
Isabella Bride of Ohio: American Mail Order Bride by Debra Parmley – Review by Jenni Bishop

Isabella, Bride of Ohio (American Mail-Order Brides Series)Isabella, Bride of Ohio by Debra Parmley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

3.5 stars

Debra’s story is one of many in the American Mail Order Bride series. Isabella Bride of Ohio is not your typical mail order bride romance. It is an historical romance suspense story with a twist. There is drama and angst, mystery and intrigue, fear and danger and assault. This quick read gives us insight into the choices or should I say non choices that a lot of single women had to face back in the late 1800s. It also details historical facts for that time which was interesting. The characters are likeable, well most of them as there where a few I wanted to do physical bodily harm to but I needed something more. I did feel that the chemistry could have been fleshed out a bit more but all in all it was an interesting read.

She has gone from being taken and abused to an arranged marriage with a man who shows his true colours to be an abusive man. Will she get her HEA?

If you like historical romance give this one a go.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Isabella Bride of Ohio: American Mail Order Bride by Debra Parmley – Review by Tausha Treadway

Isabella Bride of Ohio: American Mail-Order Brides SeriesIsabella Bride of Ohio: American Mail-Order Brides Series by Debra Parmley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Isabella Bride of Ohio: American Mail Order Bride by Debra Parmley. I LOVE this series! This one is just as awesome as the previous ones. This one is the story of Isabella who along with her family come to the US from Sweden. Isabella lives with 3 women who all work at the same factory she does and they find out about a way all these women are getting married. Mail order brides, she has heard of other women doing it and so she applies. She gets matched up with a very wealthy man named Don so she travels on the train to Ohio with the money he sends her. While she’s on the train a couple of bad men decide they are going to kidnap her. During this a man named Tom ends up saving her. She and Tom hit if off. She continues on to become Don’s wife. Will she change her mind about marrying a stranger? Will she make it to Ohio in one piece. Read this awesome book to find out!

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Isabella Bride of Ohio: American Mail Order Bride by Debra Parmley – Review by Kerry Carr

Isabella Bride of Ohio: American Mail-Order Brides SeriesIsabella Bride of Ohio: American Mail-Order Brides Series by Debra Parmley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is book 17 in the American Mail order Bride Series. These books are romance stories but this one is so much more.

In this book we follow Isabella’s story. After moving to American with her family her parents pass away leaving Isabella all alone. Needing to support herself she takes a job at a mill until 2 weeks later that burns down. Now with no way to support herself she hears about becoming a mail order bride and sees this as her way out of her situation. She writes to Donald Jenks. He is looking for a wife and seems like the perfect match for her. However looks can be decieving and the face he shows the world hides a dark person within.

On her journey to retch Donald Isabella meets Tom. When she is almost kidnapped Tom rescues her. But who is he? Will the be the only time he comes to her rescue? And what is this feeling Isabella feels when she is around him?

This book is a romance but not in the way you expect. It is also full of secrets and lies and has a story that will keep you gripped to the end.

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Isabella Bride of Ohio: American Mail Order Bride by Debra Parmley – Review by Shelly Kittell

Isabella, Bride of Ohio (American Mail-Order Brides Series)Isabella, Bride of Ohio by Debra Parmley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a heartbreaking and beautiful romance book that will give you all the emotion feels. Isabella is a young lady that moved here from Sweden. She is working in a factory that burns down. While deciding what to do next, one of the other ladies suggests becoming a mail-order bride. She decides to take a chance. Well, it turns out to be a crazy ride and a very dangerous adventure with lots of drama. Two men have come into her life. One she promised to marry. The other rescued her from bad men. Will she make the right choice. I loved this book. Isabella was a delight to read about. She could have been anybody with the hard choices she had to make. She could have been a little sister you would worry about. Even being fiction, making a trip from Sweden to the United States was an amazing trip. Such a well written story. Fantastic story, engaging from page 1 straight through until the end. I love a clean, wholesome story that reminds you that God works in all ways. I’d love to read more of these. I highly recommend this to those historical romance lovers.

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Isabella Bride of Ohio: American Mail Order Bride by Debra Parmley

☆❥•*•🌹•*•❥☆ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ☆❥•*•🌹•*•❥☆
Isabella Bride of Ohio: American Mail Order Bride by Debra Parmley
Genre – Romantic Suspense, Contemporary Romance, Cop Romance
Page Count – 230
Cover Designer – Sheri L. McGathy

Becoming a mail-order bride can be a dangerous thing for a woman to do.

Isabella, newly arrived in America from Sweden, first loses her parents and then her job at the factory after it burns down. Nothing in America seems to last but she hopes her mail-order bride marriage to the wealthy Donald Jenks will.

Donald’s letters from Yellow Springs Ohio describe Isabella’s dream home, away from the city and he sounds as if he would be the perfect husband.

But as her grandmother always said, trouble comes in threes, and there is danger standing between her and her happy ever after.

Tom, a Pinkerton agent, who is on the case of disappearing women, is traveling on the same train as Isabella when she is selected by white slavers to be the next female victim to be abducted. Will he save her in time?

Will Isabella reach Ohio safely, marry Donald and have the happy ever after she has always dreamed of?

And is Donald the man Isabella is meant to marry? Why would such a handsome and successful businessman have to send away for a mail-order bride when he could have his pick of the young ladies near Yellow Springs?



Click here to view the Book Trailer for Isabella Bride for Ohio: American Mail Order Bride by Debra Parmley

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading for Isabella Bride of Ohio: American Mail Order Bride by Debra Parmley

Debra Parmley is an adventurous writer who lives in a motorhome full-time with her husband as they travel the U.S. She has written military romantic suspense, contemporary romance, 1920’s romance, fairytale romance, and gritty western historical romance.

Debra has sold travel, walked the plank of a pirate ship off the coast of Grand Cayman, swum with dolphins in Moorea, in French Polynesia, escorted a group through Scotland, and set foot in over 13 countries. Beautiful Day Traveler is her travel blog.  As Debra Bishop she writes fairy tales for all ages, fantasy, and children’s books.

“Every day we are alive is a beautiful day.” – Debra Parmley

For more about Debra please visit

Author Interview with Debra Parmley



The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers Book 1) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Shai Flores

The True Purpose of VinesThe True Purpose of Vines by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book had so many of my favorite elements: historical fiction, amazing food, powerful love, beautiful culture, powerful emotions, and vivid language. The author did a great job with the beautiful descriptions and I felt like I was transported into the 1800s and into this gorgeous, exotic place (compared to where I live haha). The characters were complex and I am so glad that this is going to be a series. I have never read a book by this author, so hoping to find more to read. I will definitely be reading the next book!

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The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers Book 1) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by S. Bittles

The True Purpose of VinesThe True Purpose of Vines by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The beauty of the cover caught my eye and the synopsis caught my full attention, I could not stop reading this book once I started! I read the ebook copy and I have also ordered a copy for my bookshelf.

It is evident that the Author has put a lot of time, effort and attention to detail into every. single. word. This book is beautifully written in so many ways; engaging plot line, great character development and amazingly vivid world building. You will be transported to another time, wishing for a glass of wine while you read.

We are given an authentic and culturally historic read mixed with a slow-burn romance that is both enjoyable and informative. Wine making is a new concept for me and the Author wrote in a way that you can easily understand words and phrases without getting lost in the lingo.

I love the way the Author had the main characters meet without the knowledge of their business roles to each other. I have to add that Julia is a woman way before her time! She shows great strength and resilience against the constant obstacles in her way.

Add this to the Happily Ever After bookshelf as a stand-alone, or continue with the series. I highly recommend this read and I look forward to what comes next!

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The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers Book 1) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Mary Espinoza

The True Purpose of VinesThe True Purpose of Vines by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The True Purpose of Vines, is a great mixture of romance and a little bit of history. This was definitely a great read, and I truly enjoyed reading this book. If you are into love stories, this book is a must read for you! I don’t want to spoil anything, so I will just leave it at…you must read! You won’t be disappointed!!

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Mary Espinoza- May 2022

The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers Book 1) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Julie Johnson

The True Purpose of VinesThe True Purpose of Vines by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love a good historical romance…they are among my favorite genre! This was a bit of a learning curve for me on this one though because I do not drink. I was lost on a lot of the wine references but I did learn a few things about how wine is made and found it interesting.

This book is set in Portugal during the 1800’s and is centered around a plague that attacked vineyards during that time. Mrs. Julia Costa is one of those vineyard owners, after being left a widow and a single mother. Women were not looked highly upon as business owners during this time so she faced increased scrutiny due to her standing in life, as well as her occupation.

Griffin Maxwell is an Englishman who is really good at keeping books. When his business partner suggests that he checks out this particular vineyard, Griffin obliges. The findings he uncovers will be the end of someone in this story though!

Julia and Griffin eventually meet and the sparks pretty much start flying right away, however very subdued. I love how the author allowed the character development to take place before the romance really heated up. There’s a few extra players involved too…so scandalous! 😉 In the end, can different cultures comingle and create something more beautiful than the vines themselves or will dedication to culture win out?

I’m excited to read the next book in this series, although I already don’t like a particular character and the way he behaved in this one. We’ll see if he will have any redeeming qualities about him!

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The True Purpose of Vines by Giovanna Siniscalchi Reviewed by Tabitha Montero

The True Purpose of VinesThe True Purpose of Vines by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A great historical romance based in Portugal in 1870. Julia is a winemaker determined to save the vineyards legacy. Griffin is a British businessman who comes and tries investigate the vineyards production and try to help take over from a dealing made by her late husband.
Both Julia and Griffin have secrets despite the immediate attraction and all reasons they attempted to avoid it!
I had a hard time initially getting into the book, but so glad that I stuck with it! The story and the romance was very well written with an exception of some characters not having much development/introduced too quickly.
I love how the chapters started with a wine quote!

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The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers Book 1) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Nakyshia Leger

The True Purpose of VinesThe True Purpose of Vines by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Julia is a Portuguese wine maker trying to keep her family business afloat. When she crosses paths with Englishman Griffin, the cultural differences between the two cause them to butt heads, despite the unwanted physical attraction between them. When they realize they need to work together for the benefit of the wine, neither knows what to expect. This is a brilliant and vibrant story of enemies becoming friends, overcoming cultural differences, and feminine power. I enjoyed Julia’s character, strong willed and independent with a lot of responsibility, but learning to be vulnerable when needed. I relate so much to her character. I look forward to reading more from this series in the future.

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The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers Book 1) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Jess Engel

The True Purpose of Vines: An intoxicating historical romance about wine and love. (The Winemakers Book 1)The True Purpose of Vines: An intoxicating historical romance about wine and love. by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A lovely, engaging read! The author does a wonderful job bringing this story to life with wonderful descriptions, leading to vivid imagery. It is evident the author was well researched to bring this historical romance to life.

The author also does a wonderful job in her creation of the characters. Griffin and Julia are each enjoyable in their own way and you truly get a sense of who they are and find yourself rooting for them throughout the book. The author also does a wonderful job creating tension and chemistry within their relationship.

Pick this one up if you’re looking for an enjoyable enemies-to-lovers with a beau frigio historical setting!

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The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers Book 1) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Katie Turner

The True Purpose of Vines: An intoxicating historical romance about wine and love. (The Winemakers Book 1)The True Purpose of Vines: An intoxicating historical romance about wine and love. by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The True Purpose of Vines is the first book to the Winemakers series by Giovanna Siniscalchi. As I read the first chapter, I was not too sure where the book was going to take me. But as I continued on, I realized it was going to take me to a far more beautiful place than I imagined. In 1870 Portugal, during a timeframe when it was not considered normal for a woman to work so hard and be the household provider, there lived a headstrong widow, mother and passionate winemaker named Julia Costa-Ferreira. Julia has taken over her late husband’s business and does not need help or directions from any man. But here comes the handsome Griffon Maxwell, a pretentious Englishman who agrees to travel to Portugal initially to chase a debt with hopes of striking a deal. He didn’t realize he’d be chasing after the debtor’s heart as well. But can her independent ways and his conservative mindset find a way?

I loved the slow buildup of romance between these two characters, the descriptions, the setting. The author clearly took her time to do a lot of in-depth research to be able to take her readers to a historical period with elaborate, accurate detail. This was a beautiful story, and I look forward to the next one. I’d also like to mention how vibrant and gorgeous the cover is. A perfect representation for this tale. If you love a good historical romance and wine, this is the perfect story to find yourself lost in.

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The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers Book 1) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Megan Pesek

The True Purpose of VinesThe True Purpose of Vines by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Julia Costa is simply trying to save her vineyard and her land. She’s the best winemaker in the Douro and will do whatever she can to keep the land she loves in the family.
Griffin Maxwell is an Englishman who has no interest in Portuguese land or culture but needs to protect a potential partnership. When he uncovers Julia’s secret, he must decide what is more important… his potential partnership or his potential relationship.
When a plague threatens the entire winemaking industry Julia is unknowingly on the brink of a breakthrough that can save the region’s vineyards. Griffin must decide to help Julia or help himself. The history of the region and the culture, along with well-developed characters, keeps the reader fully invested.

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The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers Book 1) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

The True Purpose of Vines: An intoxicating historical romance about wine and love. (The Winemakers Book 1)The True Purpose of Vines: An intoxicating historical romance about wine and love. by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I want to say first, this cover….totally stunning!!! As soon as I saw this beautiful cover I was already intrigued. This is a historical romance set in Portugal 1870’s. This is a beautifully written story, and I enjoyed being swept up in time. Julia is a strong and passionate woman that is all about keeping her vineyard and producing the best wine, but is also in debt due to her late husband. Griffin, who is all about regaining his family’s status, makes an agreement to get payment from Julia. As the story unfolds, so does the romance between Griffin and Julia.

This is a great story of romance, secrets, history and cultural differences….the author did an amazing job with such wonderful details.

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The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers Book 1) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by La Toya Lewis

The True Purpose of VinesThe True Purpose of Vines by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The True Purpose of Vines, is a wonderfully written historical romance. It follows Griffin Maxwell as he visits his property in Portugal where he is neighbors with the strong-willed, intelligent Julia Costa. An obvious mutual attraction between the two kicks off this enemies-to-lovers type romance trope. I love a good, grumpy character and Griffin does not disappoint. He has such a good heart and just wants to save his family. I love the chemistry between him and Julia; she is exactly the type of woman his mother says he needs. I also love seeing such a strong, competent woman and how she navigates a world full of men that think they know better. Julia has such a passion for wine-making. You feel her frustrations and longings to find someone with whom she can share that passion. This book was tasteful, informative, and enjoyable to read. The author put a lot of effort into being accurate and informative about the world of wine-tasting. I learned a great deal and I look forward to the next book in the series.

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The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers Book 1) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Kylean Sprosty

The True Purpose of VinesThe True Purpose of Vines by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Julia and Griffin are an unlikely pair: passionate Portuguese and stoic Englishman. When Julia discovers her vineyard is in trouble she seeks the help of Griffin to save her livelihood, at first he is reluctant but eventually gives in. Julia drags him on a four day trip to see someone who may be able to help her, only for them both to fall in love. That is until Julia discovers that Griffin may not have been forthcoming and she runs away. Julia is a head strong, fiery, character, very much out of place for a woman in her time. Griffin is everything you would expect, and can be irritating throughout the book.

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The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers Book 1) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

The True Purpose of VinesThe True Purpose of Vines by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars
The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers Book 1) by Giovanna Siniscalchi

The True Purpose of Vines is the first book in The WineMakers Series and this authors debut novel. I’m a huge fan of Historical Romance and this book is a Historical enemies to lovers that once I started reading I couldn’t put it down. I absolutely loved everything about this book and actually learned a bit about Portuguese history and wine making. This author knocked it out of the park with this one. Her style of writing and attention to detail is honestly incredible. Her characters are well developed and fun, relatable and easy to fall in love with. This is a story about Julia and Griffin. These two have chemistry between but struggle with finding a way to keep their relationship together and with finding a cure. Get ready to be taken on quite the emotional rollercoaster ride. I highly recommend reading this book to find out what happens next. I look forward to reading more from this Author.

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The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers Book 1) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Heather Bass

The True Purpose of VinesThe True Purpose of Vines by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first book I have read from this author and now she has a new fan. I’m starting to love historical romances and this author made me like them even more. This is the first book of the series The Winemakers and I can tell this is going to be an addictive series. I could not put this book down until the end. I can’t wait to see what she will write about next.

Julia Costa is known as the best winemaker around. She is happy with her life until her husband dies. Julia is now left with a debt that she can’t pay. She is not going to fall for the handsome guy that she owes money to either. Julia will find a way to keep her land and wine. She starts to get to know Griffin and he is not a bad guy after all. Will Julia find a way to take back her life or will she have to start a new one?

Review by @heatherbass
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The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers Book 1) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Amy Brennan

The True Purpose of VinesThe True Purpose of Vines by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a fantastic change of pace. I have recently become a huge fan of historical fiction and non-fiction via novels as well as television and this really hit the mark for me. I have some relatives that are very passionate about wine, as well as their heritage (they are Italian) and therefore can really admire the love and attentions that Julia gives to the vineyards and the need to save her passion from the plague that’s been infesting the Douro. She is a very stubborn, independent woman and finds it terribly difficult to break down her walls when it comes to others, especially a certain gentleman that is vying for her attentions. What’s a story without a little love, am I right? Icing on the cake, in my opinion!

I knew that I would quite enjoy a different read, and took the chance on this one, and I can’t tell you how happy I am that I did. She obviously put a lot of time and efforts and love into the making of this novel! Amazing story telling, with some real history sewn into the immersive tale spun to capture the hearts, minds, and souls of the reader. Amazing all around, this author is not one to be missed, and I for one look forward to reading more by her!

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The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers Book 1) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Tori Mitton

The True Purpose of VinesThe True Purpose of Vines by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am not one for historical romance novels. But something is so amazing about this book. You can tell ALOT of research has gone into this novel. I knew very little about wine making, but this gives you a lesson about all the details small and big. Its based in the 1870’s when women were not respected for owning any sort of business. Julia is trying to save her vineyard after her husband ends up passing away. Griffin is a brit who moves to Portugal to chase a debt that is owed. He ends up moving next door to Julia to keep an eye on her. Little does he know, he will end up falling in love with her.

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The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers Book 1) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Jules Herbert

The True Purpose of VinesThe True Purpose of Vines by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have to be honest and say that I wasn’t immediately grabbed by this book but believe me once I was I was hooked! If this happens to you stick with it. You 100% won’t regret It. I soon became engaged by the story woven by this extremely talented author. Her talent for creating such vivid images in your mind, leaving you feeling as if you were really in the time and place she had created, was truly wonderful. The author obviously knows how to research and research well as the details contained within the story were so amazing and added so much to the reading experience. This old girl learned some things I tell you! I can’t stand wine but I swear I was almost tempted to start. Julia and Griffin are such strong, passionate characters with amazing chemistry. I now can’t wait to see where this author will take us next!

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The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers Book 1) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Alison Risher

The True Purpose of VinesThe True Purpose of Vines by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Readers are immersed in the world of winemaking. The rich history of Portugal, often overlooked in historical fiction, comes to life. Cultures and ethnic groups collide in this tale of a woman defining her own destiny amid a rich backdrop. Interesting characters come to life under the author’s talented blending. Another treat is the substory of legitimate versus illegitimate children.

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The True Purpose of Vines: (The Winemakers Book 1) by Giovanna Siniscalchi- Reviewed by Stephanie Dulac

The True Purpose of VinesThe True Purpose of Vines by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The True Purpose of Vines is book 1 in the winemaker series. This is the first book that i have read by this author. I absolutely loved this historical romance read. It takes place back in Portugal back in the 1870’s. I love how every Chapter starts off with a wine Quote. This Read was a fast read for me, once it got going i couldn’t put this book down. If you’re into Historical Romance reads this book is for you. As this was the first book in the Winemakers series I really look forward to reading the rest of this series and more reads by this Author. Thank you again for this great read.

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The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers Book 1) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Michelle Collier

The True Purpose of VinesThe True Purpose of Vines by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love this story. So beautiful. It has all the love and romance you could want, but add in history and wine to make this book truly unique. The story is set in Portugal, where a widowed mother is a winemaker in a time where women were not involved in such things. Julia is an awesome character who has her own mind and does things her own way. Griffin is only doing what he needs to do to get his family’s good name back. The growing attraction between them is not anything that either was looking for, but how will they handle it. I can’t wait to read the next book in this series.

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The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers Book 1) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Lyndsay withey

The True Purpose of VinesThe True Purpose of Vines by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Historical fiction is probably my absolute favorite genre outside of clean romance books and this book completely merged the two into an amazing story. The author does an amazing job at not just the basic facts of the time period but really digging into the motives behind why people did certain things during that time period.

It was wonderful to read just how fierce Julia was in the way she protected her home and her sons legacy in a time when women were not accepted in the “man’s” world. The passion she has is evident from the very first time we meet her.

Griffin was thrown into adult responsibility way too fast and he is determined to make sure his mother and sister are taken care of, even if that means he isn’t being true to himself. He has a strong sense of honor and duty especially when it comes to doing the right thing for his family but to see his outer shell crack and his true self emerge is a wonderful transition.

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The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers Book 1) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Jerricka Brown

The True Purpose of VinesThe True Purpose of Vines by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was an amazing book. I love a good historical romance. I love how the author used some wine terminology in this book. As an enjoyer of wine, I found it very entertaining. This is my first book by this author but not the last. I highly recommend this book.

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The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers Book 1) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Rachel Moss

The True Purpose of VinesThe True Purpose of Vines by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a really good read! I will admit I was a bit confused at the beginning, especially since while I love wine I don’t understand a lot about it or vineyards, but once you get past the logistical speak it’s so hard to put down! It was enthralling and so well written, I just wanted to keep reading and I didn’t want to put it down. The romance was great and I very easily fell in love with these characters. This is the first book I’ve read from this author before and I definitely plan to read more in the future!

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The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers #1) by Giovanna Siniscalchi-Review by Amanda Kimble

The True Purpose of VinesThe True Purpose of Vines by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers #1) by Giovanna Siniscalchi

This is the first book I’ve read by the author. The True Purpose of Vines is a great read. If you like historical romance you’ll love this book. This is the first book in The Winemakers Series.

Griffin is there to buy the vineyard. He doesn’t expect a headstrong woman to deny him. Can they work together and make something come between them? The quote I chose for Griffin is: “A few weeks. I’m going to the high Douro. My late uncle’s Quinta is leaking more money than a drainpipe, and I will set it to rights.”

Julia is a headstrong woman. She doesn’t want to sell and she isn’t going to go down easily. Meeting Griffin throws a wrench in her plans. The quote I chose for Julia is: “Vesuvio wine is different. To compare it with the other Quintas is unfair, if not insulting. Some of our neighbors add elderberries to improve color. Some don’t even prune their grapevines. It’s all quantity for them.”

Highly recommended for Historical Romance lovers.

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The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers Book 1) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Anantha Rusum

The True Purpose of VinesThe True Purpose of Vines by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The True purpose of Vines is a historic romance book set in Portugal between a winemaker and a widow Julia and an English gentleman who has come all the way only to spy on her. This book reminded me of the television series “The Vineyard”, though there is a lot of difference in the plot. Griffin buys a property next door to Julia to keep an eye on her, but little does he realize that he will lose his heart to her. Julia is steadier and more grounded, but his persuasion lures her into a relationship. Will their love blossom or will the cruel reality and business blow their love apart?
It is a very nice historic romance, and I could visualize each and every scene as I had seen the Amazon Prime series only of late. Setting is a key element in the story and the whole story is beautifully picturized. Loved it!!

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