
Love Unexpected by Marina Hanna – Review by Robin Rankin

Love UnexpectedLove Unexpected by Marina Hanna
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Love Unexpected by Marina Hanna

I had absolutely no expectations going itm. The synopsis caught my eye, but since Ms. Hanna is a new to me author I was clueless on what to expect.

Well, I wish I had found her sooner.  I throughly enjoyed this book and I love Jules.  She was spunky and didn’t put up with any crap from Adam.  I always love reading about an Alpha man falling head over heels.

There was a little bit of everything in this book.  Romance, extremely hot moments,  humor and of course angst.

I will be stalking this author to keep up with what she releases next.

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Nightfall by TK Lawyer – Review by Carla Clemmons

NightfallNightfall by T.K. Lawyer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Unique paranormal romance unlike any I’ve read before! Tamara has sworn off love and when Josh comes along she feels no different. She has been burned and wants to protect her heart. Josh just wants to love her and show her that she can trust him. Will they be able to overcome all the obstacles in order to be together?

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Brink of Denial (Sons of Sindicato #1)Brink of Denial by Cam Johns
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Holy cow!! What a bombshell of a story! Brink of Denial is the first full length novel in the Sons of Sindicato series by Cam Johns and Sonya Jesus. After the way the novella prequel ended, I literally couldn’t put it down!

Dane is get set to take over the leader position of the Sindicato. He is trying to balance his love and hatred for his first and only love as she flits in and out of his life. When she decides to come back for good, will he be forgiving enough to give them another real shot?

Mila is a super model, supposedly having lived the dream. But when the dream turns dull and is really just a chore she is ready to leave on a high note, but when that high note is jeopardized, she has to come up with another plan.

The chemistry, the hot and cold, between Dane and Mila is intense! The feelings were real and you really felt everything the characters feel! I love the world that these authors built in New Jersey and seriously cannot wait for the next book!

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THE DEVOTED FAN (21ST Century Courtesan Book 5) by Pamela DuMond writing as P. S. DuMond – Review by Gail Guerrero

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

THE DEVOTED FAN (21ST Century Courtesan Book 5) by Pamela DuMond writing as P. S. DuMond – Review by Gail Guerrero

Five Stars

I love when an author takes the questions they didn’t know you had and answers them. Throughout the whole series there was so much left unsaid. Until now we have the answers. The author gives so much in this last book that I felt none of my regret that it was over. This is how you complete a series. You give the readers what they need to close the book and smile. I really enjoyed the series. I recommend they be read in order. The climax is so worth the wait. The build up to the HEA is worth the stress of what’s next. Being an empathic person made Evie an amazing person. She gave so much of herself. You could feel how she felt through the pages. This story is just simply well done. I am definitely ready for what this author has coming up next.

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Blue Summer Part One by Everly Taylor – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

Blue Summer Part OneBlue Summer Part One by Everly Taylor
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Loved this paranormal romance!!!!!! This story flowed so well and the Zayed men…….hot hot hot!! Lillie’s character is very strong willed and holds no punches, my type of girl :). When Lillie meets the Zayed, who helped her when she was in need, all that she knew of them was totally opposite to how she feels about them. The story has romance, action, some mystery on who the Zayed really are and where do they come from. I cannot say enough of this book and give the story away, but this book is fantastic and I cannot wait to read Part 2!!!!

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Blue Summer Part One by Everly Taylor – Review by Ashleyann Sanabria

Blue Summer Part OneBlue Summer Part One by Everly Taylor
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I went into this book with really no expectations, but from the start, the sarcasm and easy writing hooked me. There is much I wish could have been done differently. I think the speed of the book was too fast, I would have liked to see more development in characters and in relationships. I would have enjoyed more tension in the romance, and this book could have most definitely been longer. All that being said, it was entertaining to say the least! Though I do feel the plot was rushed and could have used more development, I did really enjoy this read. It was a bit cringe at times, but I just couldn’t stop reading. Is it the best book I ever read? No. Will I read it again? Yes. A quick pallet cleanser and one of my new guilty pleasures. Definitely looking forward to book two!


Reviewed by @asanabr1

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Dirty Kisses and Conflicting Wishes (Kiss Me Series Book 1) by Danielle Jacks – Review by Elizabeth Rosenberg

Dirty Kisses and Conflicting WishesDirty Kisses and Conflicting Wishes by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’ve just finished this book and wow! I loved it! From start to finish, it kept me wanting more. One little lie becomes a huge mess as Zoe introduces Damien to her family as her boyfriend and he in turn claims to be her fiancé. They both get sucked more and more into the tangled web of lies they’re creating. The characters are very relatable and I loved that we got to see both Damien and Zoe’s perspective. This is definitely a well written romance with characters that will make you laugh, cry, and get frustrated at. This is my first book by this author, but I can tell you it certainly won’t be my last!

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Sugar & Spice (Spicetopia #1) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Samantha Snow

Sugar & Spice (Spicetopia, #1)Sugar & Spice by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A first time read from this author and let me tell you, it was an enjoyable read, I loved it! Read this entire book in one sitting. The story captured me from the get go. The characters in the story are so relatable and just amazing. The plot was pretty awesome as well. The story itself was very touching with a little steam, undercover mystery and family drama. I enjoyed it very much. I am so eager to read the next book in the series!!

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Blue Summer Part Two by Everly Taylor – Review by Elizabeth Rosenberg

Blue Summer Part TwoBlue Summer Part Two by Everly Taylor
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

After finishing part one, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on the next one! Blue Summer Part Two picks up right where part one left off. Lillie has been captured again by the sorcerer Erius. This part is another quick read with more steamy romance, humor, and magic. Lillie is just as feisty as ever and I love her banter with the Zayed. This part, like the first, felt a bit rushed to me, but I love the overall story. I also love that we get to learn more about Lillie and each of her mates. I do hope that the author continues with the series, or maybe shares more of the Zayed’s stories. I’d definitely recommend this quick duo to anyone looking for a fun and steamy quick read!

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The Way to Storey by L. B. Anne – Review by Amanda DelFemine

The Way to StoreyThe Way to Storey by L.B. Anne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

L.B. Anne does a great job mixing fantasy, mystery, and gets you hooked quick with The way to Storey. Lue is homeschooled by her grandfather in the swamps of Florida and basically sheltered from everthing. Lues grandfather tells her that they are from a place called Storey and to go there if something happens to him but really doesnt tell Lue about the place. Lue descends on a journey after finding a weird light. Who are Lues friends and who are her foes?

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Brink of Denial (Sons of Sindicato #1)Brink of Denial by Cam Johns
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Dane and Mila were almost inseparable until she decided she needed more. She left to be a big time model leaving Dane behind with a broken heart. Life in the Sindicato is hard and anything soft in Dane hardened after Mila left. She keeps coming back for a sleepover when she needs it, stringing Dane along. It almost makes me happy when Dane makes her work for his trust. The men of the Sindicato live hard, but they love hard, too.

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Blue Summer Part One by Everly Taylor-Review by Amanda Kimble

Blue Summer Part OneBlue Summer Part One by Everly Taylor
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Blue Summer Part One by Everly Taylor

This is the first book I’ve read by Taylor, but it won’t be my last. This book had me hooked from the very beginning. It was hard to put it down.

Lillie has always felt like she’s never belonged. When she meets Clay and Heath things change. Now she’s in danger and doesn’t know why. The quote I chose for Lillie is: “Well, let’s not make it for nothing, and get this bad boy back, before it’s too late.”

Heath is part of the Zayed community. Mating is rare and hasn’t happened in a long time. When he and Clay meet Lillie things change. The quote I chose for Heath is: “Brian can bring you back to my hut, if that’s what you want for the night. You can have my bed , and I’ll take the couch. I don’t want you to feel any pressure. You have definitely been through enough for one night.”

Highly recommended for Paranormal Romance lovers.

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The Eclipse Dancer by Laura Koerber – Review by Sheri Schrader

The Eclipse DancerThe Eclipse Dancer by Laura Koerber
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Eclipse Dancer by Laura Koerber is a story full of honesty, a bit of magical realism, and fantasy. I enjoyed the story and how the main character is not a young 20 something. She is a woman in her middle years and her life is shifting again from adult to caretaker. I got the feels while reading this and was able to relate to some of what the character was experiencing. I do not have a mother like Andy but still could relate to how relationships change as your life progresses. This story deals with a lot of hard truths but in an honest but thoughtful, relatable way. I like the bits of magic and fantasy brought in and thought it was helpful to the story. I look forward to reading more from this author in the future.

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WILD VAMP (JADED VAMP BOOK 2) by L.D. WOSAR – Review by Liz Vrchota

Wild Vamp: Jaded Vamp Series Book 2Wild Vamp: Jaded Vamp Series Book 2 by L.D. Wosar
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Okay, so I will be the first to admit I am usually over vampire novels. They have run their course but this book has a character with my daughters name closely to it in it and the reviews were stellar as well as some awesome teasers so I had to see for myself what was behind the cover! I am super glad that I did so and I will be back for more!! I loved every moment and quickly devoured this in one sitting. I enjoyed how it was fast paced with plenty of ebb and flow to keep me well on the edge of my seat and wondering what would come next but also fanning myself at the right times too! I fell in love with the fierce female characters that dominated the kindle too! Something we need more of! I will be checking out more of LD Wosar as well because this was also my first experience with this author and now I am HOOKED!

Review by @lizaileen
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The Eclipse Dancer by Laura Koerber – Review by Liz Vrchota

The Eclipse DancerThe Eclipse Dancer by Laura Koerber
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

While this book should have been a heavy mess of emotions, and at times it was, it didn’t kill me with the tears and sobbing mess that I had prepared myself for when I first sat down expecting to. I was both pleasantly surprised by this and sad as well. I didn’t know how to really process the feels that I was going through while reading this novel but I suppose that is how I feel most of the time I read novels penned by Miss Koerber. I will say this book could be read as a fairytale yes but really it is a wonderful read for the middle-age adult who is dealing with the task of how to process or change to caring for our parents or grandparents ets… we become the caregivers at this age and I think there were some really strong poignant points that I took away from reading this for sure. It was also a nice escape as well with a wonderful understory that was nice to escape into and follow along with. I look forward to seeing what else may come from Koerber in the future.

Review by @lizaileen
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The Cross of Ciarán (The Cross of Ciarán Book 1) by Andrea Matthews – Review by Liz Vrchota

The Cross of CiaranThe Cross of Ciaran by Andrea Matthews
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this paranormal romance from Andrea Matthews. I was used to her writing style so I knew what I was getting into when I picked up this newest series from her. I really enjoyed this lovely start of what I can only imagine will be a rich and detailed trip through pagan and irish history as we follow the way this story and series will unfold. I really loved how once again Matthews’ love for history and romance shone through each and every word almost poetically as it read. I really enjoyed it and felt transported into the story and each scene. I will be anxious to go back and read book two just as soon as I can get my hands on it!

Review by @lizaileen
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Blue Summer Part One by Everly Taylor – Review by Anna Hirsch

Blue Summer Part OneBlue Summer Part One by Everly Taylor
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Blue Summer Part One by Everly Taylor
4 Stars

This was a fun, fantastical story. It reminded me of an adult version of the Smurfs. I really liked Lillie. She was smart, independent and sarcastic. I appreciated the way that she accepted the Zayeds and didn’t judge them. Her harem of boys were each unique in character and sexy. I loved each differently; Heath’s strength, Brian’s intelligence, Chief’s compassion and Clay’s clumsiness. The book wasn’t long being only 133 pages. The story takes place over two days. There were times when I felt like the story was rushed. I think it would have worked better if the author made the book a little longer. This is a new author for me and I think she did well. It was a fun read. I’ll be looking for part two.

Review by @Anna Hirsch
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BRINK OF DENIAL: A Dark Mafia Romance (Sons of Sindicato Book 2) by Sonya Jesus & Cam Johns – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Brink of Denial (Sons of Sindicato #1)Brink of Denial by Cam Johns
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is for those 18 or over due to the adult nature of the content within.

Dane Girodano is the son of the Giordano’s, one of the Sons of the Sindicato and he is also next in line for the seat at the head of the families, but the one thing he doesn’t have is Mila Blanc, a model living in California with the face and body every man wants and every woman wants to be and that is because 11 years ago, she left him brokenhearted for a life away from the Sindicato and everything that went with it. Now Mila Blanc is disillusioned with the life of a model and is just waiting for her contract to end so that she can get her payout and follow her new dreams, however, there is one complication they are an addiction and a vice that neither of them can kick and this could get them into a lot of trouble.

As Mila is trying to keep her head above water and tie up loose ends around her, she gets home after a stressful day and finds a friend there waiting for her with a hot meal cooked and pretty much on the table, however, when this friend finds her phone and sees that she has been paying a man a lot of money, he goes off the rails and goes to set the record straight. This does not go quite to plan and ends up escalating the tension between Mila and her blackmailer instead of calming it down and when reality hits that he can ruin her career easily so near to its conclusion, she decides to call an old friend to help her sort things out. Meanwhile, Dane is trying to sort out his own messes as they suspect that there is a leak somewhere in their operation and they have an idea who they can pump for information about it, however, the individual is not as forthcoming as they had hoped when fear and physical stimulus aren’t working, so they decide to change tact and play the waiting game in a bid to eek it out in another way.

As Dane tries to ignore Mila’s calls thinking that all she wants is more no strings sex and he is not in the mood for that in the slightest, he eventually gives in and answers the phone, however, when she asks for his help he reluctantly says yes and meets her at the time and place she requests of him. When he arrives, Mila fills him in on the details of what has been going on and why he is there, she has a plan and so they go to confront the man in question, but despite the beatdown and threats he receives, he is not letting go that easily and threatens Mila in a new way while simultaneously involving Dane, the Police and the rest of the Sindicato families. As this little meeting is going ahead, other wheels are turning in other areas of the Sindicato businesses which dredge up yet more questions than answers.

This is where Mila starts to miss her old life and the ways in which things were more simple and because of this, she decides that she wants back in with Dane and a second chance at something she thinks they both want, but will Sindicato business get in the way, or will Mila be able to take back control of her life and everything in it? Will Dane be able to forgive and forget, or will the past be too much of a raw and open wound to ever be able to heal? This is a rollercoaster of ups and downs with secrets, revelations, truth and lies throughout and you will become as absorbed in the Sindicato life as they are.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Forbidden Wolf by C.R. Robertson—Reviewed by Jerricka

Forbidden WolfForbidden Wolf by C.R. Robertson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was great. Amazing start to this series. Characters were developed perfectly. I felt myself able to connect easily with them. I couldn’t put it down. The story was packed with action and emotion. A true forbidden love story always warms my heart.

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The Way to Storey by L. B. Anne – Review by Heather Lovelace

The Way to StoreyThe Way to Storey by L.B. Anne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What a delightful story. I loved how this came together. It was very imaginative and playful and appeals to all age levels. Just the right amount of whimsy to keep a younger reader engaged without losing the interest of an older lover of fantasy. Very enjoyable.

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace
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Brink of Denial (Sons of Sindicato #1)Brink of Denial by Cam Johns
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Cam Johns and Sonya Jesus have done it again, amazing does not even begin to cover how incredible Brink of Denial is. Brink of Denial has everything that a good Mafia story should including powerful mob bosses, the sons that will inherit it all, romance, family, drama and more. This book had me on the edge of my seat and these authors write so beautifully that they leave you longing to know what happens next. Brink of Denial was so full of drama and surprise that I personally can’t wait to see what happens in book two of the Sons of Sindicato series.

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Sleeping Angel (Soul Connection Book 2) by Nikki Lynn Barrett – Review by Heather Lovelace

Sleeping Angel (Soul Connection, #2)Sleeping Angel by Nikki Lynn Barrett
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book wrecked me. From the first chapter I was just dissolved and overwhelmed by emotion. It was very well written and completely captivating. I thoroughly appreciate the thought this author puts into her writing and look forward to reading more.

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace
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Brink of Denial (Sons of Sindicato #1)Brink of Denial by Cam Johns
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This writing duo cannot be stopped. Non stop. Emotional. Intense. Amazing. I loved every page and love these authors together. I can’t wait to go back and read this book again.

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace
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Sleeping Angel (Soul Connection Book 2) by Nikki Lynn Barrett – Review by Francis O’Sullivan

Sleeping Angel (Soul Connection, #2)Sleeping Angel by Nikki Lynn Barrett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sleeping Angel is the second book in Nikki Lynn Barrett’s Soul Connection series. It could be read as a standalone, with different characters as the focal point, but it follows on nicely from the events of the previous book, Peaceful Slumbers, developing the themes and ideas introduced in that book. And they’re both good so why not start at the beginning and work your way through!
This book is an emotional rollercoaster from the start. It’s a tense mystery where it feels like every page makes you ask more and more questions. There are a lot of characters and stories to keep track of – this is where it helps to have read Peaceful Slumbers first so you meet them more gradually!
I enjoyed the paranormal elements in Peaceful Slumbers and it was great to see those ideas developed further in Sleeping Angel with new angles explored. It’s a great way of giving the victims a voice in the story as well as giving us clues and more mysteries to unravel.
For me, this is a five star read. A real page turner that I couldn’t stop thinking about whenever I had to put it down (alas, work is a thing). I would definitely recommend the series to fans of paranormal mysteries and romance!

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Blue Summer Part One by Everly Taylor – Review by Heather Lovelace

Blue Summer Part OneBlue Summer Part One by Everly Taylor
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I’m not sure what I expected when I picked up this book but I was intrigued by the path taken by the author with this plot. It was an interesting take on what felt to be a throw back to a childhood favorite. Quirky and intriguing, I look forward to seeing how the story continues in the next part.

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace
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Turning Wheels (Satan’s Devils MC #1) by Manda Mellett – Review by Kerry Baker

Turning Wheels (Satan's Devils MC, #1)Turning Wheels by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Turning Wheels by Manda Mellett is the first book in the Satan’s Devils MC. This book is an absolutely fantastic book and the start of one of my favourite series! This book is exciting to read and I was hooked right from page one. I loved the fact that from the word go the author was clearly not afraid of throwing in obstacles that you don’t often see in books. The fact that the main character is in a wheelchair and around an MC I just loved. It made it different from any other MC book that I have ever read.
Manda Mellett is an author I wasn’t familiar with a couple of years ago now and yet has very quickly become one of those that I would one click buy without even reading the description. I love her writing style and how involved she makes you get into each of her books. The characters are always so well suited and so easy to connect with.
This book is a brilliantly strong start to a series and it absolutely worth the time!

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Sleeping Angel (Soul Connection Book 2) by Nikki Lynn Barrett – Review by Piper Foster

Sleeping Angel (Soul Connection, #2)Sleeping Angel by Nikki Lynn Barrett
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a fantastic read. Nikki writing style real makes you feel like you are a fly on the wall watching these events unfold. This book pulls on your emotions alot and has some unexpected twist and turns. This book kind of reminded me of the ghost Whispers.

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Brink of Denial (Sons of Sindicato #1)Brink of Denial by Cam Johns
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is book 2 in this series. It contains the things I love, Mafia, danger and romance. The romance is steamy and passionate. There is a fine line between love and hate and we see that in this book. The characters are amazingly written that you feel so engrossed in their story.

Dane and Milana were ment to be together. Both members of families in the Sindicato they seem perfect for each other. However Milana wants away from the Mafia lifestyle. She wants to find herself so she does this by leaving the love of her life behind.

Fast forward 11 years later and Milana is back. She realises that her place is by Dane’s side. However after all the heartbreak she caused when she left Dane he isn’t so quick to forgive and move on.

Can they work through the past and be together? Will Milana accept the man he is today totally emerged in the Mafia lifestyle? Can Dane ever trust that he is enough for her or will they both set themselves up for failure and heartbreak all over again?

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Sexy Drug (Losing My Heart Book 1) by Melody Calder – Review by Karyn Taylor

Sexy Drug (Losing My Heart #1)Sexy Drug by Melody Calder
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sexy Drug is the first book in the Losing My Heart series by Melody Calder. It’s the first time I’ve read any work by this author but if this book is anything to go by then it won’t be the last. I want to know what happens next in this story for a start.
Katie is the daughter of a very powerful crime lord and when someone tries to kill her, her father puts Ramone in charge of her safety with the added ‘request’ of do not touch her. That’s not an issue to begin with as both seem to seriously dislike one another until they get to know one another better. Needless to say Katie and Ramone become sexually attracted to one another but it’s more than his life is worth for him to even put a finger on Katie. Or is it?
I loved reading Katie and Ramone’s story. It’s dark and raw in moments and not for the faint stomach in places. Let’s just say that I wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of Katie’s father. He’s a very cruel and ruthless man and Katie is just a commodity to him.
I was sucked into the story from the very start and devoured this in the space of a few hours. I just didn’t want to put it down.
Definitely recommend.

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Sugar & Spice (Spicetopia #1) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Amber Day

Sugar & Spice (Spicetopia, #1)Sugar & Spice by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is the first book in the spicetopia series and the second that I have read of from this author. One thing about this author is that you are going to be reading some graphic scenes. Like holy hell, girl get-it scenes. So if you aren’t into that I would not recommend this author for you. While the sex scenes are wide eyes and fan-worthy the overall story is enjoyable. Jolie and Cy’s chemistry is wow. But can they both keep that spark when all their secrets are revealed? That is the true question.


Reviewed by @awes


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