
Shadowed Agenda: An Enemies to Lovers Action-Packed Romantic Suspense Thriller (Shadow Defense Security Series) by Mavery Ellscott – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Shadowed Agenda: An Enemies to Lovers Action-Packed Romantic Suspense Thriller (Shadow Defense Security Series Book 2)Shadowed Agenda: An Enemies to Lovers Action-Packed Romantic Suspense Thriller by Mavery Ellscott
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

After reading Shadowed Obsession I couldn’t wait to sink my teeth into this and I was not disappointed!

Regan and Pavlo have a strained relationship and Regan would rather die alone on a stranded island than share space with Pavlov but her publicist throws them together for a book tour and I’ll be honest there’s something dodgy about this publicist and I would get a new one but that’s just me , anyhoo , let me not loose focus here 🙈🤣😉

Regan is a romance writer while Pavlov is more serious and Regan also has a daughter with a serious heart condition and she’s doing everything in her power to get the Jehovah help she needs ….

Someone is threatening Regan , they want her to give a private signing and she’s not being bullied into it and I must give it to get she’s a brave girl 😉 she stands her ground …..

There’s alot going on and I was on the edge of my seat a lot of the time but rest assured there’s a HEA in the horizon 🥰😉

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The Christmas Escape by Belinda Williams – Review by Heidi Sturgess

The Christmas EscapeThe Christmas Escape by Belinda Williams
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Well I’m packing my bags and I’m going to Aus !

Our girl Lizzie hadn’t had the best of luck of late , she’s made redundant and then her house mate says she’d moving in with her boyfriend do that means she’s got to look for new lodgings and then to top it all it’s Christmas and she’s not keen on being under the scrutiny of family so when her friend has a non refundable ticket to Aus she jumps at the opportunity for a bit of fun in the sun 😉

Jaz , divorced dad of 2 and legend surfer 🏄‍♀️runs a coffee shop where people come and go and more often than not friends become family and when his son just about knocks Lizzie out with a ball to the head it’s a start to something beautiful 😍

Jaz is just awesome and I am see the appeal but at the same time I see where Lizzie is coming from but lucky for her Jaz is persistent and it’s thanks to him at them end of the day that they get their HEA 😉😍

This was such a feel good read and it’s one I wish I could share with everyone and these people will make you believe in love and second chances ❣️

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The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series) by A.R. Hadley – Review by Heidi Sturgess

The Ocean in His Veins (The Ocean Series)The Ocean in His Veins by A.R. Hadley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Having met Cal before . I was keen to learn more about who Cal is and what made him who he is …

Again I’d hives you a heads up on your Kleenex and chocolate supply but if you could have this as a beach read you’ll have hit the vibe 😉

Death changes people and when Cal’s grandpa passes there a change in him and he sees life differently…..

He’s trying to find peace the tranquility of the ocean and her crashing waves but peace just seems one wave away ,just like the waves are the woman in his life sone made a mark and sone didn’t but it would seem Annie may just be his peace and his calm 🥰

I’ll be honest I would’ve read this first before Ocean meets sky purely because I’d understand cal better but my heart had a special place for him from the start anyhow but he’s good at hiding his true self and I’m grateful I got the opportunity to learn more of him 🤗

As much as I love Cal there were times I wanted to clip him around the ear 🤣 but I was an emotional mess so I didn’t want to ice this battle 🤣🥰

Cal , you’re real special to me and you deserve happiness ❣️

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Murky Murder (A Maid Ivy Cozy Mystery Book) by Hazel Smith – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Murky Murder (A Maid Ivy Cozy Mystery, #4)Murky Murder by Hazel Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Our Ivy girl is at it again.

Ivy is like so many other “ detectives” they irritate the police yet they can’t solve their cases without them , a real love hate relationship if you like and a great source of Entertainment for me 😉 thank you Ivy and company ❣️📚

I’ve been an Ivy fan for quite sone time and this time was no different.

Someone is sending letters and we have a dead guest on our hands and Ivy and her “team” need to solve the case before another body is added to the count ….

I’m a sucker for a cozy mystery and Ovy is a firm favourite 🥰

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Sea of Demons (Blood and Sand Book 5) by Heidi Stark – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Sea of Demons (Blood and Sand Book 3)Sea of Demons by Heidi Stark
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’m just loving this cover !

I hadn’t read the previous books and once I realised my mistake , wild horses couldn’t keep me away , I went on a little shopping spree ❣️📚🤣

Good grief if I didn’t understand the term “ facing my demons “ I sure as the sky is blue , do now !

Devon is a lucky girl to have not.1 but 4 men at her beck and call 🔥😉 they’re just loving their good lives and just as they think they’re settling in a threat looms and stakes are a lot higher this time round for my pea …..

There was plenty of steam and darkness so be warned 🔥 I was on the edge of my seat more than I was on it to be honest 🙈🤣

This was an intense read for and there were moments that I held my breath , I kid you not !
It’s dark , tense , violent , cruel,vulnerable, sexy and dangerous.

I need to confess … Tane Brown is so cruel and evil and he gives me the absolute heebie jeebies and I’d give my eye teeth to torture this waste of space !

An absolute brilliant read !

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Lost and Found (Logan McKenna Mystery Book 9) by Valerie Davisson – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Lost and Found: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 9 (Logan McKenna Series)Lost and Found: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 9 by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

You know what I’ve enjoyed most about this series is we either broach a subject that many see as taboo and or something new and this time I was introduced to the world of crabbing , it’s hard work and it seems rather dangerous …..

Dead bodies seem to be piling up ( a little exaggeration) on this little coastal town and people are on edge and rightly so and one of Logan’s friends , Sam , is a prone suspect and she’s determined to prove him innocent but even she’s having a hard time because everything seems to point to him and she’s getting opposition as far as she goes and Al is not as it seems in this little town , this time it feel like Logan may have bitten off more than she can chew 🤷‍♀️

Logan never disappoints she always gets what she wants and more often than not that means she’s in the line of fire , she’s a good woman with a good heart ? I’ve really enjoyed my time with her and all she gets up to ❣️📚

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Whisper Creek: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 7 by Valerie Davisson – Review by Heidi Sturgess

whisper-creek” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”>Whisper Creek (A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 7)Whisper Creek by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Logan can’t seem to outrun trouble it always seems to find her …..

Logan heads to Oregon she just needs to breathe and clear her head a little bit instead she finds a body and she’s got to defend her friends , whom I might add are prime suspects 🙈 the police are distracted and more of the responsibility of proving their innocence falls on her….

Logan has her work cut out for her as the police have already decided who their killer is but she knows she’s right and one thing other than trouble finding her we know our girl is determined and I think her friends can be grateful for that trait 😉

Logan had me on the edge of my seat again and I expected nothing less if I’m honest 📚❣️

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Devil’s Claw (Logan McKenna Series Book 3) by Valerie Davisson – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Devil's Claw: A Logan McKenna Mystery/Thriller Book 3 (Logan McKenna Series)Devil’s Claw: A Logan McKenna Mystery/Thriller Book 3 by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Logan is at it once again in book 3! She just can’t seem to stay away from the murder mysteries! In this book her and her daughter are moving to California. But what happens when there is a fight for the property Lot 429? A gorgeous stretch of coastal property with a Sea Otter rescue center. The center needs help, but will Logan be able to not only save her daughter but bring yet another murderer to justice all while trying to help said center?! A dangerous coastal storm is on it’s way and it’s growing more and more violent as she races to find her daughter and a baby sea otter they were caring for. Finding a student murdered and another victim barely alive, Logan’s worst fears are coming to life. Can she enlist the help of friends and figure out this mystery before more lives are lost? She’s stopped killers before, but now her daughter’s life is on the line! Man oh man! What a great book! One of my favorites so far! I love the little otter twist to the story. You learn so much with these books and they are so fun and of course mysterious!! I can’t wait to read the rest to the set!!

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Forest Park (Logan McKenna Mystery Book 2) by Valerie Davisson – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Forest Park: Logan Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series)Forest Park: Logan Book 2 by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Valerie has done it again!! Another gripping mystery thriller. Now you don’t HAVE to read the others in the series, in fact I read the 8th book before an of the others. The author is wonderful at sneaking in previous information to keep you caught up. BUT let me tell you that if you don’t read the other books in the series you are MISSING OUT!!!! I have loved them all so far and you will too. In this book Logan is visiting Portland, a small vacation with her new boyfriend and to do a little recon on a school and it’s program that lines up with her own new career. She’s loving the city, the sights, and of course all the wonderful food! But then a horrible explosion destroys a food truck near her hotel and she knows the owner who was killed in the blaze. Of course Logan’s new friend and a Vietnam vet are the top suspects, but she knows better. Not knowing if it was an accident or done on purpose, Logan starts digging into the mystery. Without knowing who to trust she dives in to intestate all while trying to deal with her own personal life, which is also having some issues of it’s own. Secrets and lies unravel and while bringing everything to the surface her own life is once again in the cross fire of the real killer. I’m not going to give anything away, but boy oh boy does this story get good!! I love a great mystery!!

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Shattered (Logan McKenna Series Book 1) by Valerie Davisson- Reviewed by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Shattered: Logan Book 1 (The Logan McKenna Series)Shattered: Logan Book 1 by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a gripping mystery crime thriller with lots of action and adventure!! This set of books had me not wanting to sleep so I could finish them! I, of course had to sleep, so it took me longer than I even wanted, but I was not disappointed at all!! The author weaves these stories so well. I could easily see these as movies! With this first book the author paints you a picture of a local arts festival that is based around glass blowing demonstrations. You are placed into their world of art and music. But then a young glassblower is brutally murdered at the festival before hours. Logan has lost so much. Her husband, the company they built together, her music, and probably her job that she really came to enjoy. Having the summer “off” because she’s a teacher, a couple friends invite her to the festival to help with their booth. She of course is excited to help and to make a little income while waiting to see her fait with the schoolboard. Her friend Thomas is accused of the murder and Logan isn’t convinced. He refuses to defend himself and Logan doesn’t understand why. She starts to look into the glassblowers and everyone connected to them. There is more to this murder and with a slam-dunk suspect the detective isn’t looking elsewhere. Logan digs into secrets while diving into the world of glassblowing. The real killer becomes more dangerous and Logan must find out who it is before it’s to late for her friend, but also herself! With killer now after her, can she find the proof needed to free her friend before she herself is killed? Such a great book!! I didn’t see a few things coming and it was so wonderful! I love it when I can’t guess who the killer is right away. I can’t wait to finish the whole set!!

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Wicked Ends: A Dark College Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Series, Book 8 ) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Christine Baranek

Wicked Ends (Hidden Valley Elite #8)Wicked Ends by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wicked Ends
By: Isla Vaughn

Each and every book in the Hidden Valley Elite Series has been better than the last. The series finale is absolutely no different, it was the absolute best that I read and I hate that it was the last in the series. I have grown to love this series and really don’t want that to end. This story also wraps up the story of Winter and Shane. Their story is so complicated and filled with twists and turns. I really do not want to reveal much, other than to say that this is the most fantastic book in the series by far. I definitely am sad to see it end, but I will be sending more and more readers to it. It is that kind of book!

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Wicked Ends: A Dark College Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Series, Book 8 ) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Michelle Collier

Wicked Ends (Hidden Valley Elite #8)Wicked Ends by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the final book in the Hidden Valley Elite Series and my heart is broken. I loved this series so much. This is the final part of Shane and Winter’s story. There are many twists and turns throughout this story. I can’t say enough about this series. If you have not had a chance to read it you are really missing out. The whole series is just so well written. If I could, I would go back and read the whole series again for the first time.

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Dark Moon Secrets (The Witch Moon Series Book 1) by Lilliana Rose – Review by Michelle Collier

Dark Moon Secrets (Witch Moon #1)Dark Moon Secrets by Lilliana Rose
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first book in The Witch Moon Series. Tanjie’s life has not been easy. Both her parents were lost before she turned 18 and now her neighbor has passed away and left her with more questions than answers and no one seems to want to clue her in on what is going on. Alaric is a wof shifter and hates witches, until Tanjie comes to town. The story between these two is very compelling and the book left me anticipating the ext book in the series.

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Joy’s Christmas Escape (The Marshal’s Mail Order Bride Book 1) by P. Creeden – Review by Michelle Collier

Joy’s Christmas Escape (The Marshal’s Mail Order Bride #1)Joy’s Christmas Escape by P. Creeden
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is the first book in The Marshal’s Mail Order Bride Series. Joy and Jack’s story was very sweet yet full of suspense. This was not where either thought they would end up, but the circumstances in both of their lives have left them on this path.

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Ghost Takes A Vacation (Genie and Adriana Darling Cozy Paranormal Ghost Mysteries Book 2) by Carmen Radtke – Review by Heather Lovelace

Ghost Takes A VacationGhost Takes A Vacation by Carmen Radtke
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Such a fun unexpected read. I enjoyed the character development from the author and the relationship between the main character and her ghostly relative. Quirky and fun, this book is an easy read and one that will provide a great afternoon break from reality. Really enjoyed it.

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Arriving Home (Lake Juniper Series) by Chelsea Lauren – Review by Moriah Venable

Arriving Home (Lake Juniper Series)Arriving Home by Chelsea Lauren
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Being a romance author with writer’s block for six months is not easy. Even more so when romance writer Elijah no longer dreams up romance after the manipulation and abuse he went through with his ex. He never would have under any circumstance envisioned himself at Enchanted Juniper Resort. Following the negative reviews from his latest novel, he finds himself at a crossroads.

Austin had landed the job of his dreams as a head chef in a romantic heart. He loves the scenery he wakes up to, but his heart suffers from being single.

When a chance to be a fake boyfriend to Elijah arises, how could he say no? The fake relationship would hopefully spark inspiration for a novel. Will this help Elijah believe in love again?

Who would have imagined a chef and a romance writer as love interests? This drew me to the novel, as well as the cover and it being an MM romance. I don’t read a lot of these so when one catches my interest, I have to read it.

From the cover I was expecting a quick fun read, but this packed a lot more emotions from me than what I was expecting.

Seeing ‘A Lake Juniper Novel’ gives the impression that this will be part of a series. I hope there is.

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Daring Ceri (True Platinum Rock Star Romance Series Book 6) by Morgana Bevan – Review by Heather Lovelace

Daring Ceri (True Platinum #6)Daring Ceri by Morgana Bevan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Continue to enjoy this series and this author. The story flows easily and the characters we find are engaging and relatable. This book can easily be read on its own but I am thankful I’ve read the series in total to enjoy the author’s universe in total.

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Arriving Home (Lake Juniper Series) by Chelsea Lauren – Review by Christine Baranek

Arriving Home (Lake Juniper Series)Arriving Home by Chelsea Lauren
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Arriving Home
By: Chelsea Lauren

This is a fantastically written MM romance. It feels so real and not forced at all. It reads like a Hallmark movie, which for a holiday book is exactly what I was looking for. Elijah and Austin are fantastically written and well developed characters. They had overcome so much to end up where they are when the story begins. These battles they had fought are part of what makes them such endearing characters to me. This was such a well written romance that I definitely recommend!

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Knight In Peril (A Jorja Knight Private Investigator Mystery) by Alice Bienia – Review by Christine Baranek

Knight In Peril (A Jorja Knight Private Investigator Mystery #6)Knight In Peril by Alice Bienia
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Knight in Peril
By: Alice Bienia

This is the sixth book in the Jorja Knight Series. However, it is important to note that although it is the sixth book it definitely could read as a standalone. Jorja Knight has become one of my favorite Main Characters – she is strong, independent, smart, quick thinking, and a force to be reckoned with. I have loved each and every book in this series. This one adds an extra element of taking place in Istanbul.
In this book, Jorja is on the hunt for a missing friend. Gabriella has absolutely disappeared and it is up to Jorja to find her in an unfamiliar landscape of a foreign city. Then to add on top of this there is corruption, secrets and lies.
I definitely recommend reading this one and all the Jorja Knight books. They are well written mysteries that never disappoint!

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Dumpster Dying (A Hazardous Hoarding Mystery Book 1) by Michelle Bennington – Review by Christine Baranek

Dumpster Dying: A Hazardous Hoarding Mystery (A Hazardous Hoarding Mystery Book 1)Dumpster Dying: A Hazardous Hoarding Mystery by Michelle Bennington
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dumpster Dying
By: Michelle Bennington

This is such a fun cozy mystery that I really enjoyed. It is such a fast paced book and it was easy for me to read it in one sitting. This is book 1 in the new Hazardous Hoarding Mystery series and I really cannot wait to read more. These characters were so much fun and I really truly loved the quirks that they had. Birdie was such a unique character who definitely collects things and surprisingly loves to dumpster dive. However, this story takes a turn when she discovers the body of someone she was fond of. While she begins the investigation she is accompanied by the spirit of her husband who has since passed on. This fit right in to the quirky story and honestly really made me love Birdie even more. I cannot wait for the next book because I loved Birdie so very much and I want to see what other adventures she and Walter get into.

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The Christmas Escape by Belinda Williams – Review by Christine Baranek

The Christmas EscapeThe Christmas Escape by Belinda Williams
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Christmas Escape
By: Belinda Williams

This is such a fun holiday read. I enjoyed each and every second of it. I loved that the main character is in Australia because it definitely challenged for me what a holiday read consists of. I’m used to snowy backdrops to my holiday story. In this book we trade this for surf and sand. Lizzy and Jaz are wonderful characters and their chance meeting is truly enchanting. It definitely looks at the question of can a vacation fling last? These characters are so enchanting and really feel like your friends. I loved this fast romance and I definitely recommend picking this book up!

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Lottery of Secrets by Nadija Mujagic – Review by Christine Baranek

Lottery of SecretsLottery of Secrets by Nadija Mujagic
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Lottery of Secrets
By: Nadija Mujagic

This is such a good book! I will say that I was left with a lot of unanswered questions. I am hoping that there is more to come and everything will fall into place.
This book ends on a cliff hanger but it ends in such away that there is some semblance of closure for a first book. This book moves very quickly and definitely kept me wanting more.
I love the concept for this book. It explores the concept of being careful what you wish for. I mean I don’t know what person doesn’t wish to win the lottery. This book explores the dark side of this reality. It takes you on a roller coaster of an adventure where you definitely are guessing at every turn. I recommend reading this one and cannot wait to read the next book!

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Fractured Hearts-Prospect (Grimm Wolves MC Book 7) by D.M. Earl – Review by Christine Baranek

Fractured Hearts-Prospect (Grimm Wolves MC Book 7)Fractured Hearts-Prospect by D.M. Earl
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Fractured Hearts – Prospect
By: D.M. Earl

D.M. Earl knows how to weave a fantastic story. This is the seventh book in the Grimm Wolves MC series. Although it is part of the series it definitely functions as a standalone and I definitely recommend picking up this or another one of this series to introduce yourself to the MC. D.M. Earl creates a fantastic fast paced book that sucks you in from the very first sentence until the end. And to me they always leave wanting more and wanting more of a follow up of what happens to the Main Character and this story is no different. Frank (Dingo) is amazing he is definitely a protector. Celee is the type of character the D.M. Earl always creates a female with a plan who is not a damsel in distress. She is in distress but she is not a damsel and she has her own plan. She meets Dingo online and he is willing to forgo everything he loves to protect her. But in following his heart with Celee he is risking dager to the Grimm Wolves who have become his family. However, his family will not turn their back on him or Celee. This story shows the healing power of love as well as what family really means. I cannot express how much I love this story. Once again, D.M. Earl delivers on a fantastic book that I am so glad that I have read. I will definitely recommend this book to everyone as well as anxiously await the next book about one of the Grimm Wolves.

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Bad at Being Good (An MM Brother’s Best Friend Romance) by A.L. Morrow – Review by Moriah Venable

Bad at Being GoodBad at Being Good by A.L. Morrow
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I am not going to lie. I am a sucker for brother’s best friend romances. Do I read them often? No. So it is a familiar troupe that I enjoy even more when I do.

Benji promises his best friend Kellan that will not try to get with his little brother Milo, romantically. He promises without shame, knowing that Milo, who is the perfect son and dancer, is off limits.

When tragedy strikes and Benji sees the pain in Milo’s eyes because of him, he may not be able to keep his promise anymore.

From the cover I thought this was going to be a cute MM story. No, this was one hell of a ride! An emotionally rollercoaster that I was unsure if I wanted to get off and wait how others felt, or keep going and see how I felt towards the end.

Grieving the heartache of grief, I know all too well. It changes you in more than way one especially when you are grieving over the loss of someone close to you. This also handles forgiveness and secrets.

As much as secrets annoy me, I do anxiously wait for when the secrets get told.

I don’t want to say too much about this story. For MM lovers, I recommend it.

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The Christmas Escape by Belinda Williams – Review by Allison Davis

The Christmas EscapeThe Christmas Escape by Belinda Williams
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was such a cute holiday story. Lizzie takes her best friend’s non-refundable plane ticket after losing her job and apartment and heads to Australia for the holidays. Queue Jaz; hot, single dad who comes with a lot of baggage that she doesn’t want to get involved with. But she keeps running into him. This quick read has it all, romance, drama, fun, and a ton of chemistry!

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Whisper Creek (Logan McKenna Mystery Book 7) by Valerie Davisson – Review by Christine Baranek

Whisper Creek (A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 7)Whisper Creek by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Whisper Creek
BY: Valerie Davisson

Logan McKenna has become my favorite main character in a series. I am always anxiously awaiting a new story. Trouble seems to follow her no matter where she goes. In this case she is headed to Oregon for a consulting job. However, as always, she stumbles upon a body. Once again, she has to help with the investigation to prove who is at fault.
I love how well written of a mystery each and every one of the books are in this series. Each book can be read alone, however, I definitely think that these would miss something if you did not read each one. I definitely recommend picking it up!

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Reckless Love (The Bennetts of Langston Falls Book 4) by KG Fletcher – Review by Christine Baranek

Reckless Love: A Small Town Slow-Burn Forbidden Love Romance (The Bennetts of Langston Falls Book #4)Reckless Love: A Small Town Slow-Burn Forbidden Love Romance by K.G. Fletcher
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Reckless Love
By: K.G. Fletcher

I LOVED this story. I have read each and every one of the Bennett’s stories and I was anxiously awaiting this story. Becky has always been one of my favorite characters in these stories and I wanted to see what K.G. Fletcher would do in her story. Glen was such an interesting addition to this series. I loved his development and how Becky befriended him. This story is a slow burn but it is so worth it. Definitely pick this story up and, honestly the rest of the series while you are at it. It won’t disappoint!

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Saint Con by Seelie Kay – Review by Christine Baranek

Saint ConSaint Con by Seelie Kay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Saint Con
By: Seelie Kay

This book is so fantastic. It is such a quick read and is filled with twists and turns that make it incredibly hard to put down. Jessica and Connor are fantastically well developed and interesting. They keep the plot moving. Connor is such an absolutely interesting character. And their relationship is so interesting. I definitely recommend reading this book. It is so amazing and well written. I would love to see more about Jessica and Connor in the future.

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Ross (Central Florida Stories Book 4) by Victoria Saccenti – Review by Christine Baranek

Ross: Central Florida StoriesRoss: Central Florida Stories by Victoria Saccenti
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

By: Victoria Saccenti

This is a wonderful book that focuses on Ross. Ross is hung up on Hadley, who he let go despite of being in love with her. When Hadley reaches out to Ross for help neither could anticipate what all is going to happen. This book is definitely dark and twisty, but every page leaves you wanting more. There is so much to this story from the more complicated topics to the chemistry that literally jumps off the page between Ross and Hadley. Both characters are fantastically well developed and really made me enjoy the story even more. I definitely recommend reading this story, but note that there are trigger warnings for drug abuse, sexual abuse and physical abuse.

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My Murder Year by Kate Larkindale – Review by Christine Baranek

My Murder YearMy Murder Year by Kate Larkindale
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My Murder Year
By: Kate Larkindale

This is a fantastic YA Mystery that reads quickly and has an amazing depth to its character development. Stas has found herself in a very interesting situation when she finds her mother unable to care for her. However, this is where the story really begins. She has so many people who want to take care of her, however, there is really only one that she desires to live with. But at this point, there are so many different opinions and she doesn’t know who to trust who is even looking out for her best interests. This is such an amazing, interesting read. I definitely recommend picking it up!

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