
Drag Me Down: A Cyborg Sci-Fi Romance (Full Throttle Cyborgs) by Landra Graf – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Drag Me Down (Full Throttle Cyborgs, #4)Drag Me Down by Landra Graf
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dakota ‘Drag’ Michelson is a member of the Full Throttle Gang and he is a drag racer for his group, and he is certainly more than capable of everything he puts his mind to, except for the one woman who caused him to lose everything, including his arm, and become a cyborg when he had to get a new cybernetic one. Bridget MacIntosh is a woman with a lot of responsibility, she is the leader of the MacIntosh gang, and she has fought tooth and nail to get there and stay there, even if it meant throwing away the only future, she truly wanted because of a deal she should never have had to make.

The only thing that Drag wants now is to celebrate his win and qualification into the upcoming Championship Race, however, when Bridget appears asking for a meeting during the afterparty, he is extremely wary, especially after the last time she framed him for murder and got him kicked out of the MacIntosh gang. He reluctantly goes to hear her out, however, when Bridget tells him that she wants help getting out from under the thumb of her sponsor, he is gobsmacked and has to laugh at the irony of her plan, but he agrees to think on her proposal and promptly leaves before he acts on any of the baser impulses, he still has towards her. Bridget, however, is frustrated by having to wait for his answer when she knows that time is running out, but she also knows how Drag works and that he will give her the answer, she just hopes that it is the one she wants.

When they next meet, tempers and passions flare as Drag lays out the ground rules and his expectations which Bridget is forced to accept and so a truce is called, however, Drag knows that he is most likely going to be double crossed and so develops a back-up plan in case this happens, although Bridget will never know, but as they become entangled in a web of desire, deceit and subterfuge, will the two be able to keep their feeling tamped down so that they can enact their plan with clear heads, or will they blur the lines and allow feelings to ignite? This is a full throttle romance with a sci-fi backdrop where the adrenaline is pumping, and the stakes are high in this danger filled race against time set in a dystopian future.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Drag Me Down (Full Throttle Cyborgs Series) by Landra Graf – Review by Ayla Phipps

Drag Me Down (Full Throttle Cyborgs, #4)Drag Me Down by Landra Graf
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Mars, gang-towns, racing, secrets. Love the worlds Landra Graf creates. While this is the fourth book in the series I mostly did fine with understanding the story the only confusion in some ways was not fully understanding the past of some of the other characters in relation to the female lead of this book. As she says at one point in the room with all four male leads of the series so far, Snapper, Jack, Hemi and Drag, “she has left her mark on all of them.” Primarily told through the perspectives of Drag and Bridget.
Twelve years have passed since Drag lost everything. His gang, his home, and the only woman he ever loved, not to mention his arm. Now he is about to be at the same place again, the Mars Racing Championship. The night before the big qualifying race his past comes back asking for the mother of all favors. In the time since “that” day Bridget hasn’t been able to be herself, to drop the act. To be herself she risks losing everything, including herself. Now is her chance, all she needs is him and she can have her cover to get the proof she needs to rid not only herself but the entire planet of Mars of the monster that is Moag Cheatham. The sponsor that truly ruined her entire life and the future she and Drag had planned for themselves, together. Both feel betrayed. Both feel that it’s a trap that will close in around them at any moment. Moag wants to replace Briget if she continues to decline his proposal, to bring in someone more subservient who he can control. Drag wants to revive his town to its former glory, to help his people and thrive once again. Is this real or just another act?
Will Bridget get the proof in time? Can they let go of the past and accept the present? Who will come out on top? Everything in this world is mostly relatable, minus all the cybernetics, but realistic in nature. People often have their own hidden agendas and are willing to do whatever it takes to come out on top. All they wanted was each other, to be together and build a future together. Everything was flipped on its head and twelve years later flipped again. Together, will they finally find their happily ever after?

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It Comes From Within (House Valdis Series) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Ayla Phipps

It Comes From Within (House Valdis #2)It Comes From Within by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Must read prequel and book one first. This book picks up six months after the events of book one, The Rise of House Valdis. The author does it once again. Multiple perspectives give you every detail and angle of the story as the twists reveal themselves and Mistress Xenobia and her House fight to keep their territory.
Xenobia never wanted to be a leader, while large parts of her memories are missing the goal remains, to protect women and to keep those she has adopted as family safe. Matthew, Onyx, and Chi at her side an unexpected White Queen is behind it all. A memory unlocks itself and Xen is at a loss on what other important memories she is missing, and why are they missing. Merging two houses isn’t easy and Xen is drowning in the chaos that the White Queen is weaving. Deeper still are the connections between Xenobia, Matthew, and Onyx, they are all emotionally broken people trying to claw their way out of trauma. Fighting for any chance of a happy life.
Who is the White Queen? What will happen when Xen finds out? Can House Valdis survive and come out on top again? Naomi Valkyrie you amazing woman, my heart the entire book just kept racing harder and faster with each chapter. The author doesn’t do anything partially, she gives you the good, the bad, and the ugly side of this world and the struggle of living within it. These characters aren’t puppets they take you on a rollercoaster that left me gasping for air. Torn between needing more, what will happen next when or if she is sanctioned to let the nightmare side out. The darkness within her has been there too long and to be in complete control of herself she can’t keep it inside anymore. Will there be more? Will Xenobia return?

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It Comes From Within (House Valdis Series) by Naomi Valkyrie

It Comes From Within (House Valdis Series) by Naomi Valkyrie
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – Urban Fantasy, SciFi, Polyamorous
Page Count – 174
Cover Designer – RMGRAPHX

GOODREADS – It Comes From Within (House Valdis Series) by Naomi Valkyrie

BOOKBUB- It Comes From Within (House Valdis Series) by Naomi Valkyrie

After six months, the stress of the House Valdis expansion is starting to take its toll on everyone. Xenobia has taken her time with the transition in an effort to show the former House Muerte members that she is not like their former Master.

Unfortunately, her good intentions have left the way wide open for insurrection. An unsanctioned blood den is discovered, and in the process of investigating the parties involved, an unexpected enemy is revealed.

The new discovery sends Xenobia on a trip down memory lane. Will she find that her memories are the solution to victory, or will they only be there to haunt her forever?

This book will be best enjoyed after reading the first book in this series, The Rise of House Valdis. The House Valdis series is intended for readers 18+.


Click here to experience a chapter reading for It Comes From Within (House Valdis Series) by Naomi Valkyrie

Naomi Valkyrie, often called a Firebrand Provocateur, brings her unique Autistic perspectives and curiosities to life by weaving tales of deep connection, mystery, and romance. She is inspired by being able to spontaneously create a thought that takes on a life of its own, opening up new adventures for her readers.


The Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy realms are particular areas of interest for Naomi as they allow for the vast exploration of magic, adventure, and the impossible while creating diverse characters that her readers connect with on an emotional level.


When she isn’t attending to familial connections, Naomi loves a dark, comfy reading space surrounded by the symbolism of her spiritual archetypes and her daemon/familiars, while she sips her tea and immerses herself in imagination.





The Test Of The Four: Book 2 Of The Serrulata Saga by A. E. Bennet- Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Test of the Four (The Serrulata Saga, #2)Test of the Four by A.E. Bennett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Four, Leora, Leopold, Roland and Aurora return and they have just crossed the border out of the Realm and Leopold is severely injured, so Leora tries to heal him using her powers to help him, however, they are found by people living near the border, but they are wary and just as unnerved as the people who found them. Meanwhile, Roland and Aurora are trying to probe the depths of their new found romance and as they have to stay near to Leopold, the group finally have time to process everything that has happened to them.

Meanwhile, the Sovereign is more paranoid than ever and especially now he has his powers, however, he is extremely volatile as well and is prone to threatening everyone and everything around him with his powers. This is putting everyone around him on edge and security is becoming scarce, so the gentry of the realm are preparing for this by planning ways to protect their families, even if it could cost them everything in the process.

When Leopold recovers enough, the Four leave the sanctuary they have briefly enjoyed to carry on their journey towards New York, the mythical city who found help them, however even though they are travelling further from the realm, more danger await them, but could they be any worse than the Realm and will they be able to find what they are looking for when they arrive at their destination? This is an epic tale, across a dystopian future where danger lies around every corner, secrets and lies abound and the emotional rollercoaster will leave you with plenty of ups and downs as you read along with this adventure of four very different people aiming for one goal.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Gathering of the Four (The Serrulata Saga Book 1) by A.E. Bennett – Review by Callie Luna

Gathering of the Four (The Serrulata Saga, #1)Gathering of the Four by A.E. Bennett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I highly recommend this book due to the characters and the twists and turns throughout the series. Leora of Mae wants to escape her foster family that wants to sell her into servitude. Roland is a thief who lives by illegal means. Aurora is a lady of high society (gentry) whose family has been overthrown. Finally, Leopold is an ex White Rider that has many secrets and is looking for redemption. These most unlikely characters cross paths and stick together on an epic journey to survive. The book is set in the future after the fall of technology and seems to be back in the Middle Ages. There is magic, knights, and politics. Many of the secrets are revealed along their journey but the book ends in a major cliffhanger. I can’t wait to read the next book!

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Gathering of the Four (The Serrulata Saga Book 1) by A.E. Bennett – Review by Tracy Greenhalgh

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”Gathering of the Four (The Serrulata Saga, #1)” src=”” /></a><a href=””>Gathering of the Four</a> by <a href=””>A.E. Bennett</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
My first dive into a book by this author and I am so glad I jumped. <br />The World building is brilliant and the character development is continuously good. The introductions and back stories really set the scene, we are introduced to the Xanthos (magic users) . <br />They are feared and untrusted by others, they are easily spotted by their yellow eyes. We follow Leora of Mae who escapes her adoptive family and is almost sold into servitude. On her journey she bands together with others like herself and we follow them as they face many things as Comet HaleBopp streaks the sky.<br />A really well written book and I cannot wait to read the second to see what happens next. <br />
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Gathering of the Four (The Serrulata Saga Book 1) by A.E. Bennett – Review by Betsy Melano

Gathering of the Four (The Serrulata Saga, #1)Gathering of the Four by A.E. Bennett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Leona overhears her adopted family planning on selling her into slavery. She runs away before that happens. As Leona travels away from her village she meets others along the way who become her family! Those who care about each other and watch out for each other.
The author did a beautiful job of writing about the world and the characters in the book. I definitely felt connected to the four main characters and I could feel the camaraderie between them. I’m looking forward to reading the next book in this futuristic realm.

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House Valdis Origins: Xenobia (House Valdis Series) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Ayla Phipps

House Valdis Origins: Xenobia (House Valdis, #0.5)House Valdis Origins: Xenobia by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh wow. INTENSE and it’s just the beginning of an amazing series. Naomi Valkyrie is one of those authors you don’t realize you’re missing in your life until you read one of her incredible books.
Xenobia was just another slave, dreaming of escape and bracing for what would come next. Urd was her new roommate in a long list of blurs before her. It does no good to get attached they usually don’t stay long. But Urd wormed around her defenses and got inside her heart. Rumors of an underground that help girls escape their Masters and Mistresses is the main goal. She wants to take Urd and escape to finally be free. One night a moment of weakness and her steely resolve shatters she attacks and the changes that follow are a blessing and a curse.
Will Xenobia find the underground? Can she save Urd? What is happening to her? The world is just beginning, and I was so wound up by the end I felt deflated when it ended so quickly. Sorry about the dust as I speed to the first book in the House Valdis series, The Rise of House Valdis to discover what happens next for Xenobia.

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Test of the Four: Book Two of The Serrulata Saga by A.E. Bennett

°•🔹️•*•📖•*•🔹️•°• BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE •°•🔹️•*•📖•*•🔹️•°•
Test of the Four: Book Two of The Serrulata Saga by A.E. Bennett
Genre – Dystopian SciFi
Page Count – 488
“Outside of the Realm, everything is unknown.”
Having paid a high price to pass through the Border, the Four depart the only lands they’ve ever known. They’re faced with immediate problems and unknown dangers as they begin the perilous journey toward the fabled city of New York.
As they travel, Leora struggles to hone her powers, Roland and Aurora attempt to explore their new romantic relationship, and Leopold battles with his inner demons.
Meanwhile, all is not right within the Realm. The young sovereign continues to wield his new powers erratically, threatening the lives of every citizen. Now, several members of the gentry must navigate through the chaos to protect their homes and families.
Can the Four survive their journey?
And if they do, will there be a Realm for them to return to?
Set in the distant future, Test of the Four is the second book in the Serrulata Saga.


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Test of the Four: Book Two of The Serrulata Saga by A.E. Bennett

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Test of the Four: Book Two of The Serrulata Saga by A.E. Bennett

A.E. Bennett (she/her) lives in Washington, D.C. ​She is originally from North Carolina.

Author Interview with A.E. Bennett



Hope For A New World (Gaia’s Voice Series) by Renee W Peek – Review by Toni Sellers

Hope For A New World (Book 1)Hope For A New World by Renee W Peek
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is book One in the Gaia’s Voice Series. It is a well written apocalyptic sci-fi, set in the future.
It is very descriptive, and the details are beautiful, you will love where your imagination takes you.
The Hopi people have long known that this world will end, and the earth will be reborn into the fifth world. The characters are so well done, with deep family relationships with their people and the earth and animals. Definitely give this book a try you won’t be disappointed.

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Hope For A New World (Gaia’s Voice Series) by Renee W Peek – Review by Emma Samways

Hope For a New World (The Hope Series Book 1)Hope For a New World by Renee W. Peek
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I liked the sound of this from the blurb but it wasn’t really a book I enjoyed. Bits of it were really good like the message about how we affect the earth and environment around us; that really resonated with me. It made me think about my actions towards the earth.
Gaia is a sentient being who is an environmental attorney who works for the Hopi people. The Hopi people know the world is gonna end and enlist Gaia to help them go into the fifth age. Gaia leads the people to a new planet but not everybody makes it.
It’s not a series I will be continuing unfortunately.

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Hope for a New World (Gaia’s Voice Series) by Renee W Peek – Review by Carla Clemmons

Hope For a New World (The Hope Series Book 1)Hope For a New World by Renee W. Peek
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an interesting read! I really like that the author gave a character list that even included descriptions and occupation. This definitely helped with the in-depth writing style of the author. This story takes place in the future and really makes you think. The story is very detailed and has a lot of descriptive writing. As with any good story there is some controversy amongst some of the characters that has to be overcome. You really have to know who you can trust when the world is ending. I am looking forward to book 2! This was a good start to the series!

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Hope For A New World (Gaia’s Voice Series) by Renee W Peek – Review by Brandy Rymer

Hope For a New World (The Hope Series Book 1)Hope For a New World by Renee W. Peek
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was a real inspirational read, which focused on the importance of caring for the planet and the consequences of failing to do so. It was a great example of how the world may become if we are not more conscientious of how we are treating the resources that we are given, and that we shouldn’t take for granted all of the beauty around us. The characters were so wonderfully crafted, each one having an important role in bringing the cause to light, and the importance of teamwork in accomplishing the goals that the people are working to accomplish, which is to travel to a new world where they may get a restart. It’s so unfortunate that where there is a good cause in the works, that there are always people who will do whatever it takes to put a stop to the progress that is being made. This group made up of well-to-do people as well as the military decide that instead of helping get rid of the group who are making their lives more difficult, and allowing them to go to the new world, it is far better to intervene and prevent the trip from happening and then to hunt down those seeking solace and deal with them in their own ways. What a great read, expect the unexpected, and you’ll still be surprised by the outcomes that await everyone.
@Brandy Rymer

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Hope For A New World (Gaia’s Voice Series) by Renee W Peek – Review by Darian Vester

Hope For a New World (The Hope Series Book 1)Hope For a New World by Renee W. Peek
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I love the concept, I love that Gaia is speaking to them and that her speaking to them isn’t a new thing, it’s something that’s been going on (for some) for years. The author gives a character list at the beginning of the book which is great to be able to go back to check out but it did bother me a tad that there were so many. I feel it’s just harder to connect with a character when there’s so many POVs to keep up on.
I love how these people connect and work so well with each other, it was amazing when they saved the ship and I really liked the part of them needing to be outside with Adelphi for healing. With the bad blood between them and the military it was nice to see them be civil with each other. It was a nice spiritual community book.

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Hope For A New World (Gaia’s Voice Series) by Renee W Peek – Review by Hannah Porter

Hope For a New World (The Hope Series Book 1)Hope For a New World by Renee W. Peek
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first book that I have read by Renee W. Peek and color me impressed. First off going by the cover I thought this was going to be a peaceful style read, like a self discovery book but man after reading the description then the book it was a total 180. This book was filled with dystopian, end-of-the-world action, hope, tension, and top notch drama. As the book went on the more I loved it. I also loved the characters (most lol) and the amazing worlds the author has built (with great in depth details)really made the story pop off the page, playing like a movie. I really enjoyed that some characters can speak to gaia, I thought that was interesting. The multiple POV was awesome too, I often find myself wondering how the other characters were feeling and thinking this helps. I HIGHLY recommend reading this story.. I’m already on the way to read the next book of this series. I can’t wait to see what happens next.

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Hope For A New World (Gaia’s Voice Series) by Renee W Peek – Review by Kerry Carr

Hope For A New World (Book 1)Hope For A New World by Renee W Peek
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first book in Gaia’s Voice Series. It is a sci fi story based on the end of our world as we know it and the creation of the next world. The authors attention to detail is what really brings this story to life for me. The description and images are painted so well that you could actually imagine these things occuring. What I also loved what how their was a spiritual connection to everything as well. Learning about other cultures as well as their thoughts and feelings on the spiritual connections between the earth and all living beings on it was a really interesting part of this book for me.

Maddison Bear’s Heart is an environmental lawyer. She is always fighting to protect the earth from the fate of being destroyed by human hands. When she is approached by 2 women from the Hopi people they inform her that the world is going to end and Maddison is the person to guide them to the next world.

When Maddison finally accepts the task she is informed that the Earth’s sister planet will welcome them so with the help of the Corporate Military they set off to find this new world.
However the Corporate Military have their own agenda and they aren’t helping Maddison and the environmental protesters out of the kindness of their hearts, this is the chance they have been waiting for to get rid of the protesters once and for all.

Will the group heading to the new planet even make it? What will happen to the people they have left behind? Will anyone survive when the world ends?

This is a brilliant thought provoking story that I really enjoyed. I look forward to seeing what else this author has in store.

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Hope For A New World (Gaia’s Voice Series) by Renee W Peek – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

Hope For a New World (The Hope Series Book 1)Hope For a New World by Renee W. Peek
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4 Stars
Hope For A New World (Gaia’s Voice Series) by Renee W Peek

Hope For A New World (Gaia’s Voice Series) is a Sci-Fi Fantasy that is told in many different POV with multiple characters. I honestly didn’t know what to expect going in but I was intrigued by the cover and the blurb caught my attention. I had a hard time connecting with the characters and just felt like it bounced around to much. I really wanted to like this story but just didn’t. I’m hoping the next book will capture for me what this on one lacked. I will say I found this book to be very interesting and some of the information was new to me. This author is fairly new to me and even though this book didn’t make the cut im still looking forward to what the rest of this series turns out to be. If you like Sci-Fi Fantasy then id recommend reading this book.

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Hope For A New World (Gaia’s Voice Series) by Renee W Peek – Review by Tausha Treadway

Hope For a New World (The Hope Series Book 1)Hope For a New World by Renee W. Peek
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hope For A New World (Gaia’s Voice Series) by Renee W Peek. This is a sci -fi, fantasy novel which is not my favorite genre but I really enjoyed this book. It tackles the topic of the environment and the place we all play in the destruction of it. Its the story of Maddison Bear’s Heart who has just become a environmental lawyer and its at the perfect time. The Hopi people believe the Earth is ending as we know it and they need Maddison to speak to Gaia, Mother Earth. They find out there is another plant willing to take them but they have to leave some behind. Along with selfish wants of others the people on the spaceship are in danger. Just like in the real world there are snakes that will take you down along the way, the same is said for this spaceship. Will Maddison be able to help them get the message they need to Gaia and will Gaia take heed to save the place they love. This is a book you need to pay attention to because there are a lot of moving parts and if you don’t pay attention you might get lost but invest in it because it is such a great story!

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Hope For A New World (Gaia’s Voice Series) by Renee W Peek – Review by Chrissy Spulak

Hope For A New World (Book 1)Hope For A New World by Renee W Peek
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am pretty picky when it comes to Science Fiction. It was never my cup of tea growing up and only recently have found a few books or series that actually grabbed me and didn’t let go. I am now adding this book to that list. For me, there is something so intriguing about a dystopian, end-of-the-world epic that makes the reader question the future of the planet. I can’t say enough about the descriptive writing and vibrant characters this author created. This is the first book I’ve read from this author, and I have to say that I’m excited it’s the first in a series. The story takes place over one hundred years into the future and the more you read, the more invested you become and more questions you ask yourself. The story is led by strong female characters, which I always appreciate, and the message it delivers is a stark, eye-opening possibility. You will definitely want to continue following the journey of Maddison Bear’s Heart into the next books.

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Hope For A New World (Gaia’s Voice Series) by Renee W Peek – Review by Alison Risher

Hope For A New World (Book 1)Hope For A New World by Renee W Peek
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This novel is set in the future, a little bit more than a hundred years from now. It is an apocalyptic tale featuring Earth, and a sister planet. It features many indigenous characters. I really like learning snippets of other cultures. The characters have deep family relationships. Don’t skip out on this book!

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Hope For A New World (Gaia’s Voice Series) by Renee W Peek – Review by Terri Jo McAllister

Hope For a New World (The Hope Series Book 1)Hope For a New World by Renee W. Peek
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a futuristic, sci-fi fantasy of the end of Earth due to human wastefulness and consumption. An environmental attorney is chosen to lead everyone through the coming of the fifth world. Strong, female characters with an underlying message about protecting what we have.

Review by Terri Jo McAllister

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Hope For A New World (Gaia’s Voice Series) by Renee W Peek – Review by Laura Jones

The Alien And The Crime Boss by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Alien & the Crime BossThe Alien & the Crime Boss by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Kasper Kingston is a man on a mission and his mission is to destabilise the two main crime families and take over in their place, it is dangerous, but he has a determination to attain his goal and so he goes to a cabin in the woods so that he can watch and wait for his enemy’s destruction. Leilphun is an alien, but he will no longer be able to live on his own planet anymore, this is due to the rulers of his home planet wanting instead to punish him for his crime by throwing him into the fighting arena’s, but he has no intention of that happening and so he says goodbye to everything that he knows, undertakes an exhausting and jumps through a portal for a one way trip to Earth.

One morning Kasper sees a bright light flash outside the window and decides to go and investigate just in case it is one of the families, however when he gets there, he only finds an unconscious person with purple skin and he decides that he cannot just leave them out there in the woods and so he takes the mystery person home, ties them up and waits for them to wake up so that he can interrogate them. When Leilphun awakes after his journey to Earth, he realises that he is in a dwelling and is being restrained to a chair, the most alluring thing is the man who is sitting in front of him, however, he is less than impressed with his being questioned the minute he wakes up, but especially when his answers are not believed.

That even Kasper makes the decision to allow Leilphun to sleep next to him so that he can tell whether he tries to escape, but this is when he is attacked by the families and Leilphun surprisingly helps him to escape, later revealing that it is because they are now betrothed according to Leilphun’s people’s customs, it also confirms his story that he really isn’t from this planet and that he really didn’t need the weapons he brought with him. Will Kasper be able to maintain the distance he needs so as not to become too distracted by the handsome alien, or will Leilphun become more than just a weapon to help destroy the families while keeping himself safe? This is a novella with heart, as well as danger, retaliation and redemption which will catch you in its net and not let you go until the end.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Hope For A New World (Gaia’s Voice Series) by Renee W Peek – Review by Charlisa Wahtomy-Alba

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”Hope For a New World (The Hope Series Book 1)” src=”” /></a><a href=””>Hope For a New World</a> by <a href=””>Renee W. Peek</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
Maddison Bear’s Heart is an environmental attorney and is facing a lot of opposition. Of course the fight to save the environment is big but one day it will be even bigger than we have imagined. In this story she meets people who speak to Gaia and is told the world is coming to an end. They must make their way to a new plant called Adelphi. Will they make it there? This was an interesting book and the author is new to me. As we don’t know when this world will end or where we will end up this was an interesting take on what could happen in the future. I’m not usually into sci-fi type books, but this one really kept my attention. The author did a great job.
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Hope For A New World (Gaia’s Voice Series) by Renee W Peek – Review by Anantha Rusum

Hope For a New World (The Hope Series Book 1)Hope For a New World by Renee W. Peek
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This sci fi fiction and fantasy book takes place in the future, 100 years from now, when we have done enough damage to the environment. Maddison Bear’s Heart, an environmental lawyer, is assigned a task to speak to Gaia, mother Earth by the Hopi people. When they come to know that a new planet is ready to welcome them, they board a space craft to begin their new life. But there are a lot who are left behind . Greed and misunderstanding comes in the way and there is harm to befall both on the space craft and the people who are left behind, mostly women who depend on hope.
This is a very interesting story, but there are too many characters and too many perspectives, which made it a little confusing for me. Hopefully as the series progresses, things get a little less tangled.
Overall , quite an interesting book.

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Hope For A New World (Gaia’s Voice Series) by Renee W Peek – Review by Jayme Raffauf

Hope For a New World (The Hope Series Book 1)Hope For a New World by Renee W. Peek
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sci-Fi Fantasy books are not usually my go-to genre, but this was a great read. A little slow at first just trying to figure out all the different characters, but I enjoyed the book and really got pulled into it the more I read. I am looking forward to reading more from this series. I loved the connection to Gaia and Adelphi and the overall connection between people and our planet. The characters were developed well and there were so many different connections, relationships and dynamics throughout the book. I thought it built up well and didn’t feel rushed. Good read and well done.

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Hope For A New World (Gaia’s Voice Series) by Renee W Peek – Review by Jayme Raffauf

Hope For a New World (The Hope Series Book 1)Hope For a New World by Renee W. Peek
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sci-Fi Fantasy books are not usually my go-to genre, but this was a great read. A little slow at first just trying to figure out all the different characters, but I enjoyed the book and really got pulled into it the more I read. I am looking forward to reading more from this series. I loved the connection to Gaia and Adelphi and the overall connection between people and our planet. The characters were developed well and there were so many different connections, relationships and dynamics throughout the book. I thought it built up well and didn’t feel rushed. Good read and well done.

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Hope For A New World (Gaia’s Voice Series) by Renee W Peek – Review by Katie Matthews

Hope For a New World (The Hope Series Book 1)Hope For a New World by Renee W. Peek
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This isn’t my usual genre to read and I honestly wasn’t sure whether I would enjoy this book or not but I was genuinely intrigued by the synopsis so thought I would give it a go. It was an interesting read and the authors attention to detail was amazing. The characters in the story were intriguing and the storyline very unique. It certainly made me think about a few things! This is the first book that I have read by this author and although maybe not my complete cup of tea I would definitely like to read the next book.

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Hope For A New World (Gaia’s Voice Series) by Renee W Peek – Review by Jennifer Gordon

Hope For a New World (The Hope Series Book 1)Hope For a New World by Renee W. Peek
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an original sci-fi, fantasy novel with an intriguing storyline and multiple fascinating characters. The story has an overall message about the environment and how our actions in the present have affected the world in the future, which is the setting of this story. Environmental attorney Maddison Bear’s Heart is chosen by those who speak to the earth and know her as Gaia, a sentient being. The Hopi people have always known the world would end and that earth would be reborn into the fifth world, and they want Maddison to lead them through the coming of this new world. When a young girl tells her that Gaia’s sister, Adelphi, a new planet will welcome them if they travel to her, the corporate military provide a ship straight away. They are glad to be leaving the ‘eco nuts’, who are always trying to protect the planet, behind. However, Colonel Miller is looking for a more permanent end to these protesters and so sabotages the ship and hunts down those who stayed. Many of those who stayed are women powered by the force of hope, but how many, if any will survive. The author did a wonderful job of bringing the setting vividly to life through the descriptive narrative, which made me feel immersed in the story. I found some of the characters a little difficult to connect with and as the story was told through multiple POV’s, I did get a bit confused early on. However, over all I found this to be an engaging read and I would happily read the next book in the series.

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