
Ghost Takes A Vacation (Genie and Adriana Darling Cozy Paranormal Ghost Mysteries Book 2) by Carmen Radtke – Review by Moriah Venable

Ghost Takes A VacationGhost Takes A Vacation by Carmen Radtke
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was expecting a long story but this short read was still fun regardless.

Traveling to Italy, Genie Darling goes in search of departed great aunt belongings that were sold in auction. What was supposed to be a luxurious vacation, is now a horror movie.

The auction house because an inferno and the dress of her late aunt, is also found in a pile of ash.

When a dead body is found, a mystery begins and Genie will need her Aunt to help her solve it.

It has been a while since I last read a cozy mystery. Cozy mysterious series tend to be repetitive and cause me to think that after so many bodies are found in this town, it is time to move. So the relocation to Italy, opened a vast amount of opportunities where the story and characters would not feel restricted.

The story forced me to laugh out loud a few times. I see that there are a few books in the series so I plan to read those while I wait for another installment, if there are any.

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Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3) by Rob Bates – Review by April McCoy

Slay It With a Diamond (Diamond District Mystery Book 3)Slay It With a Diamond by Rob Bates
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

New to the Rob Bates mystery-verse, and impressed with the attention to detail in this story. The characters were good, the story easy to follow, it was a good exciting read. I only gave 4 stars because it took me a bit to get into it which is a personal problem not the authors fault!

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Finding the End Zone (Game Time Series) by Tam DeRudder Jackson – Review by April McCoy

Finding the End ZoneFinding the End Zone by Tam DeRudder Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I will be the first to admit that sports romances aren’t typically my go to however the push and pull made the chemistry for these college students on fire. Callahan can’t resist the challenge Jamaica presents and this book had me sweating in some moments! Really well played by the author and definitely piqued my interest and held on right into the end zone!

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Orenda (The Latitude Series) by T.S. Simons – Review by April McCoy

Orenda (The Latitude Series Book 2)Orenda by T.S. Simons
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I don’t know what it is about T.S. Simons but they have a way of just pulling you right into the story. This was even better of a read as a Canadian getting to see some culture there. Caitlin and Gio are such great characters and I really was pleased the second in the series didn’t drop the ball so to speak. Thrilling read with some great ups and downs to keep you pulled all the way in!

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Dark Moon Secrets (The Witch Moon Series Book 1) by Lilliana Rose – Review by Charlene Gonzalez

Dark Moon Secrets (Witch Moon #1)Dark Moon Secrets by Lilliana Rose
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have been enjoying reading all of Lilliana Rose’s books and series. Her ways of bringing the character’s perspectives to view have me loving fantasy romance more than before.

Tanjie works at a bookshop and she does not know that she is a witch yet. She had trouble accepting the truth at first but then she met Alaric, I believe he is the Omega in the pack of wolf shifters. Who started attacking the witches because they had control over the wolves.

The reason 4 stars is that I am still a newbie in this genre and growing into loving wolf shifters and witches with vampires.

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Themes of Kismet by A. Akinosho – Review by Kat Mellon

Themes of KismetThemes of Kismet by A. Akinosho
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Themes OF Kismet: A Multicultural Meet Cute Romance: I had a hard time getting through this one. Not the from the regard of it being a mushy romance; it’s a meet cute. It’s in the title. Expected that. The book feels like a first attempt for the author. I had to back read quite a few times to try and figure out what was being said due to sentence structure, but also to figure out who new characters were and how they played into the book. Not enough introducing of one particular character left me wondering just WHO he was everytime he was mentioned, and HOW he had the sort of power it seemed he had. It was a struggle to finish. It was a cute idea for the book, just a little lacking in execution.

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Dark Moon Secrets (The Witch Moon Series Book 1) by Lilliana Rose – Review by Jessica Stone

Dark Moon Secrets (Witch Moon #1)Dark Moon Secrets by Lilliana Rose
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Dark Moon Secrets (The Witch Moon Series Book 1) by Lilliana Rose – Review by Jessica Stone

This book is set in Australia, which gives it a fun little vibe, I had a blast picturing the locations, towns, and environments that this story took place in since I am from the US and I haven’t read many books based on Australia.

Tanjie is just an ordinary girl, who’s gone through far to much in her short life so far, after losing her parents when she was younger in a car crash she manages to pull herself and life together and start to make something of herself. That is until one day a friend of hers Marie suddenly passes away, leaving instructions for her to take over ownership of a bookstore of Marie’s under a condition that she can only sell the business after she has worked in the shop for one year. Suddenly Tanjie is thrust into a world she thought only existed in books. She’s a witch, and it’s time for her to come into her powers and help her family’s coven keep control and balance in this crazy world. But all Tanjie wants is to live a normal life, one of her own design, that and maybe a quick piece of tall dark and handsome Alaric. Alaric is a wolf shifter with a superiority complex, he wants to be his own free man outside of the pack able to choose his own path, but his father, the alpha has other plans for Alaric and his future, that don’t include freedom, or cute little witches.

I love that Tanji and Al are immediately attracted to one another, as much as I love a good, one falls first type of story, I can’t help but crave the angst and steamy banter between to characters equally attracted to each other. Their banter is fun and engaging, it leaves you wanting more from them with every page you turn, and the spice between them had me fanning myself at points.

I’m interested to see where the author takes this series from here, this book is kinda left on a cliff hanger, with things being up in the air, I hate slash love the not knowing what’s going to happen to our main characters, especially when I’ve fallen so thoroughly in love with them both. The unpredictable aspect of this book paired with the chemistry of our main characters and the world building make for a tantalizing book to consume, and you will, consume it that is. Once I started I couldn’t put it down. I Can’t wait to see what becomes of my girl Tanjie’s in the next book!

Dark Moon Secrets, Lilliana Rose, The Witch Moon Series, Review, Itsy Bitsy Book Bits, Paranormal, Paranormal Romance, Romance, Jessica Stone, November 2023

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Lies That Bind (Logan McKenna Series Book 6) by Valerie Davisson – Review by Christine Baranek

Lies That Bind: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 6 (Logan McKenna Series)Lies That Bind: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 6 by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Lies That Bind
By: Valerie Davisson

This is the sixth Logan McKenna Book and I really love this series. Logan is a fantastic main character who is so well developed and who continues to grow and evolve as the series continues. Once again, Logan has found herself in the middle of an investigation. But all this is in addition to fixing up her new house and meeting a half sister.
Valerie Davisson does not disappoint in this book and it contains all the things I have grown to love in her books. From the fantastic characters, to a fast paced plot this book really does have it all. In addition, it features the descriptive writing I love. She does a fantastic job of making you feel as if you are right there with Logan and her descriptions make you really able to visualize where she is. I definitely recommend this book and the whole series!

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The Earl, Her Reluctant Guardian by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Christine Baranek

The Earl, Her Reluctant GuardianThe Earl, Her Reluctant Guardian by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Earl, her reluctant Guardian
By: Wareeze Woodson

This is a fantastic multifaceted story. It contains elements of a mystery and a crime. It also has chemistry between characters. This story is told from a dual point of view and I feel that this was done wonderfully. It added depth to the plot without making it feel disjointed.
Vanessa is such a wonderful character who I found myself relating to, even though this is a historical fiction novel. She struggles with confidence and regaining control in her own life. Lord Danville is one who has really made her feel less than. Yet, she also feels something else for him. Lord Danville won’t deny his feelings for her, but will he act on them.
This is historical fiction written at its best! The characters are amazing and well written! The plot moves at a good pace. I definitely recommend picking up this book!

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Sarge by Stuart Ledwith – Review by Christine Baranek

SargeSarge by Stuart Ledwith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

By: Stewart Ledwith

This is a quick read that is a military story. I was pulled right into this story by the character of Sarge. This is related to the Story of Misson 3047, which I have not read, but I definitely will be adding to my TBR list. Sarge is a fantastic character who sucks you in from page one. I was highly invested into Sarge/TJ and wanted to see what would happen to him. This book shows the impact that one person can have on another. This was honestly a great read that I recommend!

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Renewed (Fateful Justice Series) by Sara Vinduska – Review by Christine Baranek

Renewed (Fateful Justice Book 6)Renewed by Sara Vinduska
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

By: Sara Vinduska

This is the sixth book in the Fateful Justice series but it is the first of the series I have read. They each definitely function as a standalone, as I have not read any before this and I had absolutely no problem following along and enjoying the story. I will also say that I have now added this series to my TBR list and it won’t be long before I have read each and every one.
This is a very well written forced proximity romance, but there were multiple layers to the plot that were well done. I loved the characters of Hayden and Ruby and felt that they were well written, well developed and definitely were believable. They had a chemistry that just jumped off the page. I devoured this story in one sitting and I definitely recommend picking it up!

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Orenda (The Latitude Series) by T.S. Simons – Review by Breanne Christian

Orenda (The Latitude Series Book 2)Orenda by T.S. Simons
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Caitlin and her husband Gio embark on a journey to build a life together in Canada. Caitlin acts as a sort of liason between the different communities in an attempt to bring them back together while Gio is expaning on his medical knowledge. Everything is practically picture perfect until an old enemy arises and starts to threaten everything. Caitlin, chanelling her orenda to save those she loves, is met with challenges of loyatly, tragedy, and revenge. Is she able to save herself and her loved ones or does her old nemesis prevail? Find out in Orenda.
Orenda is the sequel in The Latitude Series which is a continuaton of The Antipodes Series. Just like all of the books before, Orenda kept me captivated during it all. Enriching detail makes the reader feel like they are in the story with the characters and each feeling the characters feel is felt through the words. If you are looking for an entralling read with twists, turns, and science fiction, look no further.

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Almost and Forever by Angela K. Parker – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Almost and Forever: An Emotional Second Chance at Love RomanceAlmost and Forever: An Emotional Second Chance at Love Romance by Angela K. Parker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh my goodness I thought I was going to have to go for therapy after this , I kid you not but fret not I’m ok , my heart survived but I can’t say the same for my kleenex supply or chocolate supply 🤣🙈

Every so often you read a book that you don’t want to share with others because the characters and their story climbed into your heart so deep and this is one of them but at the same time I want to tell the world of these beautiful people ❣️

So Hope and Adam didn’t meet by chance even though they think so , you see Adam is about to propose to his dying girlfriend , Ivory and she knew what was coming and she planned for their paths to cross before she was even gone …, ( already crying again )

Adam just wanted to give ivory the world and despite knowing her prognosis he loved her anyway ! How can I not love this man !? When she’s gone he takes a knock , a hard one and with the encouragement of his friends he seeks help and he doesn’t see his counsellor face to face …,,he seems to be living again and my heart sores bug at the same time it twitches with anxiety because I know what’s coming ( at the time I was expecting what’s to come 🤣🙈)

Hope is a giver , she puts everything and everyone first which is such a beautiful character trait but at the same time she more often than not bites the short end of the stick and Adam just seems to complete her but when she connects the dots her world nearly crumbles ( as did mine )

There was a time when I was cross with Ivory but not for long and I’m so grateful for her intervention and that she saw what these 2 could be together and to each other 🥰

This really is a beautifully sad read and it will stay with you for quite some time 🥰📚

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Orenda (The Latitude Series) by T.S. Simons – Review by Netania Lim

Orenda (The Latitude Series Book 2)Orenda by T.S. Simons
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I’ve been following the Antipodes series and now the follow-up Latitude series, and this novel is the latest installment. The story is gripping, perfect for fans of dystopian romance, and the characters are strong and well-developed. I also think that the series is unique in the way the author tries to incorporate different belief systems from around the world to create an imagined one. There’s plenty of drama and tragedy, and the suspense doesn’t let up until the end. I would recommend reading both series in order as it gets pretty complex and characters reappear. Can’t wait for the next book!

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Ghost Takes A Vacation (Genie and Adriana Darling Cozy Paranormal Ghost Mysteries Book 2) by Carmen Radtke – Review by Jules Herbert

Ghost Takes A VacationGhost Takes A Vacation by Carmen Radtke
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a new author for me that I am so damn happy I found!! I had a lot of laugh out loud moments that had my family questioning my sanity yet again! lol I loved reading about Genie and her ghost partner in mystery solving her aunt Adriana. I’ve Got to say I LOVED Adriana so much and I can’t wait to read more so because I found this series at book 2 I am going straight back to book 1.

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Dangerous Rhythm (The Echo Series Book 4) by C.R. Alam – Review by Jules Herbert

Dangerous Rhythm (The Echo Series, #4)Dangerous Rhythm by C.R. Alam
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I truly Love the Echo Series and find myself getting more and more hooked with every book I read. This talented author always brings to life her characters in such compelling and relatable ways that you just won’t be able to put the books down! Book 4 brings us the story of Lina and Curtis and I just know you will be hooked from start to finish just like I was. We also get to touch base with characters from previous books which I really think adds depth to a series. There is always something happening with steamy moments thrown in so if Romantic suspense is your favourite read then this book is for you and if you haven’t tried it yet then this series is where you need to start!

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Vigilante Assassin (Jake Wolfe Thrillers Book 2) by Mark Nolan – Review by Charlene Gonzalez

Vigilante Assassin (Jake Wolfe, #2)Vigilante Assassin by Mark Nolan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Mark Nolan the author of Jake Wolfe Series is catchy to read. Book 2 of this thriller series, I was hooked! I love all the twists and turns in these mystery books. So far, I am enjoying all the books that I read on Mark Nolan. I have read this month all 7 series and I can’t believe how Mark put all the stories together knowing that you can read them individually.

In this story, we have a wife Lauren Stephens with her family, who thought she had it all but in all rich families there must be a deep secret. She needed help from Jake Wolfe to find out where her husband went missing and why. Can Jake Wolfe and his dog Cody continue to help others in need, or will this be the end? I have to say nope because there is more to these series.

If you love a mixed roller coast this book is for you. There are a lot of falls and high that will leave you in your seats. Wait until you read the next book after book 2.

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Dead Lawyers Don’t Lie (Jake Wolfe Thrillers Book 1) by Mark Nolan – Review by Charlene Gonzalez

Dead Lawyers Don't Lie (Jake Wolfe, #1)Dead Lawyers Don’t Lie by Mark Nolan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What can I say, I read about 3 books from this author Mark Nolan. By the 2nd book, I was hooked. I love all the twists and turns in these mystery books. The characters are well played out and have amazing plots.

Jake Wolfe is a veteran, who spends most of his time as a photojournalist admiring Van Gogh’s paintings. Then we have the main character who is The Artist killer. When these two collided during a murder scene that Wolfe should not been there, The Artist Killer made him the next victim.

If you love a mixed roller coast this book is for you. There are a lot of falls and high that will leave you in your seats. Wait until you read the next book after book 1.

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Wicked Ends: A Dark College Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Book #8) by Isla Vaughn – Review by

Wicked Ends (Hidden Valley Elite #8)Wicked Ends by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


5 Stars


Wicked Ends is Book #8 (but the 10th instalment) in the Hidden Valley Elite series by Isla Vaughn. Not going to lie – this was a bit of a bittersweet read for me as I really needed to know how Shane and Winter’s story turned out – but I also knew that this was not only the conclusion to their story, but to the series too……and I’m not ready to say goodbye! But what a great way to round out the series!
Gah, this series has been one heck of a ride, and I’ve loved every minute! Each instalment just seemed to get better and better as we went along. It is incredibly hard to choose a favourite out of them all. But I really wish there were more to come still….
As with the other books in the series, this is a New Adult, enemies-to-lovers “bully” romance with plenty of chemistry, sizzle, angsty drama, love, hate, passion, emotion, tension, intrigue, suspense, revelations, family dynamics, and a little mystery.
As we previously discovered- The ‘Elites’ are brothers Cole and Damon and their cousins, twin brothers Phoenix and Shane. Each of the elites get their own book/s – and this one (Book #8) is the engrossing conclusion to Shane and Winter’s story. And OMG Ms. Vaughn has made them jump through hoops to find their HEA- or do they? I’m not going to tell.
Again, as with the other instalments, this is not a light and fluffy read- as there is a lot of darker content, which I won’t go into because I don’t want to spoil anything for you. But highly suggest checking the content warnings before diving in, because there are some disturbing/unsettling details contained in the book/series. So keep that in mind, especially if you have any triggers.
Yes- I was expecting it, and Ms. Vaughn certainly delivered- but pretty sure she enjoyed toying with my anxiety and playing with my emotions the whole way through the book and series! And I would happily turn around and do it all over again.
I am excited to see what Ms. Vaughn might do next!
Happy Reading…

Thank you, Isla Vaughn!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Master of the Abyss (Painted Souls Series Book #3) by Rob Samborn – Review by Angela Hayes

Master of the Abyss (Painted Souls, #3)Master of the Abyss by Rob Samborn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


5 Stars


Master of the Abyss is the third and final book in the Painted Souls Series by Rob Samborn. It follows up from The Prisoner of Paradise (Book #1) and Painter of the Damned (Book #2)- so if you are yet to read the first two books, then I highly recommend that you do so before diving into this final instalment. This is a continuation of the story and there has been a lot that has happened previously that you will want to know going into this book. There is a lot of important storyline details, character information, interconnected elements/threads, and intriguing backstory that you need to know in order to get the ultimate reading experience from this book.
Julia O’Connor (and friends) has her work cut out for her here- as she is thrust into a quest to not only to save her husband and the multitude of souls trapped in eternal torment, but turns out that she’ll need to save the world from a psychotic religious fanatic bent on utter domination, as well. What happens makes for a page-turning read.
Although I didn’t want this series to end, because it has been such a great read- this conclusion to the series is everything I could have hoped for, and more. Mr. Samborn didn’t rest on his laurels, and yet again, upped the ante to bring us another well-written, multi-layered, gripping, and incredibly ‘visual’ story. With plenty of dramatic developments, tension, action, danger, supernatural/paranormal elements, a high stakes quest, an ancient relic, suspense, twists, intensity, adventure, intrigue, historical details, agendas, complexity, layers, mysteriousness, an ancient journal, and so much more – made for a very gripping historical thriller.
This was edge of your seat reading at its best- OMG I devoured this book in one sitting as I had to know how everything played out in the end. And as expected from Mr. Samborn- the tension mounts to an all-time high- making for a quite a riveting read.
The Painted Souls series would definitely make a fantastic movie, or epic television series!
I am eager to see what Mr. Sanborn has up his sleeve for us next.
Happy Reading…

Thank you, Rob Samborn!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Wicked Ends: A Dark College Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Series, Book 8 ) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Charlisa Wahtomy-Alba

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”Wicked Ends (Hidden Valley Elite #8)” src=”” /></a><a href=””>Wicked Ends</a> by <a href=””>Isla Vaughn</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>5 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
Winter and Shane have a long and painful history. They used each other for different reasons, but now one must ask the other for help as well as forgiveness. Will forgiveness be given? Winter is running from someone and the only person she feels safe with is Shane. Will he be able to prtect her? All of these books have been amazing from start to finish. I recommend reading them from the beginning so that you can get a feel as well as a better understanding for the characters. Sometimes their decisions don’t make sense but if you have the background information it all falls into place beautifully.
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Spectral Revelations (The Karina Cardinal Mysteries Book 6) by Ellen Butler – Review by Charlisa Wahtomy-Alba

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”Spectral Revelations: A Karina Cardinal Mystery (The Karina Cardinal Mysteries Book 6)” src=”” /></a><a href=””>Spectral Revelations: A Karina Cardinal Mystery</a> by <a href=””>Ellen Butler</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>5 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
I sure hope we get more adventures from Ms. Cardinal, but as I write this review this is the last book of the series. In this one it took an interesting paranormal turn. Karina’s aunt Vera has gone missing and Karina is on the case. With the exception that it is out of character for her aunt to just disappear and leave behind her cat without a word, nothing seems out of place. When Karina comes across a Civil War Era ghost trashing her aunt’s study she thinks it’s just throwing a tantrum. That is until she discovers clues in how the thrashing happen. The cops have everything wrong according to what she is being shown, but how will she convince them of such things? Will she be able to bring Vera back alive? These books were too good to put down. Each one could be read as a standalone if you wanted, but I much preferred reading them in order. If mystery thrillers are your cup of tea any of these would be great to read.
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Pharaoh’s Forgery (Karina Cardinal Mysteries Book 4) by Ellen Butler – Review by Charlisa Wahtomy-Alba

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”Pharaoh’s Forgery: Karina Goes on Vacation (The Karina Cardinal Mysteries Book 4)” src=”” /></a><a href=””>Pharaoh’s Forgery: Karina Goes on Vacation</a> by <a href=””>Ellen Butler</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>5 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
Karina and her crew are back for yet a other adventure. This books steps away from what we have come to know, her adventures in the USA and life on Capitol Hill. We have officially gone international! Karina wants a fund girls getaway to Mexico but Jillian’s accident throws a wrench in those plans. Her fellow lobbyist, Rodrigo, ends up going with her as he too deserves to have fun and relax. Karina is not just there for fun and relaxation, she is also there for some work. She had a package that she promised to deliver to Mrs. Thundermuffin ( this is an awesome name! ). She doesn’t know what it is but she let’s her curiosity get the best of her and she takes a peek. As we know, this causes Karina and her friend to become targets. How will she get out of this mess? So far I have enjoyed all of these books. They are a bit fast paced but fun. If you enjoy mystery thrillers then do look into reading these books. It’s a great series to get lost in.
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Hope For A New World (The Hope Series Book #1) (Gaia’s Voice) by Renee W Peek – Review by Angela Hayes

Hope For a New World (The Hope Series Book 1)Hope For a New World by Renee W. Peek
My rating: 3 of 5 stars


3 Stars


Hope For A New World is the first book in The Hope Series (Gaia’s Voice Series) by Renee W. Peek. This is the first book that I have read by Ms. Peek, so I really didn’t know what to expect from one of her stories. But the cover intrigued me, and the blurb sounded interesting- so I set off to explore.
What I discovered is an original story with quite a lot going on. There are multiple characters, and multiple POVs too, which expands the story considerably. It is a Sci-fi fantasy, with a bit of a ‘message’ about the world/environment, and our part in it all. From environmental messages to telepathic messengers, new-age type beliefs, giving the planet/s a ‘voice’, tension, challenges, drama, and hope – this story takes place in a futuristic setting (2133 -2138)- so over a hundred years into the future.
Whilst I did appreciate the story and messages it contained, I found it difficult to connect fully with some of the characters which made it hard to fully invest in them and the outcome of the story. Some of the characters were very ‘fleshed out’ while others not so much, even though they were part of the ‘main cast’. I really wanted to know more about them, I guess. Some of the dialogue seemed a little stilted and curt/blunt, which made for choppy/clunky interactions. Also, some of the transitions were abrupt, making for a rough flow at times, and adding a little confusion (for me), which kept pulling me out of the flow.
But the overall story was intriguing, and I really liked the premise. Don’t let my opinion put you off grabbing a copy and diving in, as looking at the other reviews, I seem to be the only one with any concerns at all – so this is probably a ‘me issue’. Snap up a copy and make up your own mind.
I am curious to see where the series goes from here, so will explore the other books to find out.
Happy reading…

Thank you, Renee W. Peek!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Diamonds & Deception (Karina Cardinal Mystery Book 3) by Ellen Butler – Review by Charlisa Wahtomy-Alba

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”Diamonds & Deception (Karina Cardinal Mystery, #3)” src=”” /></a><a href=””>Diamonds & Deception</a> by <a href=””>Ellen Butler</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>5 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
Karina is back and this time she has a few friends along. The romance that was budding with the FBI agent, Mike Finnigan, has ended and and she is living up the single life. True to style she gets herself into another scrape, but she is adamant that she will not be calling Mike to save her. She’s no damsel in distress but she may not have a choice. A friend of sister Jillian has been dropping money that she shouldn’t have on the salary of a teacher. After being accused of theft and having some loose diamonds fall out of her purse she sure does look guilty. It’s now up to Karina, Jillian and Silverthorne Security to find out whonl set up Jillians friend. The only problem is they have dug too deep this time. She won’t be able to pull herself out of this hole without help. Will Mike be willing to help her or is he still too upset over the break up? These books keep getting better as they go. I love the plots and how they characters have continued to develope with each book. I’m looking forward to the next adventure.
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Fatal Legislation: A Novel: Karina Cardinal Mystery Book 2 by Ellen Butler – Review by Charlisa Wahtomy-Alba

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”Fatal Legislation (Karina Cardinal Mystery #2)” src=”” /></a><a href=””>Fatal Legislation</a> by <a href=””>Ellen Butler</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>5 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
Karina Cardinal is back for another mystery. This time she was in the middle if a very heated discussion with a senator about her latest health care initiative, which he killed. After much back and forth she is looking upon the Senator, dead at her feet. What happened? She wakes up in her cold apartment, but doesn’t remember whether or not she closed her back door. She also has a new love interest, FBI agent Mike Finnigan. He brings news to her that she is a suspect in the case of Senator Harper’s demise. There are any number of people that could have wanted to harm him, but who did it? She feels that she is going from person of interest to suspect real quick so she starts her own investigation. Will she find the culprit before she can’t save herself?
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Isabella’s Painting: A Notorious Art Heist Mystery (Karina Cardinal Mystery Book 1) by Ellen Butler – Review by Charlisa Wahtomy-Alba

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”Isabella’s Painting (Karina Cardinal Mystery #1)” src=”” /></a><a href=””>Isabella’s Painting</a> by <a href=””>Ellen Butler</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>5 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
Karina Cardinal is a very successful lawyer and lobbyist on Capitol Hill. One day she had a long day and just wanted to relax with her boyfriend, Patrick Dunne. The couple is invited to his parents annual holiday bash even though Karina was tired and had achy feet. In hopes of finding a place to rest her weary feet she interrupts the host, Martin Dunne, and a guest and they appear to be hiding something. What was the object that they were being so secretive about? Her curiosity gets the better of her and she goes sleuthing on the internet once she returns home. She feels that she has found the item, a missing painting. She runs into an old friend who works for the FBI, Mike Finnigan. Can he help her? This was a fasr paced but enjoyable book. It was a good start to a series. I’m looking forward to book two.
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The Cold Kid Case (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden – Review by Jess Engel

The Cold Kid Case: A Sparky of Bunker Hill MysteryThe Cold Kid Case: A Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery by Rosalind Barden
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow. I’m not even sure quite how to describe the experience of enjoying this story. The author puts together an intriguing and unique story told from the perspective of the 11yo Sparky. I honestly expected a more juvenile story with a writing style to match for this type of cozy mystery—instead what I got was a compelling story and witty dialogue. The author also did a wonderful job with character development and creating unique, but believable characters to help Cary the storyline. I also quite enjoyed the setting of the story and incorporation of the culture of the 1930s which helped transport me directly into the time and story—a proven talent of this author’s writing style. I honestly can’t say enough good things, just pick this one up and be prepared to be transported into the mystery and helping Sparky clear her name!

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Wicked Ends: A Dark College Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Series, Book 8 ) by Isla Vaughn – Review by M Policicchio

Wicked Ends (Hidden Valley Elite #8)Wicked Ends by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I know I have said this before in my reviews of this series, but it is one of the best series I have ever read. The characters are realistic, diverse, likable, smart, funny and bad. One of the overriding themes throughout the series, especially between the boys is family. They would do anything for those they care about and as each finds their special one, the circle gets a little bigger.

In the conclusion of the series, Winter and Shane are each chasing ghosts. Winter remembers more of what happened to her sister and Shane is being haunted not only by his father but a fling that won’t let him go. Things get more complicated with an almost abduction of Winter. Shane faces more pressure from his father for money. Shane’s grandfather wants to help but his assistance comes at a price, sometimes too steep to pay.

When the truth is finally revealed about what happened to Winter and her sister on that horrible day, Shane and Winter are linked more than they ever knew. One thing is for sure, they will be forever linked.

The Bonus Epilogue nearly had me in tears. It was beautiful and amazing. It was a nearly perfect ending to the series. The only way it would have been more perfect would have been to set up the next generation. But that is just me being greedy because I don’t want to let these characters go. I felt such a loss at the end of this book that I had to blindly watch TV for the rest of the night. I wasn’t emotionally ready to say goodbye. I needed time before moving on.

To the author: Thank you for these characters. Thank you for these stories. I look forward to your next book, the next series, the next whatever you do because you have found a permanent spot on my TBR list and my shelf!!

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Quick Affirmations for Children (Quick Affirmations Series) by Kim Ann & Yobe Qiu – Review by Gillian Fawell

Quick Affirmations for Children: A to Z of Easy Motivations for Creating Better days - Positive Affirmations for Happy ChildrenQuick Affirmations for Children: A to Z of Easy Motivations for Creating Better days – Positive Affirmations for Happy Children by Kim Ann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Not only does this beautiful book contain many inspiring affirmations for young children, it also links them to the alphabet which has multiple benefits! It helps children to learn the alphabet and alphabetical order but also helps children who already know the alphabet to better remember the affirmations as they can link them to the relevant letters. The affirmations are simple but beautiful and creative. Definitely a great book for the whole family!

Reviewed by @sparkinside

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