
One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by Trista Martin

One Quarter VillainOne Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The first book I’ve read by this author and it did not disappoint. This was a fun and captivating YA fantasy. The author did a great job developing her characters. I particularly liked the FMC Maddie and her getting the gift of a DNA test from her grandmother as a gift. She has always been a rule follower and much to her surprise the results reveal she is one-quarter villain! Highly recommend this one.

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One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by Jamie Truex

One Quarter VillainOne Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What an interesting book! Maddy is a 17 year old girl who always follows the rules. Always. All of them. Her grandmother gives her a DNA test for her 17th birthday. She’s less than excited about it. If she’s not adopted, why should she care where she came from? Her mom finally has to threaten making her stay home from a football game to get her to actually take the test. When they get the results back it says she’s one quarter villain! But she’s the good girl! When her best friend goes missing, she is thrown into a world of adventure she never expected. Can villains have a happy ending? Definitely grab this book and find out!! It’s not your typical fairy tale story and I loved it!

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One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by Kayla Octaviano

One Quarter VillainOne Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was such a fun book. The main character faces a challenge all teens face around the age of 17, an identity crisis. Not knowing exactly who she is, what she wants, or where she belongs. This book takes this concept to a fun level where it is understandable for all. Read this book if you like a coming of age novel, magic, and friendship.

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One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by Shannen Kern

One Quarter VillainOne Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I hadn’t read a book by this author before, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. The cover caught my eye immediately, and once I read the synopsis, I knew I had to pick it up. Everything about it seemed to intrigue me, so I got home and dove right in. This author made my watch list in just one book! Their ability to create such an imaginative world with amazingly detailed features is incredible! The characters are relatable, unique, and very well developed. Will Maddie be able to save her best friend while dealing with a sort of existential crisis? I will give zero spoilers! I blew through this entire book in one day because it was absolutely addictive. This definitely should be at the top of any YA/fantasy reader’s list because it is unbelievably captivating. I highly recommend this book as it allows you to escape to another world and experience what’s happening instead of just reading on the sidelines.

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by Ayla Phipps

One Quarter VillainOne Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What’s a fairy tale without a villain? This is the first book I have read by the imaginative and amazing Cori Cooper, and I kick myself for not reading one sooner. Officially one of my new favorite authors of 2024 and one of my new favorite books.
Maddy is like me, always follows the rules, ALL OF THEM. Never doing anything outside of them. At least that was before the gift that changed everything. Every teenager thinks about their birthday and getting closer to being an “adult”, but Maddy’s seventeenth birthday changed everything. Grams got her a DNA test. Strange but okay she’d always wanted to do one and now was her chance to finally know what she was made of. How is that even tested for and what does it all mean. Living your life dreaming about happily ever after and then being told you’re a quarter villain makes Maddy question everything. Is it even possible to have a happy ending when you’re a villain? Just as she was trying to understand what she was her best friend Leo is banished to another realm. Once again everything changes but she is ready to do anything to get Leo back, even if it means being a villain.
How can the villain save someone? Is Leo her happy ever after she always dreamed of? What does “being a villain” truly mean for Maddy? The world the author creates is breathtaking. The way she weaves different fairy tale aspects together but also brings in some modern-day elements and truly brings this world to life. Maddy’s journey leading to the test and navigating the results is inspiring. Just because your DNA says your something doesn’t mean that’s what you’re destined to be. I truly cannot wait to see what Maddy and Leo conquer next.

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One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by Tausha Treadway

One Quarter VillainOne Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper. This is a really good young adult fantasy that is a spin off of a fairy tale. Its the story of Maddy and on her 17th birthday she gets a DNA kit from her grandma. She does it and sends it off but doesn’t think anything else about it. Her mom practically had to bribe her to send it off. When she gets the results back she is horrified, it tells her she is part villain and what does that even mean. She is suddenly thrown into another realm to save her best friend and she realizes what being a villain entails. Her best friend has been mistakenly sent to this other realm so Maddy has to find him and get him home. Maddy ends up working with the other realm because there is a problem with it and they actually listen to what Maddy has to say about the two realms not working together. Maddy is determined to save her best friend and will do whatever it takes to find him. Such a good story full of twists, turns and major chaos. It will have you flipping the pages late in the night.

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One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by Santana Hicks

One Quarter VillainOne Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

On Maddy’s 17th birthday, her grandmother sent her a DNA kit to submit. Maddy doesn’t understand why it would matter. She knows who her parents and grandparents are so who cares about the rest right? Maddy forgets about the kit until a few weeks later when her mother confronts her about it and tells her that since it means so much to her grandmother, Maddy should just get it over with and do it. After threatening to withhold a fun trip Maddy has planned with her friends she finally does it.

When her results come back, Maddy is confused when it says she’s 25% villain. Is it a typo? Must be. Based on both her mother and grandmother’s reaction, she isn’t so sure. Then the phone calls from a strange organization start up. Maddy’s views have always been black and white. There is good and there is evil. No one can be both. Now she has no idea what to think. She is one of the most trustworthy, rule following, goody two shoes. No way can she be part villain.

Then her best friend and potential love interest gets banished to another realm and it is up to Maddy to go and save him. She will have to let go of everything she has once known to do this.

I really enjoyed this book. Just the premise of finding out if you are a villain via a DNA test was intriguing enough to me to pick this book. The author did a wonderful job portraying a confused teenage girl on a journey of finding herself while trying to find someone else. There is action and adventure around every corner. I could not put the book down once I started it.

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One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by Jennifer Reimer

One Quarter VillainOne Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was an amazing retelling of beauty and the beast. This had a few different twists and turns into it that really kept it entertaining. One aspect that I thought was interesting was that being a villain actually was in your DNA and can even show up. This book was also had a magical twist to it and caused so much mayhem that it was interesting to know if this would end in happily every after or not. This book also had some references to all the other fairly tales that we all know and love to read. it was so entertaining that I couldn’t put it down, filled with adventure, action, fantasy, magic, mystery, 9and so much more it really had me hooked till the end. Maddy and Leo really bring the story together, banished to another world, and to try and save themselves and figure out how and what to do really made this a really great read.

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One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by Rose McCaskey

One Quarter VillainOne Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a really cute story with a different take on fairy tales. The main female character, Maddy, is given a DNA test by her grandmother. When she gets her results she finds that she is one quarter villian. This throws her and her best friend, the main male character Leo, into a story of their own. This is a great story for younger kids just starting out with chapter books.

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One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by Finn Cunningham

One Quarter VillainOne Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper was a wonderful YA Fantasy read. I’m not joking when I say this book will keep you hooked from start to finish. The concept of this book is simply one of a kind, and is absolutely fascinating. Maddy’s growth throughout the book was beautiful to read, and the adventure kept me glued to my screen! I definitely recommend this book, and I’ll definitely be on the lookout for more content from this author!

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One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by Helen Dawkins

One Quarter VillainOne Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first book I have read by the author Cori Cooper. It is a surprising and fun YA fantasy book. There were times that the book was a little on the slow side, but it wasn’t so slow that it took away from the book. It is jam-packed with adventure, quirky & loving characters, wonderful fantasy worldbuilding, teenage drama, magic, emotions all over the place, and so much more!

The concept of doing a DNA test to see if you have “villain” in your heritage is such an interesting idea and then to expand that idea into finding out your ‘tendencies’ is even more interesting! The most fascinating aspect for me is that we all want to be seen for who we are now, or who we are trying to become, not who we used to be. No one wants to be known for the past. What had me hooked was the statement “Every good fairy tale needs a villain” because YES!!

Maddy is less than thrilled when her DNA results come back with 1/4 villain, not only is she not thrilled, she is insanely confused by her mom and grams reactions to the DNA results. What does this even mean?

Maddy figures out quickly that the world she knew is completely incorrect, there are magical realms. After Maddy’s best friend is banished to another realm, she MUST go rescue him. After things take a turn for the worst, Maddy starts to think there is fact to her DNA results – could she actually be villain, does that make her a bad person? Maddy’s black/white view of you can only be good OR evil, but not both, is turned upside down, and I absolutely loved how she grows as a person!

All of the characters involved in the story were so personal and entertaining, especially Leo. There is a wonderful mix of modern day teenager and magical fairytale. The ending was *perfection* – one of the best endings I’ve read! The book does not end on a cliffhanger, BUT, I would love to see where Maddy and Leo’s story goes, so I am looking forward to that. This is an amazing book for YA, while there is some romance, it is wholesome. This would also be a good pallet cleanser for just a clean, fun, and quirky book! Highly recommend too anyone YA (and even older!) who enjoys a little modern mixed with their fairytale magic.

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One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by Andrea Lopez Salazar

One Quarter VillainOne Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper
4 stars
On Maddy’s 17th birthday her grandmother gifted her a DNA kit to find out more about her heritage. After reluctantly not turning it in right away she finally does and finds out she is 25% Villain!! Maddy thinks its a typo but then she keeps getting calls and emails from someplace called VDA. Maddy confided in her best friend Leo and after taking a quiz where Leo answers jokingly to all the answers and Maddy answers honestly, Leo disappears the next day and nobody but Maddy, her mom and grandmother remember him.

This book is filled with 2nd chances, sweet, fun, family and a whole lot of love. I won’t ruin the ending, but it is a great read and I can’t wait for my daughter to start it after her current read.

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One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by Kerry Carr

One Quarter VillainOne Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a really good YA fantasy adventure. I have read books by this author before and I have loved them all. This was such a good read that I couldn’t put it down.
The author has a great skill for world building and writing characters that you can’t help but be invested in.

When Maddy gets a DNA test kit of her gran for her birthday she isnt impressed but decides to do it anyway. Little does she realise the results will alter her life forever.
Turns out Maddie is one quarter villian. What does that even mean?
With her friend Leo they try to figure out what it means. When they both take the test to find out how bad they are Leo doesn’t take it seriously which then causes him the he taken to another world.
When Leo disappears Maddie has to face challenges and obstacles to try and save Leo but these challenges have her starting to question just how much of a villain she does have inside her.
Is Maddie really a villain? Can she save Leo?
This is an interesting look at good Vs evil and whether we are born that way or our choices in life make us that way.
With the fantasy/fairytale elements added in it makes the story and references easier to understand for younger audiences as well as older ones.

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One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by Mandy Ott

One Quarter VillainOne Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Cori Cooper’s YA fantasy, One Quarter Villain, is such a fun, exciting, keep-you-on-the-edge-of-your-seat kind of read. I fell in love with the characters, who are well-rounded, humorous, and fabulously flawed. I fell in love with the world building, the added elements of well-known fairy tales mixed in with unique and adventurous new places. The drama, secrets, friendship and family dynamics, touch of magic, and additional challenges kept me guessing until the very end. Maddy’s world, and her belief in only good or only evil (very black and white existence) is turned upside down when she learns she is one quarter Villain by blood. There is so much going on in this story, but it all flows well together and creates a one of a kind story that I couldn’t put down.

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One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by Bobbi Wagner

One Quarter VillainOne Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

his story is by an author that I have enjoyed reading from the first book I picked up. I enjoy their writing style as well as their creativity that make their characters pop off the pages. This is a well written story about Maddy. She is one that always follows the rules until she turns seventeen and a DNA test changes everything for her. Now she finds herself in a fairytale that she has always dreamed of. Will she have to make a choice to be a villain or the happily ever after she has dreamed about? I enjoyed her character and what she brought to the story. I felt for her in parts and way to go in other parts. She made the story easy and entertaining to read. There is great growth throughout the story with Maddy and the plot that made it hard to put down. I really enjoyed reading this book. I highly recommend this book.

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Review by @bjwagner

One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by Jessie Hopkins

I wish I could read this over and over for the first time. I truly enjoyed every chapter. There are many life lessons that Maddy learns that make you think and consider your own actions. I definitely think this will be a book I suggest for my daughter when she’s older.

Maddy & Leo have such a fun friendship, and like in so many instances, they balance each other out perfectly. Maddy is thoughtful, serious and quieter where Leo is loud, spontaneous and silly. They truly are the best of friends.
Grams is so comforting and knowledgeable. Both by opening up about her own history and to help Maddy with what she is going through currently.

I look forward to reading more about Maddy and Leo and see where their relationship goes.

One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by Hannah Porter

One Quarter VillainOne Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is my first Time picking up a book by this Author Cori Cooper. What made me want to give it a try was the cover. It’s equally beautiful and mysterious. I couldn’t wait to start this YA fantasy. I was pleasantly surprised just how great this book was. With magic, Exhilarating adventure, wonderful characters, funny Romance, danger and twist and turns you can’t flip through this book fast enough. And Hey just because you have Villain blood doesn’t mean you’re gonna be a Villain , or well at least Maddys hopes that’s the case lol. I loved Maddy and Leo’s friendship, and I really enjoyed her crazy adventure to help him. I can’t wait to read more from this author and I hope she writes more from this world 🥰🥰🥰

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One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by Lisa Helmick

One Quarter VillainOne Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is an entertaining story about a girl and the Beauty and the Beast story. I started off loving this. The flow and the characters were perfect. Maybe about half way through it seemed to slow way down. There was too much explanation and not enough movement. Then the story picked back up then slowed down again. So besides all that the story is cute. I really liked Leo and Maddy. They both do a good job and make the best of a bad situation. Secondary characters are plentiful. I really enjoyed Leo’s family and thought something might happen with all those kids and Itialian-isms.

Overall this book is creative. It has great moments that kept me turning pages.

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One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

One-Quarter VillainOne-Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4 Stars
One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper

One Quarter Villain is a wonderfully written YA Fantasy that once I started reading I couldn’t put it down till I finished. I absolutely love the cover I can’t stop staring at it. This is a fun fast paced YA Fantasy about Maddy. She’s always following the rules and making the right decisions. That is until her seventeenth birthday. Her grandmother gave her a DNA test . Oh things she discovered from that one test will amaze you. Maddy now has to decide what is the right choice now? I don’t want to give anything away so I highly recommend reading this book to find out what happens next. This may be aimed for kids ages 10-18 but others will enjoy reading it just the same. I can’t wait to read more from this Author.

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One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by Karrie Sears

One Quarter VillainOne Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by Karrie Sears
At first I didn’t think I was going to get into this book. After about 3 chapters it was growing on me, then when the fairy tale twists started coming into the book, I was hooked. It was a whimsical play on all the fairy tales I grew up reading. By the time it realized I was at the end of the book, I wanted more. I cannot wait to see what Cori Cooper does with Maddy and Leo in the future. The surprised realization by Leo at the end had me giggling when he figured it out.
Definitely a wholesome easy read for YA fans.
One Quarter Villain, Cori Cooper, Review, Itsy Bitsy Book Bits, YA, Fantasy
Karrie Sears June 2024

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One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by Deborah Joseph

One Quarter VillainOne Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Maddy- She is a goody little two-shoes who everyone trusts to always do the right thing. She NEVER likes breaking any rule, no matter how insignificant it may be.

Leo- Football jock who does everything he can to protect Maddy. They have been friends since they were kids. He is the goofy one in the friendship, never taking anything seriously (the complete opposite of Maddy).

Oh my goodness! I am not normally into YA books but to say I enjoyed this book is an understatement! This has a good mix of fairytale and modern-day aspects to it. There were some parts in the beginning of the book that made it a bit hard for me to get through, but I am so happy I kept reading through it. The growth of the MFC, the story, the twists, all perfection. The ending had me cracking up! I can’t wait until the next book! I am so excited to see how Leo and Maddy’s story progresses and grows.
((This book does NOT end on a cliffhanger don’t worry!))

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One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by Amanda Haller-Doris

One Quarter VillainOne Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was absolutely charmed by this hilariously sweet fairy tale spin off story about the good girl who finds out she is one quarter villain and what that could mean for her future. I loved all of the characters interactions with each other, even characters we only saw briefly, the author did a great job of making them well rounded and realistic characters. I absolutely loved the relationship between Maddy and Leo, her best friend since kindergarten and even though they have vastly different personalities, they make their friendship work. I loved seeing Maddy discovers more about her heritage and learning about the magical realms that exist and how they are used to keep people safe. The character arcs for Maddy were surprising and delightful. Just when I thought I had the story figured out, the author threw out another curveball twisting things into a new direction. If you love fairy tales, happily ever after’s, and characters that will make you laugh and root for them, this is a fantastic story! I can’t wait to see what the author comes out with next.

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One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper- Review by Heather Knalls

One Quarter VillainOne Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So for Maddy’s birthday her grandmother gives her a Heritage box to test her DNA. After a little hesitation her mother convinces her to take the DNA test and they are awaiting the results. When the results finally come in she has to video call her grandmother who is in France. The results were as normal as expected until she gets to the part of being one quarter villain. So her grandmother is now on her way to visit and no one will let Maddy know what’s going on. While she is waiting for her grandmother to arrive she still goes to school but ends up being contacted by the VDA which was sooner than her mother expected. What is in the future for Maddy? What does being one quarter villain mean?

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One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by Terri Jo McAllister

One Quarter VillainOne Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Teenager, Maddy Hutton, is a rule follower about everything. She receives a genealogy kit for her birthday and finds out she is one-quarter villain. Her world is not going to be the same. This was a great (PG) book that I can recommend to my pre-teen granddaughter.

Reviewed by Terri Jo McAllister

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One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by Lucy Machard

One-Quarter VillainOne-Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Honestly, this book took me a second to get into. I found it hard to connect with the FMC, but I was solidly invested into the plot. It’s a pretty solid YA read, and I found myself laughing along with the characters as they navigated through the story. I did enjoy it, and I would 100% recommend it to others!

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One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by Jessica Stone

One Quarter VillainOne Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by Jessica Stone

Wow, what an interesting book. Kudos to the Author Cori Cooper, for this interesting read.

First off, when I started reading I decided pretty much right away that Maddy, the main female character was not my favorite, I couldn’t understand these weird ticks that she had and her critical eye and quickness to aggravate and be on the offensive. But as the book went on I realized that all these things that I originally found unappealing set the character up for what her main story would be, the reveal of her character and who she really is. All these quirks that seemed weird to me suddenly became who she was and endearing qualities. And it’s wild how the author set the book up to work like that. I think the same goes for the male main character Leo, except I found him endearing, goofy, sweet, all the things I felt missing in Maddy I found in Leo, her best friend, the yin to her yang.

Her character work in this book is amazing, her focus on the main characters and making them relatable without making them predictable and the story predictable is what made reading this book so awesome. I honestly did not see where this book was going but I greatly enjoyed when I got there.

This book is part of a five part series but I read can be devoured as a standalone, the author has stated though that the main characters from this story will make an appearance in later installments in the series. I can’t wait for the next book to come out, this was such a fun, laugh out loud, sweet read.

One Quarter Villain, Cori Cooper, Review, Itsy Bitsy Book Bits, YA, Fantasy, Jessica Stone, May 2024

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One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by Callie Luna

One Quarter VillainOne Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Maddy receives a DNA test from Grams (her grandmother) after taking it she finds out that she is one quarter villain. It seems that her family has some explaining to do but before that happens Maddy is contacted by the VDA to determine if she is villainous. Leo her goofball of a best friend doesn’t take things seriously and gets into major trouble. Will Maddy be able to save her friend and get things back to normal without destroying things further? One Quarter Villain was a fun YA read due to the twists on the classic fairy tales. Like all fairy tales there is a lesson to be learned but will Maddy be able to have her happy ending? The start of the book was a good set up, but I feel like it was a little slow on giving out answers but once it did, I enjoyed the book even more. If you like reading fairy tales with a twist you will enjoy One Quarter Villain!

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One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by Beverly Finnie

One Quarter VillainOne Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

One Quarter Villain is different. It takes everything we know about fairy tales and makes them part of reality. I’ve read this author before so I figured I’d give this book a chance. Honestly I feel like I have a love/hate relationship with this novel. The idea of the story is great. It’s the characters that have me being pulled in different directions. The main female lead goes through life feeling like everything is black and white. Not accepting that things can be a little bit of both. If it weren’t for her best friend, I’m not sure I would’ve been able to push through.
Maddy lives a life where she can do no wrong. Has no sense of adventure and just falls in line with all the rules set forth around her. Which makes it hard to believe that Leo is her best friend. I relate to Leo in so many ways. But he at least lives life where it’s not as serious as it seems, and has a sense of adventure. He also has a sense of protectiveness over Maddy.
If it wasn’t for a birthday gift from her grams, Maddy would still be living the same life. However, all that has changed. She’s part villain, and those tasked with rounding up villains want her to prove otherwise. Unfortunately, Leo thinks the whole thing is crazy and a joke. It also gets him erased from life. Now despite being told otherwise Maddy intends on rebelling so she can get Leo back from the Villainous world of Skurk.
Is she capable of blurring the lines?
Will she save Leo?
What will her family think of her total 180?
She grows through the story and becomes more likable. However don’t let that deter you from checking this book out. I will give it a solid 4 stars because as previously stated the idea/concept is different and great. I hope you enjoy!

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One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by Julie Johnson

One Quarter VillainOne Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Maddy is a little upset when she sees she’s received a DNA test from her grandmother for her birthday. I mean, what teenager would want to do this? Well, Maddy soon learns that she is one quarter villain. Life changes a little bit.

This is a fun twist on a fairy tale. It’s also a clean enough read that I can recommend it to young readers. I really appreciate that in a book! Prepare to read this in one setting, or at least where you can finish it in one or two because it will take off quickly!

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One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by Jennifer Crain

One Quarter VillainOne Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I just devoured “One Quarter Villain” by Cori Cooper, and I’m still reeling from the delightful surprise that awaited me within its pages (early on the book, the. quote “Every good fairy tale needs a villain” hooked me).
Who says a villain can’t have a happy ending? Not Cori Cooper, that’s for sure! In this charming and lighthearted tale, Cooper challenges the traditional notion of villainy by crafting a relatable and lovable protagonist who just happens to be one-quarter villain.

Cooper’s writing is engaging and effortless, making it easy to become invested in Maddy’s journey. The author’s humor and wit are on full display, particularly in the character of Maddy’s best friend, Leo Romano, who is the perfect foil to Maddy’s straight-laced personality. Their banter and friendship are a highlight of the book.

One of the most impressive aspects of “One Quarter Villain” is its thoughtful exploration of identity and morality. Cooper asks important questions about what makes us good or evil, and whether our choices are shaped by our DNA or our environment. The book’s themes are timely and relevant, making it a great read for anyone looking for a story that will linger long after the final page is turned.

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@bookworm1909One Quarter Villain by Cori Cooper – Review by