
The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Jenique Bornman

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Not completely what I expected…… IN A GOOD WAY!!!
The mystery and suspense of “Who” could be targetting them was an excellent plot twist. It definitely brought something different to the story.
Used as collateral Emily definitely didn’t see her night going from a normal outing to ending up married, did she….
Woodson is a new Author to me and writes historical Romance in the more traditional way (the way I like) I’m definitely checking out more of her books

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Rachel Moss

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson was a really good read. While the events that take place happen quickly, it felt like it took a while for this novel to pick up its pace. Once it did, I could hardly put this book down! It got very interesting, very quickly to me. I especially enjoyed the fact that this is the first historical fiction novel I’ve read that has been published recently that actually read like a classic romance novel. I thought that was very interesting and just added to this books charm. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this novel and I hope to read more from this author in the future.

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Georgette Quinn


The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson is a perfect read for anyone who loves historical romances or mysteries. The love story between Emily and Phillip felt natural and not forced. You’ll be rooting for them to let their walls down and let love in. Also, I usually solve the mystery well before the big reveal, but this time I didn’t. Every time I thought I had it solved, my guess would be proven innocent. This book will have you guessing even at the start of the big reveal.

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Sarah Hammel

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

In historical romance there are things you expect and there are things that you expect to be glossed over or changed for the genre such as the treatment of women. However, it was very jarring to continuously have the Earl and every other man think about the main character Emily as a possession. As is always the case, I wish there was a longer time between the meeting and the proper relationship starting because it felt very rushed to me that they got married and then the next day Emily was already practically in love with him. Period romances are my favorites and I was very excited to read this book to add another to the ever growing pile but I ended up slightly disappointed because the characters were coarse and at the best of times fickle. The cute and romantic moments were very wonderful and it was super sweet. Overall, a quaint period romance for a quick change of pace for someone.

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Fantastic Book!! Great Historical read. Totally worth the time!! My heart really ached for Emily, whom was caught in the middle between her step brothers financial debt, a bet in which he loses and the people whom try and tear her and the Earl of Lenbridge (Phillip Beckley Benton) apart. I know that the Earl of Lenbridge really loves Emily deep down and I am glad he won against Emily’s step brother. There is some mystery as well to this story. I very much enjoyed this book! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Angela Hayes

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


3.5 Stars


The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson.
This is an historical romance, written in the old school style- keeping true to the language and style of the era. I read a lot of historical romances, but it did take me a few beats to get into the style of writing, as well as this type of dialogue, but it didn’t take too long for me to settle into the story. Everything was very ‘proper’, including the intimate scenes- where the sex was suggested, but not depicted in any great detail. Again, in keeping with the era- and the old school style.
Emily is quite beside herself when her stepbrother, and legal guardian, places his bets in a card game by using her as his collateral. You guessed it, her brother loses the bet, and Emily becomes the Earl of Lenbridge’s prize of the night. What will he decide to do with her? Will it all end in heartache and scandal? If you really want to know, then you should snap up a copy and discover all the details for yourself- no spoilers here.
While I did enjoy the story for the most part, there were a few frustrating moments for me that detracted a little from my overall enjoyment of the story. I found that the storyline was full of contradictions… things that pulled me out of the story and made me go back to reread sections thinking that I had maybe misread or misunderstood them. But no, I hadn’t- the story was just contradicting itself a little. Things like;
“Not that Annalise was necessarily vicious, but she certainly enjoyed tweaking Emily when she could.”
Then only a short while later, this…
“Annalise would use the information to discredit his wife. Annalise was a spiteful, jealous cat…”
And this is just one example of quite a few instances of contradictions- it really frustrated me.
This is my first read by Wareeze Woodson, so I will definitely explore more of her work in order to get a better ‘feel’ for her style and stories.
If you love old school historical romances, with meddling relatives, jealous adversaries, hidden agendas, danger, and drama- then this is definitely the book for you.

Thank you, Wareeze Woodson!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Mirela Ruiz

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson was a great historical romance. I adored Emily as a character and worried about what would happen to her. The attention to detail was spot on and it really helped immerse me into the story. The dialogue kept me immersed as well. I enjoyed the plot, it’s not everyday you’re used as a bargaining chip.

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Rebecca Hill

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have to admit that I’m partial to historical romance, but I loved this book. The story begins with the introduction of Emily Ann Brumville being wagered by her brother in a game of dice. It sounds quite shocking in today’s world but was even more shocking then. We follow the aftermath of that bet as well as the ripple effects in the life of Lord Phillip Lenbridge. Phillip and Emily are sweet and fun together. Their dialogue and banter together are fun to read and will put a smile on your face. I highly recommend this book to entertain you and sweep you away for a while.

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Anantha Rusum

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I like historic romances and what better than one with a twist. This book has a dash of romance and is also a suspense thriller. Emily Brumville, the heroine, has been waged against a bet that her step-brother made, because of his gambling problem. He was sure that he would win the wager. But unfortunately, he loses. Now Emily is at the mercy of the handsome Earl of Lenbridge, Phillip Beckley Benton. Emily is worried if the Earl will propose marriage to her or should she live as his mistress. There are people trying hard to separate them from coming together. Someone is trying to tear them apart, and the suspense builds when unexpected things start happening.
I enjoyed this author. As I said earlier, I like historic romances and this one was a real breezy read. A brave heroine, a dashing hero and the suspense looming around the corner, perfect recipe for a good book.

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Katie Matthews

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


I LOVE historical romance so when I read the synopsis for this book, I couldn’t wait to start it and it was just such a brilliant read. I loved every single page, word, second of it. I was transported to this wonderful time period which the author had written about in such beautiful detail, it was really great to read. I loved the characters and I really felt for Emily, wagered by her stepbrother in a game. I really enjoyed reading about her relationship with the Earl of Lenbridge – there were so many things going on in their lives I wondered whether they could actually make their marriage work.
This was my first book by this author and I will definitely be looking forward to reading more. Historical romance fans will absolutely love this book – I know I did!

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Jamie Zabolotney

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Jamie Zabolotney

I am a huge fan of historical romance and this book hit the spot. Historical romance meets murder mystery! The whole book will keep you guessing as to what will happen next. I really enjoyed the characters in this novel. Emily, the leading lady is put up in a game of chance by her guardian/step brother. Enter the Earl of Lenbridge, who wins her and marries her that night.

Through everything, Emily is able to keep her cool and outwardly seem unfazed despite accidents happening, a spurned ex-fiancee and murders.

I will be seeking out more novels by this author.

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Charlisa Wahtomy-Alba

Emily Brumville has been placed up for collateral against a bet that her step-brother made. He was sure that he would be the winner, but he lost on the last role of the die. Although the marriage between Emily Brumville and Phillip Beckley Benton, Earl of Lenbridge was not expected to happen they do try to make the best of it. As they get to know one another and make a go of their marriage there are those that are trying their hardest to sabotage them. Will this fledgling marriage be able to weather the storm? Who is behind trying to tear these two apart? Everyone is a suspect when strange things start to happen and they all have a good reason.

This was the first time I have read anything by this author and I enjoyed her writing style. I especially enjoyed Emily’s character. All the characters were great, but she was my favorite. Though she was young, she was determined to make the best of the situation she found herself in.

The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Michelle Collier

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Michelle Collier

Rating 5 out of 5

The Earl’s Scandalous Wager is my first book by Wareeze Woodson and I will tell you I was not disappointed. Emily is such a great character. She is put up as a wager in order to cover his debts. Instead of freaking completely out, she watches and learns about her new lot in life. What will become of her? The writing really quickly draws you in and captures your imagination and your heart.

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Kimberly Shirah

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Historical Fiction has always been a favorite of mine. Wareeze Woodson wrote an amazingly sweet novel with great historical detail and that lets you sink into the story. I could hardly put it down.

Emily Riventon is used as collateral for her stepbrother’s wager. Unfortunately for Emily, her step brother loses, the game of chance and we start our story with Phillip Beckely Benton, the Earl of Lenbridge. From here the story starts to get real good. This book kept me entertained and I couldn’t stay away.

I enjoyed the characters that Woodson brought to life. Sometimes when we are in the Earl’s point of view, to me the flow was a little unsettled at times. Although, not enough that I would rate it any less stars.

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Danielle Thompson

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson is a historical period romance that does not let the readers down. In addition to romance genre themes, there are also some mystery and drama when it comes to family betrayals with all the scheming, and plotting. The beginning starts out with the main character Emily Brumville being practically given away in a wager to settle her stepbrother’s debts. Phillip Beckley Benton is the Earl of Lenbridge is the winner of this little bet and Emily was the reluctant prize to be won. Despite these unsavory turn of events, they find themselves in a budding romance as newlyweds. It does seem the family may have other ideas as readers follow these two characters. For me, this was an enjoyable read. I recommend this book to adults who enjoy period fiction and historical romance.

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Amber Day

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first time reading a Wareeze Woodson book. It pulled me in rather quickly. I give Emily, the heroine of the story, full credit of said pulling me in. She is a likable character that you can’t help to feel for. When you meet dear Emily she is put up as collateral by her guardian to pay his debts. (Rude and most definitely had to be illegal.) But with a stroke of luck or horror, depending on whom you ask, Earl of Lenbridge wins. The progresses at a fast pace and is an easy read. I definitely recommend it to other historical romance lovers


Reviewed by @awesomelyamber

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Laura-Jane Minnie

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first book I have read by this author and the first historical romance I have ever read and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It is about a girl called Emily that is put up as a prize for a wager by her guardian so he can sort out his debts, but her worst nightmare happens when her step brother loses and she is given to the Earl of Lenbridge. What is the Earl’s plans for Emily? will she have to marry him? Although she never wanted to go with him, she can’t deny they have great chemistry together. I cant wait for the next book

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Carrie Reed

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars!

I loved this book! Period romances are always a gamble for me, some I can get into and some fall short, this book was definitely a win. I liked the fact that this story was not only romance and steamy moments, there was betrayal, plotting of murder, evil family members and a spy. Philip loves Emily, even though he doesn’t admit it readily, the way he acts towards her, anyone can tell. But the way he acts towards her.. sometimes I wish Emily would tell him off, but that would not be appropriate for the times. Annalise is a nasty mess, and throughout the whole book I was wishing she would get slapped, but I guess her fate was worse since she was in a way abandoned, or what I would qualify as abandoned when she is found out. Emily is a sweetheart and handled everything so perfectly, I hate that she had to put up with Annalise and sometimes her husband’s actions and words. I can’t wait to see what this author has in store next.

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Lizzie Chapman Gough

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

At first I wasn’t completely into the storyline with Emily being won in a bet to absolve her stepbrother of his debts. However reminding myself that this was typical of the times I managed to overcome this and actually really get into the story. The writing is very descriptive in a way that completely immerses you in the story and the characters are written with depth and this helped me connect with them and engage in their lives. i enjoyed finding out about what would happen after the Earl one his bet and where Emily fit in his life. Fans of Bridgerton and Austen will enjoy this.

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Desiree Ottinger

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was quite an interesting read from the very beginning. The Earl draws you in with his gallantry and then his misunderstanding of the workings of the female mind! (I feel like the author captured how men think eloquently!) Emily is someone you want to be friends with because of all the misfortunes that happen to her. You want to cheer her on and encourage her.

This was a romance novel without being over the top explicit. I appreciated that, too!

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Betsy Melano

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson is a tale of a young woman of noble birth who is put up as a wager by her stepbrother due to his gambling problem. When we first meet Emily Brumville, she is in considerable distress because the situation her stepbrother has put her in. Outwardly, she strives to not look so worried & scared. Emily cannot believe all of the gentleman at the table are actually going through with this wager.

This story and how the main characters, Emily Brumville and Phillip Beckely Benton, Earl of Lenbridge start learning about each other and interacting caught my attention right away. I couldn’t wait to read more about the newlyweds and how they build their relationship to each other’s benefit and hopefully eventually to love each other. To add to the mix, Phillip’s family members, the woman Phillip had planned to marry, and Emily’s stepbrother, all seem to be under suspicion as the one causing mischief against the newlyweds. Who could be so against this union? What would be their motive?

I really enjoyed this book. I hope you do too.

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Carly Vogler

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Earl’s Scandalous Wager, by Wareeze Woodson, is a historical romance you won’t soon forget. When Emily is used as a wager in a bet, she can’t believe the men would follow through and allow it. It becomes all too real when Emily’s stepbrother loses the bet and she is now the property of the Earl of Lenbridge.

What is in Emily’s future? Will she be traded again? Will she be forced to marry this man. Worse yet, will she be his mistress? I love the way this story played out and can’t wait to delve into more stories by Wareeze.

Review by Carly Vogler

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Jennifer Gordon

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love reading historical fiction and am pleased to have discovered a new author having thoroughly enjoyed this novel by Wareeze Woodson. This wonderfully written story is full of historical detail and time period social niceties all of which added to the feeling of being immersed in this story and the era. Both the characters and the setting were bought to life by the authors descriptive narrative and I felt engaged with the characters, especially the likeable Emily. Emily Riventon is pledged by her stepbrother and guardian as collateral for his wager in a game of chance. Emily is shocked that both her stepbrother and the other gents involved in the game are willing to use Emily in a bet and tries hard not to show her terror, especially when her guardian looses both the bet and her. The handsome Earl of Lenbridge is the winner and wins Emily, but what does he intend on doing with his prize. Emily does not know what her future holds and whether she will become a mistress or a wife. The storyline flows well and the exciting plot kept me happily turning the pages and I was hooked from page one. I definitely recommend this enjoyable and engaging page turner.

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Tausha Treadway

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson. This book was so good. Its the story of Emily Riventon who is of Nobel Birth and she is put up for wager by her stepbrother due to his horrible gambling problems. The Earl of Lenbridge has rightly won Emily in this game all due to her stupid stepbrother who is her guardian. Emily is terrified. Phillip Beckley Benton is the Earl of Lenbridge and he can’t believe the luck he’s having. If he wins Emily’s as his prize he will be in seventh heaven. As the two get to know each other they realize they might actually like on another. The only question is will Emily be his wife or his mistress? The two realize that even thought they got together thru very unconventional circumstances they might actually have a chance at love. Will Emily realize her stepbrother may have done the best thing ever for her? Read The Earl’s Scandalous Wager to find out!

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Heather Lovelace

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoy period romance/fiction and was interested in the book after reading the summary. This author is new to me and I was looking forward to seeing what the beautiful cover might hold. I found the book to be an easy and quick read and filled with just the right amount of conflict, period decorum, and romance. I enjoyed the tale as it unfolded and look forward to reading more from this author.

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace
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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Bobbi Wagner

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this historical romance book. This is my first book by this author and I look forward to seeing what is next for her. This is a well written book about Emily that is put up as a prize for a wager by her guardian. Her worst fears come true and her guardian loses her to the Earl of Lendbridge. What will fate have in store for Emily? What does he plan on doing with her? I enjoyed both of these characters. They brought the story to life on each page. Watching their growth made the story fun and entertaining to read. This is an engaging, fast paced story that I read in one sitting. It really is a great story. I highly recommend it.

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Review by @bjwagner

The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Kerry Baker

The Earl's Scandalous WagerThe Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Earls Scandalous Wager Wareeze Woodson is a well written historical romance that caught my attention from the moment I read the description. I love books of this genre and I thought the author did a great job with this book. The main characters had that undeniable chemistry between them, even if they did have a less than conventional start.
I thought the book had a great pave to it. It felt like it was developed naturally, giving it an overall good flow. This is the first book that I have read by this author and I found it to be thoroughly enjoyable. I am looking forward to discovering more books in the future.

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A Gentleman’s Stipulation by Jean Wilde – Review by Rosemary Martinez

A Gentleman's Stipulation (The Scarlet Salon, #4)A Gentleman’s Stipulation by Jean Wilde
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this read. I liked Victoria a lot and her way of not really caring what people think about her. I liked how she says what is on her mind even when she probably shouldn’t. Blake is intriguing to me in that in reality he and Victoria are so much alike in personality that it makes them oil and water. I’m always a fan of a match where two that don’t want to be together are thrust together and have to find their way through. This very much delivered on that score. It was a real page-turner and I couldn’t wait to see what would happen next. The characters had a great banter that was really fun to read. Definitely recommend!

Review by @rosemarym3483

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The Earl and the Peahen by Jean Wilde Review by Rosemary Martinez

The Earl and the PeahenThe Earl and the Peahen by Jean Wilde
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

For me after the first page or two, I thought I wasn’t going to like it. However, as I kept reading I became more and more invested in the story and the mystery of what Lucifer’s real goal was and what was going to happen to our pair. Personally, Jane drove me a bit nuts describing herself as plain, as I am sure she did to Alexander. Overall I liked them both and I liked their dynamic. The story kept me turning the pages and I was very happy at the end. So even though I thought I wasn’t going to like it I really did enjoy it. I absolutely recommend it. A very good read.

Review by @rosemarym3483

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The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson

~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~
The Earl’s Scandalous Wager by Wareeze Woodson
Genre – Historical romance, suspense, murder mystery
Page Count – 236 PAGES
Emily Riventon shook with terror. Certain he would be the victor, her stepbrother in his role of guardian had pledged her as collateral for his wager in a game of chance. With the deciding roll of the dice, the Earl of Lenbridge won the prize: her.
What would the future hold? Love as the mistress of this handsome gentleman, or duty as his wife? Either way, her life was now in grave danger.


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I write under the name Wareeze Woodson. I took my mother’s pen name Wareeze for my own. She never had anything published so I thought I would carry her pen name forward. I write historical romance with a twist of suspense, Regency and Victorian mostly. I did tackle a historical western as well. I’m an avid reader and I love to write as well. I live near Houston, TX and enjoy my family. Thank God for grandchildren. If you like to read historical love stories with a flavoring of suspense, look for books by Wareeze Woodson and join me on a journey through the past with daring heroines and dashing heroes.

Author Interview With Wareeze Woodson