
Amaleigha and the Big Idea by Janice Pratt – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Amaleigha and the Big IdeaAmaleigha and the Big Idea by Janice Pratt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amaleigha is a five year old who has some big ideas. Her grandparents always say that she will change the world. After spending a lot of time in her backyard barefoot doing things she loves, she has an amazing idea. But ideas need plans and actions! Which means she needs help! She brings the idea and plan to her family. She just has to share all the things she loves with them! And maybe even the world!! With the help of her family, friends, and even the community those plans are put into actions! They open something that will change their community for the better. Read the book to find out what her big idea was and how with help, she makes the world better one big idea at a time! This was such a cute story. I read it with my 7 year old, but younger kids would defiantly love this book too!

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Amaleigha and the Big Idea by Janice Pratt – Review by Dahnielle Hibbert

Amaleigha and the Big IdeaAmaleigha and the Big Idea by Janice Pratt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A wonderful tale about a young girl with an amazing idea to turn something she lives into a place everyone could enjoy. Some people find a precious gift and hide it away where only they can enjoy it, but Amaleigha chose to share her special place. This would be a lovely story to read to your children and teach the lesson of sharing. The illustrations are beautiful and the story is amazing.

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Amaleigha and the Big Idea by Janice Pratt – Review by Cindy Mayberry

Amaleigha and the Big IdeaAmaleigha and the Big Idea by Janice Pratt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Here is another great read and experimental story for your children. Her love for all things nature was a joy to read. Amaleighas way of bringing others out to explore, would encourage all children and adults to want to see it for themselves. I love this author’s children’s books. She writes with children and adults in mind. Her story is fast paced and as well as easy to follow. I recommend this book for all parents to read and explore with their children.


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Amaleigha and the Big Idea by Janice Pratt – Review by Bethany Leigh Rucker

Amaleigha and the Big IdeaAmaleigha and the Big Idea by Janice Pratt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Five-Year-Old Amaleigha has a big future ahead of her. While spending time in her backyard, she gets one of her big ideas. She decides that she wants to show people things she loves to do. Therefore, she puts her plan to action with the help her parents, grandmother, and brother. People around the community start taking notice, and are surprised by Amaleigha plan. This is a must read to find out what she is able to do.

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Amaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt – Review by Moriah Venable

Amaleigha Loves a Good StoryAmaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a short but cute read. The grownups around her always talk about how caring and thoughtful Amaleigha is. She can be seen making a card for someone or planning a surprise.

Amaleigha also loved to read and visit the school library. She notices that there are not a lot of books for people who speak a different language. So sets her plan into action so that students who speak a different language would have more books to choose from.

Reading this just shows you what can happen when word gets around. So many people wanted to help and raise money in order to purchase books.

Not long after that, the community opened the bilingual free library.

I loved this story and how the community came together to help out with this goal.

I hope to read more Amaleigha stories.

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Amaleigha and the Big Idea by Janice Pratt – Review by Gillian Fawell

Amaleigha and the Big IdeaAmaleigha and the Big Idea by Janice Pratt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Such a great story that reminds us all that we need to take the time to enjoy the environment around us and how important it is for children’s voices to be heard. Amaleigha is such a sweet, smart girl and she has some great ideas – one of which is obviously explored in this beautiful story. Highly recommended!

Reviewed by @sparkinside

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Amaleigha and the Big Idea by Janice Pratt – Review by Elizabeth Sanchez

Amaleigha and the Big IdeaAmaleigha and the Big Idea by Janice Pratt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My son and I really enjoyed Amaleigha and the Big Idea. Before we even got to Page 2, he stopped me and said “there are so many words and I didn’t expect that. I visioned all the stuff without it being in the pictures.” Despite being 6 years old and not knowing the right words, he it not wrong. There are a lot of words for a children’s book- so this is more of a parent or teacher read story. Not so much a beginning reader, but it was a great story. The idea was a big idea for anyone, let alone a 5 year old. But it was a good idea and cute. I love the resources at the end, in case you and your child want to create their own version. The illustrations were bright and cute. We have another of her stories on our TBR list.

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Reviewed by @way2gosmartguy

Amaleigha and the Big Idea by Janice Pratt – Review by Caralee Loonat

Amaleigha and the Big IdeaAmaleigha and the Big Idea by Janice Pratt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Another great inspirational children’s book. This is the second book by this author that I have read and I am quite impressed. I really like how the book grabs the reader and inspires them. This book is definitely a great book for your children and I only wish mine were young enough for this. I will definitely be recommending this book to friends who have younger children or grandchildren.

Review by @caraleeloonat
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Amaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt – Review by Gillian Fawell

Amaleigha Loves a Good StoryAmaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Such a beautifully inspirational and inclusive story. Shows the true heart of children and what can happen when adults get on board with the ideas of the children in their lives rather than dismissing them because they are young. The children are the future as the saying goes and they see things so clearly. Amaleigha is definitely one of those children with a beautiful heart and I would recommend this book for all parents to read with their little ones.

Reviewed by @sparkinside

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Amaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt – Review by Kelli Harper

Amaleigha Loves a Good StoryAmaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amaleigha is a six year old who loves to help people. When she sees a need at she school she approaches teachers, the librarian and her grandfather for help. Heart warming story about a little girl who wants to make a difference.

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Amaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt – Review by Lauren West

Amaleigha Loves a Good StoryAmaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A very sweet story about a girl with with a very big heart! It had a message important to people in all walks of life, and stressed the importance of inclusion. Amaleigh loves her town and loves to read. Seeing that her local library is facing challenges gives her the idea and inspiration to make changes. She wants her friends and community who speak different languages to enjoy the library and strives to make sure they do! I loved this book!!

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Amaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt – Review by Lauren West

Amaleigha Loves a Good StoryAmaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A very sweet story about a girl with with a very big heart! It had a message important to people in all walks of life, and stressed the importance of inclusion. Amaleigh loves her town and loves to read. Seeing that her local library is facing challenges gives her the idea and inspiration to make changes. She wants her friends and community who speak different languages to enjoy the library and strives to make sure they do! I loved this book!!

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Amaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt – Review by Micalah Weatherholtz

Amaleigha Loves a Good StoryAmaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amaleigha is a super sweet little girl who loves to visit the library and enjoys the many books that are available for her. She notices that other children, who don’t speak English, don’t have as many books available to them. So Amaleigha sets out to raise money to fix that and builds a little library so anyone has access to the books that they were able to get at any time. This was an incredibly sweet story that I was happy to share with my kiddos and we all thoroughly enjoyed. I really loved the directions on how to build your own little free library. I would absolutely recommend this book.

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Amaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt – Review by Crystal Jimenez

Amaleigha Loves a Good StoryAmaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a cute short book for you little ones. I read this book with my grandbabies, and they loved it. I think a lot of the school libraries have the same issue about not having othe language books, and my grandbabies could relate to the story in that aspect.

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Amaleigha and the Big Idea by Janice Pratt – Review by Crystal Jimenez

Amaleigha and the Big IdeaAmaleigha and the Big Idea by Janice Pratt
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a cute short book for you little ones. I read this book with my grandbabies, and they loved it. They liked that they do some of the same outdoor things as Amaleigha. My grandbabies lived her big idea.

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Amaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt – Review by Cindy Rushin

  1. Amaleigha Loves a Good StoryAmaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt
    My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a cute little story. It is nice to read an uplifting children’s book as I think it provides inspiration to the young children who read it. I highly recommend this story for anyone who has young children. This author writes good stories and I do enjoy reading them.

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Amaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt – Review by Jamie Truex

Amaleigha Loves a Good StoryAmaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a cute story. This is the second book I have read about Amaleigha. She is a clever young lady with big ideas. This time she wants to help her friends, who speak other languages, have more options of books to read. I love how her ideas bring the community together. And at the end, it shows how we can do the same.

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Amaleigha and the Big Idea by Janice Pratt – Review by Torey Foster

Amaleigha and the Big IdeaAmaleigha and the Big Idea by Janice Pratt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amaleigha is a five year old girl who sees the world in a different way. She enjoys the little things in life, all the way down to the grass between her toes or the insects on the ground. She is very observant and enjoys the forrest and all there is to see, smell, hear and touch. She loves it so much that she wants the whole world to be able to experience it with her. Then she gets an idea, and with her families support, she makes her idea a reality.
This is such a neat story and it teaches kids to dream big, believe in themselves and with hard work they can make a big difference.

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Amaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt – Review by Karen Pearman

Amaleigha Loves a Good StoryAmaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What an adorable story! I loved everything about this book. Not only did it teach kids, and adults, a lesson regarding how to get book boxes set up in your neighborhoods, but I loved that it also included other ethnicities as well. It even included some dialogue in Spanish, German, and Chinese. What a wonderful idea! I love that the main character is such a wonderful young girl that not only loves to read but wants to bring books to all the kids in her area. With the help of the adults around her she can accomplish her goal of bringing books of all languages to not only the book box but her school library too. This is a highly recommended book for kids. In fact, I am purchasing several for Christmas gifts. I encourage you to do the same. All kids need to read this book.

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Amaleigha and the Big Idea by Janice Pratt – Review by Tausha Treadway

Amaleigha and the Big IdeaAmaleigha and the Big Idea by Janice Pratt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amaleigha and the Big Idea by Janice Pratt. This is such a fun book. Its for ages 4-7 but it has lessons we can all learn from. The pictures are very colorful and pretty and the story itself is wonderful. Amaleigha has lots of ideas and she likes to share them with everyone. She especially loves everything about outside. The flowers, the grass, the insects and the seasons. Amaleigha is used to spreading her ideas with adults who will help her make them come true and when she has an idea to share about her love of nature she can’t wait for others to enjoy it. This book helps anyone to realize to always follow your dreams! Great gift for kids as well.

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Amaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt – Review by Bethany Rucker

Amaleigha Loves a Good StoryAmaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amaleigha loves to read, but she wants everyone in her community to have the same chances that she has to get books they can read. Amaleigha wants people of different cultures and backgrounds,to have access to books in their own languages. Amaleigha comes up with a plan, and executes it. She gets other involved, and before you know it the whole community is helping out. This is a great story about setting your mind to something and accomplishing your goals, especially when that goal helps others!

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Amaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt – Review by Angela Hayes

Amaleigha Loves a Good StoryAmaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


4.5 Stars


“Amaleigha was a very compassionate 6-year-old. Many said that she never missed an opportunity to help others and that her heart was as big as the world or maybe even bigger.”


Amaleigha Loves a Good Story is another cute story by Janice Pratt. It’s such a sweet read. A beautifully illustrated children’s story that captures the imagination of both young, and old alike.
Amaleigha sets off again, to make more of a difference in her community coming up with another fantastic idea that she hopes will better her local community. She might be little, but she thinks big. And her community are about to reap the rewards of her clever mind.
As with Amaleigha’s other story, this book also inspires the imagination, but also promotes the idea that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. It has a sweet, interesting, and fun plot- with bright and colourful illustrations that will definitely hold a child’s interest. The messages are inspirational and easy for children to understand.
This cute and quirky story was engaging and fun, feeding both the imagination, as well as inspiring creative thinking, being productive, making a difference, reading, and contributing to community.
Happy reading!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Amaleigha and the Big Idea by Janice Pratt – Review by Crystal Jimmo

Amaleigha and the Big IdeaAmaleigha and the Big Idea by Janice Pratt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My son who is 6 absolutely loved this book. He got to learn so much about the forest around us and we went outside and pointed out things he learned. Amaleigh and the Big Idea was cute and adorable and had many things to teach kids about the world around them! I will be getting the other books by this author!

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Amaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt – Review by Nakyshia Leger

Amaleigha Loves a Good StoryAmaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amaleigha is a small girl with HUGE ambitions to change the world! When she realizes that her local library faced a big problem she worked with the community to make changes happen! I love that Amaleigha has high ambitions to make the world a better place. It goes to show that hard work and determination can make things happen! Amaleigha is an inspiration to today’s youth! Her adventures strike up conversations with my son about how we can help our community. The vibrant illustrations bring the story to life and keep it engaging. I can not wait to read more of Amaleigha’s adventures!

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Amaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt – Review by Rachel Moss

Amaleigha Loves a Good StoryAmaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a really good story! For a children’s book it was very inspiring too. I really like the lesson inside this book that says if you have enough determination you can make anything a reality. My daughter is too young to enjoy this book, she wouldn’t understand the message inside or anything really, but I really want to read this to her when she gets older and can understand that she can make a difference in the world if she just imagines and tries.

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Amaleigha and the Big Idea by Janice Pratt – Review by Amanda Haller-Doris

Amaleigha and the Big IdeaAmaleigha and the Big Idea by Janice Pratt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was an adorable tale about a five year old that loves to spend time thinking and seems to view the world in a different way. The writer did an amazing job of describing this little girl’s attitude and ability to study and learn from the world around her. The pictures came out great on a Kindle and illustrated her and the world she sees. I love how even though she is only five, she comes up with such a wonderful idea and is able to explain it in a way that she gets everyone on board. It’s a great story that teaches children, just because you are young, it doesn’t mean you can’t have wonderful ideas. I have never heard of barefoot parks and I loved the idea of this. I fully recommend this story for anyone who wants to teach their children that they can make an impact on the world around them.

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Amaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt – Review by Jenni Bishop

Amaleigha Loves a Good StoryAmaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amaleigha is back in another adventure. This young girl is a thinker and a problem solver. She is always thinking of others and how she can help. As a lover of books and stories she wants to share that love with her community. She is lucky that she has people in her life that are more than happy to support her and her quests.
With inspirational messages and colourful illustrations Amaleigha’s story will have your child’s creative minds thinking of their own ways of helping others.
This is an imaginative, fun and engaging story that children of many ages will enjoy.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Practically Pagan – An Alternative Guide to Magical Living by Maria DeBlassie – Review by Helen Dawkins

Practically Pagan - An Alternative Guide to Magical LivingPractically Pagan – An Alternative Guide to Magical Living by Maria DeBlassie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a wonderful and interesting book, not only for those who practice Paganism and/or witchcraft, but everyone. It shows that magic is everywhere and how to use certain objects, plants, things in healing and comfort. I absolutely love how she states that magic isn’t the crazy evil thing that people make it out to be, but instead that it is more so getting to know yourself and the earth more intimately. The book reads like a self-help book more than anything else. Would be great for anyone who practices paganism, witchcraft, beginners or more skillful, and even those who just are looking to make changes within their lives and connect to their feminine divine.

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Amaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt – Review by Anna Hirsch

Amaleigha Loves a Good StoryAmaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Amaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt
4 Stars

Amaleigha is back with some more big ideas. She is a smart six year old with a heart of gold. She loves to read and visits the library often. One day while there, she notices that while there is a large selection of books for her to choose from, there are not many books in other languages. This makes her sad knowing the bilingual children have to read the same books over and over. An idea starts forming but she knows that she’ll need help to accomplish her goal. This is a terrific book to show children how to think about and help others. I love how the author adds instructions at the back of the book explaining how you can do what Amaleigha did.

Review by @Anna Hirsch
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Amaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt – Review by Caralee Loonat

Amaleigha Loves a Good StoryAmaleigha Loves a Good Story by Janice Pratt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love finding new authors. This is the first book by this author I have read and I wish my children were young enough to also read it. I like how the author brings the characters to life and how down to earth they are. The story was really inventive and creative. I really think that this book would inspire kids and help them learn how to help others. I really recommend this book for kids and believe that it teaches a good lesson.

Reviewed by @caraleeloonat
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