
The Silent Road by S.N. McKibben – Review by Mary Espinoza

The Silent RoadThe Silent Road by S.N. McKibben
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Silent Road by S.N. McKibben is about a long-haul truck driver with some MM romance. There is plenty of emotion, blended with quite a bit of complicated family dynamics, anger, angst, a sexual discovery of sorts, a quest for redemption, and drama. The book has a “Brokeback Mountain” feel to it, but instead of the characters being cowboys, they’re trucker drivers.
The characters are presented with complex personalities and flaws which made it hard for me to connect with them. The one thing that I didn’t care for was that the only point of view came from Dan, the story’s main character. We ‘hear’ Dan’s point of view throughout the story, but we never really find out how the other characters feel, or what they are thinking, which added to my frustration because I like to have a story with multiple points of view so I can piece things together easier.
I don’t know much about long-haul truck driving, so to have some of the difficulties that the truck drivers face on these trips helped me understand some of the dynamic that the author was trying to put into the storyline. I will say that I thought that was a very interesting part of the story. Another thing that was mentioned in the story was the difficulty that Dan faces being recently divorced and trying to give his daughter the best life that he can. The family dynamic hit close to home in that area due to me being a child of divorced parents. Dan has so much to process in the book between being on the road long days and hours, his family issues and now his feelings that have developed and have left him utterly confused. I hope that this read is a little easier for some of you, I will say that is was definitely not what I was expecting, but overall was a pretty good read.

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Mary Espinoza, April 2023

Insomnia: (A Short Stories Collection) by Kelly Covic – Review by Mary Espinoza

Insomnia (A Short Stories Collection)Insomnia by Kelly Covic
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I now know why Kelly, the author of the short stories decided to call the book Insomnia! This is a book with several short stories that leave you thinking about the what if, the what happened, and the what the heck did I just read?! I found myself lost in the multiple short stories, some of them left me wondering what happened, some of them left me thinking…oh my! I’m not much for scary stories…I’m a big scaredy cat! But I did find this book to be very entertaining! Great job Kelly with writing amazing short stories that kept me captivated! There is a little bit of mystery, a little bit of chills and a whole lot of thinking that goes into reading these short stories! You will not be disappointed!

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Mary Espinoza, April 2023

A Dress To Remember: A Fairy Tale by K.L. Small – Review by Mary Espinoza

A Dress To Remember: A Fairy TaleA Dress To Remember: A Fairy Tale by K.L. Small
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What is there not to like about a book that has the Disney Fairytale feel to it?! This book was a fantastic fantasy read that I feel young readers would really enjoy! I mean come on there’s fairies, magic, adventure, evil villains, witches, and castles it has everything that the world of fantasy needs. The novel is being told from Zarina’s point of view; she is also the main character. Zarina is a spoiled princess, (like the evil sisters from Cinderella spoiled) with quite a bit of older siblings. And as tradition would have it, she is about to have very her own Royal Advancement. And being the spoiled princess that she is, she has to have the best, most extravagant dress that the kingdom has ever seen, and even though there are plenty of troubles brewing in the kingdom, the only important thing to the Princess is having this amazing gown for her big day! Deals were made, but like always, anytime you make a deal… it doesn’t come out the way you thought it would. Now, Zarina has to make a choice on whether or not she is going to come to the rescue of her family’s kingdom. Does Zarina stay the spoiled princess or does she grow up and fight for her kingdom? The only way to find out is to pick up the book and get lost in the world of Zarina and her kingdom.

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Mary Espinoza, March 2023

A Stranger in Disguise (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann – Review by Mary Espinoza

A Stranger in Disguise: An Italian Murder Mystery (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome)A Stranger in Disguise: An Italian Murder Mystery by P. J. Mann
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A stranger in disguise…. the title is what truly piqued my interest. I didn’t know when I picked up the book that it was part of a series…as a matter of fact it is book #4 in the series! I read this book as a stand-alone book, and it didn’t disappoint at all, I actually plan to go back and read the other 3 book at some point in time. This story is centered around multiple murdered bodies as an actors’ troupe is set to perform the cursed play, Macbeth. I mean come on…Macbeth…nothing good ever comes from the play Macbeth!

This book was a fast read, yet very interesting. I have never read anything from P.J. Mann, and I will say that I wasn’t disappointed! The author had a great way of leaving enough hints to keep you hooked, but not too much to where you figured out the mystery! There were plenty of twists and turns in this book and it kept you wanting more!
The banter was another cool thing, P.J. kept the book original by introducing how you think the banter would be…especially between Inspector Scala and his colleagues, to me this was highly realistic! There were times when I felt like I was also a detective working right beside them trying to solve the mysteries! I don’t think that anyone will be disappointed reading this book!

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Mary Espinoza, March 2023

Mission 3047: One Soul’s Fantasy by Stuart Ledwith – Review by Mary Espinoza

Mission 3047Mission 3047 by Stuart Ledwith PhD
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

First of all, let me start by saying this is not usually the type of genre that I am into, with that being said, I will say that this book was an interesting read. It had a weird vibe to it, but like weird in a good way. I found the story had a fun vibe to it in regard to the storyline of June and Sarge going on missions to help the aliens. I mean…come on…it has aliens, what’s not interesting about aliens! It was nice to see that June’s kids, Cora and Liv were involved in the story and weren’t just introduced and then not really mentioned again. The girls both seemed like great girls, who were very intelligent, especially when it came to the work Liv was doing to help her dad. I did find that the relationship June had was odd and did find myself thinking it was weird that she was with Sarge, they came off as having more than just a partner relationship and friendship. All in all, I found that it was a fun story with adventures they all have, the research that was done, and the unique characters that are introduced along the way.

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Mary Espinoza, March 2023

Wild Lavender (Heart & Hand Series Book 1) by Nicole E. Kelleher – Review by Mary Espinoza

Wild Lavender (Heart & Hand, #1)Wild Lavender by Nicole E. Kelleher
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love to read fantasy romance and this was really up there! I would have to say this is one of the best ones I have read in a very LONG time. This was the first book I had read by Nicole E. Kelleher and I had no idea that I would be so impressed! Nicole truly blew me away with this book! Wild Lavender is a wonderful first book in the Heart & Hand Series and I am really anticipating the next book! Nicole has such an amazing way of creating such a beautiful world! It is a fast-paced read, that has mysteries, romance, danger, and tons of chemistry. I recommend giving Wild Lavender, a chance and you’re going to fall in love with the world that was beautifully created and interesting characters. Happy Reading!

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Mary Espinoza, February 2023

True Colors (Landry’s True Colors Series Book One) by Krysten Lindsay Hager – Review by Mary Espinoza

True Colors (Landry's True Colors #1)True Colors by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

So let’s talk about nostalgia! I mean come on, every girl that was in middle school had to deal with drama at one point in time. I found that even though True Colors was a novel more geared towards the middle school aged audiences, I still found it entertaining. I found myself able to read the book quite easily as an adult who hasn’t been in middle school for a very long time! The author did a good job of touching on many of the topics that middle school girls go through on a daily basis! There were mentions of the trials of friendships, of course self esteem issues, bullying, we can’t forget the notorious gossiping, and of course trying to find your way through middle school and preparing for high school, oh yes and I almost forgot… boys! I personally do believe that this is a well written novel that many pre teen and teenage girls would enjoy reading. The book was not overly long, and was written on a level that they would be able to understand. Great job to the author for making such an age appropriate, entertaining book for the younger generations of females.

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Maru Espinoza, February 2023

The Man in Black by L.R. Liverpool – Review by Mary Espinoza

The Man In BlackThe Man In Black by L.R. Liverpool
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Man in Black is by L.R. Liverpool, and I would describe it as a gritty thriller with some drama, action, adventure, MM romance, mystery, history, and more. It did take me a few chapters to really get into the storyline, but once I continued reading on, I found that I was able to get into the storyline. It was interesting to find that it had a bit of a documentary/memoir-esque plotline, which made it more interesting. In the storyline, we follow as Fenimore (Simon) leaves home on his journey to become a famous outlaw. Fenimore’s adventures begin and not too long after that is when the story starts to take off. Of course, as you will find in any good action book, there’s a lot of suspense and mystery, but the biggest mystery of all is The Man in Black that Fenimore can’t stop thinking about. Fenimore quickly discovers that these romantic feelings are quickly brining complications to the situation. But he can’t help but wonder where does the Man in Black fit into it all? There are so many details that are in the book, that you will have to find out on your own by reading The Man in Black. Happy Reading!

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Mary Espinoza, February 2023

Hit on You by Brooke May – Review by Mary Espinoza

Hit on YouHit on You by Brooke May
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What a brilliant dark romance by an author who is new to me, I have never had the pleasure to read one of her books…. until now! Brooke did not disappoint one bit! I had no idea what I was going to get when I picked up her book and let me tell ya’ll…. she delivered! To me, this book had a great deal of intensity and romance, and I was not expecting such a well written story, like I said Brooke is a new author to me. The way she develops the story, and the characters drew me into the story immediately and she developed a world and what was going on around them so wonderfully. I found that this book had me thinking about it even when I wasn’t reading. Brooke had me wondering what was going to happen next, and of course gave me an excuse to sit down and read more!
I will have to say that Brooke did a wonderful job on this novel, and I can’t wait to read more books by this author, she definitely has a talent for creating wonderful characters and has a knack for great world building! Happy Reading!

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Mary Espinoza, February 2023

Bees in Loretta’s Bonnet (Loretta’s Insects) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Mary Espinoza

Bees in Loretta's Bonnet (Loretta's Insects #2)Bees in Loretta’s Bonnet by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Bees in Loretta’s Bonnet by Lois Wickstrom is a children’s book that is fun and informational for all ages! This book like many of Lois’s books, aims to teach children about bees (leafcutter bees, more specifically). As always, the illustrations are brilliant, vibrant and really help to bring the explanations to life. Lois has a way of writing books that portray observations of your surrounding and how to handle situations that may occur. It also shows children the importance to have compassion towards insects in general. This is great learning tool that shows the different situations from a child’s point of view.

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Mary Espinoza, February 2023

The Hawke Family Complete Collection by Gwyn McNamee – Review by Mary Espinoza

The Hawke Family Complete CollectionThe Hawke Family Complete Collection by Gwyn McNamee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

These books definitely didn’t disappoint one bit! Gwyn put as much into these books as she did in Night Hawke. I seriously found myself reading these books every chance I had…these books were 100%-page turners! I found myself lost in not only the steamy parts of the book, but the mystery and back story as well. Gwyn has a talent for creating in-depth story plotlines and characters with intriguing skill! And yes, there is a lot of steamy scenes, but what I really enjoyed is that it is not purely sex-filled romance, but there was plenty of action and suspense, which really created deeper stories.

Savage Collision:
Savage….what a name…and what a man! Gwyn has a way of describing a beautiful character with a kind soul, but of course is described to be as hot as a man can be! But with every kind soul, there’s a past lingering its ugly face in the background…and Savage has to deal with that and more!

Savage is introduced to a woman named Dani…has Savage met his match when it comes to Dani? Is Dani falling for Savage…will their relationship work out beyond “friends”…there’s only one way to find out and that is to read the book yourself! I promise you…this is a page turner that you will not want to put down!

Tortured Skye:

The second book in the Hawke Family Series, and it was as good as the first book! Gwyn may honestly be one of my new favorite authors! This book was well written and didn’t lack in anything! Skye and Gabe are the two main characters in the second book, and there were times when the author had me wondering how these two were ever going to connect! But like the other books I have read by Gwyn…she magically found a way to bring everything together! She writes with such detail and has this way of creating world’s that you can easily find yourself lost in!

I really enjoyed Gabe and his story, his journey was a unique one, and Skye just adds to the plot! There’s emotion, attraction, passion, and so much more! I hope that you find yourself as lost in the books as what I was!

Wow!!!!…. really, I mean wow! Once again, Gwyn has not disappointed one bit! In a way I think that the series has gotten even better in these two installments. The author has upped her game even more by providing intriguing, page-turning storylines. Like any good family dirt…there are secrets that run deep in the first two books, and more secrets are revealed in these next two books, which really helped suspense and the world building!

Stone Sober:
This one was interesting and had a darker vibe than the others. Stone is introduced to a woman named Nora, and the two of them find that they are drawn to each other, but there’s one problem…they are not at all alike. There are plenty of secrets, darkness and just the overall unknown that creates tension that keeps you turning the page to find out more and to try to learn more about Stone and Nora!

Building Storm:

Storm finds herself in a unexpected situation and is trying to piece her life back together after what can only be described as losing it all. She has to try to be strong because she has her daughter to look after and is trying her best to live life through all of the pain that she has endured! She isn’t looking for love but lo and behold, apparently love has found her! And the hardest thing for Storm is that she has been through so much, that she doesn’t even realize that love has found her! Landon McCabe is looking for a fresh start after being a man on the run. He figures why not start fresh in New Orleans…nothing can go wrong there…right?! Well let’s just say that Landon and Storm find themselves both coming from broken situations and have no idea that the healing compound is each other! You must read in order to find out what else goes on between Storm and Landon!

Like all things…. the series has come to an end with these last 2 books, I’m sad to see this series come to an end, but it was definitely entertaining while it lasted! Gwyn built a wonderful world, with amazing characters that all had unique characteristics and backstories that truly captivates the reader. Gwyn didn’t disappoint with these last 2 books and gave it the proper ending without leaving you thinking what if or that’s it!

Tainted Saint:
This book was a shorter read than the previous 4 books but was still satisfying and entertaining. It was nice that Gwyn made sure that all of the characters from the previous stories continued to find their way into each book….and this book was no different! There were familiar characters, romance, steaminess, mystery and secrets!

Caroline is introduced in this book, and she has found out that she has an eye for Saint, a bouncer of one of the clubs. Does Caroline also catch Saint’s eye or is she in for a rude awakening? Gwyn didn’t go as in depth with this story, but she still continues to provide the reader with a story that has plenty of twists and turns!

Steele Resolve:

When I say I didn’t expect an ending like that…I mean it was truly unexpected, but still a satisfying ending to an amazing series! We met Byron in the first book of the series and wonder what happened to him? Well Gwyn waited until the last book to bring Byron back as a main character, and it was worth the wait! He has been featured as an amazing loyal and enjoyable supporting character, but I was glad to see that he got his own story in the series!

This book would be considered another quick read, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t full of emotion and suspense! Steele…is she good for Byron, is she bad for Byron? Does poor Byron even know which way he needs to go…will his heart win or will it be his family that gets the last laugh? This story takes us on an adventure with Byron and his journey of who he is.

I’m sad that the series is over, but I can’t complain with how Gwyn ended it. It was well thought out and very entertaining! All I can say is Happy Reading!

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Mary Espinoza, January 2023

Night Hawke (The Hawke Family Second Generation Prequel) by Gwyn McNamee – Review by Mary Espinoza

Night Hawke (The Hawke Family Second Generation #0.5)Night Hawke by Gwyn McNamee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Holy Moly!! Talk about hot!! If I was able to give 10 stars…. I would in a heartbeat! This is a prequel to the Hawke Family Second Generation Series, and I definitely recommend reading! It’s a super quick read but let me tell you….it is an attention grabber from the first paragraph! I truly couldn’t put this book down…. the book had me thinking…. Christian Grey who! I’m not going to give away anything from the book, but dang…there’s a LOT of spicy! You want to talk about secrets, romance, plenty of emotion, and of course hot as hell spice! This was an extremely entertaining book and I sat down and read this in one sitting and was beyond prepared for the next book! And let’s talk about the way the author leaves us on a cliffhanger?! All I have to say is that I’m ready for the next book, and I 100% recommend this book…especially if you’re into hot romances with a little bit of mystery! Happy Reading!

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Mary Espinoza, January 2023

The Labyrinthine Journey (Servant of the Gods Book 2) by Luciana Cavallaro – Review by Mary Espinoza

The Labyrinthine Journey (Servant of the Gods, #2)The Labyrinthine Journey by Luciana Cavallaro
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The book The Labyrinthine Journey by Luciana Cavallaro was an exciting and entertaining read. I was definitely entertained by this book, since I read the third book first! So, I had a sense of what was going on, and let me tell you…. this book is just as entertaining as the third book. It is a story that pulled me in from the beginning and kept me entertained until the final page. This book that has action, danger, and Greek Mythology. I loved reading about the character of Evan and seeing how his character was portrayed in this book. He has been ripped from everything he knows in the 21st century and now is having to live a new life in ancient Greece. His father is Zeus and Evan is having to figure out how he is going to get back to the 21st Century. Evan finds out that he is going to have to go on a quest to find ancient relics in hopes that they will help him on his journey back home. Evan finds himself facing many trials and tribulations! All I can say is this book is a must read in order to find out if Evan is successful in his journey or not! Happy Reading!

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Mary Espinoza

Minotaur’s Lair (Servant of the Gods Book 3) by Luciana Cavallaro – Review by Mary Espinoza

Minotaur's Lair (Servant of the Gods, #3)Minotaur’s Lair by Luciana Cavallaro
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

First of all, let me start with saying…I’m not a normal person and hardly ever read books in order! With that being said, Minotaur’s Lair is the third book in the series and was wonderfully written! This novel could be just read as a stand-alone book, and you wouldn’t be lost! Now I will also add that the story is much more interesting if you read the previous books in the series as well. I actually went back and read the second book, now all I need is to read the first book! This was a fantastic and detailed read, that drew me in and made me feel like I was right there with the characters. Luciana Cavallero has such a unique writing style that is so strong that you can vividly imagine what is happening. This book really ends on a high note! Which is a lot to say because sometimes when you are reading books that are part of a series, you feel like you were left high and dry and didn’t get a great ending!
I for one am very intrigued when it comes to Greek Mythology, and I loved the Greek mythology element that Luciana added to this book. She included quite a bit of information that I was already aware of. I really enjoyed going on Evan’s journey with him. Luciana created a wonderful character that you felt like you were right next to on his journey, and that is despite the fact that he is a twelve-year-old young man! I hope that you will enjoy this page turning book as much as I did! Happy Reading!

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Mary Espinoza, December 2022

Where Do Pirates Go on Vacation? by Kim Ann – Review by Mary Espinoza

Where Do Pirates Go on Vacation? : Fun pirate story that encourages imaginative and creative thinking. Ages 3 to 8, preschool to 2nd grade.Where Do Pirates Go on Vacation? : Fun pirate story that encourages imaginative and creative thinking. Ages 3 to 8, preschool to 2nd grade. by Kim Ann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Super cute children’s book with stunning illustrations! I have never really thought about where pirates go on vacation! The author did a great job with the rhymes and keeping the book simple and to the point. There’s plenty of room for the imagination to roam! Great job on a super cute, wonderfully illustrated book!!

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Mary Espinoza, December 2022

Much Ado About Dying (Guardians of the PHAE Book 2) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Mary Espinoza

 Much Ado About Dying: An Irish Urban Fantasy Novel (Guardians of the PHAE #2)Much Ado About Dying: An Irish Urban Fantasy Novel by Rowan Dillon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars Read more

Taming of the Few (Guardians of the PHAE Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Mary Espinoza

Taming of the Few: An Irish Urban Fantasy Novel (Guardians of the PHAE #1)Taming of the Few: An Irish Urban Fantasy Novel by Rowan Dillon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was my first read by this author, and I was not disappointed one bit! If you love fantasy, conflict, different point of character views, this book is for you! I have to say I was intrigued from the moment I read the first page! Taming of the Few: An Irish Urban Fantasy Novel is book one in the Guardians of the PHAE series by Rowan Dillon. Rowan did a wonderful job of bringing Anna, a teacher who is trying figure out who she really is, Max a solider, who is trying to overcome his PTSD, and mixing the two different character’s worlds to life. She also did a fantastic job on explaining the difficulties that the people with magic powers face. This book reminded me of a cross between Lord of the Rings and the School of Good and Evil! All I have to say is once you start reading, make sure you have a comfy place to relax and all the snacks you could will need to stay put, because I’m telling you, once you pick this book up you won’t be putting it down till it’s finished, enjoy the ride!

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Mary Espinoza, December 2022

Knight In The Museum (Jorja Knight Private Investigator Mystery Series Book 5) by Alice Bienia – Review by Mary Espinoza

Knight In The Museum ( Jorja Knight Mystery -Book 5)Knight In The Museum by Alice Bienia
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was my first read by Alice Beinia, and it did not disappoint one bit! Knight in the Museum is the fifth book in a series, but this book was easily read as a stand-alone. You definitely do not have to read the previous four books, but I would recommend, or at least that is what I plan on doing! I’m always up to reading a great mystery, and this book was beyond great! I loved the authors writing style and it was a fast-paced page turner that I did not want to put down! Every time I thought I had figured out where the story was going, I would find myself caught in even more of the mystery. To say this book exceeded my expectations is an understatement! It is not very often that you find a book in a series that can be read as a stand-alone book, but this is one of those finds! Jorja (main character) is an awesome character, and I really enjoyed the story from her perspective. She’s portrayed as a strong character and was a very well thought out character in the story. She is adamant in wanting to find the answers to why several people have died. Jorja goes to extreme lengths to find the answers and on trying to figure out how everything is all connected. The deeper she searches, the further she finds herself from the real truth and who all is truly involved. To find out more…you will just have to read this awesome thriller yourself! Happy reading!!

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Mary Espinoza, December 2022

Freedom Rings (The Circle Book 3) by Brenda Hardwick – Review by Mary Espinoza

Freedom Rings: Book Three of The CircleFreedom Rings: Book Three of The Circle by Brenda Hardwick
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an interesting book especially since I read this one without reading the first two books in the series so to say I was confused when it came to the backstories is an understatement. I still pushed through the book and tried my best to understand what was going on. The book itself was entertaining, but I still plan to go back and read the previous two books, and most likely read this one again just to make it all make sense!
From what I gathered from how the book was written, the book focuses on Soraya who is now in charge of leading The Circle. She finds herself in quite a bit of situations of having to go and save people, replace those that were lost, and strengthen the ones that she still has. There is a lot going on with magic, a good vs evil point of view, people being removed from the land due to the color of their skin, broken relationships, and so much more.
The characters are very well thought out and entertaining and you may find yourself relating to a character or two in this story. It’s hard to put down this book but, as I previously mentioned, it would be extremely beneficial to read the previous books before indulging yourself into this book!

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Mary Espinoza, December 2022

Road to the Mansfield (Express Investigations Book 1) by CB Laurence – Review by Mary Espinoza

Road to the Mansfield (Express Investigations, #1)Road to the Mansfield by CB Laurence
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What is there not to love about a story that brings three strangers into the same situation on the same night and the story was inspired by Reba McEntire!! I enjoyed this suspenseful story that was full of twists and turns! This was a new author for me, and I was impressed! The author had a unique writing skill that really brought this story with great detail to life. It was well written, easy to follow and sometimes that’s hard to do, especially when you are writing about three different characters. One fateful night, three worlds collide, and no one could see what is coming. I enjoyed how the characters were well developed and kept the story engaging, entertaining, and easy to read. This was a fast paced story full of twists and turns that had me turning pages like no tomorrow! I really enjoyed reading this book and look forward to reading more from this author!

Mary Espinoza, December 2022

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Kamana Wanalaya by Susan Renee – Review by Mary Espinoza

Kamana Wanalaya for the HolidaysKamana Wanalaya for the Holidays by Susan Renee
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

To fall in love or not fall in love….that is the question! Talk about an entertaining book! I was drawn in right away with the wittiness and playfulness between the characters. Tenley and Teagen, are two people with very opposite opinions about the subject of love. Their opinions are so different that Teagan decides to invite Tenley to Hawaii on a romantic getaway and let’s just say…things do not go as planned!
This story was a fun and entertaining read! The author truly did put a lot of work into making you feel the tension and attraction between the characters! There were definitely plenty of laugh out loud moments! And don’t let the title fool you…just because the storyline is based around Christmas time, does not mean it’s not a good read anytime of the year!

Mary Espinoza, December 2022
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Gunner (Hollins & Haring Book 3) by T.J. Beach – Review by Mary Espinoza

Gunner (Hollins & Haring #3)Gunner by T.J. Beach
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

If you’re looking for a book that has a little bit of everything, then this is the book for you! The storyline contains action, romance, hope, and more. This book is the third installment of the series and even though I didn’t read the first two, I didn’t feel like I couldn’t understand and follow the plot. This was a great tale into a gentleman’s life named, Gary Hollins and what he endured in a previous life and what brought him to Australia. The descriptions in this book made me feel like I was included in the book. I had no problem going back and forth between current times and the past and I feel the character of Debbie was also very well developed. Descriptions such as sitting on the back deck, listening to Gary’s stories really helped bring the book feel like reality. I plan on going back and reading the first two books of the series and I wouldn’t be disappointed to find out there is a book four in the works.

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Mary Espinoza, December 2022

And Then She Fell by Dreena Collins – Review by Mary Espinoza

And Then She FellAnd Then She Fell by Dreena Collins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

WOW! This was my first read by Dreena Collins, and the book And Then She Fell did not disappoint one bit! After reading the first chapter, I knew I’d be hooked. The thought of multiple potential stories that were told throughout the book really drew me in, as well as the title of the book itself.

Catherine’s daughter Susie fell to her death in an accident in Crete. Nothing about the “accident” has ever felt right Catherine, so Catherine decides to take a trip Crete herself and see if anyone can remember anything that may help her “solve the case”. To Catherine, this wasn’t just about solving the case, but it was about trying to gain some type of closure. After gathering some information from speaking to several employees of the different areas in Crete, Catherine figured she had enough courage to approach Susie’s friends and boyfriend to help her try to piece together what could have happened.
Catherine soon comes to realize that she truly didn’t know who her daughter Susie really was!

The 10 possibilities of known scenarios coming together of what might have happened and who Susie really was, had a unique approach. I found each scenario to be affecting my opinions on who could possibly be responsible to the “accident” that happened to Susie. Each scenario was well written suggestions of what possibly happened to Susie, and to say that I was surprised by the ending is a definite understatement! I was lost in the rabbit hole of possibilities from start to finish.

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Mary Espinoza

Dream-Shifter by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Mary Espinoza

Dream-ShifterDream-Shifter by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is not my first read by Lois Wickstrom, I think her books are very entertaining, short reads for children of all ages. This one, Dream-shifter is geared towards the older adolescents, but is without a doubt a great story!
Imagine waking up and you are the animal that you were dreaming of!! Gwendolyn is a dream-shifter, she transforms into any animal when she is asleep but turns back into her human form as long as she isn’t startled awake. Well, one night all of that changes and a fire at Gwendolyn’s home startles her awake and she finds herself stuck waking up as an elk. And despite Gwendolyn’s best efforts, she is stuck as an elk for quite some time, will she ever change back into her human form, or will she forever be stuck wondering around as an elk??
Lois Wickstrom definitely covered suspense, adventure, and great character building!

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Mary Espinoza, November 2022

Borrowed Time by Lane Cohen – Review by Mary Espinoza

Borrowed TimeBorrowed Time by Lane Cohen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Borrowed Time by Lane Cohen is a creative science fiction story filled with details from science, classic sci-fi, history, anything you can think of time travel related, it’s in this book! I really enjoyed the way that Cohen made such interesting characters whose pasts and concerns really built up the plot. This novel really makes you ask the ultimate time travel question – if you could change the past, what would you change? And would that be the right thing to do? Is it really necessary to try to change the past to fix the future?
The novel is about a physics professor Andy Case and his student Samoset Brown are both interested in time travel from an academic perspective, and for Case it provides an interesting discussion topic for his otherwise unenthusiastic class. Let’s just say that they bit off more than they could chew when they stepped into the realm of time traveling.
This is a great read for time travel fans!

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Mary Espinoza, November 2022

Order of Vespers (The Vespers Chronicles Book 1) by Matilda Reyes – Review by Mary Espinoza

Order of VespersOrder of Vespers by Matilda Reyes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

To say that this was a fantastic read is an understatement! I was definitely excited for the next book! Order of Vespers was a hard book to put down once you start. Matilda Reyes has a knack for excellent character development and growth of the plot line throughout the book.

This book is the story of Jasper and her journey to discover more about herself and her newfound power. A small-town girl from Upstate New York is about to have her world turned upside down with the discovery of new, uncontrollable powers! When something big happens in her small town and causes an uproar and she is found at the center of it, and it sets off a whole series of events. When the news begins to travel, there are those who want to hurt Jasper, and then there are those who do not threaten her life.

This book shows how a little determination, and some major tragedy can be used to make the world alternating changes. This book shows how feelings are a big deal and can cause changes that can greatly affect someone. In Order of Vespers, you get to see how someone who is used to hiding finds out that there are powers that can become something shocking. This book shows the importance that something big can come from girl from a small town, and the impact it can have on the world. How does someone trust group full of assassins? If you want to know more, then read the book and find out, I promise you won’t be disappointed!

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Mary Espinoza, November 2022

Ember’s Secret (Solstice Quartet Book 1) by Catherine Peace – Review by Mary Espinoza

Ember's Secret (Solstice Quartet #1)Ember’s Secret by Catherine Peace
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

So let me just start off by saying, I went into reading this book after reading the 3rd book of the series and was not disappointed at all! Catherine Peace definitely writes in a genre of her own, and it is different, but it is a great different though! I can honestly say that this is the second book that I have read that Catherine Peace has written, and I have not been disappointed either time, I really enjoyed reading Ember’s Secret!
The storyline revolves around two lonely souls that are drawn to one another.
Austin, considered a failure in his father’s eyes, has a great love and a passion for food. He seems to have darkness looming over him but he’s just the light this story needed. His character development throughout the story was beautifully described. After learning about Austin, we are then introduced to
Ember, who has been living in fear, after her mother was killed when she was a child. And her life of fear hasn’t been easy, because of her shape shifting secret she holds dear. Ember’s character really develops throughout the novel.
Austin happens to stumble across Ember’s empty restaurant with phenomenal food because his car troubles landed him there. He sees something within Ember and wants to give her everything! Ember is hesitant as first, but it doesn’t take long for her to jump on board and let’s Austin and his team lead the way. As Austin and Ember grow closer, they have multiple obstacles that keep getting in their way!

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Mary Espinoza, November 2022

Dia’s Lure (Solstice Quartet Book 3) by Catherine Peace – Review by Mary Espinoza

Dia's LureDia’s Lure by Catherine Peace
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

If you are anything like I am, then you don’t do things in order! Dia’s Lure is the third book in the Solstice Quartet by Catherine Peace. I didn’t pay attention to the title when I picked up this book and didn’t notice that it was the 3rd book in a series. Which honestly, I didn’t pay any attention to due to the book being very entertaining. There was tension, emotion, and some steamy chemistries that were set on high-mode that definitely made for some intense reading!!
Now, I do highly recommend reading the previous books before starting on this one (you know so you’re not lost like I was at first!) it is nice to know what has happened and what is going on with some of the other characters and their backstories, this will 100% change the way that you interpret the story of Dia!
This is a story that has mystery, romance, drama, trouble, steamy chemistry, and the list goes on and on!
I definitely have to say that Catherine Peace put a lot of thought and emotion into her writing, and I thank her for that! The characters, storyline, the whole plot was very well thought out! And that ending though!!!!
I can’t wait to go back and read book 1 & 2, as well as the 4th book in the series!
Happy reading!

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Mary Espinoza

November 2022

The Intruders by Brett McKay – Review by Mary Espinoza

The IntrudersThe Intruders by Brett McKay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Whoa! Who knew that a book written about a used car salesman could be so entertaining? I truly mean it when I say…what a book!! This was an intense, thrilling, terrifying story! Brett had such spectacular descriptions of everything, so much detail made the book that much better. The fighting scenes were extremely detailed, it was amazing the thought process that went into the way he explained how someone was hurt. Dex (the main character) goes from plain ol’ used car salesman to a badass! The plot, characters, all of it…truly amazing! Also, the way that Brett included his author notes after each chapter and didn’t spoil anything about the plot was AWESOME! I don’t think I have ever read a book that the author took time to include their notes! This was my first book by Brett, and I’ll definitely be checking out some of his other books. I love page turners and books that I can’t put down, and this was definitely one of those type of books!

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Mary Espinoza

October 2022

Euphoric Wonderland by Ryan M. Becker – Review by Mary Espinoza

Euphoric Wonderland: An Eclectic Collection of Psychedelic Poetry to Stimulate the Senses and Open the MindEuphoric Wonderland: An Eclectic Collection of Psychedelic Poetry to Stimulate the Senses and Open the Mind by Ryan M. Becker
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was not what I was expecting—from first glance at the book’s cover, it looked like it would be about music, however it was instead a collection of poetry; covering many of today’s topics and issues. The last time I enjoyed poetry like this was when I was younger and read the books from Shel Silverstein. To me, Euphoric Wonderland is the adult version of the Shel Silverstein books. Besides the captivating poems, beautiful art work was included. The combination of wonderful poetry and amazing illustrations made for a relaxing read! So, if poetry is your thing, I highly recommend.

Mary Espinoza

October 2022

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