
Earl of Griffith (Once Upon a Widow Book 6) by Aubrey Wynne – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Earl of Griffith (Once Upon a Widow Book 6)Earl of Griffith by Aubrey Wynne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Earl of Griffith is Book Six in the Once Upon a Widow series. It is a beautifully written historical, second chance, romance novel set in the early 1800’s. The author has done a wonderful job of drawing the reader into the story with a compelling storyline and vivid descriptions of that time period that make you feel as though you are right there with the characters. The characters are enduring, engaging, lovable, and relatable. Lady Helen is someone that your heart immediately goes out to when she elopes at the tender age of sixteen to be with the man of her dreams. Arriving at her new home she quickly discovers that the marriage she had envisioned to the man of her dreams is not what she expected. She feels sad, lonely, and helpless as she is living in shabby conditions and left alone for lengths of time by her husband. When Lady Helen’s husband suddenly dies and leaves her with a three-year-old child she finds herself fleeing from her home for fear that her life may be taken next.

Lady Helen returns to the family she left behind and makes amends for going against their wishes to elope with the Irish rebel. She plans to attend her brother’s wedding and meets his friend who has been sent to act as her companion. The Earl of Griffith spent all his time looking after his duties and has never had time or a need for romance. Once Conway meets Lady Helen, he realizes that he has been missing out on love and begins to pursue her. Lady Helen is not interested after being conned by her first husband and insists she will never marry again. Conway does not give up that easily and insists on charming Lady Helen. Naturally Lady Helen is reluctant to love again after being hurt and left as a widow, so she is not easily charmed. However, Conway is sweet, kind, caring, loving, gentle, and hard to resist. A great read with love, loss, angst, tears, laughter, insecurity, doubt, hope, romance, and a second chance at love.

View all my reviews@tarab

Earl of Griffith (Once Upon a Widow Book 6) by Aubrey Wynne – Review by Tausha Treadway

Earl of Griffith (Once Upon a Widow Book 6)Earl of Griffith by Aubrey Wynne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Earl of Griffith (Once Upon a Widow Book 6) by Aubrey Wynne. I love this author and this series. She has a way with these historical romances where you feel as if you are actually there in that time period. This is the 6th book in the Once Upon a Widow series and its as good if not better than the previous books. Its the story of Lady Helen who finds herself in a mess, she is a widow with a small child. Helen went against her family and married a Irish rebel and now she is widowed. When she goes back home to attend her brother’s wedding she is paired with the Earl of Griffith as her date. He falls in love immediately. Helen has her walls up and insists she is never going to fall in love again or marry but the Earl has other ideas. Conway has been all about his work all his life and serving the people but when he meets Helen he realizes he’s been missing out on love. Will he be able to convince Helen to take a chance on him? Read this amazing book to find out!

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Earl of Griffith (Once Upon a Widow Book 6) by Aubrey Wynne – Review by Bobbi

Earl of Griffith (Once Upon a Widow Book 6)Earl of Griffith by Aubrey Wynne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is an author that I have enjoyed reading her historical romance stories from the first book I picked up. I enjoy her writing skills and her attention to details that give her stories life. This book is no different. It is a well written story that is one of my favorites by this author. A second chance romance story where Lady Helen finds herself a widow. The Earl of Griffith was sent to bring her home. Will they find more than just a journey home? I really enjoyed these characters and what they brought to the story. They pulled me into their world with ease and had me coming back for more. I enjoyed watching their growth as well as their chemistry. What happens you don’t want to miss. This is a fast paced, hard to put down story that I highly recommend.

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Review by @bjwagner

Earl of Griffith (Once Upon a Widow Book #6) by Aubrey Wynne – Review by Angela Hayes

Earl of Griffith (Once Upon a Widow Book 6)Earl of Griffith by Aubrey Wynne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


3.5 Stars


Earl of Griffith is the sixth book in the Once Upon a Widow series by Aubrey Wynne. I have read quite a few of Ms. Wynn’s books now and can always count on her for an enthralling read. She has a flair for regency and historical romance – weaving stories packed full of authenticity, historical detailing, and engaging characters.
I have really enjoyed diving into her books and following along for all the adventures, angst, and swoony details- so when I saw this had released, I didn’t hesitate to let my one-click finger do its thing.
This is a delightful historical romance (set in the early 1800’s), with a ‘clean’ storyline (having only a few ‘passionate’ kisses), secrets, heartache, pain, insecurities, doubts, drama, angst, a little humour, banter, second chances, friends to lovers, slow-burn, emotion, and finding love unexpectedly.
I really did enjoy this story but then was so torn when it came to rating it. On one hand it is a really sweet and lovely story about taking a chance on love/ having a second chance at love. The characters were well developed and endearing, and the addition of a cute three-year-old who added extra charm with her adorableness and antics, really gave this story an extra element of sweetness. But there really wasn’t too much to ‘sink my teeth into’. Yes, there was a little drama at the beginning which sent out heroine packing back to England and the safety of her family estate. And there was the angsty drama from her insecurities which added a bit of push-pull tension to the whole thing. But overall, I felt that this was just “sweet”- and at times, maybe just a tad on the saccharine side.
I think this book would have been even better with a little more danger, drama, and spice. It also would have been better a s a complete standalone without trying to ‘tie’ it into an established series. Helen is Gideon’s younger sister – we met Gideon in his story Rhapsody and Rebellion (Enduring Legacy Book #7) – and Conway (our MC here) is Gideon’s business associate and friend. Conway is also the brother of Madoc from the previous book in this series- Earl of Brecken (Once Upon A Widow Book #5). There were mentions of other characters from other books/series too- but honestly, a lot of that felt like it was thrown into the story to try and force this book into the series by making ‘connections’ to other established characters. I felt that this book has a completely different feel, so while it is a very charming and enjoyable story- I just felt like it didn’t quite live up to my expectations, as an addition to this series. I hope that makes sense.
But, I am looking forward to reading more of Ms. Wynne’s books, as well as continuing this series.
Happy Reading…

Thank you, Aubrey Wynne!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Trapping the Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series Book 1) by Debra Parmley – Review by Shelly Kittell

Trapping the ButterflyTrapping the Butterfly by Debra Parmley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This author always delights me with her books set in different time periods and cultures. The Roaring 20’s were a time of change and mafia. Bethany wants some freedom from her aunt and uncle. In the heart of Chicago, she finds Al Capone and his gang. I loved reading and watching Bethany develop into the strong woman she could be. The characters were a delight. The author takes such details that, at times, it feels like you could be there with Bethany. I found the writing stunning and full of delicious detail. I devoured this book in one sitting. I just wish there were more.

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Earl of Griffith (Once Upon a Widow Book 6) by Aubrey Wynne – Review by Shelly Kittell

Earl of Griffith (Once Upon a Widow Book 6)Earl of Griffith by Aubrey Wynne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Oh, Lady Helen finds herself in a bind. A widow with a small child, she finds herself back home at her brother’s wedding. The Earl of Griffith is her escort to his wedding. The Earl charms his way into their life. This is a sweet 2nd chance romance that made me smile because Helen deserved a second chance at a happy life. There is drama and romance. The characters are lively and kind of fit into the storyline. I found Helen to be quite brave for the time period. I’m not sure I would have made it, if it were me. The storyline was quite fascinating and well-written. Scoundrels and heroes abound. An excellent read if you like historical romance.

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Earl of Griffith (Once Upon a Widow Book 6) by Aubrey Wynne – Review by Jenni Bishop

Earl of Griffith (Once Upon a Widow Book 6)Earl of Griffith by Aubrey Wynne

4.5 stars
Earl of Griffith is the sixth captivating book in this second chance historical romance series Once Upon a Widow by Audbrey Wynne. I really like Aubrey’s work and this series in particular. Each book gets better than the last. Aubrey’s storytelling keeps you engaged as she brings her stories to life with her rich and vivid imagination and poignant details.
Her characters are really well crafted and fully realised and easy to like. I love stories written in multiple POV as it gives you an insight to their thoughts and feelings and you get a better understanding of who the characters really are.
This delightful story will keep you entertained. This is a sweet, sweet short romance filled with love and laughter.
Helen is ‘once bitten twice shy’ as the saying goes. Is it too late to find the love she always dreamed about?
Conway has been consumed with duty his whole life. Now he has found something infinitely more precious something for him. But will they give him a chance? Well, I am not going to tell you, you will have to read it to find out. Happy reading!
If you like historical romances, then this is a book for you.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Earl of Griffith (Once Upon a Widow Book 6) by Aubrey Wynne

📖 ~💕📙 ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE 📖 ~ 💕 ~ 📙 ~
Earl of Griffith (Once Upon a Widow Book 6) by Aubrey Wynne
Genre – Historical Romance
Page Count – 180

Sorrow and Regrets…

Lady Helen was a young, naïve girl when she gave up everything for a charismatic Irishman and eloped. Finding herself a widow after a few short years, she is disillusioned with love and raising a three-year-old daughter alone. Her homecoming will be bittersweet as she faces her family, asking forgiveness for the lies and the worry she has caused. But her first encounter in England isn’t a family member. Helen’s brother has sent a handsome Welshman to fetch her, and he soon charms both her and her daughter.

An unexpected ray of sunshine…

Conway, Earl of Griffith assumed his title and Welsh estate at birth. His world is gray, full of responsibility, and lonely. Griffith agrees to help a friend, escorting his sister from Bristol to London. At first sight, Lady Helen illuminates his dull world, and her daughter adds laughter to his life. But he senses the woman’s haunted eyes are not only from grief and wonders what secrets she holds close to her heart. As his affection turns to love, Griff must find a way to convince the beautiful widow that love is worth another chance.

A sweet Regency romance.


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Earl of Griffith (Once Upon a Widow Book 6) by Aubrey Wynne

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Earl of Griffith (Once Upon a Widow Book 6) by Aubrey Wynne

USA Today Bestselling author Aubrey Wynne resides in the Midwest with her husband, dogs, horses, mule, and barn cats. Obsessions include wine, history, travel, trail riding, and all things Christmas. Her Chicago Christmas and Regency series have received multiple awards and nominated numerous times as a Rone finalist by InD’tale Magazine.

Aubrey’s first love is medieval romance but after dipping her toe in the Regency period in 2018 with the Wicked Earls’ Club, she was smitten. This inspired her spin-off series Once Upon a Widow. In 2020, she launched the Scottish Regency series A MacNaughton Castle Romance with Dragonblade Novels. Her Regency detective series, Paddy’s Peelers, will launch early 2024.



Trapping the Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series Book 1) by Debra Parmley – Review by Carrie Reed

Trapping the ButterflyTrapping the Butterfly by Debra Parmley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Wonderful read! I love reading books by this author, she offers many different stories from many different periods. Set in the 1920s, I know many have imagined living in this time with the flapper fashion, Al Capone, The Charleston and women learning to become empowered. Watching Bethany realize who she is, what she wants in life, what she likes and how she wants to live is so sweet. I could not imagine living day in and day out in a corset, and it was fun to see Bethany tasting that freedom. Her aunt and uncle are cruel and absolutely ridiculous. They seem shady with regards to her inheritance and treat her like dirt, so seeing how sweet she is, is a breath of fresh air. Bethany and Paul are lovely together and I couldn’t see her with anyone else. I wish I could see how the couple worked out in the end, but I’ll leave that to my own imagination.

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Trapping the Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series Book #1) by Debra Parmley – Review by Angela Hayes

Trapping the ButterflyTrapping the Butterfly by Debra Parmley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


3.5 Stars


Trapping the Butterfly is the first book in the Butterflies Fly Free series by Debra Parmley. It is an historical romance- set in the 1920’s, it’s a fascinating coming of age story, with self-discovery, drama, angst, adventure, challenges, family dynamics, control, choices, and breaking free.
Bethany Robinson is just coming of age. Her life has been strictly controlled by her domineering Aunt and Uncle, but a visit to Hot Springs might just see her emerge from her cocoon and find her wings. This is a short story- so it made for a quick and easy read. I read it in one easy sitting.
Ms. Parmley has brought the 1920’s to life here, her historical details adding a very vivid and authentic feel to the story.
Looking forward to exploring Book #2- ‘Dancing Butterfly’, which is Suki’s story.
Happy Reading!

Thank you, Debra Parmley!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Trapping the Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series Book 1) by Debra Parmley – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Trapping the ButterflyTrapping the Butterfly by Debra Parmley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Trapping the Butterfly is Book one in the Butterflies Free Series. It is set in Hot Springs, Arkansas, in the year 1926, during what was known as the Roaring Twenties. Bethany is on the cusp of turning eighteen and looking forward to setting her plan in motion. Once she turns eighteen, she should be receiving her inheritance and looks forward to getting away from her overbearing aunt and uncle who monitor her every move. Bethany wants to be free to cut her hair short, learn the Charleston and wants to start dating. She is strictly forbidden from doing any of these while living with her aunt and uncle because they consider these behaviors to be unladylike and unacceptable. Ladies do not smoke, they do not drink, and they certainly do not cut their hair short. According to Bethany’s aunt, no good man will want to marry a woman who displays any of these horrendous and appalling behaviors. Every move Bethany makes is dictated by her severely strict aunt, right down to how much she is allowed to eat so that she does not become a “fatty”, as her aunt likes to remind her of often.

When Bethany gets a chance to go with her aunt and uncle to Hot Springs so that her aunt can see a doctor, she feels that it is the perfect opportunity to start freeing herself from them. While in Hot Springs, Bethany meets Detective Paul Tollick by accident and learns that the famous mobster Al Capone is staying at the same hotel as her and her aunt and uncle. Al Capone and his gang are on the fourth floor of the Arlington, and Paul tells her to stay away from him because he is bad news. Although Paul is several years her senior he is drawn to her innocent beauty and finds himself wanting to see her again. Bethany also finds herself attracted to Paul and looks forward to when she can speak with him again. When Paul learns that one of Al Capone’s gangsters has taken a liking to Bethany, he vows to protect her at all costs.

First of all, can we discuss that absolutely exquisite, eye-catching, cover and book title. Oh, my goodness, they were what compelled me to read the synopsis and ultimately read the book and I am so happy that I did. This was a beautifully written and engaging story with a refreshing storyline that hooked me from the first page. It was so different from the books that I have read, and it really captivated my attention. The attention to detail and historical background were superbly done. The characters were ones that you either loved immediately or hated, as in the case of Bethany’s aunt. Bethany was sweet, kind, gentle, and innocent. I felt myself rooting for Bethany to get out from under her aunt’s thumb and free herself from the abusive behaviors of her aunt and uncle. To some extent it could be understood why Bethany’s aunt and uncle were against women smoking, drinking, and displaying what they felt like was appalling behavior in a woman. It was a far different time and taking place when women were just learning to free themselves of the constraints and restrictions imposed by society. Bethany’s aunt was raised during a different time but that did not give her the right to abuse Bethany and not allow her to eat. My heart went out to Bethany, and I rooted for her to be free like a butterfly. I highly recommend this book and am anxious to read not only the rest of this series but more by this author.

View all my reviews@tarab

Trapping the Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series Book 1) by Debra Parmley – Review by Jenni Bishop

Trapping the ButterflyTrapping the Butterfly by Debra Parmley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Trapping the Butterfly is a coming-of-age short story and the first book in the Butterflies Fly Free Series. I enjoy Debra’s diversity in the genres she writes.
This book is set in the roaring 20’s in a time of fast women, prohibition and the harsh underworld of gangsters toting Tommy guns and Al Capone.
This very well written intriguing and fascinating story will have you engaged and on the edge of your seat from start to finish. It’s easy to see Debra’s passion shine through in the writing and descriptive details make it easy to imagine that time.
This is Bethany’s story. One where this naive and sheltered young woman longs to be free of societies expectations and the harshness and confinements placed upon her by her family. Her clothes, her time, her choices. It’s easy to imagine the flappers dancing around in their short skirts and bobbed hair.
Will this young woman be drawn into a harsh world she had no idea existed or will she find love of a good man?
Whelp to find out you will have to get a copy. You will not be disappointed.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Trapping the Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series Book 1) by Debra Parmley – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Trapping the ButterflyTrapping the Butterfly by Debra Parmley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is not my first book by this author but it is one of my favorites by her yet. I never hesitate to pick up this author’s books. I enjoy her writing style and attention to details that give the stories a realistic feel. This book is no different. This is a well written story that takes place in the 1920s. A story that has some suspense and romance combined. I found this book to be fast paced and hard to put down. An engaging story where the characters pull you into their world from the start. They are connectable and added so much to the story. This is an easy and entertaining story to read. There is great growth of the plot throughout. There are twists and turns will have you coming back for more. I really enjoyed reading this story and one you should not miss. I highly recommend this book and this author.

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Review by @bjwagner

Trapping the Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series Book 1) by Debra Parmley

Trapping the Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series Book 1) by Debra Parmley
Genre – Historical Romance
Page Count – 186
Cover Designer – Sheri L. McGathy

Hot Springs Arkansas

The 1920s

On the eve of her eighteenth birthday, Bethany is eager to celebrate at the Arlington Hotel. More than anything she wants to cut her long hair into a bob, raise her hemline, and learn to do the Charleston.

Unfortunately, every aspect of her life is strictly controlled by her aunt and uncle who want to keep her–and her inheritance–stiflingly close. If they have their way, she will return from her holiday engaged to her uncle’s new business partner.

Little do any of them know Al Capone has rented the fourth floor of the Arlington, and one of his men has taken a liking to Bethany. All that stands between the innocent young woman and the hardened gangster is Detective Paul Tollick.

Instantly drawn to Bethany’s enchanting beauty, Paul will do whatever it takes to keep her safe. Between deadly criminals and oppressive family ties, can he help her claim the freedom to follow her heart?


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Trapping the Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series Book 1) by Debra Parmley

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Trapping the Butterfly (Butterflies Fly Free Series Book 1) by Debra Parmley

Author Debra Parmley believes “Every day we are alive is a beautiful day,” and she likes to give her readers and her story people a story that ends happily.

An Air Force veteran’s wife, Debra is most known for writing military romantic suspense. She also writes contemporary romance, holiday romance, fairytale romance, 1920s romance, and gritty western historical romance.

Her first romance, A Desperate Journey, a gritty western historical, was published in 2008 in eBook and 2009 in print after being selected as one of ten novels to compete in the American Title II contest put on by Dorchester Publishing and Romantic Times Book Lovers magazine. One year later, her agent sold the book to a small traditional press that offered a small advance, and she went on to write for five small presses.

Debra is an adventurous writer who lives in a motorhome full-time with her husband as they travel the U.S. She has sold travel, walked the plank of a pirate ship off the coast of Grand Cayman, swum with dolphins in Moorea in French Polynesia, escorted a bus full of people through Scotland, and set foot in 13 countries.

She married her high school sweetheart, whom she asked out after a five-dollar bet. After living in five states with her husband and two sons, and living for 23 years just outside Memphis, TN, she and her husband sold everything in Memphis and moved into a 43-foot motorhome, a 2010 Tiffin Allegro diesel bus, where they live full-time. Debra writes and travels the U.S. You can see many of her travels on her Beautiful Day Traveler blog.

Her romances are published as Debra Parmley and her other work, fairytales for all ages, fantasy, and children’s books, she writes as Debra Bishop.


Author Interview with Debra Parmley



Fiddle and Fire (Hearts of Gold Book 2) by Ariella Talix – Review by Micalah Weatherholtz

Fiddle and Fire: A Steamy Historical MMF Romance (Hearts of Gold Book 2)Fiddle and Fire: A Steamy Historical MMF Romance by Ariella Talix
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Fiddle and Fire was a well written, M/M/F romance that I enjoyed reading. A young woman fresh from an arranged marriage where the guy was lackluster, cruel, and ended up disappearing on their wedding night, needed a change. She convinced her father to allow her to travel with her brother to San Francisco where everything was fantastic, friendships, and relationships were formed, until the past came calling. I have to say preference wise I preferred Issac but both men were attentive and amazing to the main character, and their friends/wife were loving, and knowledgeable. As a musician in my younger days I also really enjoyed the musical element that Fiddle and Fire contained. The story was incredibly steamy and had quite a few graphic scenes and is definitely meant for adults.

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Notebook Mysteries ~ Suspicions (Notebook Mysteries Book 5) by Kimberly Mullins – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Notebook Mysteries ~ Suspicions (Notebook Mysteries book #5)Notebook Mysteries ~ Suspicions by Kimberly Mullins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Suspicions is the fifth book in the Notebook Mysteries Series. Set in 1880’s Chicago, this book follows Emma as she continues honing her sleuthing skills and solving mysteries everywhere she goes. This story starts off with a bang as Emma is hit from behind by an unknown assailant who starts stabbing at her with knitting needles. Not faltering for a moment, she is able to take the woman down and grill her for information to aid her in solving her latest case. The woman who attacked her is the head of a nefarious crime ring and Emma interrogates her seeking leads to solve a child kidnapping ring.

As Emma, Jeremy, and friends follow leads to solve the child kidnapping ring and rescue the abducted children they begin to realize it is part of something bigger. As they work to save the children smaller cases pop up everywhere and they realize that it is all part of a larger crime organization. The cases keep leading them to someone from Emma’s past who is behind bars, but Emma cannot figure out his involvement. Somehow from behind the prison walls he is able to pull Emma’s puppet strings and keep her guessing.

This was yet another great book by this amazing author. Although this could be read as a standalone, I recommend reading the other books in the series first. They will help to provide background information on the characters and provide details that will add to the fifth book. The characters, the plot, the storyline, and the settings are brilliantly described and immerse you fully into the story.

This story, as the others, grabs your interest from the first pages and does not let go. I was on an emotional rollercoaster ride along with Emma as she fought to save the children from the clutches of the organized crime organization. I felt tears of both sadness and joy as Emma and Jeremy swooped in to rescue the abducted children. The characters are ones that I immediately felt a connection with from the first book. Especially the character of Emma, who is easily relatable with admirable qualities. She is feisty, brave, pigheaded, determined, courageous, and wise beyond her years. A great read full of mystery, danger, heart pounding suspense, and nail-biting action.

View all my reviews@tarab

With Fire and Sword (Thunder On The Moor Book 4) by Andrea Matthews – Review by Jennifer Ramos

With Fire and Sword (Thunder on the Moor, #4)With Fire and Sword by Andrea Matthews
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Before discussing the fourth book, readers make sure you read the books in order. Was a bit confused out of the loop from not having the third book and helps explain parts of the fourth book. This time, Will and Maggie are adjusting to life in the 20th century when they receive a message from Dylan warning them to return to the past or risk changing the outcome of history. The novel takes into the twists and turns of time travel and its consequences. This is such a timeless (no pun intended) topic of time travel, will its effects alter past, present or future, and how to take advantage of traveling without major consequences.

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Ride with the Moonlight (Thunder On The Moor Book 2) by Andrea Matthews – Review by Jennifer Ramos

Ride with the Moonlight (Thunder On The Moor, #2)Ride with the Moonlight by Andrea Matthews
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Book two focuses on the struggles Will and Maggie face and how the circumstances drift them apart. Will is charged for treason and as he and Maggie try escaping but unfortunately are caught. Will is sentenced to death while Maggie is brought back to her family. The story takes readers into twists and turns to see how they will come together again and rescue Will from this fateful death. Readers, please make sure to read the first book in series. It will make the experience of the second novel better to understand and more enjoyable!

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Thunder on the Moor (Thunder On The Moor Book 1) by Andrea Matthews – Review by Jennifer Ramos

Thunder On The Moor (Thunder On The Moor, #1)Thunder On The Moor by Andrea Matthews
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I fell in love with the setting and characters of this novel right away. Matthews definitely has a way of transporting her readers into 16th century Scotland taking us to the story of Maggie. I was honestly also very eager to read this series after reading that it is a time travel fantasy novel filled with romance, family, murder, suspense and so much more. Especially the popularity of the Outlander series, this book will also be the favorite of many other readers out there! Cannot wait to read the next one in this series!

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With Fire and Sword (Thunder On The Moor Book 4) by Andrea Matthews – Review by Shannen Kern

With Fire and Sword (Thunder on the Moor, #4)With Fire and Sword by Andrea Matthews
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This series was the first I had picked up by author Andrea Matthews, and I fell in love with it. I’m a sucker for time traveling and historical romance, so this was just the perfect pick for me. This was a thrilling adventure as Will and Maggie thought they could finally settle down in the twentieth century only to find that they have to go back to save their current timelines. I won’t give away any spoilers, but I was sure gripping the edge of my seat until the very end! How can Will and Maggie return to the past to help mend the rip in the fabric of time when they no longer have the stone? Will history be forever altered by their inability to jump back, or will they risk their lives trying to fix it all? I love the way the author created this world and these characters with such depth that it all feels so relatable. I highly recommend picking up this entire series if you enjoy historical romances and time travel!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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With Fire and Sword (Thunder On The Moor Book 4) by Andrea Matthews – Review by Kerry Baker

With Fire and Sword (Thunder on the Moor, #4)With Fire and Sword by Andrea Matthews
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a brilliant series and this book is a great addition to it. I really enjoy reading about these characters and the fantastic journey they have been on. Each time I pick up a new book I can’t decide where I think they might end up or which way the story might go. I simply let myself be taken on the ride.
This book I think has to be my favourite so far. The author has done such an amazing job at developing both the story and the characters. The book is well written and thoroughly enjoyable. I would definitely recommend this book and series.

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With Fire and Sword (Thunder On The Moor Book 4) by Andrea Matthews – Review by Devon Pulliam

With Fire and Sword (Thunder on the Moor, #4)With Fire and Sword by Andrea Matthews
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is book 4 in this series and now I’m off to read the first 3! I love time travel books and this one kept me locked in. It did take me a few chapters to catch on to who is who and all the connections since I have not read the previous 3 books in the series. Also the language in which it is written slightly threw me off at first but after chapter 2 I had it down. I think this would also be a great audio book to listen to.

Will and Maggie go to the future and have to come back to help Dylan. The question is can they get back? Can they help in the past to keep both worlds from colliding? Can they make it to where the past and future are as it should be?

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With Fire and Sword (Thunder On The Moor Book 4) by Andrea Matthews – Review byMaikalani Alexander

With Fire and Sword (Thunder on the Moor, #4)With Fire and Sword by Andrea Matthews
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow I was blown away by this series. I couldn’t put it down. I wouldn’t put it down.

Comparable to outlander with traveling back in time heroics and romance! But taking on an entire new thrill of its own. The characters fight to restore the balance and tear is the space of time continuum.

I was on the edge of my seat awaiting the ending and I was not disappointed.

The plot is well maintained and the world building ?! FASCINATING to say the very least. Do you enjoy mystery? Romance ? Historical mixed with present this is the book for you.

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Notebook Mysteries ~ Suspicions by Kimberly Mullins – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Notebook Mysteries ~ Suspicions (Notebook Mysteries book #5)Notebook Mysteries ~ Suspicions by Kimberly Mullins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It is January 1889 and Jeremy and Emma have just been working on a case which has hit them hard, but as they are trying to recover, they are hit with another which is equally harrowing, so they have to use their combined skills and hope that it is enough to keep them together through the hardship of the investigation, but they have the Pinkerton detectives helping out. As they delve deeper into the investigation and uncover the horrors within it, the dynamic duo are split apart being needed in two different teams and while Jeremy is working one case, Emma finds herself called upon by a trio of families whom she has helped in the past.

In a rapid change of travel plans, Emma reaches out to reassure her family what is happening so that they can keep in contact and not worry like they always do when she is out on her own and so, Emma heads out to familiar ground where she aids three families with a problematic history with one man at its centre. With time constraints and the need to maintain secrecy, Emma works together with the families to solve their predicament and stay safe all at the same time.

When these cases are finally concluding, the family are all reunited under one roof and more than happy to be there where they can catch up on the latest news on the cases in relative safety and comfort and with what has been happening, Jeremy and Emma need this all the more. However, the familial bliss is unexpectedly breached as someone tries their darndest to become its latest member, but will they be able to come between this tight knit group and why do these cases all seem to point to something, or someone from Emma’s past? This is another fast paced mystery where nothing is as it seems and danger lies around every corner, as suspicions rain and the phrase crawling out of the woodwork is bandied around like candy as bonds are tested and relationships stretched to breaking point throughout this addictive read.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Notebook Mysteries ~ Suspicions (Notebook Mysteries Book 5) by Kimberly Mullins – Review by Torey Foster

Notebook Mysteries ~ Suspicions (Notebook Mysteries book #5)Notebook Mysteries ~ Suspicions by Kimberly Mullins
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Notebook Mysteries – Suspicions is the 5th book in the series, but it is the first that I read. It is a historical fiction story with a very strong female lead in Emma, a brave and confident woman who works to solve different cases with help from her friends and family.
This book is action packed with multiple cases happening at once, and it keeps you on your toes. It brings all of the emotions as you join Emma where the past meets the present and she works to solve crimes and save several kidnapped children.
I had no problem following the story, even though I did not read the previous ones, however, I enjoyed it enough to make me want to go back and read all of them right away. I definitely would recommend this series to anyone who enjoys a good mystery/sleuth story.

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Notebook Mysteries ~ Suspicions (Notebook Mysteries Book 5) by Kimberly Mullins – Review by Rebeca Elliott

Notebook Mysteries ~ Suspicions (Notebook Mysteries book #5)Notebook Mysteries ~ Suspicions by Kimberly Mullins
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I made the mistake of not reading the earlier books first as initially I didn’t realise this was the fifth book in the series. Although I wish I had read the previous books first, I was still able to enjoy this instalment on its own. The important information was provided so that I didn’t feel like the key elements were lost on me which was great for me.

Emma and Jeremy have a few mysteries to solve so there is never a dull moment as they work to piece everything together, keeping you invested in their investigations and how the cases are affecting them. There are several twists and turns to keep you on your toes and if you love a good mystery, from this book alone I would recommend this series.

The author appears to have done research into the time period and uses that knowledge to paint a vivid picture of the scenes, bringing the setting and characters to life.
Emma is a strong character, her bravery and determination to solve cases despite the danger to help those in need is admirable. I think if I go back and read from book one I’ll get a deeper understanding of her development and liking her even more.

I look forward to going back and reading from book one!

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Notebook Mysteries ~ Suspicions (Notebook Mysteries Book 5) by Kimberly Mullins – Review by Faith Jackson

Notebook Mysteries ~ Suspicions (Notebook Mysteries book #5)Notebook Mysteries ~ Suspicions by Kimberly Mullins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Traveling back in time and jet setting from different cities set the tone for this read. The twists and turns it goes through from the investigation itself to the impact it has on the characters, I was drawn in. This book is a must read and keeps you on your toes.

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Notebook Mysteries ~ Suspicions (Notebook Mysteries Book 5) by Kimberly Mullins – Review by Alison Risher

Notebook Mysteries ~ Suspicions (Notebook Mysteries book #5)Notebook Mysteries ~ Suspicions by Kimberly Mullins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The author really knocks it home with this one! Two previous storylines wrap up in this book. I really like how a former plot that was only so-so resolved, became well and truly resolved. Characters that have previously been on the bench, so to speak, get brought up to bat in this story. The author gives nods to history, with a famous detective agency, as well as bicycles, and the still-new automobiles. This book features a strong female protagonist, and loving family/chosen family bonds.

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With Fire and Sword (Thunder On The Moor Book 4) by Andrea Matthews – Review by Ashley Hasting

With Fire and Sword (Thunder on the Moor, #4)With Fire and Sword by Andrea Matthews
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the fourth installment of the series. Please make sure to read all of the books beforehand, as I missed a book, and got lost for a second and had to go back. It worked for a good catchup though, because it made this book so much better! Will and Maggie are trying to adjust in the future after escaping their death. When they find a past item from Dylan asking for help, they know it can’t be good. They must help fox the rent in time. The only problem is they don’t have a way back yet. They then go into their adventure to make it happen. Dylan also has his own problem in the past. It’s a great story that I had to keep reading to finish!

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With Fire and Sword (Thunder On The Moor Book 4) by Andrea Matthews – Review by Jennifer Gordon

With Fire and Sword (Thunder on the Moor, #4)With Fire and Sword by Andrea Matthews
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Having read and thoroughly enjoyed the previous books in this historical time travelling romance series, I was looking forward to this novel and I was not disappointed. I recommend reading the books in order as the storyline continues throughout the series. I was excited to be back with Will and Maggie who are now in the twentieth century and with Dylan who is in the sixteenth century. Dylan gets a message to Will and Maggie asking them to return to the past, in order to mend a rent in the fabric of time, however the couple are at risk of altering events in both centuries if they can not return. Unfortunately they no longer have any stone left in the amulet, and so Dylan is left in the past realising that the threads of time have somehow snapped and torn the very fabric itself.

He knows that getting Will and Maggie back could be the only way to mend it, but hates to ask them to put their lives at risk once again and travel back in time. Meanwhile, another time traveller Richie Carnaby has selective amnesia, as there are many parts of his sixteenth century life that he can’t remember, and Will and Maggie wonder if this is connected. The couple try to find a way of returning to the past to repair the tattered fabric, knowing that if they don’t the threads of time will continue to unravel, altering history. As usual this is a fast paced story with a gripping and engaging plot which had me hooked from start to finish. The descriptive narrative along with the added historical details made me feel as though I had been transported back in time, along with the characters. A real page turner which I recommend.

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