
Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1) by Laura A. Barnes – Review by Lisa Brydalski

Whom Shall I Kiss... An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1)Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? by Laura A. Barnes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Whom Shall I Kiss…An Earl, A Marquess, or a Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels Book 1) by author Laura A. Barnes tells the story of Sidney Hartridge, a bluestocking, living in Regency London, after watching her acquaintances get ruined by scoundrels Sidney decides to run a little experiment herself to see whom she can expose to the Ton as a scoundrel. As we all know, in the fictional world, nothing ever goes as planned. She doesn’t count on one of her targets being the man of her dreams.
This was a cute premise for a story, unfortunately the author lost my attention a time or two and while I liked the heroine she was at times, annoying. I enjoyed her best friend Sophia the most and I really want a Sophia of my own. This was an interesting story and I am looking forward to reading Sophia’s book to see who she ends up with.

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Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1) by Laura A. Barnes – Review by Katie Kearney

Whom Shall I Kiss... An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1)Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? by Laura A. Barnes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels Book 1) By Laura A. Barnes. I didn’t immediately sink into this story but once I did I was hooked. The characters are great and the storyline was really fun to read. At times I was a bit confused but it didn’t lessen my enjoyment of this story. The characters are complex and relatable. This isn’t normally my favorite genre but this author has brought me some enjoyment of of it more than once. I’m excited to see more from this series hopefully because it’s got a lot of promise. I’m giving this story a four star review and recommend you give it a try.

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Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1) by Laura A. Barnes – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

Whom Shall I Kiss... An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1)Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? by Laura A. Barnes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Star
Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1) by Laura A. Barnes

Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1) by Laura A. Barnes is well written Historical Romance. I found myself lost in the pages and unable to put it down once I started reading. I’m a huge fan of not only this Author but Historical Romance and was very excited to see she had a new series. Sidney doesn’t always go by the rules .She wants to prove a theory about the antics of men.What will happen when she finds herself have an attraction towards one of the guys in her project. Noah finds himself attracted to Sydney but he’s known as a Scoundrel. Will he win her heart? Find out what happens next in this must read Book. I can’t wait to read the next Book in this series.

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Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1) by Laura A. Barnes – Review by Tausha Treadway

Whom Shall I Kiss... An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1)Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? by Laura A. Barnes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1) by Laura A. Barnes . This is the story of Lady Sidney Hartridge who is tired of all the scoundrels and their games. She devises her own game of sorts to see if she can prove a point. She lures three gentlemen to kiss her and see how they protect her honor. When her game leads her into hot water her father offers her hand to one of her victims. Enter Noah Wildeburg who started this season as any other with flirting as much as he possibly can with debutantes. He sees Lady Sidney being taken advantage of and he rushes to her rescue. Little does he know he’s going to end up having to marry her. Lady Sidney is smart, confidant and unaware of how beautiful she is. Her best friend Lady Sophia “Phee” Turlington tries her best to protect Sidney from herself and the crazy scoundrels after her. As Noah pursues Lady Sidney he finds her charming in mores ways than one. Will Noah win Sidney’s love or will it be just another scandal? Read Whom Shall I Kiss to find out!

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Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1) by Laura A. Barnes – Review by Angela Hayes

Whom Shall I Kiss... An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1)Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? by Laura A. Barnes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Whom Shall I Kiss…AN Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? Is the first book in Tricking the Scoundrels series by Laura A. Barnes. This is the start of a new series, and if this book is anything to go by, the series is set to be great. I have read all of Ms. Barnes books now, and I can honestly say this is one of my top two favourites of all her books. It is a superb historical/Regency Romance with some light-hearted drama, a little angst/push-pull, some humour, chemistry, and plenty of spice. As I have come to expect from Ms. Barnes, the story is well written, easy to read, and very engaging. I found myself invested in the character’s very early on in the story, and was cheering them on from the sidelines the whole way through. The characters were interesting and fully developed, with their own personalities, quirks and flaws- which made the story even more fun to read.
Lady Sidney Hartridge is a scholarly, scientifically minded, practical, determined, and progressive young woman -who is disgusted by the double standards of the times, and sets about to try and put a stop to them by conducting a ‘social experiment’, with herself as the guinea pig. To prove her theory, she targets three gentlemen and begins ‘researching’, with the goal to lure them into kissing her… and so the fun and games begin. But can she avoid a scandal? Will she be able to remain unbiased in her ‘research’? What happens when feeling become involved? All these answers and so much more can be found between the covers of this charming story.
I loved Sidney, not only was she very intelligent and beautiful- but she was also very liberal-minded, pushing the boundaries and the social norms of the times. I loved her friendship with her best friend Sophia (Phee)- they made a great team. I loved Noah, and quite liked Rory too- but the jury is still out when it comes to Alex… I am hoping the next book will allay my fears.
The only thing that I wasn’t a huge fan of in this book, was getting multiple POV’s in one chapter, sometimes two POV’s in one paragraph. But it didn’t detract from my enjoyment of the story, it’s just a personal preference of mine to have separate POV’s per chapter.
A wonderful start to the series and I am really looking forward to exploring the other instalments!

Thank you, Ms. Barnes!

Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1) by Laura A. Barnes – Review by Erin Wolf

Whom Shall I Kiss... An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1)Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? by Laura A. Barnes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I give Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels Book 1) by Laura A. Barnes, 4 stars.

Sidney is her father’s daughter, she would rather be doing research than attending the balls girls of her age and class normally do. She hates the double standard of the men of the ton getting away with things that would ruin a lady if she were to do the same. So she decides to put her research skills to the test. She decides to trade her practical clothing for something much more alluring and act like the giggly girl they expect. She wants to see if her theory is true. But she may have gotten in a little too deep. She has 3 men fighting for her, and things are moving much more quickly than she could have imagined. Will she be able to walk away with her data or will she disgrace herself and her family? Or will she find what she never expected — love?

I enjoyed this historical romance. It is fun to see a strong woman buck a society that was all male. Sidney and Sophia are great characters. I hope to see more of Sophia in future books. But the other secondary characters are great too and I hope we also see more of them. There is so much more to develop in the world. You never know just what Sidney will do next or how her suitors will react. We cannot forget the romantic part of this story too. The men all love at her differently, and she starts seeing things in a different light too.

If you are a fan of historical romance, this fun story is for you.

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Review by @erinwolf79

Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1) by Laura A. Barnes – Review by Katie Matthews

Whom Shall I Kiss... An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1)Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? by Laura A. Barnes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


This is one of my favourite books of 2019 so far! I absolutely LOVE historical romance reads, it is by far my favourite genre – I could read them all day every day and this one was just fantastic! I loved everything about this story, the plot, the characters the author beautiful descriptive language – everything just made this story come alive whilst I was reading it.
Sidney was a fantastic female lead, I love when authors write about strong, independent females in this time period – they are so much more exciting to read about. I loved Sidney’s approach to ‘dating’ she certainly had a plan and intended to stick to it!
I can’t wait to read more from this series – I have a feeling it’s going to bout a wonderful collection of characters in my favourite time period!


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Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1) by Laura A. Barnes – Review by Jenni Bishop

Whom Shall I Kiss... An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1)Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? by Laura A. Barnes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels Book 1) by Laura A. Barnes is a wonderful historical romance book. I loved the storyline and the characters and often found myself laughing out loud at some of the thoughts and antics of the characters. It is a story I found myself not wanting to put it down turning page after page. I enjoyed Laura’s writing and the plot was well thought out. The MC is quite charming and is very likable, and I found myself enjoying the trouble she found herself in. I also enjoyed the character of Noah he is swoon worthy scoundrel but a fun character.

Sidney is a young socialite who does not play by the rules. She has decided to do an experiment to prove her theory on the goings on of the men of the ton. But what happens when the wheels are turned. Will she lose her chance at love.

It is a heartwarming tale and one who should not be missed. I look forward to Phee’s story

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1) by Laura A. Barnes – Review by Emma Morreale

Whom Shall I Kiss... An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1)Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? by Laura A. Barnes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I loved the fact that Sidney has such an analytical mind and is putting it to use in order to expose the men who ruin reputations of women for fun. It was a bit difficult to suspend my disbelief that any of these men would actually face any repercussions at all but you never know, so I kept on reading. With a bit of a scientific mind myself, I honestly think I was more drawn to the parameters and different aspects of Sidney’s research than any other bits of the story. I kept wondering how she was going to make sure all of her information was going to be accurate if she was mostly going off memory. My first thought would be that Sophia would be helping take notes but she immediately struck me as to timid/ sensible to jeopardize her own future for this, and I would not blame her one bit. In comparison to a few other books I have read based around this time period and the life of the ton, Whom Shall I Kiss? is a lovely difference from other heroines who are concerned with family and finding a good match because it’s expected. While they each had their own nuances, I felt I could relate more to Sidney than others. Very excited for the next book.

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Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1) by Laura A. Barnes – Review by Kari Anne Horstman

Whom Shall I Kiss... An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1)Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? by Laura A. Barnes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Laura A Barnes ‘Whom shall I kiss?…an Earl, a Marquess, or a Duke?’ is the perfect read for a lazy summer day. It took a chapter or two to really get into the book, but once I was hooked, I couldn’t put it down. Barnes keeps your attention using multiple well developed character arcs and a quickly moving story. She is descriptive in her writing and you really feel as if you’re part of the story. I was sad when I finished reading and was left wanting the next installment. Well done. 4 stars

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Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1) by Laura A. Barnes – Review by Heather Lovelace

Whom Shall I Kiss... An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1)Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? by Laura A. Barnes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I’m a self professed lover of regency period fiction and looked forward to reading what sounded to be a clever premise. The book was good, the plot was enjoyable, and the main characters were as I expected them to be. Overall a good book and easy read.

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace
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Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1) by Laura A. Barnes – Review by Emily Walsh

Whom Shall I Kiss... An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1)Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke?
By: Laura A. Barnes
My Rating: 3 of 5 stars

Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels Book 1) by Laura A. Barnes was an okay read that has lots of potential.

As a fan of historical fiction in all forms of media, I was excited to get my hands on what looked like a light hearted, fun, spoof type read. It started fine, and I was drawn in pretty easy, but there was inconsistencies in speech, and there were some modern slang tossed in that pulled me out and made me go, wait what.. So with that said, some detail research would have helped with that slip up. Also our MC, as much as I liked her, had moments that fell flat and to me, felt like she missed the mark. There were some other things as well that another go at editing could fix. But I’m not going to dewll on that

Overall this book has an original fresh take on the era that it’s set it. I liked the idea, and in truth the plot was good, the characters interactions were good, fun, and the setting made you feel like a step back in time. Though I had some issues with it, I can see the gem under the roughness, and I have high hopes for the series to come. Like I have said, there was so much potential that this story is worth the read.

So pease take my recommendation and my approval, that you will find yourself caught in the mess that Sidney creates.

Happy Reading

-Review by @eawalsh

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Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1) by Laura A. Barnes – Review by Kerry Baker

Whom Shall I Kiss... An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1)Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? by Laura A. Barnes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or a Duke by Laura A. Barnes is the first book in the Tricking the Scoundrels series.
For me this genre is the one I tend to lose myself in the most. Because it is so easy to imagine what it would have been like back in this time I feel like I can really emerge myself in what is happening. I didn’t quite get the same feeling with this book. It felt a little like the author were trying too hard a few times and that took away from the characters and the story.
However the overall story was good and well thought through. You could clearly see what the author was going for. The characters were fun and engaging and it was easy to become invested in them. As the first book in the series it is always hard to get straight off the ground as there is so much more of the settings to create. I think this book is a good introduction to the series and I fully believe it is just going to get better and better as the series goes on.

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Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1) By Laura A. Barnes – Review by Laura Furuta

Whom Shall I Kiss... An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1)Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? by Laura A. Barnes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1)
By: Laura A. Barnes
5 out of 5 stars

The story Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1) by Laura A. Barnes is a wonderful historical romance book. I loved the storyline and the characters. The story pulls you in and I found myself not wanting to put it down until I had finished the last page. I loved reading about the character of Sidney Hartridge. Sidney is a young woman who doesn’t always go by the rules. She wants to prove a theory about the antics of men. What will happen when she begins to have a strong attraction and pull towards one of the men in her project? Read this book to find out. Sidney Hartridge’s character is one that is likable, and I found myself caring about her and wanting her to find happiness. I also enjoyed reading about Noah Wildeburg. He is a man that finds he has an attraction to Sidney. He is known as a scoundrel. Does he have a chance to win her heart? This is a book that has romantic scenes that are swoon-worthy. The author has written a wonderful story with unforgettable characters. I would highly recommend reading this book.

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Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1) by Laura A. Barnes

 ~  ~  ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~  ~  ~  ~

Whom Shall I Kiss… An Earl, A Marquess, or A Duke? (Tricking the Scoundrels #1) by Laura A. Barnes


#historicalromance #regencyromance #whomshallikiss

Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits

Genre – Historical Romance

Page Count – 204 pages

Cover Designer – Cheeky Covers

Goodreads –

Tired of watching her friends become ruined by the scoundrels of the ton, Sidney Hartridge devises an experiment to reveal their antics. Her plan is to lure three gentlemen to kiss her and see how they would protect her honor. When her research leads her into her own inappropriate scandal, her father agrees to a wedding offer from one of her subjects. As her fiancé blackmails her into a marriage she doesn’t desire, her research becomes exposed. Can Sidney avoid her own scandal with the one she most desires to kiss?

Noah Wildeburg started this season as any other by flirting with the sweet new debutantes. When he rescues a lady off the dance floor, he is unprepared for the emotions she stirs in his soul. As he pursues her, he realizes he must compete for her hand. As he charms her with tokens of affections and stolen kisses, he discovers she plays her own game. Will Noah win Sidney’s love or is she just another scandal to add to his list?


I am the author of The Romancing the Spies Series. When I am not writing, I am spending time with my family. I love reading books on lazy afternoons and late into the night. Anytime really. Married twenty-nine years to the love of my life, we have three wonderful children and two sweet grandbabies. Besides writing, I have always wanted to travel. In the last few years, we have gotten our passports stamped in England, Scotland, and Ireland. We are hoping to add Italy to the list soon. My debut novel is Rescued By the Captain.


Live July 9th & 10th Click HERE for Giveaway





A Wicked Earl’s Widow (Once Upon A Widow Book 2) by Aubrey Wynne

 ~  ~  ~  ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT ~  ~  ~  ~  ~
A Wicked Earl’s Widow (Once Upon A Widow Book 2) by Aubrey Wynne
#WEW#OUAW#Regency #AubreyWynne
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – Historical Romance, Sweet Regency
Page Count – 180 pages
Cover Designer – Imagination Uncovered, Taylor Sullivan
Publishing Company – Plato Publishing
Goodreads –…/43374865-the-wicked-earl-s-widow

Eliza is forced her into marriage with no idea her life will change for the better. Married less than a year, her unwilling rake of a husband is surprisingly kind to her—until his sudden death. The widowed Countess of Sunderland remains under her in-laws’ protection to raise her newborn daughter. But her abusive father is on the brink of financial ruin and has plans for another wedding.
Nathaniel, Viscount of Pendleton, gains his title at the age of 12. His kindly but shrewd estate manager becomes father and mentor, instilling in the boy an astute sense of responsibility and compassion for his tenants. Fifteen years later, his family urges him to visit London and seek a wife. The ideal doesn’t appeal to him, but his sense of duty tells him it is the next logical step.
Lord Pendleton stumbles upon Eliza on the road, defending an elderly woman against ruffians. After rescuing the exquisite damsel in distress, he finds himself smitten. But Nate soon realizes he must discover the dark secrets of her past to truly save the woman he loves.
A sweet Regency.


Bestselling and award-winning author Aubrey Wynne resides in the Midwest with her husband, dogs, horses, mule and barn cats. She is an elementary teacher by trade, champion of children and animals by conscience, and author by night. Obsessions include history, travel, trail riding and all things Christmas.

Her short stories, Merry Christmas, Henry and Pete’s Mighty Purty Privies have won Readers Choice Awards. Dante’s Gift and Paper Love received the 2016 Golden Quill, Aspen Gold, Heart of Excellence and the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence.

In addition to her Chicago Christmas novellas, Aubrey will launch a new Regency series, Once Upon a Widow, in 2018. The Wicked Earls’ Club will release again in 2019. Wynne’s medieval fantasy series, A Medieval Encounter, will continue in 2109, winner of the NTRWA Great Expectations.


Live March 22nd & 23rd Click HERE for Giveaway




An Improper Encounter (The Macalisters Book 3) by Erica Taylor

 ~  ~  ~  ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT ~  ~  ~  ~  ~
An Improper Encounter (The Macalisters Book 3) by Erica Taylor
#EricaTaylor #AnImproperEncounter #TheMacalisters #mustread
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – Historical Romance (Regency)
Page Count – 353 pages
Cover Designer – Stepheny Miller,
Publishing – Amberjack Publishing,
Goodreads –…/…/40828480-an-improper-encounter

Lady Sarah Hartford is beautiful, wealthy, widowed, and bored. After agreeing to a scandalous dare to seduce a stranger into her bedchamber, she meets the devilishly handsome doctor, William Gordon. Though both keep their true identities hidden, an intense romance blooms between them, and Sarah finally feels like she could be happy again.

Instead, William disappears from her life only to arrive three months later on her doorstep—married, a duke, and with a pregnant duchess in tow. The pair must try to untangle truth from lies while keeping their history a secret from everyone around them.


Erica Taylor is a mother of two and military wife married to her high school sweetheart. Raised in the mountains of Colorado, she holds a BA in History from the University of Colorado. Erica has been writing stories since she can remember, picked up her first romance novel while on a beach vacation as a teenager, and fell in love with falling in love, with sexy heroes and the feisty women who challenge their lives.


Live February 15th & 16th Click HERE for Giveaway




The Perfect Duchess (The Macalisters Book 2) by Erica Taylor

 ~  ~  ~  ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT ~  ~  ~  ~  ~
The Perfect Duchess (The Macalisters Book 2) by Erica Taylor
#EricaTaylor #TheMacalisters #HistoricalRomance #Regency
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – Historical Romance (Regency)
Page Count – 392 Pages
Cover Designer – Stepheny Miller,
Publisher – Amberjack Publishing,
Goodreads –…/s…/36013401-the-perfect-duchess…

Andrew Macalister, oft regarded as the Stone Duke of Bradstone, hates his annual birthday ball tradition. He dislikes facing those around him who only see him for his title and has given up on a chance to live a normal life. That is, until he spots Lady Clara Masson across the ballroom. Clara’s twin sister is the woman who infamously jilted Andrew at the altar five years ago, but little does Clara know, Andrew had been smitten with her since childhood, and he finds her presence a ray of sunshine in a dreary dukedom.

When Clara’s life is threatened by her evil brother, Johnathan, Andrew must do the only thing he can think of to save her: propose marriage. Between Clara’s trust issues and Andrew’s battle with societal norms, the two find romance under dangerous circumstances.


Erica Taylor is a mother of two and military wife married to her high school sweetheart. Raised in the mountains of Colorado, she holds a BA in History from the University of Colorado. Erica has been writing stories since she can remember, picked up her first romance novel while on a beach vacation as a teenager, and fell in love with falling in love, with sexy heroes and the feisty women who challenge their lives.


Live February 4th & 5th Click HERE for Giveaway





A Suitable Affair (The Macalisters #1) by Erica Taylor – Review By Emily Walsh

A Suitable Affair (The Macalisters, #1)A Suitable Affair
ByErica Taylor
My Rating: 4 of 5 stars

A Suitable Affair (The Macalisters #1) by Erica Taylor was an entertaining, enagain read, that kept me reading until the very end.

My first read from this author, I dove into this book head first not even looking at the reviews, because with that beautiful cover and steller synopsis, there was no need to look any further, well for me anyways. It was a prize gamble because this book drew me in from that first page, that first meeting, and it kept my attention right until the last word was read.

Detail with beautiful writing and rich multi layer characters, this historical fiction has a little bit of everything. You can tell care and research went into making this read as authentic as possible, especially in regards to social etiquette for that time. I fell right away for our lead MC Susanna. She was definitely a head of her time, while trying to follow the strict social rules and expectations for women of that era. I loved her snarky remarks, and how she managed to be witty and sarcastic, while keeping within those norms. I got a little North and South feel, and that connection just made this story all the more enjoyable.

The only thing that got me down, was Westcott, and how though he wanted to be with her, properly court her and marry, he pushed Susanna into trying to break some of those genteel lady rules, that could have severely tarnished her reputation. As nice and sweet as the guy was, (don’t get me wrong I love him as the lead male MC), I felt like he was a little removed from what social norms were. But at the same time, I do get again how that came about, as he does mention that he never really got into the courts, because he left London pretty much as soon as he was able. I believe that the amount of pushing, was for me, longer than necessary.

Overall this book has mystery, romance, witty engaging dialogue, and a multi layer plot, that will keep you on your toes. So please take my super high recommendation and my stamp of approval that you will fall for this seamly at odds pair, and have you before you know it, rooting for them.

Happy Reading

-Review by @eawalsh

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A Suitable Affair (The Macalisters Book 1) by Erica Taylor

 ~  ~  ~  ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT ~  ~  ~  ~
A Suitable Affair (The Macalisters Book 1) by Erica Taylor
#Historical #Romance #TheMacalisters #ASuitableAffair
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – Historical Romance (Regency)
Page Count – 332 pages
Cover designer – Stepheny Miller,
Publisher – Amberjack Publishing,
Goodreads –…/show/32928056-a-suitable-affair

Despite being beautiful and wealthy, Lady Susanna Macalister’s marriage prospects are rather lacking. To avoid a life of spinsterhood, she decides a loveless marriage to the dull and unromantic Lord Riverton is better than none at all. But still, Susanna longs for true, passionate love, the kind she grew up hearing stories about.

Enjoying a quiet walk with her insipid suitor one afternoon, Susanna is nearly trampled by the handsome Earl of Westcott as he rides through Hyde Park. Driven by his own guilt and despair, the earl embraces this chance encounter as an opportunity for vengeance, for Lord Riverton is the very man whom Wescott suspects is responsible for the untimely death of his beloved sister. But is his mission of separating Susanna from Lord Riverton simply a desire to save another unsuspecting lady from his sister’s fate, or something deeper?

As Susanna helps Lord Westcott investigate her future fiance, she realizes she might have found what she was looking for all along. Can the pair keep their budding romance a secret from everyone around them until the investigation is over? Or will the unsuspecting Lord Riverton win Susanna’s hand in marriage before the truth comes out?


Erica Taylor is a mother of two and military wife married to her high school sweetheart. Raised in the mountains of Colorado, she holds a BA in History from the University of Colorado. Erica has been writing stories since she can remember, picked up her first romance novel while on a beach vacation as a teenager, and fell in love with falling in love, with sexy heroes and the feisty women who challenge their lives


Live January 22nd & 23rd Click HERE for Giveaway




Rhapsody and Rebellion: (Once Upon a Widow) (Enduring Legacy Book 7) by Aubrey Wynne

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Rhapsody and Rebellion: (Once Upon a Widow) (Enduring Legacy Book 7) by Aubrey Wynne
#RhapsodyandRebellion #OnceUponaWidow #AubreyWynne
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – Historical romance/Regency/sweet
Page Count – 189 Pages
Cover – Victoria Miller

A Scottish legacy… A political rebellion… Two hearts destined to meet…
Raised in his father’s image, the Earl of Stanfeld is practical and disciplined. There are no gray lines interrupting the Gideon’s black and white world. Until his mother has a dream and begs to return to her Highland home.

Alisabeth was betrothed from the cradle. At seventeen, she marries her best friend and finds happiness if not passion. In less than a year, a political rebellion makes her a widow. The handsome English earl arrives a month later and rouses her desire and a terrible guilt.

Crossing the border into Scotland, Gideon finds his predictable world turned upside down. Folklore, legend, and political unrest intertwine with an unexpected attraction to a feisty Highland beauty. When the earl learns of an English plot to stir the Scots into rebellion, he must choose his country or save the clan and the woman who stirs his soul.


Bestselling and award-winning author Aubrey Wynne resides in the Midwest with her husband, dogs, horses, mule and barn cats. She is an elementary teacher by trade, champion of children and animals by conscience, and author by night. Obsessions include history, travel, trailriding and all things Christmas.

Her short stories, Merry Christmas, Henry and Pete’s Mighty Purty Privies have won

Readers Choice Awards. Dante’s Gift and Paper Love received the 2016 Golden Quill, AspenGold, Heart of Excellence and the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence.

In addition to her Chicago Christmas novellas, Aubrey will release two more Regency

romances in 2018. The Wicked Earls’ Club will release again in 2019. Wynne’s medieval

fantasy series launched in 2017 with Rolf’s Quest, winner of the NTRWA Great Expectations.




A Taste of Shine by Addison Cain


Title: A Taste of Shine
Series: A Trick of the Light #1
Author: Addison Cain
Publisher: Blushing Books
Genre: Historical Romance
Release Date: November 12, 2018


Chicago’s reigning kingpin wants Charlotte back under his
wing. His right-hand-man wants her in his bed. But small-town moonshiner,
Matthew Emerson, just wants her right where she is—safe in his arms and hidden away from her sordid past.
Trouble is, Charlotte’s not that kind of girl. The spitfire
has her own reckoning to bring, and the last thing she wants is someone
thinking she’s worth protecting.


Purchase Links


Free in Kindle Unlimited

Author Bio
USA Today
Bestselling author and Amazon Top 25 bestselling author, Addison Cain is best
known for her dark romances, smoldering Omegaverse, and twisted alien worlds.
Her antiheroes are not always redeemable, her lead females stand fierce, and
nothing is ever as it seems.
Deep and
sometimes heart wrenching, her books are not for the faint of heart. But they
are just right for those who enjoy unapologetic bad boys, aggressive alphas,
and a hint of violence in a kiss.
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