
Orenda (The Latitude Series) by T.S. Simons – Review by Francis O’Sullivan

Orenda (The Latitude Series Book 2)Orenda by T.S. Simons
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Orenda is the second book in the Latitude Series, which follows on from Antipodes. I’d recommend reading the Antipodes series first for the full backstory of the world the stories are set in, but you could jump in at The 45th Parallel which begins this next generation of the story.

This is a post-apocalyptic science fiction series that draws on mythology and traditional beliefs from around the world to inform a rich and widespread world of connected communities. As the story passes to a new generation, there is a focus on rebuilding the world and making decisions that will set it on a positive course for the future.

I really enjoy this series, and Antipodes, for the way it takes readers to all kinds of interesting places. The author describes these places in great and loving detail, which transports the reader to the place! In Orenda, it’s particularly fun discovering new places through Gio’s eyes who hasn’t spent his life travelling as Caitlin has.

This book gets five stars from me! I’m looking forward to reading more from this world.

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Dangerous Rhythm (The Echo Series Book 4) by C.R. Alam – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Dangerous Rhythm (The Echo Series, #4)Dangerous Rhythm by C.R. Alam
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the fourth book in this series. This is a series that keeps getting better and better with each book. I highly suggest reading the previous books as well to help your enhancement of this author’s writing skills. They can be read as a standalone but they are really enjoyable stories you don’t want to miss. This is a well written story where the author used details to make the story come to life on each page. The characters are connectable, engaging and they certainly bring romance. A story about getting caught between duty and love. Which one will win? Could it be that both situations are a win? I enjoyed how the characters pulled me into their world from the start. They have great attraction and growth throughout the story. A fast paced story that is not only hard to put down but also engaging to the end. I really enjoyed this story and I highly recommend it.

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Review by @bjwagner

Baking a Bicycle (Invisible Magic Wand Book 7) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Baking a Bicycle: Invisible Magic Wand Book SevenBaking a Bicycle: Invisible Magic Wand Book Seven by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoy reading this author’s children’s books from the first one I picked up. They are colorful, creative and unique. This one is no different. This is an interactive story about Capsian and the bicycle that he wants. When he opens the box, what he found is not what he expected. I enjoy how his story is brought to life with the colorful pages. The illustrations just add to the story. This is a great story for any child and will want to read it over and over. I highly recommend this child’s book.

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Review by @bjwagner

Baking a Bicycle (Invisible Magic Wand Book 7) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Donya Pedigo

Baking a Bicycle: Invisible Magic Wand Book SevenBaking a Bicycle: Invisible Magic Wand Book Seven by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Lois Wickstrom is a favorite author in our family with her original stories that often help you learn without realizing it whether it be dealing with everyday issues or science properties like in her mermaid series. She also has some amazing illustrators that do phenomenal work making the stories come alive for the reader to see.

Baking a Bicycle is the seventh book in the Invisible Magic Wand Series about Caspian and the unusual presents he gets from his grandfather for his unbirthday. In this installment Caspian asked Grandpa for a bicycle, but Grandpa tells him if he gets one for his unbirthday it won’t be an ordinary bicycle, because unbirthday gifts are supposed to be different than regular birthday gifts. The day if his unbirthday arrives and the adventures begins! Will Caspian get a bicycle and if so what kind will it be?

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Orenda (The Latitude Series) by T.S. Simons – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Orenda (The Latitude Series Book 2)Orenda by T.S. Simons
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This set of books was so different for me, but I have loved EVERY SINGLE ONE so far! This is a sequel to another book (The 45th Parallel), but it is also an extension of another set (The Antipodes series). Which was also AMAZING!!! You really have to read the previous books, because there is SO MUCH information you will miss. They connect with this book so you will be lost in many ways. You COULD read it and kind of follow along, but just read the others first!! You will not regret it! Just trust me on this! I found myself lost in these stories. Rooting for certain characters and not liking a couple. Feeling heartbroken for some and wanting to reach into the book and hit an idiot or two. Hehe. The worlds that are created in these book are amazing and really make you think about the possibilities of something like this truly happening. You can just see it all in your mind unfolding. This would be a WONDERFUL show/movies series in my opinion! A virus has wiped out the planet. It’s in the water and kills everything it comes in contact with. Plants, animals, and humans aren’t safe. Scientists and the government came up with a plan to save as many people as they could by setting up bio-domes around the world (you learn about all this in the first series of books). Yes! So interesting right?!?! You HAVE to read these sets!! Both of them!! In this book, Caitlin and her new husband Gio travel to Canada to become new ambassadors for the ACC (Association of Collective Communities). The ACC tries to bridge the gap between communities (not at all easy!), come up with solutions to any problems that may arise (there are SO many!), and offer new opportunities that will benefit all the communities AND all the generations to come (can you even imagine!!). Keeping everyone safe from the virus. but also still growing and thriving is a hard battle, especially when space is so limited! Caitlin proves herself in many ways and is respected by her people. She helps where she can, gives everyone new ideas, and helps make things more efficient. All great for a new leader. But as she builds her family with her husband an old enemy comes along and threatens everything!! Their security, their loyalties, and their lives. You will not want to put this book down! I don’t want to give anything away, but man oh man will this have you on your toes and gripped into your seat. Tragedy strikes (again!), revenge comes about (ugh. again!!), and everything they’ve worked so hard for could be destroyed (again!). The world ended guys! Can’t we just get along! The future looks bleak bleak bleak! I am not at all sad to say that I stayed up a little tiny bit to late, so I could finish this book. LOL! I can’t wait to read more from this author. I am so invested in these characters and world!!

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Arriving Home (Lake Juniper Series) by Chelsea Lauren – Review by Shannon Fowler

Arriving Home (Lake Juniper Series)Arriving Home by Chelsea Lauren
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sometimes there are books that will drop a nugget of inspiration, an ah ha moment, the exact right feeling at the exact right time. Arriving Home had such a nugget for me:

“Reminding myself how small we are in the expanse of the universe, sometimes it helps calm my overactive mind. Other times, it reminds me how it is all bullshit. Because I’m living and breathing in this moment, and I don’t need to minimize how a situation feels to me. I’m allowed to feel it” -Elijah

This MM story is a hope for love. The romance is sweet, sexy and just what every holiday needs. A quick and easy read, this book takes you to a winter wonderland resort for writers. Picture perfect settings are bound to inspire some romance for writer Elijah, who is coming off an abusive relationship, is having a writer’s block and is wondering if true love exists. The perfect storm. Austin on the other hand is the head chef at the resort and loves love but believes he will never find it. Sure they both enjoy sex but they both also are dreaming, yet unsure of, finding love. The two form a bond almost instantly but this author gives it a slow burn covered by pretending to be boyfriends. We all know that never works out like the characters think it will.

Recommend this book and this author.

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Luna the Howling Husky Finds Her Howl by Samantha Shannon – Review by Lyndsey Fairley

Luna the Howling Husky Finds Her HowlLuna the Howling Husky Finds Her Howl by Samantha Shannon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Not a bad thing to say about this book. Firstly the illustrations in this are absolutely amazing. And the message this story teaches is one everyone could use sometimes. Just because you’re different doesn’t mean you’re less and we should all embrace what makes us who we are and to surround yourself with those who accept you for all of you.

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Woman Unbroken by Alexandra Fleder

Woman UnbrokenWoman Unbroken by Alexandra Fleder
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Woman Unbroken: A Novel by Alexandra Fleder was such a good read! It was my first time reading anything by this author and would definitely do so again.
This book follows the story of Devorah, who had what seemed like an envious upbringing on the surface; however, recent tragic events causes her to reevaluate much of her life. I love that the main character is allowed to “wallow” in some borderline depression filled days. The story did not bog down, it wasn’t depressing to read, but it was incredibly realistic to see a character that had gone through so much be allowed to have a real world response. Being able to hide away, forget the world and just rest and recoup as much as possible. In the end, Devorah does find her will again and the rest of the story follows her path and she grows stronger and into her own person. A happy ever after that isn’t dependent on someone else!

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Murky Murder by Hazel Smith – Review by Kat Mellon

Murky Murder (A Maid Ivy Cozy Mystery, #4)Murky Murder by Hazel Smith
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Murky Murder: An Utterly Addictive Cozy Murder Mystery (A Maid Ivy Cozy Mystery Book) was such a fun book! Seems odd to say that about a murder mystery, but it really was. Despite the title, the book was still rather lighthearted and fun to read. I loved the quirky group of women that work at the Hotel Lafontaine and the budding romance between Ivy and Mr. Humphrey. It is rather slow in the beginning but picks up speed and maintains throughout. I recommend and would read more by this author.

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Orenda (The Latitude Series) by T.S. Simons – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

Orenda (The Latitude Series Book 2)Orenda by T.S. Simons
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars
Orenda (The Latitude Series) by T.S. Simons

Orenda is the second book in The Latitude series which is an extension of the Antipodes Series. This is a Sci-Fi with a Super Natural feel. I’m loving this series just as much as The Antipodes Series. Each book gets better and better. The characters are relatable and fully developed and make the story come to life. Caitlin and her husband Gio take us on quite the adventure as they work through the struggles of taking on new roles that lead them to new places. What will happen when an old enemy emerges from the past? I highly recommend reading this book to find out what happens next. I’m looking forward to reading more from this Author.

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Kneading a Winning Idea by Terri Sabol – Review by Gillian Fawell

Kneading a Winning IdeaKneading a Winning Idea by Terri Sabol
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a beautiful story about the powers of persistence and flexibility as well as being open to new ideas as sometimes the inspiration for an award winning product can come from the strangest of places!
It would be a great story to read with little ones who are struggling with new situations such as starting school, making new friends or trying something new for the first time.
Highly recommended!

Reviewed by @sparkinside

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Bad at Being Good (An MM Brother’s Best Friend Romance) by A.L. Morrow – Review by Anastasia Dodson

Bad at Being GoodBad at Being Good by A.L. Morrow
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was the first one I’ve read by this author and I enjoyed it. I don’t usually read alot of MM romance But I am really glad I picked this one up. I enjoyed the authors writing, the main characters & the story overall.
I am looking forward to more by this author in the future!
Happy Reading!

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Raining Fish and Frogs by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Anantha Rusum

Raining Fish and FrogsRaining Fish and Frogs by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this cute little picture book , which talks about how tornadoes are formed . A fisherman was trying to catch fish to make trout , but the lake was quiet . Then a tornado is formed and it sucks all the fish and frog from the lake and drops them everywhere in the town . It finally drops a trout at the fisherman’s home and he enjoys his meal.

Very nice story , great illustrations.

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Secrets at the Café: A Novel of Suspense about Family and Friendship by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Ayla Phipps

Secrets at the CafeSecrets at the Cafe by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Secrets are everywhere, especially in small towns. This is not the first book I have read by the talented Susan Specht Oram and once again I couldn’t put this book down from start to finish. All Karina wanted to do was fulfill her grandmother’s (Gigi) dying wish, repayment in her eyes for her Gigi taking care of her after her parents passed away.
Karina is a twenty-four-year-old woman that was making her place in the world in Seattle as an artist, selling her pottery and paintings happy and living her dream. Her Aunt Jean calls her to let her know that Gigi’s health is taking a downward turn, and she needs to come back home and be with her. Without hesitation Karina packs her belongings and returns to her small town of Millersville. The final moments of Gigi’s life she tells Karina to take care of her café and to read her journal. She tells her “There is more hidden in this house than you realize. After I’m gone, look for clues.” Surprised to learn she had a journal a month passes, and Karina is still unable to make herself go through Gigi’s things, her papers, her drawers, she’s not ready to fully accept that she is gone. One busy day in the café a customer, Boots Brinker, finds the journal, a red leather book, the first page she sees states that the stock market has crashed, and she pulled all her money out of her bank account and hid it somewhere safe. Instantly she regrets not going through everything, taking inventory of what was in the house because just as quickly as the journal was found it instantly taken. Lost to her hunger and attachment to the journal, Karina does some legally questioning things, sneaking around houses when invited in and pretending to trust some who offer to help her find it. To add to the growing list of “customers” she meets her young cousin’s boyfriend finally, and it’s none other than Shane, her high school boyfriend that stole her heart and moved away and never called her again.
Will Karina find the journal or is it lost forever? Why is everyone so interested in the journal? Do they think it can be used as a treasure map for hidden money? What is Shane doing back in town and dating her younger cousin? While the world is completely realistic, having lived in very small towns for over ten years now I completely understand the fact that secrets are everywhere. Karina starts with one goal that goes deeper than just a journal, what secrets will she uncover, and will anything be the same again after the truth is known?

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Luna the Howling Husky Finds Her Howl by Samantha Shannon – Review by Julie Johnson

Luna the Howling Husky Finds Her HowlLuna the Howling Husky Finds Her Howl by Samantha Shannon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Luna the husky is very unique. Unlike other huskies, Luna cannot howl at the moon when she wants to. Because of that, her husky siblings bully her and treat her poorly. They all get adopted quickly but Luna is left behind. She meets a cat who is also unique. Together, they treat each other with kindness and find a furever home!

I love the illustrations in this story! They are very vibrant and engaging. The story is also very well done. Share this one with youngsters of all ages!

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Bad at Being Good (An MM Brother’s Best Friend Romance) by A.L. Morrow – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

Bad at Being GoodBad at Being Good by A.L. Morrow
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Bad at Being Good is a best friend MM Romance and what an emotional read. This is a story that had me hooked right from the beginning and I devoured each page. Emotions ran high in this story, romance, secrets, turmoil, grief, forgiveness and promises. This is a fantastic story and I highly recommend this read, but please keep in mind to check the trigger warnings.

Kellan is Milo’s big brother but also Benji’s best friend. Never expecting the worst, Kellan unexpectedly loses his life and a downward spiral of grief and guilt with so many fingers pointing on “fault”..Milo has always been in love with Benji, but after Kellan’s death, Benji pushes everyone away dealing with his grief differently. After a year, Milo and Benji reunite…questions are asked and some answers you do not want to hear….but after it is all said and done…..will Milo and Benji be able to have the love and forgiveness they deserve even when some very hard secrets are revealed?

This story is fantastic and the author did a great job on sensitive subjects. Very well done!

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Orenda (The Latitude Series) by T.S. Simons – Review by Carla Clemmons

Orenda (The Latitude Series Book 2)Orenda by T.S. Simons
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have loved this series from the start of the original series! This one follows Cait and Gio’s story. So much happens and there is so much character growth. As always the author does an amazing job of describing the world. There are plot twists that I was not expecting at all and was taken by surprise as the story unfolds. You don’t have to read the first series to understand this one but it definitely gives you the full back story. I do recommend reading the first book in this series so you can know where Cait and Gio started and how their story plays out. I was also pleasantly happy with the ending and cannot wait for book 3!

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The Befallen (The Unsung and The Wolf Duology) by Cambria Williams – Review by Shannen Kern

The BefallenThe Befallen by Cambria Williams
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

WOW! This beautifully dark fantasy is absolutely stunning! I cannot believe this is the author’s debut because it is phenomenal. It was like diving into another realm from the very first page and experiencing everything firsthand. Sloane, Alvie, and Tolvar are exceptionally well-developed, and they will have you fully invested within a few pages. This experience pulled on every heartstring I have as the author expertly draws every emotion out of you. We get a well-built world with plenty of background in the beginning, and then I promise it picks up like nobody’s business. I couldn’t put it down once I started because I was obsessed with finding out what happened next. If you enjoy anything slightly related to the fantasy genre, this book is absolutely your next read!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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The Catford Catastrophe Zone by Petra Jacob – Review by Micalah Weatherholtz

The Catford Catastrophe ZoneThe Catford Catastrophe Zone by Petra Jacob
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Catford Catastrophe Zone by Petra Jacob sounded so interesting from the description and sounded like nothing I had read lately. Petra was a new to me author so I wasn’t sure what to expect, and she sounds like a very diverse author. She was able to deliver a super unique story with this well-developed, well thought out, Dystopian, sci-fi, thriller, and I enjoyed this tale immensely.

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The Catford Catastrophe Zone by Petra Jacob – Review by Shannen Kern

The Catford Catastrophe ZoneThe Catford Catastrophe Zone by Petra Jacob
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was the first book I had picked up from this author, and it was an incredible start! I am a big fan of all things sci-fi, so this dystopian adventure was right up my alley. It definitely kept me guessing the whole way through as the author threw curve balls every so often. I really loved the characters because they didn’t feel like your typical, run of the mill sci-fi gang. They were unique yet relatable and didn’t always behave in a way I could see coming. The author did an amazing job weaving their dark humor into the story as well. I am on my way to pick up more books by Petra. I highly recommend you pick this one up and enjoy the futuristic thriller!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Finding the End Zone (Game Time Series) by Tam DeRudder Jackson – Review by April Smith

Finding the End Zone (Game Time Series)Finding the End Zone by Tam DeRudder Jackson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Finding the End Zone is a romance about the Hotshot Jock and the Nerdy English major.
Callahan and Jamaica are characters to fall in love with and the story line is easy to follow.
The writer does an impressive job connecting the reader with witty banter and steamy passages between the characters that keeps you interested. This is my first read with this author but it definitely won’t be my last.

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The Catford Catastrophe Zone by Petra Jacob – Review by Cindy Rushin

The Catford Catastrophe ZoneThe Catford Catastrophe Zone by Petra Jacob
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I did enjoy this book, it was interesting. The world created by the author was very different and I found myself drawn into the imagery. The story seemed to draw on current events and experiences then took us down a path of a possible future should we continue down the path we are traveling. It really was a scary journey and one I hope does not come to pass. I recommend this book and will definitely read further novels by this author.

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Dumpster Dying by Michelle Bennington – Review by Samantha Cleaver

Dumpster Dying (A Hazardous Hoarding Mystery Book 1)Dumpster Dying by Michelle Bennington
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This mystery is perfect for someone who just wants to curl up in front of a fire, with a cup of coffee and read. Perfect mixture of suspense, romance, heartbreak and friendship.

Follow Birdie as she tries to find out who killed her friend while trying to move on from the death of her husband and high school sweetheart.

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Bad at Being Good (An MM Brother’s Best Friend Romance) by A.L. Morrow – Review by Gabrielle

Bad at Being GoodBad at Being Good by A.L. Morrow
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Benji made a promise a long time ago and now he finds it harder and harder to keep that promise. Milo has grown up from the boy he used to be into a man, a man that Benji promised to stay away from. When grief brings these two men together emotions come into play and their attraction cannot be denied.

This is an engaging story that pulled me in right from that start. Milo and Benji are each dealing with their own problems but together they may be able to find their way. It was nice to see the relationship grow between the two men. Emotions take center stage in their story and will pull on your heart at times. The two learn that life is full of ups and downs but with the right person at your side you can survive and even thrive. The author does a nice job of bringing these characters and their emotions to life.

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Woman Unbroken by Alexandra Fleder – Review by Ashley Mertz

Woman UnbrokenWoman Unbroken by Alexandra Fleder
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Woman Unbroken by Alexandra Fleder is available now in eBook and Physical Book
⭐️⭐️⭐⭐ Book Review

Woman Unbroken focuses on discovering oneself while carrying baggage of a broken past. This is my first time reading a novel written by Fleder and it sure did not disappoint. Fleder touched on some pretty heavy topics without hesitation and for that I praise her writing. Devorah was extremely relatable. Despite the emotional roller coaster I was sent on, I found myself rooting for her the entire book. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys an emotional novel featuring a devoted, determined protagonist.

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Encounters With Old Coyote by Laura Koerber – Review by Angela Hayes

Encounters with Old CoyoteEncounters with Old Coyote by Laura Koerber
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


3.5 Stars


Encounters With Old Coyote by Laura Koerber is made up of a collection of 13 short stories. Ms. Koerber weaves tales that blend fact with fiction, anecdotes with magical realism, adding a touch of the paranormal, emotion, intrigue, and wit.
As expected, Ms. Koerber has crafted a highly original book- bringing us a touch of the unusual- and blending fantasy with some mystery, and magical realism- thereby capturing the imagination and pulling the reader into her ‘world’.
Each story is a very quick and easy read.
Encounters With Old Coyote is another interesting, original, and thought provoking read.
Happy reading…

Thank you, Laura Koerber!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Bad at Being Good (An MM Brother’s Best Friend Romance) by A.L. Morrow – Review by Rosanna Ingram

Bad at Being GoodBad at Being Good by A.L. Morrow
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Warning right up front: this book covers some very serious topics including death, grief, and addiction.

I enjoyed this book. Each of the characters comes to life across the pages. The multiple POVs allows you to really delve in to how each of them are dealing with the guilt and grieving surrounding Kellan’s death. They are each trying to heal in their own way (even if some of those ways are VERY unhealthy). As Milo and Benji are there for each other, trying to keep the other one from spiraling, promises made in the past are harder and harder to keep. When the twist came I was definitely shocked but it was woven nicely into the story.

I enjoyed the characters as they grew both as individuals and together. I also enjoyed getting a glimpse of the other people that surround them in their daily lives. At times, the story felt so real that I had to remind myself that these characters are fictional. A good book that I couldn’t put down til the end.

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Knight In Peril (A Jorja Knight Private Investigator Mystery Book #6) by Alice Bienia – Review by Angela Hayes

Knight In Peril (A Jorja Knight Private Investigator Mystery #6)Knight In Peril by Alice Bienia
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


4.5 Stars


Knight In Peril is the sixth book in the Jorja Knight Mystery series by Alice Bienia. This is a very engrossing mystery with plenty of tension, suspense, action, adventure, danger, dramatic developments, crime and investigation, secrets, lies, greed, corruption, a time crunch, agendas, high stakes, abduction, friendship, and a savvy private investigator. To add an extra element of interest to the story, we are whisked off to Istanbul as this intriguing mystery unravels.
We follow Jorja Knight, who we met in the previous books, as she is thrust into a search for her missing friend. They were supposed to meet, but Gabriella has disappeared. Now Jorja is left with the difficult task of searching for her friend in a foreign city with millions of inhabitants to make the task even more difficult. Add in the corruption, secrets, lies, and the urgency of the situation- and Jorja might just be facing her most difficult case yet- one that has hit too close to home for comfort. What happens makes for a gripping read.
Even though this is the sixth book in the series, you can read it as a standalone without feeling like you are missing anything. Having said that though, the other books in the series make for great reading too- and contain their own intriguing mysteries for Jorja to solve. They also provide more character information, background stories, and other interesting details which, all combined, will definitely enhance your appreciation of this book, and the series as a whole.
Looking forward to seeing what Jorja gets up to next!
Happy Reading…

Thank you, Alice Bienia!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Bad at Being Good (An MM Brother’s Best Friend Romance) by A.L. Morrow – Review by Angela Hayes

Bad at Being GoodBad at Being Good by A.L. Morrow
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


4 Stars


Bad At Being Good by A.L. Morrow is a superb MM romance with a best friend’s (younger) brother/brother’s best friend element, chemistry, drama, angst, tragedy, promises made, pain, emotion, and steam.
The story also contains sensitive topics which some might find difficult to handle, such as; grief, death of a loved one, mental health issues, addiction, drug over dose, and guilt.
The author has done a fantastic job of developing her characters, crafting each into fully realised individuals with their own unique quirks and flaws. And I appreciated that they continued to grow and develop over the course of the story. Each dealing with their own baggage, as well as all the emotions that came into play. Their shared pain, struggles, and challenges also made this story, and characters, tug on my heartstrings a little harder than I expected.
Well worth the read.
Happy Reading…

Thank you, A.L. Morrow!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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The Catford Catastrophe Zone by Petra Jacob – Review by Michelle Marlow

The Catford Catastrophe ZoneThe Catford Catastrophe Zone by Petra Jacob
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What a fun new dystopian sci fi ride! This my first read by this author. Set in 2120 we have Frankie, who is set on a mission to infiltrate a rebel group. This was a wonderful story and a very fun read! I can’t wait for more.

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