
Knight In The Museum (Jorja Knight Private Investigator Mystery Series Book 5) by Alice Bienia – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Knight In The Museum ( Jorja Knight Mystery -Book 5)Knight In The Museum by Alice Bienia
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This can be read as a stand-alone but once I got into it I was eager to read the previous books as well ❣️📕

I’ve always loved a who-dun-it and this one intrigued me and what a treat it was !

So Jorja( love the spelling ) is called upon to investigate the death of a former policeman , there are to many questions and too little answers and expertise is needed …..

There’s a lot happening and poor Jorja is almost left battling this one alone while contending with curses , artefacts and what seems to be increasing body count and let’s not forget her own safety is at risk , it seems the closer she gets to truth the more dangerous it gets and someone is hiding something and they’ll doing anything to protect their secrets it’s seems …..

An unexpected yet brilliant read !

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Finding Starlight (Quimby Grove Book 1) by Shannon Nikole – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Finding Starlight (Quimby Grove #1)Finding Starlight by Shannon Nikole
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

You know that feeling when you open a book and you just get lost !? When retelling the story you talk a mile a minute so you can say as much as you can !? You get so involved that you want to tell anyone who will listen about it !? When you tell people about it they want to know how you know these people because you’re so involved !? Well this is Finding Starlight ❣️📕

I just loved the cover ! I love that there was a bookstore involved and the characters become friends and family 🥰📕

Ellawyn ( what a beautiful name) is on the run from her abusive boyfriend and leaves everyone and everything behind and starts her healing in the quaint town of Quimby Grove .

She discovers Finding Starlight , a bookstore owned by Benji ,who is such a sweetheart and it serves the most delectable treats . Ellawyn is there everyday from open to close and always on the same spot , Benji leaves her to paint and heal . It’s all her fault I started craving grilled cheese sandwiches and vanilla lattes 🤷‍♀️😂

Benji receives life altering news and his grandson Beckett comes home and when he shares the news I just have a meltdown and my heart breaks into a million pieces but this little family draws close and face it head on but a man obsessed with Ellawyn intervenes in an evil and unkind way and I will not give his name as he doesn’t deserve any acknowledgment and his ticket to the first pits of hell is booked !

While Ellawyn , Beckett , Benji and Max were my people there were other folks that warmed my heart like the kind nurse that helped our Benji and Becketts dear secrestary 🌸

Love is light and Beckett and Ellawyn overcome the darkness and these two people are deserving of every ounce of love and while I didn’t want their story to end I was happy to let them go to live their HEA because I want to see what happens in Max’s life , he’s a catch and the lady who wins his heart is one blessed lady 😍

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My Pearl Heart by J.N. Sheats – Review by Heidi Sturgess

a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”>My Pearl HeartMy Pearl Heart by J.N. Sheats
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Jasmine and Cadence are best friends are co owners of a business but it seems one works while the other spends ….

Jasmine gets the kiss of her life and I kid you not even I felt my foot lift 😍🫶🏼😉 then the bombshell is dropped Mr Hot lips is set to marry Cadence ?!
What ? Wait!? Hold on a tick … nope I read that right

The lord I read of Cadence , the less I like her , she’s spoilt , mean , unkind and entitled and Jasmine deserves better ! Jasmine goes without so her staff can get paid while Madam Cadence lives it up , that makes my blood boil 😡

James is a very bad boy , a delectable speciMAN, yes , a great kisser , yes , a flirt and charmer , yes and Jasmine and I aren’t immune to him 😂😍

Please don’t judge James to harshly he’s actually a honey ❣️

Loved every minute of this fun read ❣️📕

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Faultless Love (The Bennetts of Langston Falls Book 1) by KG Fletcher – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Faultless Love (The Bennetts of Langston Falls, #1)Faultless Love by K.G. Fletcher
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh my heart suffered with this one ❣️

The injustice of it all , going to hail for a crime you did not commit 🥲 at least when Ted is released the first face he meets is a friendly one , the moment the elderly lady shared her juicy apples with him I know I’m done for , kindness speaks volumes 😍he’s on his way home to help his family with their Christmas farm and winery ..,.

Now Ted needs to keep his nose clean and out of trouble , his family is so excited to have him home and now they start living and healing from their wounds left by the harsh judgment passed by the judge that was determined to make an example of Ted …..

Sam is his probation officer and not did I laugh when a pretty dainty lady arrived as opposed to a man 😂but she’s good people and she hats heart of gold 😍

The love this family shared is precious and something to treasure it brought tears to my eyes on more than one occasion

Robyn was Ted’s love and thought the trial she was there to support him and she was on her way to becoming a hotshot lawyer I’m the big city but then life happened , Robyn stayed home and looked after her grandmother living a serene life in her hometown …..

I’m not sure if it’s because I was in a tender state before reading this book but let me tell you something I cried hard I’m not even going to try and deny it but here’s the thing these people are so real and what happened to them is so unfair and this story is about their redemption, forgiveness, healing and moving on .

This is one of those reads that you want to share but also don’t want to share because you feel like you’re betraying them but at the same time sharing their story will encourage others 🥰

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Fear Inc: Volume 3 by Melinda Valentine – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Fear Inc.: Volume ThreeFear Inc.: Volume Three by Melinda Valentine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I wish I had read the previous books !!! Not because I felt lost but because it was so darn good and I fell in I’ve with each and every character !!!!

So this in the 3rd instalment and Krysta is trying to live life after their traumatic family experience , she had to take a life to save the lives of those she loved and yes it had to be done but I feel and respect her agony 🤗

Kasper has always had it bad for Krysta but he made a mess when they were younger but he’s wiser now and man he is a sight for sore eyes and at a stage I was ready to beg him to call me “Kitten” 🔥😂

All my boxes were ticked , there was tension , steam , suspense and a whole lot of tenderness and “ humanness “

I must admit I’m greedy I want more of them all but Sophia and Benji have piqued my interest

P.S. Jusg did the record , Bentley you suck ! Krysta was never meant to be put in a box and the day she said goodbye to you , was the best decision she’s ever made , well that and loving Kasper 😍

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Married Blind (King of Screen Book 2) by Morgana Bevan – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Married Blind (Kings of Screen, #2)Married Blind by Morgana Bevan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Just loving this fun cover 😍

I’m not the biggest fan of Hollywood romance but I’m both grateful and thrilled to have been given the gift of Abi and Finn ❣️

Now where start with these two endearing souls ….

Abi is the girl you can’t help but love , she’s found herself in a rather precarious position where’s she’s in debt but of no wrong doing , the debt was incurred for her sister’s cancer treatment and now the big mountain in front of her is how to settle her debts and it would seem her answer is a show away …

So Abbi joins the show and she has to spend time with Finn, her now new husband and if Cupid is kind she gets her very own HEA and her debts are settled or she simply walks away with her debts settled , sound like a win win but is it really !?

Finn is your typical bad boy celeb and he has his agent killing fires all over the place and I’m sure sis agent has aged prematurely 🙈😂 his favour with fans is dwindling and desperate times call for desperate measures and so he joins the show ….

I must be honest I didn’t like Finn too much I. The beginning but be patient with him remember a diamond starts as a grain of sand and if Annni can do it so can we ❣️

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The Hawke Family Complete Collection by Gwyn McNamee – Review by Heidi Sturgess

The Hawke Family Complete CollectionThe Hawke Family Complete Collection by Gwyn McNamee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If this is how my reading year is starting I say roll on 2023 !!What an epic way to start 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

So I was spoilt with not but 6 books in 1 ❣️📕 how did I do it , well it’s like eating an elephant , bit for bit 🤭😂 what an absolute treat this was !!


When Danika storms into Savage’s office I brace myself but this girl is afraid of nothing and I wasn’t sure who was more entertained me or Savage😉

There is not a scared hair on Danika’s head and as an investigative reporter that serves her well but it also gets her into a rather precarious position and thank all that is good that Savage and Gabe are around but for every action there’s a reaction and it adds a lot of suspense to the tension between Danika and Savage 😱nail biting , riveting and absolute brilliance !

Savage has issues and demons of his own as does Gabe but these 2 friends are lifers and watching them deal with their issues was a gift , a privelage and it made them human 🤗 I just love these guys and I know I shouldn’t have favorites but Savage you’re it for me 😉🥰


I don’t blame Skye for kissing Gabe ! If it wasn’t for Savage owning my heart I’d have been all over Gabe like a bad rash 🤭 but this can only get complicated 🙈bring it on 😉

Both Skye and Gabe have had some serious pain and loss and those scars stay behind but these 2 are pure perfection together and HOT 🥰🔥

I must say these 2 have had me on the edge of my seat and emotionally rather drained but it was oh so worth it 😉❣️📕


How hot is this cover !?! I nearly self combusted and I hadn’t even started reading 🥰😂🔥🤭

Stone is that every man hates and every woman wants ! Good grief I think he could make a nun denounce her vows #truestory#

Now Nora may be a dancer in the club but there’s a purity and an innocence to her that Stone finds appealing and let me say she’s one lucky girl to have attracted his attention 🫶🏼

This series is like aging red wine each one is better than the previous one and I just so invested in these Hawke boys!

I laughed , I cried , ok I sobbed and just remember secrets always have a way of coming out .

This was beautifully twisted and I loved every single moment ❣️📕


Storm and Landon ripped my heart out !

Storm is an exceptionally strong woman to have survived all that she has and not be swallowed by sadness and bitterness blows my mind !

Landon is hurting and dealing with things and I think that’s what helps him be more empathetic to Storm and he draws from himself to help get heal

When these 2 got together I was panicking , I thought this was going to be a recipe for disaster but these 2 are just pure perfection and they had be all hot and bothered most of the time but there were moments where I didn’t think I had any more tears left , this Hawke family is going to be the end of me yet 🥰


Caroline and Saint had me all over the place if I must be honest and I’m not sure if it’s because I’m so emotional over the Hawkes that I’m sensitive but I just want peace and serenity for these people and we’ve journeyed together now ,, they feel more like family than friends 🥰

Saint may be a BIG man but he’s a real old softy don’t let his size fool you and Caroline is all bark and no bite and these 2 are soooooo good together 🥰


I met the Abellos a long time ago , like 5 books back and they’re not the type I would want to cross but everyone no matter how strong or mean or cruel they seem have a soft spot somewhere , we all have an Achilles, even the Abellos 😉 Luca show us the softer side of his family

This was a different read to the others to a degree , yes it did make me feel a little uncomfortable but that doesn’t take anything away from the pure brilliance of this series in actual fact it shows the diversity of the author and that right there already earns 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Byron managed the club and his “ affiliation “ with Luca had me on edge , there’s so much at risk and I was on the edge of my seat , yet again 😱😂

I didn’t want the series to end but the saying all good things come to an end and I may have got to the last page but the Hawkes will always be in my heart !

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Kamana Wanalaya by Susan Renee – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Kamana Wanalaya for the HolidaysKamana Wanalaya for the Holidays by Susan Renee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a fun cover ! Everyone dreams of going to Hawaii right !? Even if you’re not a beach 🏖️ fan there’s just something magical about Hawaii ❣️

Tenley ( The Love Cynic) had me in stitches right from the start when she gives her enlightened opinion as to why woman don’t propose 😂😂😂and she has a jaded view of love but I think it’s because she’s been kissing frogs 🐸

Teagan ( The Love Guru) is a real sweetheart, he believes in love and HEA despite the fact he’s not found his perfect match he happily match makes others ❣️

Things get really interesting when a challenge is put out there , Teagan grew up in Hawaii , there’s a resort that’s under threat but he and so many believe in its love magic that he puts a challenge out there and soon enough Teagan and Tenley are headed for Kamana Wanalaya 😉 Teagan my friend you have you work cut out for you but you , Cupid and island magic have got this 🏖️🥰

The moment their feet touch the ground you feel the magic working and what follows is brilliant, the teasing ,the bantering , the fun and games . The people we get to meet are fun people the kind of people that start as friends and end as family ❣️

P.S. Sammy you’re cute ❣️🐾and just for the record it’s because of you I knew our Tenley wasn’t a love cynic , she just needed the right one xxxx

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I Loved You Yesterday (Trading Heartbeats Trilogy Book 1) by Julie Navickas – Review by Heidi Sturgess

I Love You Today (The Trading Heartbeats Trilogy Book 2)I Love You Today by Julie Navickas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I just love it when I read a book and I think it can’t get any better and then it does !!! Now I loved the first book but this one just blew me away ❣️

So much is happening Josh and Mavis are getting closed and closer to the wedding . Austin has job opportunities coming his his way . Casey is blossoming into herself and Austin has a lot to do with it and what I say is with love … Mavis is so so yesterday Austin and Casey you’re it ❣️

I identified so much with Casey and I’m so damn proud of her for conquering her insecurities and tacking those giants that could cripple us if we give them half a chance !

Much and Lauren had me really worried and my heart cries for them , I hope and pray they work through what’s hurting them 🙏 hang in there guys , hold onto love and the good memories, fight for you 💓

Looking forward to the final instalment ❣️📕

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Painter of the Damned (Painted Souls Book 2) by Rob Samborn – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Painter of the Damned (Painted Souls, #2)Painter of the Damned by Rob Samborn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Before you attempt this book please do yourself a favour and read the first book in the series . Having said that , while I didn’t read book 1 it didn’t take to much away from my reading experience 📕❣️and I did enjoy the read

Nick and Julia are on holiday in Venice but it’s not exactly fun and games , they manage to escape but their taste of freedom i a short lived when interpol can’t he’s up with them ….

Julia’s mission to try and save her husband and take down the bad guy had me on the edge of my seat , some nail biting moments !

A read that was filled with mystery , history, intrigue , romance , thrills and chills ❣️📕

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Reckless Heart (Second Chance Romance Series Book 2) by Jane Suen – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Reckless Heart (Second Chance Romance #2)Reckless Heart by Jane Suen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Just loving the cover and even more so once I got lost in between the pages ❣️📕

Brad , Mary and Jim were school friends and Brad had a soft spot for Mary but before he gets the chance to admit how he feels Jim swoops in and Mary becomes his girl . Brad kept tabs on them and I don’t think he ever let her go ….

Brad has to head home for his sisters wedding and while he’s there he’ll check in on his new project , he’s in construction and he’s building a tiny home community with a shared garden that’s eco friendly and green friendly so other than surviving the weekend he’s got that to keep him busy

As I said I don’t think Brad every really let Mary go and he’s always held a candle for her and that’s really evident when their paths cross again and all he wants to do is protect her , rekindle what they had and let it blossom into something more oh and make sure other men leave her alone 😂🙈🥰

Mary and Jim’s break up is till a little fresh so I get that Mary is a little hesitant or careful but Brad works his magic in so many different ways , I even fell I. Love with him and I’ve been happily married for 21 years !!!! 😂❣️

I just loved being part of this journey and it was good for the soul to catch up with old friends and family and these people truly are friends that become family and you just want to be apart of it all ! These are people you’ll go to war for ❣️

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Faida (Heartstrings Book 2) by Brooke May – Review by Heidi Sturgess

FaidaFaida by Brooke May
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Just loving these fun covers !

I can only imagine how tough it is to help others find love , sometimes it leaves scars because people are so bitter and jaded and not every story has a HEA ….

Robert hasn’t had it easy and he’s the definition of ice king but his daughter seems to have a way of getting through to the bit of light in his darkness🥰

Alice is a real sweetheart and I’m so grateful she manages to touch her daddy’s heart, it feels like she’s helping him hold on to his humanity

Faida had her work cut out for her with this assignment and there were a few occasions where I would’ve walked away but nope Faida preserved , you go girl ! Love you to bits 🥰

Looking forward to the next instalment ❣️📕

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The Rom Com Movie Club (The Rom Com Movie Club Book 1) by Bernadette Marie – Review by Heidi Sturgess

The Rom Com Movie Club - Book OneThe Rom Com Movie Club – Book One by Bernadette Marie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

All I want to do is pop some popcorn , open a bottle of Mascato and settle down in front of the TV , snuggle into my comfy blanket and binge watch all the rom cons I can ! ❤️

I love all the characters but I most identify with Lisa for various reasons but the love we share for “while you were sleeping “ must be the highlight of our relationship 😍😉

I just love the way the girls took Lisa in and made them one of their own ❣️there’s so much to appreciate and envy to a degree about these girls from their movie club to the way they rally around Lisa when they see triggers that upset her 🥰

This is one of those reads that you want to shout out from the the rooftops ! Lisa you blessed with love and friendship !

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Gunner (Hollins & Haring Book 3) by T.J. Beach – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Gunner (Hollins & Haring #3)Gunner by T.J. Beach
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is book 3 in the series . What I’m about to say is not critique but my personal opinion, I think it’s because I’m book greedy 📕❣️😉 I didn’t feel lost but I had a few questions when I got to after halfway so if you’re greedy like me read the first 2 but it’s definitely not a deal breaker and Gunner earns every 🌟 it’s gets when reviewed !

This read felt so real because the effects and it’s shocking aftermath of Coronavirus is still so very raw and fresh so you really feel this read .

I must compliment TJ Beach on the splash of humour is does relieve the tension a bit 😉❣️

Gary is a bit of a closed book and his new boss Debbie is very curious as to who and what this man is . She befriends him and he comes a part of her life and family so when her mum tests positive for coronavirus and they all have to go into quarantine , Gary included things become very real for all of them especially Gary and we all get to learn so much more about the characters , as I said very relatable.

Heads up I needed a little time out to to absorb and reflect when I was done , not a bad thing just a real thing

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Hot for Teacher by Felicia Carparelli – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Hot for Teacher - Shakespeare Made Us Fall in LoveHot for Teacher – Shakespeare Made Us Fall in Love by Felicia Carparelli
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was definitely not what I expected and it took me a little by surprise , but in a good way ! Again o was reminded not to judge a book by its cover 😉❣️📕

Juliet , still recovering from her divorce is quite the lady and she’s for , does yoga , carries her age well and is rather Vi dependant and she’s a darn good English teacher just to add a cherry to the top 😉

Jim , he’s just a plain , good old soul with a real and honest heart , after his wife died he sort of let himself go but he’s picking himself up again and broadening his orison so to speak and that’s one of the reason he’s signed up for the English class and he finds so much more than Shakespeare and poetry, he finds his very own Juliet ❣️

I lived watching Jim and Juliet and they made me laugh , let me tell you old Jim is a real charmer and so easy to love and Juliet is one lucky lady❣️😉 these are 2 people who really deserve their happily ever after ❣️

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The Veil by Wanda Luthman – Review by Heidi Sturgess

The VeilThe Veil by Wanda Luthman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love the writing style , when we first meet Samuel asking his farther for help , him preparing for his first reading , it’s written in such a way that you can actually “feel”the scene playing out and what I found really special is that his reading is an intimate family event .

The priest selects Samuel to participate in the Passover and serve at the tabernacle and as I understand it it’s quite an honour 🙏❣️

Samuel may be a young boy but he’s devout and dedicated and I admire that in him ❣️

The Priest and Samuel are walking towards the Tabernacle when they come across people talking about Yeshuah , Jesus and his imminent condemnation and it’s Samuel’s reaction that had me wondering how many other people had the very same reaction on that day ….

Then the curtain separates , the ground begins to shake and I could feel their fear and confusion, their realisation of what actually happened and who He really was 😱🙏

It was good to read these events from someone else’s perspective, someone who was “there” it makes one take a moment to think and process from another point of view .

Once I finished reading this , I just spent time reflecting on the events that secured my salvation ❣️🙏

A Christmas to Remember by 5 Prince Publishing – Review by Heidi Sturgess

A Christmas to Remember: An Anthology from 5 Prince PublishingA Christmas to Remember: An Anthology from 5 Prince Publishing by Bernadette Marie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a magical way to get anyone into the festive spirit 🎅🏻❣️🎄 I’d go so far as to say that even the scroogiest of Scrooge’s will get into the swing of things ❣️

It’s really hard to pick a favourite as each story was unique with its own kind of magic ❣️
Some of the authors I know and live but some are new to me so what a gift to find new authors to love and follow ❣️🎅🏻📕

This is a perfect gift for those far and near as it can be be gifted digitally 😉

This is definitely one to shout about from the top of my Christmas tree 🎄❣️🎅🏻📕

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Weep, Woman, Weep: A Gothic Fairytale about Ancestral Hauntings by Maria DeBlassie – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Weep, Woman, WeepWeep, Woman, Weep by Maria DeBlassie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Mexico is rich is folklore and legends not just monsters and cartels 🙈😉

How the story came about the weeping woman is rather heart wrenching and frightful .

Growing up Mercy and Sherry were more like siblings than friends and neither really had it easy growing up and tensions are high with the “baptism” looming …

Mercy and Sherry have a run with La Llorona and life as they know it is about to change . Things happen to Mercy that she blame on La Llorona , she’s labelled as a witch and folks seem a little fearful but respectful of her farming skills , Sherry’s caught in an uphappy marriage and those mason jars filled with tears is just too much for me ….

Other than Sherry and Mercy I like Santos and the interest he shows and he’s not bothered by the rumour mill and Jesse James you’re a sweetheart .

P.S. Thise tears in the mason jars were put to good use 😉

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Soliloquy by Janet Fogg – Review by Heidi Sturgess

SoliloquySoliloquy by Janet Fogg
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh be still my beating heart ! This was magnificent ! It’s one of those reads that just grab you and run with you and you’ll read again and again just to make sure you didn’t miss anything and it’s just that good ❣️📕

I love classical music , it’s always playing in my home and library and having played the violin for many years myself this was the perfect read and naturally I had brilliant backround music 😉

When Erin is contacted by attorneys regarding her grandmother’s estate she rather confused as she had passed 6 years prior but it seems grandmother had planned things ahead and she had an intuition for things . Anyhoo , a box is handed over to her with a brief explanation and when she opened that box I actually just cried at the way she describes how she could smell her gran , for years after my mum dies I could open her box that contained a string of pearls and I could still smell her so it really hit me ❣️

So Erin opened the box and our journey begins it’s as if the figurines contained within let’s us time travel .

Erin finds herself playing not only for her life but for those of others as well and my heart just aches for her and what was going through her mind at the time ….

A brilliant read that I’d highly recommend

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Ice Dance by Vik Azeem – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Ice DanceIce Dance by Vik Azeem
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is not my typical read but what a gem I discovered !

Hassan is a kind and funny soul and he’s at loggerheads with his family , he may soon be homeless if his landlord carries out his threats , yet this gentle man still smiles despite his trial and tribulations, you just can’t help but love him

Yasmine , a mysterious beauty that not only beat but brave , bold and quite sharp 😉

This read , as I said was different . It was funny and entertaining but also rich in culture and tradition to a degree and once you’ve read it my views should make more sense and yes I do wonder what will happen next ❣️📕😉

Yesterday’s Over (Philly Heat Series Book 3) by Becky Flade – Review by Heidi Sturgess

I couldn’t wait to read Trudy’s story she played such a big role in Lexi and Xavier’s story ❣️📕

Again , don’t let the cover fool you , yes you get romance but you also get soooooooo much more and I love this about her books !

Philadelphia is rocked by a massive explosion and when bones are discovered in the rubble the expertise of a medical examiner is needed and out girl Trudy is on the job …

Ben , a forensic anthropologist is also called to the scene and he and Trudy team up to find out the who , what and why if these bones . These two are chalk and cheese and they’re o very different but this is exactly what makes them brilliant both in and off the field ❣️😉

All my itches were scratched yet again 😂 there was romance , suspense, mystery , secrets , thrills and chills !

Breathe Underwater by Anise Storm & Taylor L. Ray – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Breathe UnderwaterBreathe Underwater by Anise Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I often wonder how undercover agents cope because in essence you’re playing a role and at times for long periods of time , surely you start adopting some of the traits of your “alter ego “ and parts of the real you “die” I do t think it’s way at all , so shout out and respect to these men and women that are so very brave ….

Damien and Evelyn as youngsters shared a spark but before anything could come of it Evelyn’s dad interferes and I really don’t like him he’s really not a pleasant kind of man in any case his folks also suddenly up and leave and poor Evelyn is left nursing a broken heart 💔

Years later their paths cross when Damian is sent to Dallas , Texas to work undercover with the mob and my heart is nearly beating out of my chest because if rumours are true the Sicilian mafia has started business with Mexico and Damien is entering dangerous ground ….

After Damien left Evelyn put everything into her studies and became a teacher against her father’s wishes but she’s a born teacher so good on you girl !

Soon enough Evelyn has more than Max her cat for company and things between her and Damien are rather eventful , nerve racking , hot , edgy , steamy , thrilling and suspense filled 🔥

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Cooked: The Chef Blows Her Lid by Cari Schaeffer – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Olivia seems to have it all , a job she lives , a husband and good friends . Her world comes crashing down when she finds her husband cheating on her with her best friend 😱 what in the actual !?

Olivia is a go getter and isn’t going to wallow , she moves to a small town and works in a family owned restaurant and just as things start looking better she is let go to make space for a family member who can’t even cook 🙈😱🥲 again Olivia doesn’t wallow she picks herself up and gets a bar tending job and uses her tips to build her own catering business , I say you go girl ! 🥰

This was a brilliant read ! I cried , yes, I’m built differently 😂but I laughed so much more ! Olivia is so relatable and there’s so many times I quoted pieces of what was happening to my kids and friends around me and more than once I had to hear how it sound just like me ! 😂😱❣️📕especially when it came to things Olivia’s mum would say 🙈😂

A highly recommend read 🌟🌟🌟🌟⭐️

Bycatch by Alexander Blevens – Review by Heidi Sturgess

a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”>BycatchBycatch by Alexander Blevens
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This one really pulled at my heart strings for so many reasons and part of me thinks it’s because where I live and my country’s history ….

People run from their homes to escape their country and it’s evil , they look for greener grass but it’s not always greener on the other side is it , you’re on a new country with it’s own rules and ways , you’re an alien for lack of a better word and people see that desperation and take advantage of it …..war is not kind , mankind is not always kind🥲

My attention was kept by the characters , their personal demons and struggles and how they deal with it , they’re human , they’re real , they’re relatable 🤗

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Boss’s Vendetta (Sicilian Gods Book 1) by Via Mari – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Boss's Vendetta: Dark Mafia Romance (Sicilian Gods Book 1)Boss’s Vendetta: Dark Mafia Romance by Via Mari
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I just loved the cover art but once I learnt more about Salvatore the cover became alive ! Nailed it ! For that alone I’ll give 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 what’s between the pages was even more epic ! I love myself a mafia family but I must say the Larussio’s are my favourite by far !❣️😉

When Salvatore and Dr Palento first cross paths you can feel the tension already and it’s off the charts 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥not long after that they’re thrown into chaos by an attack on their family at a family wedding and all hell breaks loose , I could smell the blood and fear I could hear the bullets flying and the screams it’s so well written ! Great Uncle takes a near fatal hit and the beautiful Dr Palento plays a monumental role in pulling him through , his stubborn nature helped him fight as well 😂😉❣️

What follows in the underground place of safety and later on the ground is a read of epic proportions, there’s sizzling hot and steamy romance , there’s suspense , a lot of blood , violence and gore and a few very unexpected twists and turns that had me do a double take and reread and yes I did gasp 😱

Yes we have a HEA but I’m starved for more of the Larussio family 🔥🥰

Into the Light (Moon Harbor Series Book 3) by Kate McWilliams – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Into the LightInto the Light by Kate McWilliams
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh how I wished I read the previous books ! I didn’t really feel lost but I so enjoyed this read that I feel like I robbed myself of the previous 2 so don’t have the same regrets I do and read them first ❣️📕

Ellie and Raf have known each for some time and he’s been her secret crush for like forever ❣️it’s mutual but the neither knows it and Raf also feels like he’s got to be loyal to the bro code as Ellie’s his friend’s younger sister …… there’s also a history that haunts Raf that makes him feel like he’s not good enough but what happened never was his fault …..

Eventually Ellie and Raf give in and stop fighting inevitable and how beautiful to watch their story unfold ❣️there were a few tense moments , some spice and all things nice 😉

Our fisherman and jeweller make a beautiful couple ❣️

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A Love Restrained by Becky Flade – Review by Heidi Sturgess

A Love Restrained (Philly Heat series, #1)A Love Restrained by Becky Flade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

While Kylee and her are on the job they come across a drug deal and Kylee goes after the “perp” only to discover it’s her bad boy high school crush 😉

Kylee and JD came from different worlds while Kylee grew up in a living and kind home JD grew up in an abusive and alcoholic home but her folks reached out to him and shows him a kindness he’ll never forget ….

Jayson gets off on his charges and is ready to pick up where he left off and I’ve got to give it hom the man is persistent, it does pay off though 🥰 and that’s how it all begins ….

There was so much to love about this book like how her parents are so kind and compassionate towards JD as a child and as a man , how our big bad drug dealer cares for his mum , how he woos her with pit plants ….

There was so much to cry about … the abuse they had to endure and then Amelia takes over where her father left off …

Jayson (JD) is not all he seems and don’t be angry with some of his decisions, his heart is in the right place ❣️

He returns a few years later and discovers a little piece of him had stayed behind when he left and my heart aches for him and his little family for all the time they’ve missed out on but they’re getting their second chance at love and life ❣️

There were so many boxes ticked , I laughed ,I cried , I cheered and there were some nail biting and tense moments be prepared for a few unexpected twists and turns as well .

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Notebook Mysteries ~ Haunted Christmas by Kimberly Mullins – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Notebook Mysteries Haunted ChristmasNotebook Mysteries Haunted Christmas by Kimberly Mullins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

All the covers have been good so far but this one is my favourite and I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve watched Emma grow and we’ve been on a journey or if it’s because the smell of Christmas is in the air it could even be a combination ❣️📕

Again Emma and her friends are at it again , find a killer , solve a murder and still enjoy Christmas . There was a “ Christmas Carol” vibe to it and it added to the wonder of our Emma and her mystery solving friends ….

This is one I’ll read again closer to Christmas while nibbling on a mince pie and sipping eggnog ❣️📕

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Notebook Mysteries ~ Unexpected Outcomes (Notebook Mysteries Book 4) by Kimberly Mullins – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Notebook Mysteries ~ Unexpected Outcomes (Notebook Mysteries book #4)Notebook Mysteries ~ Unexpected Outcomes by Kimberly Mullins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

As the series progresses so do the crimes and this time Emma’s path Color’s sea with those of some rather mean bank robbers so after their ordeal Emma decides a time of rest is in order but soon enough the bug is biting her and she’s hungry for adventure and the case she takes on has her so busy that Jeremy jumps in and helps , both now have their hands full and all is not as it seems ….

This instalment felt a little different to the others , like the pace was a little faster and the read was a little more intense , does that make sense ?

I’ve really enjoyed each book but this one really has captured my attention and a wee Tim favourite this far ❣️📕

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Notebook Mysteries ~ Changes and Challenges (Notebook Mysteries Book 3) by Kimberly Mullins – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Notebook Mysteries ~ Changes and Challenges (Notebook Mysteries book #3)Notebook Mysteries ~ Changes and Challenges by Kimberly Mullins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Emma gets contacted about the reading of a will of a previous client and it would seem Emma inherits a sum of money and the jury is still out if this is a good thing or not …..

In the previous book Emma had “ boy troubles” and it’s as if she’s more sure of herself and who she wants this time round ….Jeremy accompanies her to New York and besides the adventure they’re on they both realise they want more 🥰

With each book the cases get bigger , the plots and twist a little more intricate and the danger levels increase …. Bigger cases , bigger troubles as they say

The series has be fun so far and I’m looking forward to more ❣️📕

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