
Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Elizabeth Sanchez

Loyalty & LiesLoyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Loyalty & Lies is the 6th book in the Spicetopia series by Phoebe Alexander. I have read them all and enjoy them. They are really unique, and while the story has overlapping characters, you could pick up any book and read out of order and still enjoy it. These characters apparently cross over from another series, Eastern Shore Swingers, which I have not read. But all of Alexander’s books I’ve read are great, so I may venture into that series next. This book was full of drama and suspense. I liked that I didn’t really figure out what was going on until towards the end. I don’t want to say too much as there was a lot of secrets and mystery. But it was a great book and kept me hooked, I didn’t want to put it down. Definitely for the more mature audience, as the entire series takes place at a adult theme park full of sexual experiences. Not for the faint of heart, but at the same time, it wasn’t so graphic that I was turned away. It was well written and like always, the characters are great.

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Reviewed by @way2gosmartguy

Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Michelle Mulvey

Loyalty & LiesLoyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is book 6 in the series. I absolutely love how the author pulled characters from a different series and put them in this series. Never would’ve expected that.
Calvin and Paisley Mitchell are going to Spicetopia for their anniversary. It was a surprise trip Calvin planned but there’s no place in the world that Paisley would enjoy more. Things do not go exactly as planned. Everything isn’t always as it seems. Calvin and Paisley’s trust in eachother will be tested on this short trip. Will they be able to overcome everything that happens or will jealousy win like planned by others.
Always love when this author comes out with new books and I absolutely loved this one and the author nailed it!!! Great Characters, great storyline. Loved it all! From beginning to end, I was obsessed to see what was going to happen next. Grab your copy today!

review by @xchellex

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Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Kayla Octaviano

Loyalty & LiesLoyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’ve never read a Spicetopia novel before, but this one blew my mind. It was never predictable and always exhilarating! It follows a lovely married couple who understands each other’s sexual desires and fantasies. Calvin and Paisley love each other dearly and take a vacation to Spicetopia to celebrate for the last time before becoming parents. The love they share is pure, but this trip tests their relationship in ways I’m sure they never thought possible. The story is exciting, enticing, and extremely addicting. I read it in two days. And sleeping in the middle was a challenge! I would recommend for all adults who are open minded and love a good read. I can’t wait to read the other books and series by this author!

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Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Dani Dando

Loyalty & LiesLoyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Yet another installment in the Spiectopia series, based around a naughty theme part that is just for adults. While I’ll admit the stories in this series are not what I would usually enjoy reading, anyone that loves a good raunchy novel to sink their teeth into will adore this and the other books in the series.
Though the stories do tend to follow on from each other, they can be read as stand-alones, and this installment is about yet another married couple, looking to spice up their love life, by taking a daring vacation to a theme park that encourages you to test your boundaries and drop your knickers. Calvin, sweet and apparently innocent Calvin, decides that he is going to let his hair down and dip a toe in the raunchy world for the lady in his life Paisley. She is expecting, and before the baby arrives, Paisley wants Calvin to experience some shenanigans that she likes, far from the safe vanilla-ness that he is so accustomed to. They of course go, but obviously problems arise, when sweet and innocent Calvin, takes to the sauciness like French fries and seems far too easily at home with things that he claims he has never done before. Paisley, bless her, can’t be sure if it’s the hormones, but she is certain that he is hiding something from her.
Like all of Alexander’s books, this will get you hot under the collar. Though not my thing, Alexander always writes amazingly and brings to life some diamond characters that are so easy to relate to. Prepare yourself for more spice and sexiness than any one person can handle, this book may just burn your eyebrows off. You have been warned.

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Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Karyn Taylor

Loyalty & LiesLoyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Loyalty & Lies is the 6th book in the fantastic, steamy Spicetopia series by Phoebe Alexander. Spicetopia is an ‘anything goes’ adult theme park and they really do mean that anything goes. I have loved the 5 books in this series so far and I also loved Calvin and Paisley’s original story in the Eastern Shores Swingers Series which is where I first discovered Phoebe Alexander’s great books. I was really looking forward to reading the next instalment in Calvin and Paisley’s story and hoping it wasn’t as dramatic as their original story.
Well, it was just as dramatic if not even more, but it was totally hooked to the story and loved it so much. As hot and steamy as Phoebe Alexander’s books are, and this one is no different (it’s very HOT) there is so much more to this book than just the hot sex.
There is a whole lot more going on at Spicetopia than meets the eye and Calvin and Paisley find themselves at the centre of some major drama.
I also loved getting an insight into the 5 couples from the previous Spicetopia books and seeing a snippet of where their lives are now.
I really hope that Phoebe Alexander continues with the series as I’m a huge fan of it. Would definitely recommend Loyalty & Lies.

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Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Jennifer Gordon

Loyalty & LiesLoyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is another enjoyable novel in Phoebe Alexander’s ‘Spicetopia’ series, “where variety is the spice of life”. Spicetopia is a theme park for adults where all your fantasies can be fulfilled. With plenty of spice and steamy scenes this is definitely meant for readers 18+. ‘Loyalty & Lies’ can be read as a standalone story but I think the reader would get more enjoyment by reading the previous books in the series as the couples do crossover, and the backstory to ‘Spicetopia’ is given in the earlier books. This storyline focuses on Calvin and Paisley Mitchell who not only have a baby on the way but are also celebrating their three year wedding anniversary. Calvin was a bit more reluctant to stay at the exclusive resort in the Bahamas, meant for adults only, than Paisley but once he’s there he enjoys himself. Paisley goes from being surprised but thrilled when Calvin gets into the spirit of ‘Spicetopia’ to worrying that something is very wrong and wondering if her husband may have been lying to her the whole time. Paisley and Calvin are both great characters and their chemistry really comes across in the story and leads to some steamy encounters. The storyline has plenty of plot twists that it kept me hooked from start to finish. A great mix of romance, drama and spice this was an engaging story and I look forward to further books based at ‘Spicetopia’.

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Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Debi Kircher

Loyalty & LiesLoyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander

5 Stars

Back to Spicetopia! I forget how much I love visiting there till I pick up another book, then add in one of my favorite couples from The Eastern Shore Swingers series and all was right in my world for the duration of this book!

This whole series is so much fun, each one could actually be read as a standalone but I just think you need the whole of the Spicetopia series to appreciate it! This one might just be my favorite, it could have to do with the characters I’ve already come to love but I loved the approach to this story. I love the emotions I was feeling throughout. I loved loved loved being on the edge of my seat at times wondering what would happen next. I was a mess at times, angry, scared, happy, sad.. Yes this author hit it all in this one!

Another one sitting read because I could not put it down. If you have not read any of this author’s books, you really must..You won’t regret it I promise, and I’m sure she will become another addition to your one click list as quickly as she did mine!

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Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Lyndsey Fairley

Loyalty & LiesLoyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love when an author can bring 2 characters from one series into another and this was done so well! I loved these two in their own book and to now see them at Spicetopia, we’re in for a treat.
You dont ‘have to’ read the previous books but it helps set up everything and give you a setup for this book. Can’t wait for more!

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Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Tracy Manderson

Loyalty & LiesLoyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Loyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander

5out of 5 stars

Loyalty & Lies written by Phoebe Alexander is my first read and definitely not my last her work just gets better with each book. The characters are amazingly written with little quirks that make them real. The description and scenery she described made me feel like I was there.

We meet Calvin and Paisley Mitchell they are celebrating three years of wedded bliss and a baby on the way! Calvin is a little Vanilla while Paisley is little spicey when it comes to sex. So, when Calvin expressed interest in spicing up their sex life, she was excited.

Calvin booked an anniversary trip for Paisley to the Bahamas what she didn’t know was they were going to Spicetopia a dream come true Paisley can’t wait to party before their bundle of joy comes.

But something happens to make their dream trip turn into a nightmare. What could have happened to this couple? Is their marriage strong enough to handle? Will they make it back home?

You will need to read this story to find out but, I do recommend you reading all the books in this series….



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Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Michelle Austin

Loyalty & LiesLoyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was excited to get another story with Paisley and Calvin. I got pulled in right from the beginning. These two decide to do something different for their anniversary. They decide to go to the adult amusement park in the Bahamas. Their relationship is tested when there are some unexpected twists and turns and some people that made me angry with what they did.

Will their relationship stay strong?

Overall this was a great read. All of the characters added a great element to the story. My heart went out to Paisley, being a pregnant emotional mess with all that was going on. The author does a great job with her writing. I can’t wait to read more. If you’re looking for a great series to read, 1-click and get started today.

Reviewed by @mab54615
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Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Anastasia Dodson

Loyalty & LiesLoyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Loyalty and Lies is the 6th book in the Spicetopia series and I loved it! This series just keeps getting better and better with each book and this one is probably my favorite so far. I loved the main characters in this book! They were sweet and so cute I was rooting for them from the start.
I am looking forward to reading more by this author in the future!
Happy Reading!

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Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

Loyalty & LiesLoyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars
Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander

Loyalty &Lies is the sixth nook in the Spicetopia Series by Phoebe Alexander. I freaking loved this Romance book that has hot and steamy scenes that you will need a cool down. I’ve read several other books by this author and I’m sad because I don’t want it to be done yet. Although these can be read as standalones I do however recommend reading this series in order to get the full experience of Spicetopia through the different characters plus they kinda crossover. We first met Calvin and Paisley in The Eastern Shore Swingers Series so I was excited when I seen we was getting more of their story. These two are celebrating wedding anniversary and the upcoming arrival of a baby. Calvin wanted to take Paisley away somewhere special since they didn’t get a honeymoon. Then the story gets really interesting and I couldn’t put it down. Paisley thinks she might have caught Calvin in a Lie. Was it a lie or something else entirely? Find out what happens next in this book. I highly recommend reading. I can’t wait to read more from this Author.

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Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Rachel Moss

Loyalty & LiesLoyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Loyalty and Lies (Book Six in the Spicetopia series) by Phoebe Alexander was an incredible read! This one has been my favorite of the series so far! This book had me sitting on the edge of my seat for most of the time I was reading it. Not only did it have the steam, but it had the suspense, mystery and action! I honestly had no idea Alexander was capable of writing an action/suspense novel like this one was! I want to definitely read more of Calvin and Paisley’s backstory now! I hope there’s going to be more installments to the Spicetopia family, because I can’t wait to read more!

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Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Amanda Kimble

Loyalty & LiesLoyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander

Not my first read by Alexander, but damn if it doesn’t get any better. Loyalty & Lies is a sexy book and I can’t wait to read more. Alexander knows how to draw readers in and leave them wanting more.

Paisley is finally getting a dream come true. Getting to go on their honeymoon is a fantastic thing. But getting to go to an adult theme park is awesome. The quote I chose for Paisley is: “I thought you said this was too cheesy to ride.”

Calvin is treating his beautiful pregnant wife to a trip of their lifetime. He wants to do whatever makes her happy since she is amazing. She is giving him the greatest gift of all. A child. The quote I chose for Calvin is: “Good, that means our baby is growing.”

Highly recommended for Contemporary Romance lovers.

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Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Jessica Leombruno

Loyalty & LiesLoyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Loyalty & Lies is the sixth book in the Spicetopia series by Phoebe Alexander. This series also seems to bring some sexiness to each couple.

Calvin and Paisley are going on Babycation – vacation before their first baby. Calvin’s surprising his wife with a trip to Spicetopia (an adult theme park) for a sexy good time, And why not add a little interesting adventure to that list. I didn’t see that twist coming.

I like how Phoebe adds some past couples in her books to keep us updated. I always enjoy my trips to this sexy island.

Reviewed by @jbruno26
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Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Mirela Ruiz

Loyalty & LiesLoyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander was a cute and spicy read. I love the Spicetopia novels, they are well written and the plot is always well done. There are layers to the characters and it is not just spice. I loved reading about Calvin and Paisley. I did not want to put this book down.

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Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Candida Hopper

Loyalty & LiesLoyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6)
By Phoebe Alexander

Another great book in a great series. I loved that I recognized Calvin and Paisley from another series by this author. This story had me on the edge of my seat throughout most of the book. These two are going on the honeymoon they never got to have. It’s their last big hoorah before the baby is born. Calvin wants to make it special for Paisley by taking her to Spicetopia (adult theme park) where they can let loose. Their loyalty and trust gets tested in this book. I loved this book and if you haven’t read the other books in this series you absolutely need to because they are just as engaging as this one. I can’t say enough good things about this author’s writing and this series. I highly recommend this book.

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Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Sheri Schrader

Loyalty & LiesLoyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Loyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander is the sixth book in the Spicetopia series. This can be read as a standalone story and enjoyed completely. Calvin and Paisley Mitchell have decided for their anniversary to go to Spicetopia to add some spice to their marriage before the new baby arrives. But does this bring in more questions than answers for the couple? This series has always been spicy but this addition truly brings the heat. This is a crossover to another of the author’s series but I do not feel as if I have missed vital information in order to enjoy this book. As always she brings something new to the table and I enjoy how she develops the ongoing series and introduces us to another layer and element to the overall story. This is not for young eyes but enjoyed by adults. I look forward to where Ms. Alexander takes me next in her books and will wait for her next book.

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Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Heather Lovelace

Loyalty & LiesLoyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Another spicy addition to the Spicetopia universe with a wonderful crossover from the Eastern Shore Swingers. If you are looking for a book and series that will push your boundaries on what is acceptable or taboo, entertain yourself fantasies with the fantastic and possible, and make you need a fan – look no further. It is for mature readers only.

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace
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Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Kerry Baker

Loyalty & LiesLoyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Loyalty and Lies by Phoebe Alexander is the sixth book in the Spicetopia series. This series just honestly keeps on getting better and better, with each new book becoming my favourite. I loved the intrigue to Calvin and Paisley’s story – I wanted to find out the truth just as mush as she did. I also enjoyed the fact that we actually met this couple in and earlier book. It made it that much easier to connect with them.
Phoebe Alexander always seems to know how to write a story that will completely capture your attention. There is a bit of everything that you could possibly want in each and every book. They are always so well written and this book is no exception. I would highly recommend this series.

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Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Sara Oxton

Loyalty & LiesLoyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Loyalty and Lies by Phoebe Alexander an adventure of a five-star read. This is number six in the Spicetopia series you don’t need to have read the others first as each novel focuses on a different couple at the adult resort. I met Calvin and Paisley previously as I have read and adored The Catch, but I wouldn’t have missed anything if I hadn’t, for me it was like catching up with old friends, finding the gossip and spice that is their life. It was so nice watching them together, growing together as their family grows.
Review by @saraoxo

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Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Lianne Probert

Loyalty & LiesLoyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Loyalty and Lies is the sixth book in the Spicetopia series by Pheobe Alexander.

Despite being part of a series, this book does work well as a standalone, although to enhance your enjoyment of this even more I would recommend starting at the beginning. Not only is this a great series, but reading the previous stories will make this book even more enjoyable.

This book follows Paisley and Calvin (fans of this author will be pleased to see a crossover between series here). They are happily married, expecting a baby, and about to celebrate their third wedding anniversary. Where better to celebrate their big occasion than at Spicetopia? But cracks begin to surface when Paisley grows uncomfortable with how much Calvin enjoys it.

If you have read anything by this author before then this book will not disappoint. The characters are sweet, and of course, we have spice! I can’t wait to read more.

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Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Tausha Treadway

Loyalty & LiesLoyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander. This is the 6th installment of the Spicetopia series. Its is just as good as the previous 5 and just as spicy. Its the story of Calvin and Paisley who are happily married and expecting their first child. When Paisley finds out Calvin is up for spicing up their marriage with threesomes and more she books them for Spicetopia immediately. Spicetopia is an adult only sexy theme park resort. When they arrive at the resort all things are a go until Paisley see a side of Calvin she’s never seen. What has he been hiding from her and if he’s lying about this what else is he lying about. Is Paisley just reeling from pregnancy hormones or is does she really have something to be concerned about. Read Loyalty and Lies to find out!

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Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – review by Laura-Jane Minnie

Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6)Loyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the sixth book in the series, you can read it as a stand alone but I would recommend reading the others first. I was not disappointed I was hoping this would have as much sizzling hot romance as the rest of her books. Absolutely love this couple Calvin and Paisley they compliment each other rather well. You can never have too much tangling hotness in one book and at spicetopia that is the perfect place to be.

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Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Angela Shirley

Loyalty & LiesLoyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Paisley and Calvin are relaxing at there get away for their Anniversary but is it all rosy in their relationship or is something going on that neither will admit too.

Paisley and Calvin are celebrating their third wedding anniversary and before the baby arrives they are happy to dabble within the lifestyle, as Calvin is getting more comfortable wanting to experience more but when something does not feel right to Paisley she has doubts of is it the hormones or is something going on with her husband.

I am so glad that there is a crossover from Eastern Shore swingers as I loved this series and to be fair anything by Phoebe Alexander. I loved to see the insight into their relationship three years on and with Calvin so open to the lifestyle it is a real twist for Paisley who has always been so open to be the one who was insecure.

As always the story is well written and brilliantly written, as always I feel like I am within the story walking through the emotions of the characters as well as thinking I can be the friend with a shoulder to cry one ( I know its a book) but I have a great imagination. With the twists in the story it will have you delving into the book and devouring the pages to see the conclusion of the story.

You can read this book as a Stand alone but why would you not discover these two brilliant series, I would recommend reading the Eastern Shores first and then dive into the world of Spicetopia. I can’t wait to read the next instalment, thank you Ms Alexander for another brilliant read.

Reviewed by Angela Shirley

Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Liz Vrchota

Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6)Loyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was like the best of both worlds for me in one jam packed wonderful read! Phoebe Alexander is one of my favorites in the romance and erotica genres, especially her Eastern Shore series. This one took my favorite couple, Calvin and Paisley, and dropped them into the wonderful and sinnfully exciting world of Spicetopia. I was in heaven to say the least. This book was so much fun to disappear into for a while while I was in the hospital and it took me far away into a world I would so rather be in. I love when an author can create these realistic places that you feel you are transported to with their world building skills. This is most definitely one of Alexander’s strong points. I found myself laughing out loud a lot as well and that is all something we need more of in life. I cannot wait to see what else pops us from Ms. Alexander in the hopefully near future!

Review by @lizaileen
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Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Faith Jackson

Loyalty & LiesLoyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was simply amazing! It makes me miss being a teenager and a teenager in love but the thrill for me, personally, as a reader it was also the thrill that the action surrounding the characters and making them fight for their lives brought them closer together. What makes it realistic for me is the tug of war between the two characters and the development (or lack thereof) in their relationship. The back and forth between them makes me thought-provoking, emotional, intense and sensual to say the least. Great read!

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Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Katie Matthews

Loyalty & LiesLoyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


I was SO excited to see this book had been released. I have adored the Spicetopia series and I loved Ms Alexanders Easter shore Swingers Series so to see a crossover of characters absolutely made my day! This book was an amazing read, I loved everything about it. I think it may be my favourite from this series so far. I loved reading about Calvin and Paisley again; I loved them both as much as I did the first time I read their story. Paisley has such a great personality and added in her pregnancy hormones she was even better to read about. I loved the twists and turns the author took the story, definitely had me on the edge of my seat more than once especially seeing’s how much I love these two!
I would recommend reading this series in order although they can be read as standalones. I can’t wait for more from Ms Alexander as always! She is definitely one of my favourite authors.

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Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Jenni Bishop

Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6)Loyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander is another hot and spicey read to this fab series. Phoebe always delves into things people see as taboo or a little different when it comes to sex, but she does it so well and I say live a little and delve in. I am sure some readers will live vicariously through this author. Spicetopia is the place to try new things. It is a place to give pleasure and increase your sexuality and sensuality. It was also great to see some old friends from another series Calvin and Paisley.

Hot and steamy ✔
Spicey with drama ✔
Entertaining ✔

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Gail Guerrero

Loyalty & LiesLoyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Gail Guerrero

Four stars

When it comes to writing what most deem controversial Phoebe Alexander excels at it. I enjoyed this story a lot. Calvin and Paisley her celebrating marriage and a baby. What better way to than an adult only resort! I really liked Paisley’s personality. She was so happy and spunky through most of the book. I loved that she could be who she truly was with her husband. That she was comfortable with their openness. But is it too smooth? Is Calvin taking to the life too well? I would definitely be questioning my man if he was just okay to it and took too it fast without some type of reserve. I overall enjoyed this story and wish the couple many happy years and more babies.

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