
Grumbler’s Ride (Satan’s Devils MC San Diego #2) by Manda Mellett – Review by Debi Kircher

Grumbler's Ride (Satan's Devils MC San Diego #2)Grumbler’s Ride by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Grumbler’s Ride (Satan’s Devils MC San Diego #2) by Manda Mellett

5 +++++ Stars

Whew! Took me a bit to get my thoughts together on this newest installment of the Satan’s Devils. Started a bit slow for me which was a shock because normally I’m done and hooked after the first page, but I’d say an eighth of the way in I was completely invested. Then by the end I realize this is now one of my favorites from the many books in this series that spans a few cities and charters.

Not gonna lie, there was a scene that had me putting my kindle down and having to walk away for a while. It made me need to focus on something else to get my mind off of what I’d just read. By the time I picked it back up I was plotting and planning right along with them to have a few people meet Satan. Serious respect for this author’s ability to get through that part of writing this story.

I loved Grumbler, and equally loved Mary, and Alicia became one of my favorite people towards the end. There were so many things I loved about this story. The family aspect of the club came through loud and clear and bringing in Utah was genius and I feel absolutely needed in that ongoing storyline. I feel a building of that open storyline coming and can’t wait to see how that plays out.

I wanted an epilogue a few months ahead at the end of this so bad, I kept trying to turn the last page and nothing… I so hope we don’t have to wait very long, I need to know how it all turns out.

Once again I finish a Manda Mellett book and wonder who is next, what charter will it be and realize I don’t care…I just need it now!

Awesome story, awesome characters, there are so many books but reading them all gives you the whole of this amazing MC…That is my goal someday to start and go all the way through rereading every single one!

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Being Lost (Satan’s Devils MC San Diego #1) By Manda Mellett – Review by Jessica Leombruno

Being Lost (Satan's Devils MC San Diego #1)Being Lost by Manda Mellett
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love MC romances, the rougher and dirtier the better. I found a new MC author that kept me intrigued and wanting more. Being Lost, the first book in the Satan’s Devils MC – San Diego by Manda Mellett was so good that I need to go back and read her other books.

What a powerful couple to lead this MC. I will say that I’m not a huge fan of the older couple romance but Manda’s writing has me rethinking that. I can’t wait for more in this series.

Review by @jbruno26
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Grumbler’s Ride (Satan’s Devils MC San Diego #2) by Manda Mellett – Review by Faith Jackson

Grumbler's Ride (Satan's Devils MC San Diego #2)Grumbler’s Ride by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’ve come to enjoy Mellett’s works that stem from her imagination. This is a plot-driven narrative with a blend of romanticism and love with a mix of lust. The characters seemed easy to see through your mind’s eye. Their interest gets deeper as Grumbler helps Mary with a child who is not even his own but he’s the perfect hero for the job. This is yet another favorite going into my vault from this author.

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Grumbler’s Ride (Satan’s Devils MC San Diego #2) by Manda Mellett – Review by Laura Furuta

Grumbler's Ride (Satan's Devils MC San Diego #2)Grumbler’s Ride by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Grumbler’s Ride (Satan’s Devils MC San Diego #2)
By Manda Mellett
5 out of 5 stars

I loved reading the book Grumbler’s Ride (Satan’s Devils MC San Diego #2) by Manda Mellett. It is a story that grabs your attention from the very beginning, and I was hooked. I love the characters of Grumbler and Mary. They both know that there is an attraction and chemistry between them. Will they take a chance with each other? What will happen when a situation blows up? Will she be able to lean on Grumbler? This is a story that had my emotions going up and down the entire time I was reading it. I grew to care about Mary, her daughter, and Grumbler with each chapter that I read. I could also see that Mary and Grumbler would be wonderful together and rooted for them to find happiness. I enjoyed reading about many of the additional characters as they have been brought forward from the first book. There are heartwarming moments as well as moments when I was wondering what was going to happen next. There is romance as well as suspense. The author does an amazing job of making both the story and the characters come to life. Don’t miss out on the awesome second story in the San Diego chapter of Satan’s Devils. I highly recommend reading it.

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The Lies Between Us: A Psychic Romantic Suspense (Deadly Secrets Book 4) by Cynthia Cooke – Review by Katie Kearney

The Lies Between Us: Deadly Secrets Book 4The Lies Between Us: Deadly Secrets Book 4 by Cynthia Cooke
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Lies Between Us: A Psychic Romantic Suspense (Deadly Secrets Book 4) by Cynthia Cooke. While this is book 4 I’ve yet to read the others and I can say you could definitely read this as a stand-alone. I’ll be honest though I’m really looking forward to going back and reading the rest because this one had me hooked. I’m always looking for books that I can just sink into effortlessly and that’s definitely what I found with this book. The characters are complex and relatable, they had a way of drawing me in and I was so caught up that the outside world was lost to me for a while. The storyline is engaging and unique enough to keep me hooked from start to finish. I can’t wait to see what else this author has to offer. Five stars all the way and highly recommended.

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Grumbler’s Ride (Satan’s Devils MC San Diego #2) by Manda Mellett – Review by Carrie Reed

Grumbler's Ride (Satan's Devils MC San Diego #2)Grumbler’s Ride by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 stars!

I am loving this series so far with the older generation! Grumbler never really seems like a rough guy to me, I guess his appearance is rough but every exchange he had with anyone, he seemed sweet. I love him and Mary together, and he finally found himself an old lady. It is fun to see what situation the boys will get themselves involved with, that ends up with them meeting their destined partner. This story made me so sad and disgusted with people that would steal children and make videos. I was happy to see the Utah chapter step in and help fight this ring. When Swift shows up to help, and has the honor of leading the torture, the guys find a new respect for her, and I think they finally see why she was patched in. The story was beautifully written, I loved every character and was very pleased with how Grumbler and Mary ended up. I love Manda Mellett’s MC series because the story is so much more than a hot biker hooking up with a woman, there is so much depth to each book. I can’t wait to see who comes next.

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Grumbler’s Ride (Satan’s Devils MC San Diego #2) by Manda Mellett – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Grumbler's Ride (Satan's Devils MC San Diego #2)Grumbler’s Ride by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the second book in this series and I loved it just as much if not more than the first one. I was pulled right into the story from the beginning. I highly suggest reading the previous book to get to know the characters better. I had no problem connecting to the characters as they bring the story to life. Who doesn’t love hot, steamy bikers, right! In this book we get to see Grumber. He has always felt that he doesn’t need a woman or family in his life until he meets Mary. She is a single mother of a seventeen year old who likes to push boundaries. Her daughter manages to get herself in a situation that something just isn’t right about it. Just when Mary thought she couldn’t take more and not sure how to cope until Grumbler. What happens next you don’t want to miss. They have such great chemistry together, I loved them. I highly recommend this book and this author.

Review by @bjwagner
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The Fire God Tour (Moore Family Saga #3) by Michele Sims – Review by Amanda Kimble

The Fire God Tour (Moore Family Saga)The Fire God Tour by Michele Sims
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

The Fire God Tour (Moore Family Saga #3) by Michele Sims

This is the first book I’ve read, but it won’t be my last book by her. The way this book is written is wonderful.

Bella leaves her job to work for an upcoming music company. She doesn’t like letting people in, but when her boss starts showing a different side she doesn’t know what to do. The quote I chose for Bella is: “We’re both struggling to express our feelings, but I’ve always heard when people tell you about themselves, believe it the first time. I don’t want to be just another woman you lay with for a couple of times and then what? We won’t be able to work together when the lust is gone because surely, it will disappear. This conversation is way too deep for this time of morning, so let’s change the subject. Why did you blame me for canceling your fireworks show?”

Miles, aka Ari of AriMusic, thinks of Bella often. Even if it’s as Ice Queen or Belasy. He finds himself falling when he doesn’t understand it. The quote I chose for Miles is: “He wants to walk, and he’s impatient to get started.”

Highly recommended for anyone who loves a good book.

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The Lies Between Us: A Psychic Romantic Suspense (Deadly Secrets Book 4) by Cynthia Cooke – Review by Candida Hopper

The Lies Between Us: Deadly Secrets Book 4The Lies Between Us: Deadly Secrets Book 4 by Cynthia Cooke
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Lies Between Us: A Psychic Romantic Suspense (Deadly Secrets Book 4
by Cynthia Cooke

I could not put this book down as soon as I started reading it. This story was full of action, suspense, twists and turns. I was entertained throughout and on the edge of my seat at times. This is the story of Cat and Tom. This married couple have been keeping some serious secrets from each other and now that Tom is in trouble Cat must decide if she’s going to use her abilities to help him even though she has said she wouldn’t use them. Tom told Cat that he is a pharmaceutical rep but he is actually FBI. Cat has two sisters that she turns to for help and they also have abilities. There are great characters in this book and you can’t help but get invested in their outcome. This is a must read if you want to find out what happens between these two, and if you want to know if they get the drug lord that Tom is after. I highly recommend this book, you won’t want to put it down.

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The Lies Between Us: A Psychic Romantic Suspense (Deadly Secrets Book 4) by Cynthia Cooke – Review by Jennifer Gordon

The Lies Between Us: Deadly Secrets Book 4The Lies Between Us: Deadly Secrets Book 4 by Cynthia Cooke
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is an action packed romantic suspense novel with a psychic twist, and it is book four in author Cynthia Cooke’s ‘Deadly Secrets’ series. Although a fairly short story it is packed full of action, drama, suspense and of course romance. This book can be read as either part of the ‘psychic romantic suspense series’ or as a standalone story. The heroine of the story is Cat who is a psychic and has to save her undercover FBI Agent husband Tom who has been kidnapped by a drug lord. Although Cat and Tom have been married for years they both have secrets that they are keeping from each other. Tom is not really a salesman but an undercover FBI agent, who’s double life puts them both in danger when he is kidnapped trying to rescue a CI. In order to rescue her husband Cat uses her extraordinary psychic abilities which she had been hiding.
This was a gripping read and I literally read it all in one sitting as I needed to know how it would end. I loved the main characters, Cat and Tom, who were both likeable and relatable and I enjoyed seeing how their relationship both changed and developed throughout the story. I particularly liked Cat and how she made the decision to use her powers and show what she was capable off despite making a promise to her husband previously not to use her psychic abilities. A great storyline, intriguing characters and an action packed plot made this a fast paced page turner of a novel. I look forward to reading the previous books in the series now.

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The Lies Between Us : A Psychic Romantic Suspense (Deadly Secrets Book 4) by Cynthia Cooke – Review by Cindy Mayberry

The Lies Between Us: Deadly Secrets Book 4The Lies Between Us: Deadly Secrets Book 4 by Cynthia Cooke
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Lies Between Us
A Psychic Romantic Suspense
Deadly Secrets
Book 4
By Cynthia Cooke
This is probably one of the best Psychic Suspense stories to date. This is a full length romance with plenty to ponder, as you read along.

Tom Phillips is an undercover FBI agent. His current investigation is finding and stopping the drug lord, Carlos. So stepping back, you need to know Tom is Married with 2 young children. Keeping his real job is a secret to his family and friends. But when Cat finds out he is missing, it becomes her job to find and bring her husband back home safe. In this story you will read about the drug lord, the kidnapping, the affair (supposed) and Cats’ secret.

Cynthia Cooke you have done a great job keeping this rollercoaster of a thrilling suspense going! WOW! The feels are everywhere! The suspense is throughout this story. This is also a fast paced story. She will drag you into the events on page one and keep you there until the end. This story is well written and the characters fit their roles well. You can bet I will continue to follow this series! Job well done Cynthia Cooke!

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The Lies Between Us: A Psychic Romantic Suspense (Deadly Secrets Book 4) by Cynthia Cooke – Review by Heather Lovelace

The Lies Between Us: Deadly Secrets Book 4The Lies Between Us: Deadly Secrets Book 4 by Cynthia Cooke
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love a good mystery and this book started strong. With romance, secrets, mystery, and a little psychic ability, this story kept you moving quickly along to the finish. I really enjoyed this book. It was a quick read and thoroughly enjoyable.

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace
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The Lies Between Us: A Psychic Romantic Suspense (Deadly Secrets Book 4) by Cynthia Cooke – Review by Michelle Austin

The Lies Between Us: Deadly Secrets Book 4The Lies Between Us: Deadly Secrets Book 4 by Cynthia Cooke
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Lies Between Us: Deadly Secrets Book 4 by Cynthia Cooke was a good 4 star read.

Tom is working on a dangerous case involving a drug lord. His wife thinks he’s on a business trip but there is more to the story. His informant has disappeared and he is trying to find her.

When her husband fails to check in with his wife she gets worried and decides to come looking for him. She has a feeling that he’s in trouble and she needs to get to him before it’s too late.

What will happen when their secrets are revealed? Will they get out safely?

Overall this was a great read, we get drama, action, danger and so much more. I really liked both characters. Cat is a strong woman who can definitely take care of herself and her loved ones. All of the secondary characters added a great element to the story. The author pulls you in with her writing and I can’t wait to read more from her. 1-click and get started today.

Reviewed by @mab54615
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The Fire God Tour (Moore Family Saga Book 3) by Michele Sims – Review by Betsy Melano

The Fire God Tour (Moore Family Saga)The Fire God Tour by Michele Sims
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A story about unexpected attraction to a person who isn’t your usual type. At least that’s how Miles (aka Ari the superstar) and Bella feel about each other. I could really get how they were feeling about each other and how much they cared for each other. This book is well written with wonderful characters, suspense, loyal friendships, and so much more. Once I got started, I had a hard time putting it down. Although this is the third book in the desires, it was easy to catch on to all the characters. I’m so glad I came across this series and can’t wait to check out the other books to get to know more about the characters.

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The Lies Between Us: A Psychic Romantic Suspense (Deadly Secrets Book 4) by Cynthia Cooke – Review by Karyn Taylor

The Lies Between Us: Deadly Secrets Book 4The Lies Between Us: Deadly Secrets Book 4 by Cynthia Cooke
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Lies Between Us is the 4th Book in the Deadly Secrets series by Cynthia Cooke. Each book in the series can be read as a stand alone. I had not read any of the previous books in this series before this one and didn’t feel that I was missing any necessary information. In fact I had not read any of this author’s work before and was not sure what to expect from it but I did enjoy this book.
This is a romantic suspense novel which had me engaged in the story from the very beginning right up to the end. I really enjoyed the storyline and really liked the characters. Both of the main characters, Tom and Cat are realistic and likeable and I enjoyed reading their story and was intrigued as to how their story was going to turn out. As well as the main characters, there is a great secondary cast that really do add to the story.
This book is very much action packed. It’s full of danger and intrigue. There’s FBI, drug cartels, kidnapping, secrets and lies. The action starts form the very beginning and continues at a fast pace right up to the end. If you like an action packed story then I’d definitely recommend this book to you.

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The Lies Between Us: A Psychic Romantic Suspense (Deadly Secrets Book 4) by Cynthia Cooke – Review by Liz Vrchota

The Lies Between Us: Deadly Secrets Book 4The Lies Between Us: Deadly Secrets Book 4 by Cynthia Cooke
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am familiar with a lot of Cynthia Cooke’s romance novels but this series I had not started yet. Holy Pete was I excited that I picked this one up. The Lies Between Us is the fourth book in the Deadly Secrets series from Cooke. This was not hard to read at all with being the fourth book and totally could be read as a stand alone read. With that said, I will be going back and reading the rest of the books available so far in this series ASAP. This book seriously sucked me in and took me on one heck of a roller coaster ride that I really didn’t want to ever get off. The energy and suspense and action is non-stop, keeping the reader on the edge of the seat waiting to find out how things will eventually come to a close.

We meet a married couple, Tom and Cat, who have been hiding some doozies of secrets from each other. These two both lead a fake life to cover reality. Tom is definitely not the pharmaceutical rep he claims to be. Instead he is a FBI agent! Cat has the Stepford housewife role down pat but really its hiding the fact she is a total bada** chick working for the CTA. This of course will make for a crazy read but there are multiple layers to this story that you just have to read to discover for yourself. I can’t wait to find out what the other books hold in store!

Review by @lizaileen
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The Fire God Tour (Moore Family Saga Book 3) by Michele Sims – Review by Liz Vrchota

The Fire God Tour (Moore Family Saga)The Fire God Tour by Michele Sims
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the much anticipated third book in the Moore Family Saga from Michele Sims. I have really loved this series and I was excited to see what this book would bring us. In The Fire God Tour we find a much more grown up Miles aka Ari, who has finally learned his niche in the world of music and is quite the sensation with his fire acts as well as his musical talent. He feels like life is complete but then walks in Bella Wahlberg. Bella is an instant attraction but soon earns the nickname of Ice Princess. Will these two find a way to each other’s hearts? The adventure from beginning to end was just as fabulous as I hoped. The imagery this author writes is vibrant and fun, making you feel as if you are right there with the characters. I enjoyed this so much and hope to see more books in the near future from Michele Sims.

Review by @lizaileen
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The Lies Between Us: A Psychic Romantic Suspense (Deadly Secrets Book 4) by Cynthia Cooke – Review by Sunday Barnaby

The Lies Between Us: Deadly Secrets Book 4The Lies Between Us: Deadly Secrets Book 4 by Cynthia Cooke
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Lies Between Us by Cynthia Cooke
Four Stars

The Lies Between Us: A Psychic Romantic Suspense is the fourth book in the Deadly Secrets series by Cynthia Cooke. This is the first book I have read by Ms.Cooke, but definitely won’t be the last. I had no trouble reading this story, so it can be read as a standalone. I’m looking forward to going back and reading the first three books in this series. Tom and Cat’s story is full of twists and turns I didn’t see coming. I was up late reading because I just had to find out how it would end. It was definitely worth the loss of sleep. I haven’t read a Romantic Suspense in a couple of months, so this was a great book to jump back into this genre. Highly Recommend!

Review by @sunbarn
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The Lies Between Us: A Psychic Romantic Suspense (Deadly Secrets Book 4) by Cynthia Cooke – Review by Betsy Melano

The Lies Between Us: Deadly Secrets Book 4The Lies Between Us: Deadly Secrets Book 4 by Cynthia Cooke
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Lies Between Us: A Psychic Romantic Suspense by Cynthia Cooke is action packed, has dangerous moments, and includes romance! Once you get started, you’ll have a hard time putting it down. Even though this book is part of a series, I had no trouble figuring out the characters and how they related to each other. I especially liked learning about Cat and Tom’s relationship. The book starts out with Cat finding out that her husband Tom is in danger, is not a pharmaceutical rep like she believed, but is actually an undercover FBI agent. Tom found out not long ago that Cat is not only an intelligent woman but also has psychic abilities. What will all these secrets mean for their marriage?

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The Fire God Tour (Moore Family Saga Book 3) by Michele Sims – Review by Karyn Taylor

The Fire God Tour (Moore Family Saga)The Fire God Tour by Michele Sims
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Fire God Tour is a fantastic paranormal romance by Michele Sims. It is the 3rd book in the Moore Family Series. This was the first time I had read any of Michele Sims work so was unsure what to expect from this book.
What I got was fantastic characters and a storyline that I was gripped to from the very beginning. What I also got was a huge shock as I didn’t realise that this was a paranormal book and the first time that there was paranormal activity in the book, I had to read it a few times to make sure of what I was reading – oops!
Although this is the third book in a series this book can be read as a stand-alone. I hadn’t read any of the previous books in this series and could follow and understand the storyline without feeling that anything major was missing. I do, however, now want to go back and read the books that come before The Fire God Tour.
Ari (Miles) is a fantastic character to read. He has so many different facets to him. I could read about him all day long. I also adored Bella and loved the interactions between the two of them, reading Bella’s angst at her growing feelings for Hip-Hop sensation Miles.
This book is a fantastic paranormal romance and if that is your kind of thing then I’d definitely recommend this book.

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The Lies Between Us: A Psychic Romantic Suspense (Deadly Secrets Book 4) by Cynthia Cooke – Review by Katie Matthews

The Lies Between Us: Deadly Secrets Book 4The Lies Between Us: Deadly Secrets Book 4 by Cynthia Cooke
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


When I first read the blurb for this book it sounded like something I would enjoy and it absolutely was! It was a fast paced thrilling read and I really enjoyed it. I’ve read a few books by this author previously when they have been included in anthologies and always enjoyed what I read. I loved the main characters, married but so many secrets between them. There was quite a lot of action in the story and I loved trying to guess what was going to happen. I was interested to find out if Tom and Cat’s marriage could survive so many secrets!!
The story is on the shorter side but it definitely was not missing anything at all!! I am definitely looking forward to more to come from this author in the future! A highly recommend read!!

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The Fire God Tour (Moore Family Saga Book 3) by Michele Sims – Review by Angela Hayes

The Fire God TourThe Fire God Tour by Michele Sims
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


The Fire God Tour is the third Book in the Moore Family Saga series by Michele Sims. I really recommend reading the previous two books before starting on this one to help you fully appreciate the characters and really understand the story.
Miles is a world famous musician with a passion for fire- it’s as much a part of him as his DNA- and something he is only too happy to incorporate into his shows. He leads an enviable lifestyle- with anything he desires at his fingertips. But what of the downside of superstardom?
Bella Wahlberg is a marketing guru, joining the team as preparations for the latest tour are underway. Soon earning the title of Ice Queen, and with an intense fear of fire, things don’t bode well from the beginning. This meeting of fire and ice really makes for an enjoyable read.

Thank you, Ms. Sims!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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The Lies Between Us: A Psychic Romantic Suspense (Deadly Secrets Book 4) by Cynthia Cooke – Review by Angela Hayes

The Lies Between Us: Deadly Secrets Book 4The Lies Between Us: Deadly Secrets Book 4 by Cynthia Cooke
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


The Lies Between Us: A Psychic Romantic Suspense is the fourth book in the Deadly Secrets series by Cynthia Cooke. This is an original and intriguing romantic suspense- with undercover agents, FBI, a cartel, secrets, lies, kidnapping, guns, drama, action, mystery, romance, psychic abilities, and much more.
Tom Phillips is an FBI agent on an undercover assignment investigating a well known drug lord and his cartel- building a case against them when his confidential informant goes missing. Things take an intense turn when Tom is captured trying to rescue her.
With her husband missing, Cat’s world is about to become quite eventful. Secrets will be revealed, and the danger will mount. There is more to the situation, and characters, than meets the eye- making for a great read.
Looking forward to seeing what Ms. Cooke has in store for us next.

Thank you, Cynthia Cooke!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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The Fire God Tour (Moore Family Saga Book 3) by Michele Sims – Review by Erica Fish

The Fire God Tour (Moore Family Saga)The Fire God Tour by Michele Sims
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Moore Family Saga is a series that keeps getting better with every book that comes out. The plot line is engaging. Within this in mind, the characters are fully developed but they grow throughout the story. I love watching Belle grow within this story. She is cold as ice but Miles, the fire god wants to make her ice turn into water. Miles is used to having everything he wants to have. He is used to his superstar lifestyle. Will he be able to slow down the fire for the ice queen Belle? Will Belle show attention to Miles or will she remain cold as ice? I highly recommend this story to find out if Fire and thaw out Ice?

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The Fire God Tour (Moore Family Saga Book 3) by Michele Sims – Review by Kerry Carr

The Fire God Tour (Moore Family Saga)The Fire God Tour by Michele Sims
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the 3rd book in the Moore Family Saga. I really enjoyed this book. The characters are well written and the story is full of twists, turns and romance.

Miles is now a grown up and a famous star. He is set to start his tour with the help of his team. Miles never believes in relationships or love. He’s too busy being a famous star for that. That is until he meets Bella.

Bella works for Miles doing his marketing, what neither if them expect is for Miles to fall for her. Miles calls her the Ice Queen and with his obsession with fire I guess opposites attract.

Bella wants to do her job. She doesn’t want to fall for a star who can have any woman he wants but the attraction is too strong. Will they remain professional or will lines gets blurred and someone burnt.

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The Fire God Tour (Moore Family Saga Book 3) by Michele Sims – Review by Angela Shirley

The Fire God Tour (Moore Family Saga)The Fire God Tour by Michele Sims
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When you are attracted to a person you would never think you would be, can you be brave and follow your gut.

Miles Moore is now 26 years old and now has a successful career as Hip Hop sensation “Ari”, living up the popstar lifestyle he can have any woman he wants but why it always the way when you are attracted to someone you never would have looked at twice normally but ther is just something about his Chief of Marketing he can not get out of his mind.

Bella is good at her job, she prides herself in making a good impression but why is working with Ari so hard for her. The attraction to this enigmatic person does not help the situation and she feels utterly smitten. There is only one problem, Ari enjoys pushing himself to the limits and when he has a healthy fascination to fire which Bella can’t stand will there be a time she needs to walk away or too the smouldering chemistry.

I really enjoyed this second installment in this series, it is great to see these characters interaction and the twists in the story enhanced it along the way. The story was full of intrigue and chemistry and not disappointing.

I loved the way the characters grew together and offered a trust to each to let there secrets unravel but will the love they feel for each be enough to carry on the relationship, you will have to read the book.

I hope there are more stories in this series and look forward to reading more.

Reviewed by Angela Shirley

The Fire God Tour (Moore Family Saga Book 3) by Michele Sims – Review by Gail Guerrero

The Fire God Tour (Moore Family Saga)The Fire God Tour by Michele Sims
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Fire God Tour (Moore Family Saga Book 3) by Michele Sims – Review by Gail Guerrero

Five Stars

The Fire God Tour is a story about the music industry. You get an interesting look into a lot of different aspects of the business. I found the author’s writing style to be smooth. The characters were well written and the plot interesting. Another book to put on the must read again list. I found myself really interested in Ari and Bella’s story. They worked so well together. I also saw how he respected her and her work. I’ve always felt that life is too short for fear but without fear how do we know when it’s too much? A good amount of fear is healthy but Bella’s fear stopped her. The bond between them grows beautiful and I definitely recommend this story.

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The Lies Between Us: A Psychic Romantic Suspense (Deadly Secrets Book 4) by Cynthia Cooke – Review by Jonell Collins

The Lies Between Us: Deadly Secrets Book 4The Lies Between Us: Deadly Secrets Book 4 by Cynthia Cooke
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Lies Between Us: A Psychic Romantic Suspense (Deadly Secrets Book 4) by Cynthia Cooke, is Avery quick little action-packed adventure. I really enjoyed the story line, liked the characters, and loved the “powers” of the sisters. The unique little romance going on in this little story was an added bonus. You will be wanting to know more about this family. There are some very adult situations in the story so reader be warned.

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The Lies Between Us: A Psychic Romantic Suspense (Deadly Secrets Book 4) by Cynthia Cooke – Review by Jonell Collins

The Fire God Tour (Moore Family Saga, #3)The Fire God Tour by Michele Sims
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Fire God Tour (Moore Family Saga Book 3) by Michele Sims,is one of those great little romances that have you kind of on the edge of your seat…will they or won’t they. Sometimes you just want to slap them. I have to confess I had no idea that so much work went into doing a music tour. I learned quite a bit in this one. Great characters and a sweet romance. Very adult situations.

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The Fire God Tour (Moore Family Saga Book 3) by Michele Sims – Review by Jonell Collins

The Fire God Tour (Moore Family Saga, #3)The Fire God Tour by Michele Sims
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Fire God Tour (Moore Family Saga Book 3) by Michele Sims,is one of those great little romances that have you kind of on the edge of your seat…will they or won’t they. Sometimes you just want to slap them. I have to confess I had no idea that so much work went into doing a music tour. I learned quite a bit in this one. Great characters and a sweet romance. Very adult situations.

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