
Distant Memories (Nurse Morgan Series Book 2) by Kate MacInnis – Review by Jenni Bishop

Distant Memories: A Nurse Morgan Series: Book TwoDistant Memories: A Nurse Morgan Series: Book Two by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Distant Memories is the second spooky book in the series and is a fun and original paranormal romance. They say laughter is the best medicine and Kate gives us that in spades with not only this book but with this series thus far. There is a little bit of something for everyone drama and humour, ghosts and spooky moments and so much more in this entertaining read. As with the first book this is a quirky short tale and a real little gem. I absolutely love the characters Kate has breathed life into.

Morgan is back and is still adjusting to her strange new psychic world and has made peace with those in her domain. With rules of course. But that peace is threatened when one wily ghostly seductress decides she wants what Morgan has. How far is she ready to go?

I can’t wait for more.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Distant Memories (Nurse Morgan Series Book 2) by Kate MacInnis

Distant Memories (A Nurse Morgan Series Book 2) by Kate MacInnis
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Genre – Paranormal, Romance
Page Count – 249

 Here we go again! Distant Memories, Book Two in the Nurse Morgan Series is about Emergency room nurse Morgan Cutler, who has made peace with the ghosts in her little house on Melody Lane in Metro Detroit. That is, as long as resident spirits Elisabeth and Jonathan Wilkerson abide by the rules and limitations. All is well until one day the seductress, Esmeralda Camarillo Castillo, visits from the other side. Man-hungry and voluptuous, Esmeralda has set her sights on Caleb Lightfoot, MD, Morgan’s boyfriend.

Mr. Too Good to Be True and so handsome he makes her mouth water, Caleb Lightfoot, MD, is moving a little too fast in their new relationship. As a woman in her early 40’s, Morgan is too wise and smart to fall in love with a heartbreaker, but is this guy for real? Could he be the one for her? Either way, Morgan’s not willing to let the seductive Esmeralda to get her hands on him.

On top of that, the house, car, and hospital are filled with ghosts—some of whom are up to no good. Morgan has to keep the balance in her head, life, career, and universe as she battles the demands placed on her by this world and the next.

Will this apparition take away the best relationship Morgan has ever had? Will Esmeralda turn the Wilkersons against her? Will the ghost destroy the hospital Morgan cherishes? Or will Esmeralda ruin the tough nurse’s career and work family that she has worked so hard to maintain? Questions fill Morgan’s head, giving her many sleepless nights. Insomnia is dangerous for a nurse on call but worse when Morgan must keep everything she holds dear safe.

Grab that glass of wine or your favorite beverage and join Morgan as she sorts through the changes she has witnessed in the past and the new ones that have arrived. Be prepared to laugh a lot, cry a little and learn what a family really is—here in this dimension and in the afterlife. Distant Memories is for everyone with a sense of humor who believes in hope, miracles and feeling good.


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Distant Memories (Nurse Morgan Series Book 2) by Kate MacInnis

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Distant Memories (Nurse Morgan Series Book 2) by Kate MacInnis

Michigan-born and raised, Kate earned a BA in Journalism at Oakland University and Master’s in American Culture at the University of Michigan-Flint. As a professional writer for more than 20 years, her career has included freelance newspaper features writing and fundraising writer for hospitals. This provided an opportunity to hear many stories from nurses, doctors, visitors and family members about unusual activities and miracles that occur without a clear-cut, scientific explanation. She also claims to have had her own share of unusual experiences, some of which are shared in this book.

Author Interview with Kate MacInnis




Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan Series Book 1) by Kate MacInnis – Review by Shai Flores

Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan #1)Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this fun, easy-to-read book that combined fun with a little bit of a ghost story. I felt like it was a little bit “Grey’s Anatomy” combined with a little bit of “Ghost Whisperer”. If you are a fan of either of those TV shows like I am, this will be a great choice for a summer read! The characters were well-developed without slowing down the story, and I found myself putting myself in Morgan’s shoes which to me is the sign of a well-written character. I am looking forward to reading the second book in this series!

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Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan Series Book 1) by Kate MacInnis – Review by Lyndsay withey

Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan #1)Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

If you are in the mood for a ghost story but want to keep it light and carefree this is a great book for you! The main character undergoes a medical procedure and discovers afterwards she has a psychic ability to see and hear ghosts at the hospital she works at. The other characters are so much fun. Highly recommend this book for anyone who is looking for a light paranormal adventure.

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Distant Heart Sounds: A Nurse Morgan Series: Book 1 by Kate MacInnis – Review by Brandy Vaughn

Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan #1)Distant Heart Sounds: by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Distant Heart Sounds: A Nurse Morgan Series: Book 1, by Kate MacInnis, is the first book in the series that will keep you wondering what will happen next. A little bit of romance mixed with ghosts and a tad bit of mystery will keep the pages turning. I enjoyed guessing which paranormal element the main character, Morgan would experience first hand and what ghost she would meet next. This is the first time in a long time that genre fiction has been able to hold my attention past the first 5 chapters. I definitely recommend reading this book!

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Distant Heart Sounds(Nurse Morgan Series Book 1) by Kate MacInnis- Review by Heather Knalls

>Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan #1)Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Morgan Cutler is the charge nurse at Good Sam EC. She had recently had brain surgery and had a possible near death experience that has opened up some special abilities. She had recently learned she is able to see auras and ghosts. Dr. Caleb Lightfoot is the new physician on staff and has a few special abilities from a near death experience of his own. Dr. Savannah Holt is one of Morgan’s good friends and head physician at the EC. Morgan had recently learned that she is not the only person living in her home. Well only living person, the Wilkerson’s have finally come to show themselves to her since her surgery. They say they are there to protect her. Morgan had so many new things going on including the new Dr. Where could all these new things lead?

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Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan Series Book 1) by Kate MacInnis – Review by Chelsea Foster

Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan #1)Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow. This book was unexpectedly so good! Morning is a single woman in her 30’s and a nurse and the Emergency Center. She experiences a traumatic event and ends up with unbelievable abilities. She has 3 friends and a dog, he’s an English bull dog at that. She prefers tea over coffee and lives like a bachelor when it comes to keeping her fridge stocked and knowing how to really cook. She meets Caleb as well the new doc on the “block. The story is based in Michigan and is funny, cute, thrilling and sweet all in one. It kept me engaged for sure!

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Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan Series Book 1) by Kate MacInnis – Review by Sara Grantham

Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan #1)Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Kate MacInnis seamlessly takes you into the world of nursing and gives you a main character that is entirely relatable… even when she starts seeing ghosts! This book has a little bit of everything – trauma, healing, life and death, paranormal activity, romance, and more. I highly enjoyed being thrown into Morgan’s life and watching her traverse the unknown. This book is like taking your favorite medical show and combining it with Ghost Whisperer. All of the drama and twists in this book really hooked me! I am excited to continue on Morgan’s journey in the next book.

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Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan Series Book 1) by Kate MacInnis – Review by Jamie Truex

Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan #1)Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a very believable story about a nurse who suddenly sees ghosts. I loved Nurse Morgan right away. Can you imagine waking up to a party going on inside your house, but no one is there? I really enjoyed where this story went and look forward to the next book. Highly recommend this easy read.

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Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan Series Book 1) by Kate MacInnis – Review by Rayne East

Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan #1)Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Entertaining introduction
This was a fun read with paranormal and a touch of romance. An original spin on the paranormal aspect I was entertained from start into finish. Morgan is a straight forward, matter-of-fact character especially being a nurse, nothing seems to surprise her until events start to unfold and drama abounds. Will definitely be checking out the next instalment of Nurse Morgan.

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Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan Series Book 1) by Kate MacInnis – Review by Kylean Sprosty

Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan #1)Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

An adorable ghost story! Morgan experiences life after death though encounters with ghosts who had lived in her home for years, but she was unaware until she had her own near-death experience. She entrusts her friend Savvy with her secret to make sure she hasn’t gone crazy, only to learn Savvy has a gift as well. Not being your typical scary or “help the dead pass on” ghost story, this one was very sweet. Jonathan and Elisabeth were great ghost hosts in helping Morgan navigate her new gift.

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Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan Series Book 1) by Kate MacInnis – Review by Cindy Rushin

Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan #1)Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was a nice enjoyable read. The story has a nice flow and the characters were very relatable. Morgan was so real mostly because the reality of her recovering from a major health issue a changed person felt true. I look forward to reading more from this author.

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Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan Series Book 1) by Kate MacInnis – Review by stephanie nicole

Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan #1)Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This paranormal romance was the perfect combination of paranormal and romance. While I have never read anything from this author before I am definitely on the lookout for more. The characters were very well written and not only was there a good romance side, there was also moments that the characters made me laugh. I was originally drawn to this book by the beautiful cover, but I knew once I finished chapter one that I was hooked. I can’t wait to read more from this series and this author.

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Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan Series Book 1) by Kate MacInnis – Review by Ashley Hasting

Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan #1)Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Morgan is an emergency room nurse who just came back to her job after having a brain surgery that was near death experience. After her recovery, she started having different things happening to her. She started seeing ghosts, spirits coming out right after death, and auras of all kinds. During this, she meets a new doctor who has an ability as well. He’s also handsome and her type! This is a great book! Can’t wait for what’s next.

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Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan Series Book 1) by Kate MacInnis – Review by Santana Hicks

Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan #1)Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Morgan is a nurse who works in the ER department of a hospital. Due to a near death experience, she is noticing some weird things. Morgan can all of a sudden see and hear those others cannot. Since she works in a hospital, there are many dead people around and for some odd reason Morgan can detect when someone is about to die or has just died. She also can communicate with said “ghosts”. On top of that she can now see auras.

A new doctor starts working at the hospital. He is a dreamy breathtaking man named Caleb. Morgan notices him straight away and he notices her just as fast. It seems as if he has some abilities as well and realized that Morgan might too. They seem to constantly run into each other and have a strong magnetic tension between them as well.

I really enjoyed this book for multiple reasons. The utmost reason is the main character’s age. A lot of books focus on younger characters. Characters just entering adulthood seem to be the most popular. Morgan is almost 40 and has been in her field of work for 20 years making it much more relatable as an adult.

I also loved the banter. There was humour, drama, romance. I loved the way the author wrote Morgan with different relationships with her co-workers.

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Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan Series Book 1) by Kate MacInnis – Review by Julie Johnson

Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan #1)Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Morgan is an experienced ER nurse, having over 20 years under her belt. Within the past three months, she’s had surgery to repair a brain aneurysm and things just haven’t been the same since. It starts out with a feeling, a tingling sensation, then progresses to much more. Is there someone in her house? She grabs the baseball bat and makes sure she’s alone…but is she really??
Trauma has a way of changing things in a person. Morgan’s been through a lot and her friend and co-worker Dr. Savannah thinks she’s come back to work too soon. The ER bustles with trauma and one day it smacks Morgan in the face when she realizes she is talking to someone who is dead! She can hear them, feel them, and sometimes see them. Is she going crazy?
Then Dr. Carter starts working at the hospital with her. Oh, he’s quite the hunk and all the girls are drooling over him. He sees things too. Maybe this isn’t as weird as it sounds….

This was a fun book to read! I am a former nurse who had to retire due to trauma. I’ve been in “haunted” hospital rooms so I could identify with some of the things that Morgan experienced. I’m still not fully certain that this isn’t all in my head but maybe one day we’ll know more! A very enjoyable book that had me longing to go back to the bedside!! I look forward to reading more books in this series.

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Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan Series Book 1) by Kate MacInnis – Review by Ashleyann Sanabria

Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan #1)Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was cute, spooky, and intriguing. My first book by this author, and I am already looking forward to the next. The story follows Morgan, and emergency center nurse who after a near death experience, has the ability to see ghosts. Couple that with a new doctor at the emergency center and you have a whirlwind of murder mystery, romance, spooky situations, and the comradery that comes with working in a high stress environment. So much was going on in the book that sometimes I had to double back. Parts were funny, parts were cute, and parts were spooky. In general, I did enjoy this book as a nice and relatively low stress read. Now on to the next!

Reviewed by @asanabr1

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Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan Series Book 1) by Kate MacInnis – Review by Karen Pearman

Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan #1)Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a new author for me but came as a recommendation from one of my best friends. We tend to like the same books so I had a feeling I would love it. My assumption was correct. This book grabbed me from the beginning, and I couldn’t put it down. I laughed so hard throughout this book I cried. While it is a paranormal romance there are some also some spooky moments that you won’t expect. Don’t worry. You won’t be terrified, but you will be shocked because you never see it coming at you. I can’t wait to read the next installment in this series. Do yourself a favor and read this book. Do your friends a favor and recommend it to them. Better yet, purchase it as a gift for them. They will thank you later.

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Distant Heart Sounds ( Nurse Morgan Series Book 1 ) by Kate MacInnis – Review by Caralee Loonat

Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan #1)Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Well I like finding new authors and new series. This is the first book by this author and the series that I have read and I found it a bit refreshing. The author has made characters that people just fall for. I like how there is a bit of a new lease on life. I like how the main character deals with her new situation.

The author has a unique plot and the characters really jump off of the page for me. I found that I didn’t want to put the book down and was very intrigued by the story line. I will definitely read more from this author in the future and hopefully this series.

Reviewed by @caraleeloonat
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Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan Series Book 1) by Kate MacInnis – Review by Brittany Angel

Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan #1)Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Distant Heart Sounds is a novel about Morgan, a nurse who works in an emergency room who recently had a near death experience. After having surgery for an aneurysm, she returns to work and finds that she has some new abilities. She can see, hear, and smell things others can’t. She can speak to ghosts and see auras. While navigating her new abilities, friendships, and work, she starts to use these abilities to help others. Definitely a quick read with some enjoyable characters.

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Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan Series Book 1) by Kate MacInnis – Review by Dessalynn Acosta

Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan #1)Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Morgan is an ER nurse who recently survived a life-threatening aneurysm and is ready to get back to her busy life at the hospital. She starts noticing odd happenings; disconnected voices, odd smells, raging parties in her house in the middle of the night, among other eerie occurrences! Could her head trauma be causing these strange phenomena? Are spirits haunting Morgan? Great story and character development, definite page turner.

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Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan Series Book 1) by Kate MacInnis – Review by Amanda Meady

Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan #1)Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The author combines day to day life with the supernatural in a way that makes it seem natural. The character development helps bridge the gap between two worlds by making the reader feel like they know the characters. This book was easy to read and as I finished up, I was already looking forward to the next book in the series. If you are looking for something light with a glimpse into another dimension, this is definitely a book for you!

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Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan Series Book 1) by Kate MacInnis – Review by Stephanie Nordling

Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan #1)Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Morgan is a warm and with character that is written so that you want to follow her along in her journey. She doesn’t know what’s happening and you learn as she’s learning. The characters are all unique from each other and each brings their own brand of wit. If paranormal mystery romance is your preference, this is for you. It’s like a cozy mystery but with spirits. Morgan takes all of these new experiences in stride and is always willing to believe that they are possibly paranormal with a healthy dose of logic. And, of course, there’s Dr. Lightfoot. The romantic interest who can help her navigate this new found life twist. Highly recommended for relaxation reading.

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Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan Series Book 1) by Kate MacInnis – Review by Shelly Kittell

Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan #1)Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a fascinating story. Morgan has survived brain surgery with a new talent: the ability to see and hear ghosts. She thinks she is going nuts but nope, she is just special. Savvy and Tiffany, her coworkers, are in on the secret and help her get through work. The new ER doc, Dr. Lightfoot, has some special talents also. He offers to help teach her about hers. There is a spark but due to some bad experiences, this relationship is going to move slow. I am looking forward to seeing how it develops. The doctor and Morgan have already had some exciting “fun” already. Now Morgan, she has more than it seems anyone can handle: live in ghosts (one is a little frisky); premonitions; and a few other items.The drama keeps you on your toes. She solves a few mysteries and sends some men packing. The characters are hilarious, especially the ER coworkers. They are just like that. Tiffany, the desk clerk, reminds me of a few that I have worked with. The descriptions were a little lengthy at times. I would have like more to the stories. Overall, the story had me giggling, especially when Mrs. Whitlock came to visit and when Jonathan tried to grab Savvy. An enjoyable story that gives you some paranormal, romance, mystery, and suspense. A little something for everyone. I recommend this you read this one.

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Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan Series Book 1) by Kate MacInnis – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan #1)Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was just brilliant! The change I needed 😉

Morgan had an aneurysm that ruptured and counted herself lucky to to still be alive but since then strange things have happened …. She sees , smells and hears things that no one else can , it would freak me out just a bit as well so I get where she’s coming from but I’m sure she’ll settle with her new “ gift”

I adore Douglas , her dog and the conversation she had with him the first time we met had me in stitches
“You know Douglas , if these party people are ghosts or a figment of my imagination, at least they know how to have a good time . I like that in a hallucination.” 🤦‍♀️😂

First day back and 2 of her patients die , people think she’s floating in and out of reality and then just to add some spice to the already crazy mix we get Dr Caleb Lightfoot 🔥

I think everyone sees it before Morgan does…. Our doc is going to win her heart and it seems he shares her gift 😉

We also have the issue where one of the patience have a dark secret which adds a little drama to our quirky story …

I really enjoyed this read and would recommend it with a happy heart ❣️📕

I enjoyed making your acquaintance Morgan , Caleb , Tiffany and Savannah and I can’t wait to spend more time with you ❣️🤗

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Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan Series Book 1) by Kate MacInnis – Review by Lauren West

Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan #1)Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I adored Morgan and her approach to life and things around her. This book was truly a fun read with the perfect amount of paranormal and romance mixed together. Her coworkers and friends around her help bring the story to life, while the details provided by the author also danced through my imagination

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Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan Series Book 1) by Kate MacInnis – Review by Chrissy Spulak

Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan #1)Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is book one of two in the Nurse Morgan series. Anyone who likes paranormal intrigue with romance and great storytelling should pick up this book. Main character Morgan Cutler survives a near-death experience, and it gives her psychic abilities. This book is wonderfully written and kept my attention the whole way through. It’s a quick but satisfying read, and left me itching to get at the next book. I love a good main, female character and Morgan did not disappoint me at all! I highly recommend this book! 5 stars.

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Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis Reviewed by Enisha Reaves

Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan #1)Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Romance, mystery, ghosts, humor and fun. This novel has that and more. Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis packs quite the paranormal punch.

Morgan is an emergency center nurse in the metro Detroit area. She has been practicing for 20 plus years, so she’s seen it all…or so she thought. After a near death experience, Morgan now sees things she never expected…ghosts. With this new ability and the potential for a new love interest, Morgan is having to embrace change. Both good and bad.

One of my favorite things about this book is the fun loving characters. They keep you interested with the back and forth banter. Although it’s a paranormal story, it does not veer into horror and is actually light hearted. It’s a fun read that will charm many. I look forward to continuing with Morgan’s story to see how she continues to grow with her new life and see where this fun romance leads.

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Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan Series Book 1) by Kate MacInnis – Review by Jo Frizzell

Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan #1)Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed reading this book! I always like stories with a hint of the paranormal and this definitely counts! I also have a lot of respect for people in the medical profession, fictional or not, so the main character Morgan is no exception. Morgan is strong and intuitive with an unfailing curiosity about her world and the way it changes, or at least the way she perceives changes. The characters are all so well-written with distinct personalities, especially in the way they interact with each other. This was truly an excellent story and I’m excited to read what’s next!

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Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan Series Book 1) by Kate MacInnis – Review by Dahnielle Hibbert

Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan #1)Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this authors take on the paranormal!!! So many twists and turns take the reader down the path of hilarity (seriously laugh out loud hilarity), an emotional journey all tied up with the perfect amount of romance!! Morgan thinks she may be losing her mind and she also thinks she may be killing her patients. But when hot steamy hunky doctor shows up sparkaI thoroughly enjoyed this page turner! Looking forward to the next in this series!!

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