
The View From Here by Leon Stevens – Reviewed by Jennifer Murray

The View from HereThe View from Here by Leon Stevens
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I found this to be an engrossing adventure story of “what if”. I would describe this as a more quiet adventure between two recently acquainted individuals with a sense of adventure. A very enjoyable read and I found it somewhat hard to put down.

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Priscida Finds Greatness In Herself and Others by Constance May – Reviewed By Jennifer Murray

Priscida Finds Greatness: In Herself and in OthersPriscida Finds Greatness: In Herself and in Others by Constance Mays

This is a sweet story about a stray kitty that finds herself adopted into a loving and supportive family. Through a series of adventures, she comes to understand that being great is more about loving people and being loved back than by material gains. Through the act of love and compassion towards others, we all can be great individuals. I found this to be an understandable way to introduce compassion towards others in children with colorful childlike illustrations.

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Practically Pagan An Alternative Guide to Magical Living by Maria Deblassie – Review by Jennifer Murray

Practically Pagan - An Alternative Guide to Magical LivingPractically Pagan – An Alternative Guide to Magical Living by Maria DeBlassie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Practically Pagan An Alternative Guide to Magical Living by Maria Deblassie

I readily admit that a covers holds some major weight to whether or not I even pick up a book to see if it will hold interest to me, so when mere sentences into this book, Declassified touches on the very topic: “ …This book is magic. All books are. So much so that they are picky about who picks them up and reads them. They only want people ready to hear their message, kindred spirits eager to soak up their specific brand of magic.”
Thus begins our journey of gentle reminders that magic is not just something we read about or watch via our various sized screens but daily life, be it the magic of a sunset, a peaceful moment of self reflection and grounding ourselves in the simple moments of life. Deblassie reminds us that we are deserving of “pleasure magic” no matter how often society attempts to make us feel guilty to taking time to “tune into what soothes the soul and refreshes the senses without guilt, without shame, without comparing your journey to others.” A bit of a gut punch reality in this world of social “achievements”

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