to see what cod come from it and here’s my chance ( cue excited squeals)

Isaac is the legal eagle in the family and he’s quite the ladies man especially in chambers before going into the courtroom #badboyyou#

So Isaac gets a text telling him there’s a family emergency so he heads home and he gets more than he expected, he find a the daughter of a mob boss in his family home and with a shock he also discovers she’s his weekend ding from so many years ago , the one woman he can’t get out of his system , the one no other woman can measure up to …..

So “Jack” ( Gracomina) and “ Nolan” ( Isaac) shared a passionate weekend , a taste of freedom that was short lived for Jack when she had to run away and face reality again , Jack followed , he tried to catch her but to no avail and the rest is history or it is until her family is in their family office , in need of protection . I must say these 2 keep their poses well and their recognition of each other was kept well hidden from her family but no so much those of the Hawkes….

So while danger is lurking Jack and Nolan have a lot to figure out and their new little family tries to live their lives amidst the chaos around them and while I’m thrilled I can’t help be be afraid at the same time because a man who loves the way he does makes him a target …..

I love the Hawke family ❣️they’re fierce , protective , loving and intense ! This time round there was tears , endearing moments , steamy moments and be still my beating heart moments ….

P.S. Little Vivianna is such a cutie and has her daddy wrapped around her little finger ( just love how tough Guy goes soft guy) and Fluffy is close on her heels 😉

I must say Jade has piqued my interest , why is it that she hates being a Hawke ?! Guess I’ll have to wait and see to see what happens next ❣️😱

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Right in Front of You (Morris Valley Gang Book 1) by Brooke May – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Right in Front of You: Volume One: Brinley & Adrian (Morris Valley Gang Book 1)Right in Front of You: Volume One: Brinley & Adrian by Brooke May
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I must just start off by saying this is my favourite by far ! I’ve read a few of Brooke’s books but Brinley and Adrian are my favourite ❣️📚

Brinley lived in Morris Valley for a while and she had a tight friend group , they were more like sisters than friends but her family moved away and the youngsters promise to always be in contact and bless their hearts they do so it’s only natural for Brinley to head home , to her safety net when things with her stalker get a bit much …..

My first introduction to Adrian had me in stitches and reminds me of my own farmer husband who is allergic to coming into town and having to pay for coffee when the perfect cup can be brewed at home 🤣 doesn’t say much and isn’t a fan of change so I just fell in love with Adrian at first “ read” ❣️😉

Adrian is loved in his little town but he’s also known to be the grump and most want to set him up with a woman especially the older ladies , like Polly 🤣 but his friends also try with disastrous results like Delilah but again dearest Polly was his saving grace 🌸🤣🙈

Adrian is a hard worker and loves his family ranch with a passion , his dad and him live a rather quiet life until Brinley comes along and brightens it with her sunshine ❣️

Brinley is home to breathe and hide from her stalker but she’s also considering putting her Olympic Gold Medal for shooting to good use , if settling down in a small town, she can give proper gun training to folks or have an upgraded range , she has options but watching her find love was a gift❣️

Adrian let’s Brinley come and “ hide out “ on the farm and instead of a wallflower he gets someone that loves to work the land like he does and watching things unfold between was a real treat and if ever there was a perfect match it would be these 2 ❣️

Clover, Lexy , Lilly, Julia , Mina , Eliza are the best friends a girl could ask for and their bonds are unfailing , these friends made want to climb into my book and join in in their antics , fun , laughter , tears and life ❣️

Nash, Gage , Gentry and Beckett are good guys and real characters that keep and eye on Adrian so they’re all stoked when their friend friend finds his HEA

A read my heart needed ❣️📚

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Falling for You (Buckeye Falls Book 2) by Libby Kay – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Falling for You (Buckeye Falls, #2)Falling for You by Libby Kay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Having read Falling Home I couldn’t wait to catch up with Max and Ginny and their wedding planning but I was even more curious as to CeCe and her “ secret” and of course the budding relationship between her and Evan 🫶🏼

It’s competition time in …….. and our little diner team can win this hands down ! Finally we get a little more insight into CeeCee and her reservations about Evan but she can’t resist him and his charms I mean hello the guy is as real as they can get and any girl would thank her lucky stars to catch a gem like him ❣️

Evan really comes from a rather nasty family and my heart broke for him but also burst with pride because he’s such a good soul and it could’ve been easy to be bitter but instead he goes for what he wants and does himself proud 🥰

The source of CeeCee’s anxiety gets what he deserves and I did a little happy jig ! There was so much to love about this book and the people just climb into you heart and you get so invested in them and their stories 🥰 that’s my favourite part of being a bibliophile, all the friends I make along the journey between the pages ❣️📚

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Echoing Hearts (The Echo Series Book 1) by C.R. Alam – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Echoing Hearts (Book 1 of The Echo Series)Echoing Hearts by C.R. Alam
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rae does her friend a favour and does an interview with a home designer , thing is when she gets there said home owner is there and he’s not very welcoming to say the least but for the sake of his sister Kay he “tolerates” his house guest for the weekend and it pays off well for Kay and him in the long run …, the very long and beautiful run …😉

Dean is a delicious and delectable speciMAN but a little jaded after being left at the altar and he’s met his match with Rae though and she gives as good as she gets and the 2 of them had me in stitches in the beginning with their banter …

Rae didn’t have the best childhood and after her mum dies her grandparents raised her so after they passed on she essentially had no family so her friends are her family and she’s especially close to Brandon and has even travelled with him and his band I really felt I could identify with Rae on a few things like the loss of her mother and her thoughts on friends being family and the fact that a man and a woman can be friends without romantic attachments ….

Dean and Rae are good together and Rae has a big heart , Dean needs to sort his “demons” Pune gore he looses the best thing that came into his life and he can thank his lucky stars for a friend like Chris and Brandon that’s so gracious and becomes a friend …..

The people working for Dean may be old but they’re wise and I just love his driver and wanted to hug him he’s a real sweetheart 🥰 all in all he had a loving tribe and his family is warm and loving and they adore Rae and they’re just what she needs ❣️I fell in love with Rae and Dean and yes I wanted to shake him a little but he does come to his sense and they have their HEA but I want to see Brandon get his HEA…… looking for to His Forever Muse

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Straight for the Kill (Benoit and Dayne Mystery Book 3) by Winter Austin – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Straight for the Kill (Benoit and Dayne Mystery, #3)Straight for the Kill by Winter Austin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is book 3 in the series and if I may be so bold , I’d advice you start at the very beginning 😉not only is it a brilliant series but to me you’ll get a fuller experience if you do it that way and references to previous characters and incidents will make more sense …..

Having read Hush and knowing the past trauma my blood turned to ice when the first body was discovered by Elizabeth’s deputies , I’m sure I wasn’t alone and instead of healing after an op she’s on her feet hunting down a killer …. It feels like the past is back to haunt Eckatdt and it’s people and someone is really out for vengeance

Elizabeth is determined to solve both her cold case and the one of late and bring those to justice of now and then but at what cost !?

My nerves were shattered but I was hanging on every word and I have admiration for her guts and her determination !

A brilliant , nail biting and thrilling read ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Cry Baby (Pierce Brothers Book 4) by Belinda Williams – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Cry Baby (Pierce Brothers, #4)Cry Baby by Belinda Williams
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ok so pink is my favourite colour so I just loved the cover 😉

While I’d not read the previous 3 books I didn’t feel lost but rest assured I have one clicked them so I can start at the beginning ❣️📚

Amy gets a desperate phone call for help from her bestie Victoria , her husband’s brother is now the sole guardian of a baby , his best dies to Covid and now he’s got to care for her daughter !

It was hard at first to read this because like Noah I lost a very dear friend to Covid and the wounds are still very raw and the missing is still very real but there is healing and little Amelia is so hard to resist ❣️😉

Beth never told Noah who Amelia’s father is and Beth’s mum is fighting cancer so Noah is in a tough spot and Amy is good with kids so she’s offered to help Noah and Amelia , she’s a nanny of sorts ….

Amelia adores Amy and watching them one would say they’re a perfect family❣️ as with matters of the heart Noah makes a decision than makes Amy leave but he goes and fetches the love of his life and they have their own HEA 🥰

I love Amelia , Amy and yes Noah made me swoon , a good read that showed you can rise from the ashes and I’m sure Beth was watching from above with pride and joy ❣️

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Ale’s Fair in Love and War by Sylvie Stewart – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Ale's Fair in Love and War (Love on Tap, #1)Ale’s Fair in Love and War by Sylvie Stewart
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh my goodness this must be one of the best books I’ve had the privilege and pleasure of reading ! I laughed hard , she’d a year or 2 but more than anything I thoroughly enjoyed it , now I love reading like I need the air I breathe so when I rave about a book I really jean it ❣️😉

Hollis is the worst neighbour according to Cash but ask anyone else you’ll be told she’s loving , kind , nurturing and caring and the townsfolk love her and Hollis isn’t blind he can see she’s easy on the eye but the rest of him will catch up soon enough 😉

Now if you were to ask Hollis what she thinks of Cash she’ll tell you he’s an arrogant , brooding and HOT know it all 😉

Cash and Hollis were so much fun ! The teasing and banter between them had me in stitches but when the going gets tough , the tough get going and Hollis is all in to support Cash .

Both have loving friends and family which just adds to the “vibe” and the side characters were just as entertaining 😉

I enjoyed this read so much I had friends popping in on their tea break to be read to #truestory#everyone was hooked 😉

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Shameless Love (The Bennetts of Langston Falls Book 2) by KG Fletcher – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Shameless Love (The Bennetts of Langston Falls, #2)Shameless Love by K.G. Fletcher
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Having read “ Faultless Love” I couldn’t wait to hear back to the people and town of Langston Falls ❣️it’s a place where people become family 😉

So Teddy and Robyn are settling in and preparing s for the wedding g are well under way .

Becky is approached by a production company that has seen her YOU TUBE channel and she heads to the bitty with big brother Walt to meet up with Elyse and the production company but things go south with some disposable behaviour from crew member and once a farm girl always a farm and home is where the heart is but there’s no hard feeling , quite the opposite actually ❣️😉

Glen makes an unwanted appearance but instead of gearing up for a fight the Bennett’s show grace and this is what really hit me and while I really loved Elyse and Walt what really got to me and meant so much to me is the redemption, forgiveness, grace and compassion that was shown and it’s just what my heart needed , there’s so much going on in the real world and it tends to drown me so this read really was soul soothing for me and it encouraged my empathic heart ❤️

I just love the Bennett’s and their family dynamics and the people of Langston Falls will leave you wanting to come back for more and I’m sure we will , Hank has a story he wants to share 😉❣️🙏

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Shore Lodge by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Shore Lodge: A high-stakes psychological thriller (The Millersville series)Shore Lodge: A high-stakes psychological thriller by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I started this book , finished it and then took a few days and read 2 others on between and then re read it ! Why ? My mind was so absorbed with the cruelty of Jaclyn’s kids that I couldn’t give an honest opinion of the story as a whole , I know , I’m strange but it is what is , right ?!🤷‍♀️🙈🤣📚❣️

Jacklyn and her husband are celebrating their anniversary and he literally drops dead ! Everyone grieves in a different way and my heart aches for Jaclyn and I think it’s because I’ve experienced loss and it feels like your heart is outside your body and you’re just this shell so when she has a mental breakdown I just want to hug and tell her it’s going to be on and help her through it but I kept telling the empath side of me to stop 🙈 then her it’s decide she needs a retreat and my shackles went up 🤬

While I was mad the kids I couldn’t help but feel sorry for Rose to a degree because she’s got enough on her plate as it is and it seems Dusty has altering motives and doesn’t want to be saddled with the burden of his mother 🤬 and he’s pulling the wool over Roses eyes

I felt murderous as n Jaclyn’s behalf when she realised that her retreat wasn’t what it was made out to be and man this woman has a fighting spirit despite the crippling heartache and that made me love her so much more !

A brilliant read that had my emotions all over the place 😉

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The Golden Garza (Red Cage Book 4) by S. Ann Cole – Review by Heidi Sturgess

golden-garza” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”>The Golden Garza (Red Cage Book 4)The Golden Garza by S. Ann Cole
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

These boys are going to be the death of me !!!!

Soleil aka Sunny and Tille are best friends and Soleil is on her way to visit in LA but Tillue’s house is being fumigated so they’re going stay in her “ big” brothers house , the very same one that our girl has been crushing in mist of her life 🔥 her saving grace is that he won’t be home or so they think …..

Tripp comes home early from a mission , he’s tired and just wants to crash so imagine his surprise when he finds a warm body in his bed and it’s not who he expects 🔥🙈🤣

Soleil needs the help of the Garza brothers and their company Red Cage to find out her real identity and before they can even get started trouble comes their way , someone doesn’t want them finding out the truth …..

Soleil is something of an internet sensation with her own fitness show but she’s safe as long as Tripp and the boys have eyes on her ….

Tripp is so irritated by her presence but it’s because he wants what he can’t have and the tension between these had my kindle almost melting at times because they’re poetry in motion these 2 😉 there’s time for laughs as well and the banter between these 2 had me in stitches 🙈

Tripp is so protective of Soleil and her story is a sad one but he’s there when she needs him most ❣️ I really enjoyed them but I’m nosy as to to Tillie’s Mr X is , I’ve my suspicions and I hope I’m right but I’m sitting on the edge of my seat , holding my breath in great anxiousness 😉

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Absolution by Anise Storm & Taylor L. Ray – Review by Heidi Sturgess

AbsolutionAbsolution by Anise Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Good grief if the cover alone was anything to go I’d tell you now to get your ice chips and fan on hand so that you don’t melt 🤣🙈🔥

This is the second read , different author , that I started and restarted after i redefined a word which adds a whole new dimension to the title and story within … well it made a difference for me ❣️📚

Whitney has a gift of sorts , she’s inherited it from her grandmother, anyhoo she can hear peoples thoughts and she can help them heal and there’s a woman’s voice that reaches out to her for help , a voice that needs to set the record straight, a voice that needs to heal a vengeful heart , a voice that needs to heal the hurt …..

Juliana came from an affluent and powerful family so her father was not in favour of the love she shared with Dominic so when disappears after an argument it’s easy for “ daddy dearest” to blame it on Dominic and despite the fact that he’s found not guilty 2 years later , Dominic had not only lost the love of his his but he’s also lost 2 years of life , he’s determined to crawl his way to the top and with a full of vengeance it makes for riveting reading and a man I would not want to upset …..

Whitney looks so much like Juliana so when her path crossed with that of Dominic she tastes his ire firsthand and he doesn’t hold back , he’s hurt , he’s angry , he’s cruel and Whitney better have her wits about her , Dominic is not an easy man …,

I had mixed feelings about Dominic …. First I lived him then I hated him and then I just fell in love with him again ❣️😂🙈 as for Whitney , she’s a strong , patient , compassionate and brave woman she was a healing balm of sorts 🫶🏼

A hot , spicy , twisted read that earns every star of its five star rating 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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Talisman (The Talisman Series Book 1) by Tam DeRudder Jackson – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Talisman (The Talisman, #1)Talisman by Tam DeRudder Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What attracted me to this first was the Celtic origins/theme because I’ve Welsh blood pumping through my veins 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿❣️then there’s the cover 🙈🔥what a delectable combination 😉

I started reading , stopped and redefined the meaning I’df a Talisman and the started reading again and call me strange if you like but it took on a whole different dimension for me ❣️📚

So a talisman is a trinket or piece of jewellery thought to be protection against evil . Rowan needs to find his by his 28th birthday or our time and space bending warrior might face death or a fate far worse 🙈

Alyssa was raised be her grandmother from a young age after loosing her parents and she has no knowledge of her heritage which is both a good and a bad thing but it would’ve really helped if she knew because when she’s thrown into the deep end she has limited time to catch up , it’s her and Rowan against the world , well the fate of mankind sort of depends on them #nopressure#

When their paths cross I think Alyssa just assumed Rowan was trying to get into her dress but soon enough things get very real , dangerous , romantic , twisted and spicy . A read with a difference that I didn’t know I needed ❣️📚

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Deadly Intentions by Anise Storm – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Deadly IntentionsDeadly Intentions by Anise Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love myself a good mafia read and this is just what the doctor ordered !!!!

Viviana and her best friend had their lives ahead of them until she was killed in cold blood in an alley and a dark stranger with memorable eyes told her to forget everything but how can she , her best friend was killed in front of her in cold blood and while she may not have been able to save her she’s determined to avenge even if it means sleeping with the devil himself and that is just what Stefano is …..

Stefano has a son and he knows who she is it’s his “ alley girl” and he’s still wanting to protect her at any cost and there’s nothing like a mafia boy with heart to melt me into puddles , yes yes I’m a sick puppy I know 🔥🤷‍♀️🫶🏼😉

Nazario and Viviana have an extremely tangible chemistry it just pours off them and I had to jerk a fan nearby so my kindle didn’t melt 🔥

These two not only had me on fire but my nerves were shattered , they’re dark ,, beautiful and dangerous !

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Hit on You by Brooke May – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Hit on YouHit on You by Brooke May
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’m not new to this author , love her writing and to me she’s pretty diverse and an all rounder ❣️📚 I love myself a good mafia romance so I couldn’t wait to get lost in between these pages 🫶🏼

At first I struggled with Luke being a woman ( the name ) but after a chapter or 2 Luke reminded me she’s a woman, all woman , a seductive , sultry and beautiful woman 😉

Luke is not only strong but independent and has had no qualms of looking after herself and the man that he has his eye on her is wise not to try and box her or her character in , give her freedom to be who she is …..

Nikolai is part of the Seattle mafia and a man of poet , he also happens to be a man that loves Luke , see everyone has an Achilles heel !? Anyhoo he declares his love and Luke runs , but he has his eye on her and when she needs him most he swoops in and “saves” her

These 2 had me all over the place but I love them and they captured my heart , their story may not be traditional but it’s beautiful 🥰

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Grace Under Fire (The Anderson Sisters Book 2) by Jennifer Raines – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Grace Under FireGrace Under Fire by Jennifer Raines
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Having read the first book I couldn’t wait to get into this one despite having read the first book my attention was grabbed by two relatable things , suicide and farming ….,

Having lost someone I loved to suicide I could identify with Grace and Ryan on an emotional level and with Grace and the family farm I identified on another level as I’m married to a farmer and we live on the family farm and bought the farm over from my husbands parents ❣️

Grace’s hand is forced to a degree to buy her folks out when mom gets ill and she has plenty of ideas to rescue the farm and it’s looming downfall but that also means facing “demons” when she has to take hands with Ryan and to a degree he’s a reminder of what she’s lost and in the same breath it couldn’t have been easy for Ryan because of the bon his sister shared with Grace , maybe I’m just too emotionally involved but my heart did bleed and rejoice at the same time because I felt this on so many different levels …..

Ryan snd Grace make a formidable team ❣️📚

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StoryTeller’s Tale (Wretched Soulz MC) by Manda Mellett – Review by Heidi Sturgess

StoryTeller's Tale: Wretched Soulz MCStoryTeller’s Tale: Wretched Soulz MC by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’ve read Manda Mellet before and thoroughly enjoyed her books but this one is the same but different , makes perfect sense right !?❣️📚😉

I love myself a good MC and it’s been a wee while since I’ve heard the purr of a Harley so this really was a treat 🫶🏼

So Storyteller finds a book and his conscious bothers him and he’s determined to find the owner and return it ( I’m already in love ❣️📚😂) but in doing so he stumbles into a rather precarious position and said owner of the book , Sheri is in life threatening situation both he and Sheri are fighting for their lives but end up walking away from the traumatic experience….

I know bikers are big and bad but there are those that just draw the line where innocents and trafficking is concerned and that speaks volumes of their character ❣️

A few years down the line and Sheri again finds herself in a frightful position and again it’s Storyteller that comes to her rescue 🫶🏼and they do get their HEA but there were moments where I had my doubts and held my breath with great anxiety!

An absolute pleasure to get lost in between these pages !

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Chatroom With A View by Glenn Maynard – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Chatroom With A ViewChatroom With A View by Glenn Maynard
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The mind of a killer has always fascinated me ! Why do they kill ? What goes through their mind while they’re killing ? How do they feel when someone is begging and pleading for their ? Do they have remorse afterwards but feel justified in what they did ?

This is dark , scary but not just the events taken place but the people themselves , “ victims “ of circumstance to a degree and it’s frightening what can happen to a person when hurt , neglected avoided , abused , unheard , mistreated, misunderstood …..

Troy is very troubled and while his history is tragic I can’t help but ask the question “ why?” You still have a choice , if your parent was an alcoholic or abusive you can change the pattern and not follow suite , I know sometimes it’s just the way life unfolds but if you’re serious enough not to let someone suffer like you did find help 🤷‍♀️🙈he’s not one of my favourite characters , at all

It might feel like it’s a slow start but be patient it does change but be prepared for a twisted , tense and frightful read . A busy read , but a good read ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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The Taste of Light (The Winemakers Book 2) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Heidi Sturgess

The Taste of Light (The Winemakers, #2)The Taste of Light by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sometimes we make bad decisions and when they done to haunt they come with a vengeance and I’m afraid this was the case for Pedro , yes he’s the man we all love to hate but there’s something that makes me feel sorry for him to a degree …..

Anne comes across as a bit if a fading wallflower but don’t underestimate her and her inner Amazonian warrior woman ….

As per the first book I was ready to pack my bags and head out to follow them wherever they were , I’m a picture person and the places I “went” to and the people I “ interacted” with while reading this was just amazing . These people are complex , deep and intense but there’s a live and respect for them and their stories that you need to experience for yourself ❣️📕

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Stumble & Fall (A Legacy of Silence Book 2) by Amy Rivers – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Stumble & Fall (A Legacy of Silence, #2)Stumble & Fall by Amy Rivers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Tilly and Kate are sisters . Tilly is with Jim and they’re moving to New Mexico for a fresh start , al she’ll also be closer to Kate .
Kate dated Roman and they went their own ways only to rekindle after their latest case brought them together again and it came at a price , Kate lost her position at a high school as school psychologist and Roman stepped down at the local police station but both know the locals are involved and with so many loose strings I think they’re still at risk , there are those who don’t want the truth to get out and that scared me ….?

Tilly had a really traumatic experience and Jim is aware of it and he helps her through the aftershock of it all .

Kate wants to create a safe haven for victims of abuse and it seems Roman may join the FBI and life almost seems normal ….? Darkness is lurking and waiting to strike ….especially with the knowledge Kate has regarding the trafficking ring…..

My nerves are shattered ! These girls have had to deal with more than most people do and deserve justice ! Having not read the first book I’m going to read it and then re read this one ❣️📕 an absolute thrill of a read

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Chasing Redemption (The Quimby Grove Series Book 2) by Shannon Nikole – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Chasing Redemption (Quimby Grove #2)Chasing Redemption by Shannon Nikole
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It was good to be back in Quimby Cove ! It missed the town and it’s people and I know 2 of my favorite people are loving their HEA but I could wait to see what’s in store for darling Max…..

So we know Max has a mystery beach girl that he hooked up with and Ellawyn even did a painting for him 🫶🏼so imagine the Jurassic butterflies that hit his stomach when he heard her voice and the saw her at their wedding rehearsal !!! Yes I squealed and no I’m not embarrassed 😉❣️😂

So beach girl has a name , Marley and she’s still beautiful and still a wedding planner and her memory of Max still leaves her hot and wanting 🔥That moment of recognition was epic ! I wish I was a fly in the wall tj have seen it all 😍😂

A wedding in Starlight Bookstore ! Perfection at its best ❣️a real fairytale and while I’m grateful to be part of it I’m just curious to see what happens with max and Marley ….

So Max and Marley created 2 little beings and after the initial shock Max is keen to meet them and man are they cute ! Jax and Izzy are adorable and everyone just sort of find their groove and gel and life seems perfect till someone from Marley’s past brings a lot of suspense , chills and angst to the table , my heart couldn’t handle it and I chewed nails to the quick !

It was a sweet goodbye but I know I’ll be back in Quimby Cove soon enough because Avery and Kennon have a story to tell I’m sure ❣️📕

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We Blend (Falling for the Rockstar’s Daughter Book 1) by Willa Drew – Review by Heidi Sturgess

WE Blend (Falling for the Rockstar's Daughter Series #1)WE Blend by Willa Drew
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When I first read the blurb and laid eyes on the cover I just knew this was going to be a read that ticked all the boxes ❣️📕

Being the daughter/stepdaughter of celebs can’t be easy on one side the parents want to protect and on the other side the child wants to have a taste of that life and I must say one parent is an opera singer while the other a rockstar , polar opposites , very interesting ! 🫶🏼😋😉
I think it’s safe to say Melodie has music is her blood and when a nightingale wants to sing you can’t clip it’s wings ….

Melodie is desperate to sing so she goes “ undercover” and does just that , with Wil’shelp and he’s here to work and find his biological dad 🫣

Wil and El’s relationship is a blend of business and pleasure and between all the secrets , laughs and moments I really just had fun with them ❣️

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Falling Home (Buckeye Falls Book 1) by Libby Kay – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Falling HomeFalling Home by Libby Kay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I just fell in love with Ginny the moment I met her 😍oh my gosh she had me in stitches while waiting for her rental car 😂and then her road trip began and who needs Christmas carols when you can listen to true crime podcasts 🙈😂

Ginny is heading to Buckeye Falls to visit her dad Harold but it’s also where her ex lives and runs his diner , Max is a nice guy and they parted on pretty good foot ….

Max runs his diner like a well oiled machine with the the help of Evan and CeCe and they are a magic team and they made me laugh

Ginny works for a real witch and I’m so darn proud of her for standing up to her ! Ginny put Ginny first and that’s just marvelous ! Harold needs her as did Max and well she needed them and the people of Buckeye Falls❣️

Max always loved Ginny and pined for her and what they had so watching them rekindle their relationship was a privilege and honour and I loved every minute !

There always has to be that one person that bugs you and in this case it’s Anthony Snyder , nie the mayor of the town but he’s been a thorn in Max’s side since way back when and I must say I would’ve punched his lights out a long time ago and while I was really judgmental of him even he managed to soften my heart towards him but he had to work really hard 😂🤭

Harold is a real sweetheart and he and Max share a special bond and I think he’d been cheering these 2 all the way and was playing Cupid all along 😉😋

CeCe and her story has me intrigued , what or who has her all emotional ? I can’t wait to have her secrets revealed to me 😌

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Hanging Softly in the Night: A Detective Nick Larson Novel by Maria Elena Alonso-Sierra – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Hanging Softly in the Night (Detective Nick Larson #1)Hanging Softly in the Night by Maria Elena Alonso-Sierra
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Manhattan’s 16th precinct seems to be crippled by flu and men are short so when partners Nick and Victor get given a case , it looks like an open and shit case but it’s to far from it ….

It looks like suicide but it’s murder and with the body count piling up and personal matters my nerves are shattered on behalf of these 2 🫣

If you like a fast paced book , be patient you will be rewarded , I promise 😉
I was pretty much hooked from the get go ❣️📕and a lot of effort was put into research for this , well it seems that way but al in all a thrilling read 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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