
Soliloquy by Janet Fogg – Review by Jennifer Gordon

SoliloquySoliloquy by Janet Fogg
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

An enjoyable and engaging historical romance with a time travelling twist, which makes this an unforgettable and original story. The blurb says that it is a tale of heroes, passion, hope and the “consequences of creating extraordinary music amidst the dark nights of war”, and the story does not disappoint! Concert pianist and composer Erin Meyer is swept back in time to Nazi-held France, where she protects the members of the Resistance by ghost-writing music for a very influential German officer. Erin rescues a British pilot, Arick and helps him evade capture, but impossibly she recognises him from her own life and time. Not only is Erin and Arick’s attraction dangerous for them both, but the German officer holding the key to Erin’s return demands more than she is willing to give. She soon finds herself caught up in betrayal and death, performing for her life, as time runs out.

The unique storyline had me hooked from start to finish, and the twists and turns in the plot kept me gripped. I literally could not put this book down, and I felt completely immersed in the story and engaged with the characters. The detailed and descriptive narrative brought both the setting and characters vividly to life. The added historical details made it feel as though I had been transported back in time, and the author has obviously done her research. The characters are so well defined and the chemistry between Erin and Arick really comes across in the story. A definite five star novel, and I am thrilled to have discovered a new author, for me.

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Soliloquy by Janet Fogg – Review by Kerry Carr

SoliloquySoliloquy by Janet Fogg
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a beautifully written historical romance. The author does an amazing job of making the historical elements of the story come alive. The romance is so beautiful and so intense that as a reader you feel every single emotion and you really understand the danger and how hard things were at that time this story was set.
I love the time travel element too. How our lead character gets transported back in time but love and music still grows and blossoms no matter the time period.

Erin is gifted a box with figures off her grandmother. She doesn’t know what it means until 1 breaks and she finds herself transported in Time to France when it is being invaded my Germany.
Now Erin’s life is in danger and she needs to use her gift of music to save herself and help other people escape. When a British pilot turns up she risks her own life to save him which proves their love has transcended through time and space.
It’s a heartwarming, captivating read which will keep you turning pages until the end. You won’t be able to put this book down.

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Soliloquy by Janet Fogg – Review by Diane Sennett

SoliloquySoliloquy by Janet Fogg
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Captivating- is the first word that comes to mind when I first began this book. Janet Fogg has beautifully told the love story of Erin and Arick. Erin, a concert pianist and composer yearns to be with her love, Arick, a British pilot; while living in fear of Arick being discovered as they are in Occupied France during World War II.
The pages come alive and I felt as if I had travelled through time to witness their love story first hand. With each turn of the page, I wanted to know more, and when I finished, I yearned for more. I would give this book 10 stars and would definitely recommend this book!

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Soliloquy by Janet Fogg – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

SoliloquySoliloquy by Janet Fogg
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When Erin is given a box of figurines gifted to her by her late grandmother she is transported back in time to Nazi-held France. Erin incredibly enough finds herself living the life of a pre-deceased ancestor whom she was named after. She helps to protect members of the Resistance by performing and composing music for an influential German Officer. When Erin rescues a downed British pilot, she puts her life farther in danger by protecting him and evading his capture. She finds herself attracted to the pilot Arick and cannot understand why she recalls him from a former life. However, this attraction could become deadly as they are both running out of time to save their lives.

This was a beautifully crafted masterpiece that transports the reader back in time. The main character Erin is strong, courageous and an extraordinarily talented pianist and composer. She must be brave and do as the German officer wants to save her friends, herself, and Arick from being put to death. The scenes were rich and vivid allowing the reader to feel as though they are there experiencing the moments the characters are as the story unfolds. You can hear the music as Erin plays the piano. You can see the Gypsy girl swirling around and smell the smoke in the air. You can feel the sense of impending danger and cannot help but continue to read and see how the story ends. This book is a beautiful story of love that transcends both time and place. I highly recommend!

View all my reviews@tarab

Soliloquy by Janet Fogg – Review by Alison Risher

SoliloquySoliloquy by Janet Fogg
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What an amazing story! Swept into the musician’s emotions, I vividly recalled how I felt when playing my flute with an orchestra. I think that time travel is my favorite genre of books to read. World War Two is my favorite historical setting for books. I was in hog heaven! I couldn’t put this book down, and read the entirety in one sitting. Clear your calendar- once you start reading this tale, you, too, will be unable to do anything else until you are finished reading it.

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Soliloquy by Janet Fogg – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

SoliloquySoliloquy by Janet Fogg
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I haven’t read many books that have been based in historical times. I normally stick to supernatural, mystery, romance, and children’s (mom of two) books. But I am glad that I gave this one a chance! Erin has a passion for music. She’s a concert pianist and composer, but now she’s been slammed back in time to when Nazi held France! WWII is not where she thought she’d be at this point in her life!! She’s so confused with memories that aren’t hers and of course war time! She must keep up the ruse that she belongs there, while she figures out what the heck happened. And how to get back!! She slowly learns that she’s performing for not only her life, but the lives off all those who live with her. No pressure there!! She’s protecting them by writing music for a nasty German officer. She sees the consequences of creating wonderful music during war time when the German officer asks for more and more. She can’t keep up her lies for long. As Erin tries to hide a British pilot named Arick and help him evade capture and certain death, she can’t help the feeling that she knows this man from another life. And her future life! It’s like her soul knows his. As confusing as it is, she comes to grips with never seeing him again and sending him off with the resistance, but she is betrayed and they are caught. She’s caught in WWII writing music to stay alive, but the darkness’s of war are closing in on her to quick! Time is running out and she still doesn’t know how to get back to her own time!! The German officer is deadly. He also holds all power. He can send them off to a work camp or just kill them outright for anything he wants. As an enemy pilot, Arick can be shot and killed in an instant without another glance. Will she save Arick? Will Erin protect the members of the house? Will they find out she doesn’t belong? Or will they think that she’s gone crazy?! She has to figure out what to do quick, before it’s to late! You have to give this one a chance! You won’t be disappointed. If you love the jumping through time and the suspense of the story unfolding you will love this one. I couldn’t put it down. I can’t wait to read other books like this one now!! Thanks for a great read!

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Reviewed by @jaimie0459

After She Became a Lady by Wareeze Woodson – Review By Kerry Baker

After She Became a LadyAfter She Became a Lady by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is yet another great historical romance from an author I have just recently become familiar with. As with her other books it is well written, interesting and a perfect fit for the era it is being written in. I was caught up in the story right from the start and this lasted the whole way through.
This author has a skill for creating strong characters and I thought that was evident with this book. I was engaged with the characters and really wanted to see how they would work things out. This was a great story overall that I thoroughly enjoyed.

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Soliloquy by Janet Fogg – Review by Kerry Baker

SoliloquySoliloquy by Janet Fogg
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When I started this book I expected a typical historical romance story. What I actually got was something much more complex. I loved how intricate and vivid it seemed to be. I really got caught up in Erin and the journey she goes through. I felt the connection between her and Arick.
This is a new author to me and I really enjoyed her style of writing. There was so much more to this book than I expected. I thought the author did a great job of portraying the era and everything that comes with it. I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

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Soliloquy by Janet Fogg – Review by Tanya Wall November 2022

SoliloquySoliloquy by Janet Fogg
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

WWII is my favorite genre to read. This is a love story about a pianist who is gifted some figurines. When one breaks, Erin finds herself transported back in time to occupied France. While there, she attempts to save herself and others from a German Officer. Erin also meets a British pilot who she feels a connection to – we learn of their bravery and willingness to stand up for what is right. I enjoyed the characters and setting of this story. Time travel is “meh” to me, but it did add something to the story.

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Soliloquy by Janet Fogg – Review by Lorrene Huisman

SoliloquySoliloquy by Janet Fogg
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was written so perfectly, could not have asked for more. With the aspect of WWII, you truly felt the emotions of the characters and what was going on. In truth, the book also had a lot of beauty!

I found the characters in this time travel story very captivating The love that was felt was very real to me and undeniable. The emotions were real, I felt I was time traveled myself to where the story is time traveled. This book showed me that in our darkest moments, we can find light. The main character who is the one time traveled, from a gift received from a decreased relative, learns. Admired Erin greatly. The interactions with her and the pilot, were beautiful and yet haunting. If you lived thru what Erin did, and learned and experienced what she did, would you give it all up to return to your life? It was a powerful read, and I could not put it down at all. When I reached the end, I must say I was unprepared. I really am hoping for a follow up book by this wonderful author! This book is an intense gem! Absolutely loved with all my soul!

I cannot say enough good things about this book or author. Definitely one of the best books I’ve read this year. Not kidding either! Highly recommend this must read book, as well as the author! Amazing read!

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Soliloquy by Janet Fogg – Review by Julie Johnson

SoliloquySoliloquy by Janet Fogg
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This beautiful novel reads like a well-mastered symphony. I was intrigued by the first page and could hardly put this one down!

Erin’s aunt recently passed and she and her sister have inherited her wealthy estate. One day, a young man comes to Erin to deliver a box. Erin thinking that she’s already received everything is very perplexed….even more so when she opens the box to find very beautiful dolls inside. What could her aunt have possibly meant by leaving these dolls behind? There is a note and Erin is still rather confounded by these dolls but soon, she’ll be on an adventure that could change her life.

When one of the dolls falls and smashes to smithereens, Erin finds herself in another place and time. A place of danger, toil, confusion, love, and forgiveness. Erin’s a prisoner but only so her friends can survive. She’s willing to try to meet the demands of the Oberst but not willing to give up her beloved Soliloquy…or is she? Can Erin find her way back home where she belongs? What about those she might leave behind?

Arick is a pilot who’s shot down that Erin and her friends come across. Do they take the chance to harbor him, knowing that if they’re found out, they’ll all be gone or do they send him on his way, injured and possibly without hope? What can Arick do to help this family, if anything? What about the fact that Erin feels like he should know her? So many beautiful angles here!

This is a new-to-me author and I’m hoping for a sequel to this book. I believe a door may have been left open for another story! The things that Erin experiences in this story are pretty realistic during that time frame of WWII. I enjoy reading these period pieces and this one has a time travel aspect to it as well.

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Soliloquy by Janet Fogg – Review by Savanah Schwarz

Soliloquy is a story about love and how it lives through the most difficult of times and the most wartorn. This is the first book that I have read by this author. I was nervous, as it was a period piece if I would enjoy it because I do not typically read this genre, so I really wasn’t sure if I would want to finish it. I did finish it, it turns out. But the story and plot and character dynamics intrigued me enough to continue to the end.
Erin who is a professional piano player, finds herself thrown into the past in the time of WWII and into Nazi-occupied France. There she is drawn into helping the resistance against the Nazis, as well as helping a British pilot who ironically has a tie to her time in the future. With the ever-present danger and the pressure of time running out, the high stakes and romance cause for the seat of your pants, nailbiting reading. there are complex dramatic climaxes and peaks in the story but this is a story that leads to a constant thrilling intriguing, seat-of-your-pants page-turner. I would recommend this to any historical fiction reader and anyone looking for thrill and romance. Definitely looking forward to more from this author.

Soliloquy by Janet Fogg – Review by Lucy Machard

SoliloquySoliloquy by Janet Fogg
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book kinda started slow for me. I pulled it out at work during a slow period, and at first I couldn’t really get into it. And then it sucked me in! So if you find yourselves in the review section for this book cause you’re second guessing, I’m telling you- keep going. This book sucked me in so hard and fast! It’s the perfect book to read in the evening with a cup of tea or cocoa. The ending absolutely killed me! It’s got that perfect mix of romance and adventure, I loved it so much!

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After She Became a Lady by Wareeze Woodson – Review By Netania Lim

After She Became a LadyAfter She Became a Lady by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I enjoy historical romance and I do prefer stories that follow after a couple has fallen in love. I particularly liked the Rebecca-style mystery, although the reveal fell kind of flat. Also, the ending wasn’t as punchy and climatic as I would have liked and there were more than a few loose threads and missing scenes. I also felt like the characters could have had more depth and while there was attention to detail, some did become a little repetitive. I enjoyed the storytelling and Laurel as a character

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Soliloquy by Janet Fogg – Review by Jenni Bishop

SoliloquySoliloquy by Janet Fogg
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Soliloquy by Janet Fogg is a compelling time travel romance tale and my first time reading one of her books. This haunting tale of love and music transcends time.

Erin finds herself in another time. A dangerous time in the past in France in the midst of WW II. A time when the Nazi’s invaded and occupied France. But she is not the only one that finds themselves thrust back in time.

Travel along as Erin finds herself at the mercy of a German officer whilst trying to help others escape their clutches. There are unexpected twists and moments when your heart is pounding and the narrative makes it feel as if you are right there with them wanting to help in any way that you can.

You will not be disappointed in this winner of a HOLT Medallion Award of Merit story.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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After She Became a Lady by Wareeze Woodson – Review By Torey Foster

After She Became a LadyAfter She Became a Lady by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

After She Became a Lady takes us back in time to a story of love, danger, suspense, joy, and pain. Laurel is a young innocent girl who falls in love and dreams of happily ever after, but it is ripped away along with her new husband as he has to leave soon after they’re married.
Laurel does a lot of growing up during this time.
I appreciated the time the author took in researching the time, and keeping the language true to the time period. If you are not used to reading period books, it can take a minute to get used to it, but it helps you to feel like you have gone back to that time. This book was full of mystery and intrigue. I liked the story a lot, but I do feel like the ending was rushed. There is all this suspense leading up to what seems like it should be a big reveal, but it just fell a little short. For this reason, I had to take away one star.

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After She Became a Lady by Wareeze Woodson – Review By Rebecca Hill

After She Became a LadyAfter She Became a Lady by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love historical fiction, and this one did not disappoint. My only complaint is that the story seemed short and not completely fleshed out. Even so, I still really enjoyed it. 17 year old Laurel marries her flame, Robert Laningham. They both adore each other and expect marriage to be easy. Laurel doesn’t expect resistance from her husband’s twin sister, Rhonda, nor does she expect Robert to leave for the war with Spain. When Robert returns from Spain, he acts differently and doesn’t believe what Laurel says. They must overcome Rhonda and a thief and learn to depend on each other. Well written and enjoyable to read!

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After She Became a Lady by Wareeze Woodson – Review By Jennifer Gordon

After She Became a LadyAfter She Became a Lady by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

An enjoyable and engaging historical romance with added drama and suspense which had me hooked from start to finish. Laurel Collingsworth, is seventeen and deeply in love when she marries her hero, Lord Robert Laningham. However, instead of living in wedded bliss, she has to watch her husband go off to war in Spain. As the new Lady Laningham gets used to her new role, and being without her husband, she moves into his ancient mansion. It’s not just her hostile sister in law that Laurel must deal with, but she also has shadowy intruders, mysterious footsteps in the night and missing jewellery to contend with. Having faced a series of terrifying events, Laurel is overjoyed when she learns that her husband is alive and returning home.

However, the wounded Lord Laningham is in no state to listen to his wives concerns, even though she tries to convince him that there is danger within the mansions halls. Laurel must protect herself, her child, her recovering husband and her household, with or without Robert’s help. The descriptive narrative brought both the characters and setting vividly to life, and the added historical details made me feel transported back in time. I loved Laurel, as she is a likeable and relatable character and I felt engaged with her. The storyline flowed well and the plot twists kept me happily turning the pages, and I felt immersed in the story. I recommend this entertaining read.

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After She Became a Lady by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Angela Hayes

After She Became a LadyAfter She Became a Lady by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars


3 Stars


After She Became a Lady by Wareeze Woodson is an historical romance woven with plenty of period detailing and descriptions, drama, danger, mystery, jealousy, angst, and interesting characters.
As with the other book of Ms. Woodson’s that I have read, this historical romance is written in the ‘old school style’- keeping true to the language, terminology, social norms, and style of the era, which can take a chapter or two to ‘settle’ into for some readers.
While I did enjoy the story, I was a little disappointed that I didn’t love it as much as I was hoping to. There was so much potential here for quite a stellar historical romance, but unfortunately it didn’t meet my expectations.
There were quite a few issues that pulled me out of the story, which was frustrating. I was so disappointed that all the wonderful tension and intrigue that was built through the story, with one of the main threads being the whole ‘mystery’ aspect, which made me feel like we were heading towards something momentous- so when the ‘revelation’ finally came it seemed very abrupt and somewhat of a ‘let-down’ as everything was ‘solved’ and explained away in less than a page- so, pretty much brushed over.…. which was very underwhelming. Also, there were a lot of details that were thrown into the story that didn’t really build or contribute to the story in anyway, except perhaps as fillers/padding/red-herrings- which was also a source of frustration for me. There was a lot of repeated information/details which disrupted the flow of the story, and times where the story slows so much that it lost all momentum, while the last part of the story, and ending, felt incredibly rushed.
I love Ms. Woodson’s story ideas and her attention to historical details, and her characters are always very intriguing, so I am interested to see what she will do next.
Happy Reading…

Thank you, Wareeze Woodson!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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After She Became a Lady by Wareeze Woodson – Review By Katie Matthews

After She Became a LadyAfter She Became a Lady by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this book. The synopsis grabbed my attention straight away as I love historical romance but this seemed have a bit of an added suspense and mystery to it so I couldn’t wait to get started. Laurel was such a wonderful character and for a woman so young she really came across as strong and brave – she really did cope well with everything she had to deal with in the absence of her new husband. The author writes historical romance very well, her descriptive language is great and her attention to detail makes the story very easy to imagine! Overall a great read!

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After She Became a Lady by Wareeze Woodson – Review By Shelly Kittell

After She Became a LadyAfter She Became a Lady by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Wow, I loved how strong Laurel is. She faces so many challenges head on. The writing feels so realistic that you feel like you are there with her. The storyline is smooth and relatable. The characters are well-written. The author writes very good historical fiction that feels so easy to read and is not dull or dry. A strong story that is a must read.

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After She Became a Lady by Wareeze Woodson – Review By Lorrene Huisman

After She Became a LadyAfter She Became a Lady by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this book! It really painted a picture that sometimes what we want, is not what we truly wanted. As much as we thought, The story was interesting, with danger, and an unknowing fate.

I really came to love this book and very much enjoy the writing of this author! Laurel was a wonderful character. Felt for her. She married for love, and was whisked away in what should be a fairy tale. With her new husband’s sister, it was anything but that. I found danger was at almost every turn for her, her husband felt in the middle. Laurel wanted to live the life she wanted, not live in fear. I was pulled all the way through. I saw a lot of character development with Laurel. The ending….holy moly. I need answers now! I was pulled in and was held to the end. This book was hard to put down!

I really enjoyed the author’s writing style and use of descriptive words. I really felt I was in the historical era! The book was a must read, as well as the author, and I very much highly recommend it!

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Soliloquy by Janet Fogg – Review by Angela Hayes

SoliloquySoliloquy by Janet Fogg
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


4 Stars


Soliloquy by Janet Fogg is a story about how the power of love can even transcend time. This is the first book that I have read by Ms. Fogg, so I really wasn’t sure of what to expect from one of her stories. But the premise intrigued me enough to grab a copy and join the adventure.
Concert pianist, Erin, finds herself thrust back in time to WWII Nazi occupied France where she is caught up in plenty of action- helping the resistance, as well as a downed British pilot who just happens to have ties to Erin’s own time. With agendas, danger, time running out, high stakes, history, romance, twists, and lots of dramatic developments, this story proved to be a bit of a page-turner.
Looking forward to reading more of Ms. Fogg’s books.
Happy Reading!

Thank you, Janet Fogg!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Soliloquy by Janet Fogg – Review by Shelly Kittell

SoliloquySoliloquy by Janet Fogg
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

An amazing trip back in time! Erin is left a box with 8 magical figurines in it (there used to be 12) from her grandmother, with a mysterious note. The adventure begins when Arick is brought in to help tell her more about it. I really can’t tell you a whole lot because you have to read this incredible journey. I can tell you that she wakes in Nazi-occupied France. The characters are so well-written. You can almost feel like you are there in the story, that’s how relatable these characters are. Well done! The plot is easy to follow and flows fairly smooth, even with a few choppy sections in there. This is truly a fascinating story that revolves around her aunt, that she is named for, and a piece of music that creates a hauntingly beautiful memory. The ending was breathtaking. This is one of the best time-travel pieces I’ve read this year. An amazing story that fans of history, music, and/or romance should read. I’d give it more than 5 stars if I could.

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Soliloquy by Janet Fogg

♥ ´¨`•.¸¸.♫ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ♫´¨`*•.¸¸♥
Soliloquy by Janet Fogg
Genre – Historical Romance
Page Count – 318
Cover Designer – Janet Fogg, Image of pianist courtesy Matt Faichne, Infinite Improbability Productions
Swept back in time to Nazi-held France, concert pianist and composer Erin Meyer protects members of the Resistance by ghost-writing music for an influential German officer. She’s now performing for her life. Caught in a maze of betrayal and death, Erin rescues a downed British pilot and helps him evade capture. It seems impossible, but she recognizes Arick from her own life and time. Erin’s attraction to Arick could prove deadly as the German officer who holds the key to Erin’s return demands more than she is willing to give. For Erin, time is running out.


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Soliloquy by Janet Fogg

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Soliloquy by Janet Fogg

Janet Fogg’s focus on writing began while CFO for OZ Architecture, the coolest architectural firm in Colorado. Nine writing awards later she resigned from OZ to follow the yellow brick road, and ten months after that sold her first novel, Soliloquy, a HOLT Medallion Award of Merit winner. Her late father-in-law’s WWII diary led Janet and husband Richard to write the best seller Fogg in the Cockpit. Now managing the 359th Fighter Group’s WWII archives, Janet and her husband have published two military histories about the 359th, with more on their event horizon. Subsequent to coauthoring three novels, in 2022 Janet published Shadow Patterns of Melt while penning serial tales for Kindle Vella and also contracting with Bison Books for Bob West’s Twenty Miles of Fence: Blueprint of a Cowboy. Janet regularly volunteers with Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers and in 2018 was named RMFW’s Honored Guiding Member.



Unveiling Beulah Audiobook by Dana Wayne – Review by Ashley Westerman

I really enjoyed listening to this story I had a really hard time turning it off and going to work. Listening made my commute so much better. This hit me right in the feels, it was beautifully told. The narrator did a great job of making me feel like I was there. Bea is such a strong female character that has been through a lot and remained strong throughout everything. I would definitely recommend listening to this, you’re missing out if you don’t!

Unveiling Beulah Audiobook by Dana Wayne – Review by Charlisa Wahtomy-Alba

I really enjoyed listening to this story. Beulah has moved to a small town in Texas after her grandmother passed away. She buys a merchantile store with the money she inherited and it is her new beginning. She moved from New York as she felt unwanted there not only by the people she thought were her friends, but her own parents. Poor Beulah grew up thinking and feeling like she was ugly due to a scar on her face received during an accident. This especially seems true to her after a broekn engagement to a man that didn’t want her just the fortune she would eventually end up with. The only person that ever showed her unconditional love and support was her grandmother. Lucian ended up in the small Texas town two years prior to Beulah. Although they didn’t know each other their families were in the same social circle. They both have a lot in common as they will soon come to find out. As their attraction grows both parties start to open up and reveal their pasts but are both afraid of getting hurt. Soon enough the people they were trying to get away from come barging back into their lives unexpectedly. Will they be able to keep budding romance alive or will their pasts be too much to overcome?

Unveiling Beulah Audiobook by Dana Wayne – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

5 Stars

Unveiling Beulah Audiobook by Dana Wayne


Unveiling Beulah is my first Audible by this author and this narrator.   I truly enjoyed listening to this book and the narrator did a wonderful job of bringing the characters to life using different tones . The characters are relatable and fully developed and made me feel like apart of the story.  This is a wonderfully written story where the past and the present collide. Can Lucian and Bea find love and happiness? I highly recommend listening to this fast paced story that once you start listening you won’t want to stop until the end. I definitely will be looking at what other books this author  has written. I look forward to reading more from this Author.

Unveiling Beulah Audiobook by Dana Wayne – Review by Cindy Mayberry

Bea Lockhart is not only a strong woman. She has endured so much in her life. The Scar on her face did not help much. Even her father considered her damaged goods. After running her fathers shop, she just got tired of being put down. So she left and moved to a small town in Texas. Lucian Moreau is set into an arranged marriage by his grandfather. With all the money he ever earned, discovered his bride was only out for his money. Well he wants more, so he packs up and moves to Texas. These two lonely hearts need to find love and family. Will this happen for them? Or will they stay hidden? The author wrote this amazing story. It is fast paced and grabs you in the first chapter. I love Bea and Lucian! The struggles that have rained upon them are some we ourselves face as well. That is what made this book so easy to listen to. I hope you enjoy this story as much as I did.



Unveiling Beulah Audiobook by Dana Wayne – Review by Bobbi Wagner

This is my first audible by this author.  I enjoyed listening to it and I look forward to listening to more by this author.  I enjoyed how the narrator brought the story to life by using different tones.  They brought the story to life and made it easy to imagine.  A story where the past and present collide.  A story where deception and rejection is strong throughout the years.  What will happen with these two souls and will they ever find a love that will last?  The characters are connectable and kept me coming back for more.  This is an easy story to listen to and entertaining.  I highly recommend this audible.