
The Vassal of Magic (The Virus of Beauty Book 3) by C.B. Lyall – Review by Shannen Kern

The Vassal of Magic (Virus of Beauty, #3)The Vassal of Magic by C.B. Lyall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have been waiting for this book for quite some time, and I was so excited to pick it up that I devoured the entire thing in one sitting. Sorry not sorry to my real-life responsibilities! This entire series was just absolute perfection.
I’m guilty of picking up series out of order, but you will definitely want to read the first two prior to picking this one up. If you don’t then you will be a little lost, and you won’t get the full experience either. We continue our magical and suspenseful journey with Wilf and Katryna with a great deal of twists and turns that caused me to read faster than I thought humanly possible. Wilf is trying to get to the bottom of harnessing the full potential of his magic but finds it’s not so easy with wizards and witches wreaking havoc in the Magical Realm.
I thoroughly enjoyed the last installment of The Virus of Beauty series. The flow of the story was utterly wonderful, and I loved connecting with both Wilf and Katryna. It’s very apparent that C.B. Lyall dedicated so much time creating this beautiful world and relatable characters. I highly recommend picking up this entire series and getting lost in their reality!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Savage Truth (Hidden Valley Elite Book 2) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Shannen Kern

Savage Truth: A High School Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Book 2)Savage Truth: A High School Bully Romance by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

WOW. I have enjoyed every book in this series so far, including the prequel, but this one has definitely surpassed the others in my opinion. This is a bully romance and boy does it deliver. All of the drama and angsty feelings from high school come reeling back with a magnificent plot. The chemistry is palpable, and I found myself rooting for things I hadn’t expected! I don’t want to give too much away, but I must stress that this series (especially this book) is absolutely one you should pick up! You won’t want to miss the intense emotions and amazingly deep characters of the Hidden Valley Elite series.

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Healing Kiss by Amanda Uhl – Review by Shannen Kern

Healing KissHealing Kiss by Amanda Uhl
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is my first book from Amanda Uhl and what an amazing first it was! The very first page grabs hold of your attention and never lets go. I couldn’t put it down and devoured the whole book in a matter of hours. The flow was natural and there were plenty of details that made the characters feel so real. I was entirely too invested in Lillian and Tristan throughout the entire book! It gets quite emotional, but definitely worth the read. I highly recommend picking this up, especially if you are a fan of the paranormal and romance genres!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Three Women in November by Jim Shomos – Review by Shannen Kern

Three Women in NovemberThree Women in November by Jim Shomos
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I almost passed this book up as it didn’t seem like it was in my normal wheelhouse, but I’m glad I decided to take a chance on it. Jim Shomos takes us through this timeline of what feels like “right person, wrong time” over and over again. Some may find it a little immature to try finding love repeatedly if you have unresolved issues, but I think it’s heartwarming to see someone who takes chances for true love. It is a rollercoaster of emotions as you are invested in Leo and his pursuit of happiness. You feel a stab each time something doesn’t work out, and relentless hope for just one stroke of serendipity. I really enjoyed reading this and taking the journey alongside Leo.

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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To be a Fae Legend (Realm Chronicles Book 3) by Tricia Copeland – Review by Shannen Kern

To be a Fae LegendTo be a Fae Legend by Tricia Copeland
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Diving into the third book in the Realm Chronicles series was more than I could have hoped for! I had high expectations since the first two books were amazing, and somehow Tricia Copeland STILL blew me away. My picky, detailed brain loved the list of the Royal Families of Middle Earth before the first chapter. Queen Titania is no meek female protagonist. She is strong-willed and can back up any claim she makes. She is trying to save her kingdom, fend off other royals, and find a suitable husband. If that isn’t a marvel all in itself, I don’t know what is. The author continued the perfect flow of the story and their intricate world-building rivals the previous books. I highly recommend picking this book (and series) up, especially if you enjoy the YA and urban fantasy genres!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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To be a Fae Guardian (Realm Chronicles Book 2) by Tricia Copeland – Review by Shannen Kern

To be a Fae Guardian (Realm Chronicles, #2)To be a Fae Guardian by Tricia Copeland
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I picked this book up immediately after finishing the first in the series, and it’s amazing that the books connect so flawlessly. I feel like I picked up right where I left off. Titania is an amazing character with this incredible amount of grit and perseverance that I just love. She makes such a magnificent heroine and is sure to rub some of her character off on you. I usually don’t find that I enjoy the second book in a series MORE than the first, but this one definitely did it for me. I dare you to start this book and find a way to close it. I highly recommend picking this up (as well as the rest of the series) because you will find yourself engrossed from page 1!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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To be a Fae Queen (Realm Chronicles Book 1) by Tricia Copeland – Review by Shannen Kern

To be a Fae Queen (Realm Chronicles, #1)To be a Fae Queen by Tricia Copeland
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I dove headfirst into this series mainly because of the gorgeous cover. I definitely became even more excited after realizing who the author was as I have enjoyed all of the books I’ve read by her. I always appreciate maps in the beginning of books as well. It lets me envision the story a little bit better. Tricia Copeland does a wonderful job with scenery and world-building with this beautiful fae story. I felt it took me just a bit to fall into the groove of the story in the beginning, but once I was hooked, I couldn’t put it down! There is raw emotion, magic, and adventure woven throughout. Fans of fantasy mixed with action rejoice because this one is for you!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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The Serpent and the Firefly by Courtney Davis – Review by Shannen Kern

The Serpent and the FireflyThe Serpent and the Firefly by Courtney Davis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love paranormal and fantasy books, so I had high hopes for this one right off the bat. I’m happy to say that Courtney Davis knocked this out of the park! Everything about The Serpent and the Firefly makes me want to leave reality behind and just stay hidden in their magically crafted world. This story flows so perfectly that it played like a movie in my head. It was easy to tune everything out and lose myself in Jade and Baal’s lives. I feel like fans of urban fantasy and the supernatural will adore this book.

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Raising Elle (Sweet Valley Series Book 1) by S.E Reichert – Review by Shannen Kern

Raising ElleRaising Elle by S.E. Reichert
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a beautifully written book about a second chance at love after heartbreak. I wasn’t sure what to expect as I hadn’t read anything from this author before, but I am very impressed and will be picking up more books from them! I really enjoyed the range of emotions and the depth of each character. You really feel like you get to know both Elle and Blake on their own and can feel the hesitation along with their chemistry. I never felt any lulls in the book and thought every scene pulled me in each time. I highly recommend picking this book up so you can prepare for the next in the series!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Small Fry by Stephenie Wilson Peterson – Review by Shannen Kern

Small FrySmall Fry by Stephenie Wilson Peterson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a great story for late elementary and early middle school kiddos. I loved the messages throughout this book. We read it together as a family and talked about bullying and standing up for what is right. For reference, my kids are 7 and 11, and I think that age frame is spot on. Both of my kids are also the smaller ones in their classes which made this even more relatable for them. I enjoyed the illustrations, and the flow of this story was great. What a great way to get people talking about fairness, friendships, and fitting in!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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The Innovator (WaterFyre Rising Book 3) by Nadia Han – Review by Shannen Kern

The Innovator (WaterFyre Rising, #3)The Innovator by Nadia Han
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love the WaterFyre Rising series so much! Nadia Han has a way of writing characters that are incredibly relatable, and you find yourself fully invested in the story without even realizing it. Many times throughout this book I found myself gripping the book because I needed to know what happened next! There is a bit of spice, but the author does not rely on this alone to create an inviting and unforgettable experience. The story flows so flawlessly and I bet you’ll be drawn in just as much as I was. I wish book 4 would get here sooner because I can’t wait to continue this series!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Corpse Pixie by Sinister Styx – Review by Shannen Kern

Corpse PixieCorpse Pixie by Sinister Styx
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Corpse Pixie was a quick rollercoaster of emotions from Sinister Styx! I’m not sure how they fit in so much detail and emotion in such a short read, but they did an amazing job. You’ll find plenty of dark, paranormal romance scenes here with murder, crime-solving, grief, and more! I was surprised by not only being gripped by the very first page but speeding through what felt like a very involved book. I highly recommend picking this up if the darker side of paranormal is your groove. I can’t wait to see what other adventures Sinister Styx has for us!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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REIGN: The Rise of the Lich (The Silver Blood Knight Book 2 by Carol McKibben – Review by Shannen Kern

REIGN: The Rise of the LichREIGN: The Rise of the Lich by Carol McKibben
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the second book in The Silver Blood Knight series, but I didn’t pay close enough attention and read this one first. I don’t feel like I was super lost, but I recommend picking up the first one as I’m sure it adds to an already marvelous plot. This was a great story full of paranormal beings and tons of suspense! This is a pretty quick read that will surely fit into an afternoon, but don’t be fooled by the length. Carol McKibben does an incredible job of giving the characters amazing depth in that short period of time, and you will be invested in every melodramatic move. I’m picking up the first in the series now to catch up!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Aliens on Earth Anthology (Limited Edition Romance Collections) by Various Authors – Review by Shannen Kern

Aliens on EarthAliens on Earth by Mandy Melanson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I fell in LOVE with this anthology! I greatly appreciate that the stories are divided by ‘Heat Levels’ in the beginning so you have a little peek of what you’re getting yourself into. The first that I thoroughly enjoyed was The Alien & The Crime Boss by Naomi Valkyrie, which was categorized under ‘Heat Level 2’. I definitely felt like it was properly labeled as such. You are dropped right into the action in the beginning, and I always like stories with dual point-of-view, which Valkyrie does a stunningly great job with. You will be fully invested in Kasper and Leilphun’s journey.
The second story I was drawn to was My Boss is an Alien by Ashlyn Hawkes. This was appropriately labeled as ‘Heat Level 4’ which did NOT disappoint in terms of spice. It is also told in the dual point-of-view, which I enjoyed. This entire collection is amazing, you should definitely pick it up because you’re bound to find at least one that is right up your alley!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Last King (Legacy of Riverfall Book 1) by Amabel Daniels – Review by Shannen Kern

Last King (Legacy of Riverfall Book 1)Last King by Amabel Daniels
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am absolutely blown away by the first book I’ve read by this author! Last King is the first installment of the Legacy of Riverfall series, and I am clamoring for the second already. The story of Maren and Kane will take hold of your attention for the entire day, so I hope you have no responsibilities to tend to! I was completely engrossed in this book and tuned everything else out around me. Maren has healing abilities, but her sister has fallen terribly ill and there is only one remedy…a very rare plant. Kane is a criminal who has lost something dear to him. He tells Maren that he can help her locate the rare plant she needs if she helps him find his lost item. She is very trepidatious, but ultimately decides to take the journey to save her sister. There is danger, romance, healing magic, and plenty of action in this fae story. I am so excited for the second book already, I am counting down the days! I highly recommend picking this up, especially if you enjoy YA fae healing, magic, and romance.

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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What Loretta’s Katydid Did (Loretta’s Insects) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Shannen Kern

What Loretta's Katydid didWhat Loretta’s Katydid did by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Lois Wickstrom has done it again! My kiddos and I love her books, and we get so excited anytime she releases a new one. Bugs are especially popular in my house, so this was such a huge hit from the get-go! Both of my kids relate to Loretta as neither one ever wants to hurt insects. I think this was a great way to teach others how to problem solve without doing it the way it’s always been done. The illustrations are also so beautiful and really add to the story. Somehow we always walk away with valuable lessons as well as a great story time book. I highly recommend picking this up and sharing it with the kiddos in your life!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Undying Light (The Stella Maris Series Book 1) by Aurora Wildey – Review by Shannen Kern

Undying LightUndying Light by Aurora Wildey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I thoroughly enjoyed reading Undying Light, which is the first book in The Stella Maris Series. I hadn’t read anything by this author yet, but I can tell they are definitely making it on my “Authors to Watch” list! Aurora Wildey had me hooked from the beginning and kept me engrossed until the very end. I really love books that have multiple POVs so this was right up my alley. You immediately feel the drama from a horrible attack that nearly killed Kaela, but a magnificent stranger named Terran saved her. Kaela felt somewhat indebted to Terran for this powerfully kind act which leads her to use her powers to heal him. The two do their best to hide and keep each other safe, but a new individual named Seth enters the picture. He feels Kaela’s presence and gives her the option to work near him while also teaching her who she really is. Seth and Terran don’t really see eye to eye, but Kaela must make an impossible decision. Will she stay with Terran since he has proven he will protect her, or will she feel pulled towards Seth? I can’t wait to see what else this author has in store for us. I highly recommend picking this up especially if you enjoy the fantasy and paranormal genre!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Ten Thousand Shells and Counting: A Memoir (Teenage War Survival Book 1) by Nadija Mujagic – Review by Shannen Kern

Ten Thousand Shells and Counting: A Memoir (Book 1) (Teenage War Survival series)Ten Thousand Shells and Counting: A Memoir (Book 1) by Nadija Mujagic
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It’s been quite a long time since I have had a book touch my heart the way Ten Thousand Shells and Counting has. This is a heart-wrenching, compelling memoir of Nadija Mujagic’s experience through a horrifying war in Sarajevo. The inconceivable recount from Nadija is absolutely bone-chilling as she narrates what it was like to lose her childhood home, her family members, and life on the run. I found myself taking a few moments to reflect multiple times throughout this book as sometimes it just seemed impossible to find a new normal on the other side of this horrendous war. I must say that it was also the most inspiring to read the takeaways this young woman found in the face of adversity. This gut-wrenching memoir is definitely worth your time and reflection told by such a brave soul.

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Yeti Left Home by Aaron Rosenberg – Review by Shannen Kern

Yeti Left HomeYeti Left Home by Aaron Rosenberg
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a quick and fun story! This was just the kind of book I needed in my life but didn’t know it. Aaron Rosenberg hooked me from the first chapter and I was fully invested in Wylie, our friendly Yeti, throughout the entire book. Wylie just wants to live a quiet, modest life in Minnesota, but something odd is going on. He starts having terrifying dreams at the same time that murders begin haunting his town. Being a Yeti, he also draws the attention of a certain Hunter. Wylie has a plan to blend into a large city and along the way finds a community of all supernatural beings. His heart is happy and content, but it seems the Hunter is closing in on him. Will Wylie leave his newly found home to keep everyone safe, or will he create a plan to take the killer down? I really loved this book and will be looking out for more by this author!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Amy’s Rebellion (Gemstone Massacre Book 1) by Julia Goldhirsh – Review by Shannen Kern

Amy's Rebellion (Gemstone Massacre)Amy’s Rebellion by Julia Goldhirsh
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am quite impressed with the first book I’ve read by Julia Goldhirsh! I’m so excited that I picked up their book and cannot wait for the second installment in the Gemstone Massacre Series already. I really appreciate the map in the beginning of the book because I feel that it helps me dive into the world itself. I also LOVE the LGBTQ/gender fluid representation right from the get-go. We start off with a little prologue informing us that they were twelve the first time they killed a man, so definitely diving right into the drama. There is plenty of adventure, different relationships, and magic throughout the whole story. I enjoyed the detail and depth of both the characters and the world. The author did an amazing job bringing everything together to start this series off right. I am excited to see what else Julia brings to life for us!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Brave Kids: Short Stories to Inspire Future World Changers by Janice Pratt – Review by Shannen Kern

Brave Kids: Short Stories to Inspire Our Future World-ChangersBrave Kids: Short Stories to Inspire Our Future World-Changers by K.J. Kaschula
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a wonderful collection of children’s stories that are short enough for most attention-spans (wiggly worms) and long enough to fit in some good life lessons. The illustrations help draw everyone in and are adored throughout this book. I enjoyed reading this entire collection with my two kids who are 7 and 11. I feel like there were some great conversation starters in each chapter, and we paused to talk about what they would do in each situation or what the underlying issues could be.

Two stories really stood out for me were “Catch Your Thoughts Before They Ruin Your Day” by Samantha Ena Minichiello and “Amaleigha Tames a Bully: Kindness Can Change a Hard Heart” by: Janice Pratt.

Catch Your Thoughts Before They Ruin Your Day is incredibly relatable to me even now because even adults have emotionally turbulent times, and some of us weren’t taught the best coping mechanisms. My kids especially enjoyed it because they have recently been learning about fixed mindset vs growth mindset, so it was really cool timing for this to come into our lives.

Amaleigha Tames a Bully is truly a work of art. Unfortunately, bullies seem to be in every grade at every school, but what happens if we dedicate time to uncovering the root of it all? I loved this because it’s easy to shrug off a bully as a mean person that you should just ignore, but when you have a bad day, week, or month, don’t you just really want to feel needed and loved? This sparked the longest and most compassionate conversation with my kiddos! I highly recommend picking this up for the classroom or your family. There is absolutely something in this collection for everyone!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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How to Make a Flying Carpet (Alex, the Inventor) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Shannen Kern

How to Make a Flying Carpet (Alex, the Inventor #2)How to Make a Flying Carpet by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My family and I love it anytime we pick up a book by Lois Wickstrom! We know we are in for a fun, educational adventure and this one was no different. Not only does it include a great message of not letting anything go to waste, but good things come with using your imagination! Alex finds a way to use what seem like ordinary objects to try and build a flying carpet. It got my kiddos thinking and they tried building their own flying carpet which led to a ton of giggles and fun. We had some good conversations as well, which is not unusual with this authors work! This is another great one for the family or classroom to teach about scientific experiments as well as creative problem-solving.

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Stay For Me (The Balefire Series Book 5) by Tam DeRudder Jackson – Review by Shannen Kern

Stay For Me (The Balefire Series Book 5)Stay For Me by Tam DeRudder Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I never miss a book by this author and I’m glad to see the series continuing! I love everything about Tam DeRudder Jackson’s writing. The way she pulls you in and makes you completely forget about what’s going on around you. The world she creates encapsulates you so quickly that you don’t even realize what happened. Garrett broke Olivia’s heart years ago when he chose his career over his future love life with her. He says he has never forgotten her, but she’s not falling for it quite so easily. Fool me once! Olivia used that pain as fuel to get her name recognized as a music video director, but it’s starting to flame out. Will she give him a chance to show her what he’s made of, or has the pain of him leaving left her too devastated to try? I highly recommend picking up not only this book, but the entire Balefire series!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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A River of Crows by Shanessa Gluhm – Review by Shannen Kern

A River of CrowsA River of Crows by Shanessa Gluhm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I hadn’t read anything by Shanessa Gluhm before A River of Crows, but this blew me away with such force that I’ve already picked up her another one of her books! I can’t remember the last time I was literally gripping my eBook so hard because of the suspense. The author takes us on a highly emotional rollercoaster with impossible to predict twists and turns throughout the entire story. Family ties will be challenged and some of their deepest secrets will be revealed. Can they all make it through in one piece, or will it be too devastating to go on? I cannot sing praises for this enough. I highly recommend picking this up if you want to be fully invested in a riveting crime thriller!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Fiddle and Fire (Hearts of Gold Book 2) by Ariella Talix – Review by Shannen Kern

Fiddle and Fire: A Steamy Historical MMF Romance (Hearts of Gold Book 2)Fiddle and Fire: A Steamy Historical MMF Romance by Ariella Talix
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ariella Talix wrote an amazing historical romance that I was one hundred percent engrossed in from beginning to end. While this is the first book I’ve read by this author, it is very far from the last. Suzette moves from France to San Francisco and meets two men that happen to be best friends, Isaac and Walter. You’ll notice rather quickly that these two men are quite the opposite from each other. Once Suzette enters their lives, you can feel the chemistry building between not only her and each gentleman, but between the best friends themselves. The way the author paints each scene is just magnificent. I felt like a proverbial fly on the wall throughout the entire story! Fiddle and Fire has loads of spice of course, but it does have a strong historical romance backbone. Ariella absolutely does not rely on just steam to keep this story afloat. I highly recommend picking this up and giving it a real chance because you won’t be disappointed!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Where Fire Meets Flame (Yours From The Ashes Book 1) by Elena Kincaid – Review by Shannen Kern

Where Fire Meets Flame (Yours From The Ashes #1)Where Fire Meets Flame by Elena Kincaid
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have loved every book I’ve picked up from Elena Kincaid, this one included! Where Fire Meets Flame is the first book in the Yours From The Ashes series and it’s a quick but wonderful start. There is plenty of romance and steamy scenes throughout as well. You’ll devour this in one sitting because you can’t get enough of Tristan and Riley! Their chemistry is amazing, and the characters are quite in-depth for a shorter story. I love the protective vibe I get from Tristan too. I can’t wait for the next book already!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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White Picket Fences by Kyle Ann Robertson – Review by Shannen Kern

White Picket FencesWhite Picket Fences by Kyle Ann Robertson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was my first book from this author and what a marvelous rollercoaster of emotions it was. It’s always unnerving yet validating when someone can seemingly peer into your life with their own experiences, and that’s exactly what Kyle Ann Robertson did. I feel like a lot of people are focused on telling others what a blessing motherhood is, which while true it does ignore the less glamorous side of it. I feel like every mother would tell you the same as well. Our main character, Julie, has spent her entire adult life ensuring that her kids know what home sweet home should feel like. She spends all of her time providing unconditional love and a myriad of duties for her family which all go unnoticed. Then the family unit must deal with a devastating loss together and somehow find their new normal without growing apart from grief. I highly recommend reading this book as it encapsulates motherhood, grief, and hope. You won’t be disappointed if you give it a chance!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Operation Escape (Space Force Rejects Book 2) by Landra Graf – Review by Shannen Kern

Operation Escape (Space Force Rejects Book 2)Operation Escape by Landra Graf
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Operation Escape is the second book in the Space Force Rejects series, and just like the first it will keep you entertained the whole way through. It was great to follow Sera and Markus on their journey, especially because Sera was incredibly relatable. She is awkward but strong, which I love. The author does such a great job creating chemistry between Sera and Markus, and there are plenty of steamy scenes as well. I recommend picking up Operation Pinpoint first as it will give you a deeper look into the world. This is definitely in your lane if you enjoy steamy and romantic sci-fi adventures!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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The Lone Star Child (The Gods’ Scion Book 3) by Winnifred Tataw – Review by Shannen Kern

The Lone Star ChildThe Lone Star Child by Winnifred Tataw
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Lone Star Child is the third book in The Gods’ Scion series. I should have paid a little more attention and picked up the first two, but I still thoroughly enjoyed this adventure! I am definitely going to pick up the rest of the series to be able to immerse myself into this world even more, but I highly recommend it even just reading this as a standalone. Long imprisoned and forgotten, Ophiuchus has all but given up. When Caro, a Space Acolyte, gives Ophiuchus renewed hope at freedom, they finally see their future and begin their plan of vengeance. How else do you expect a prisoner to feel other than outraged? This book took me on a rollercoaster of emotions and left me reeling. You’ll definitely enjoy this if YA Fantasy is up your alley, and possibly even if it’s not! Give it a chance as it is captivating, but start at the beginning for the best experience.

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Esprit de Corpse by Ef Deal – Review by Shannen Kern

Esprit de CorpseEsprit de Corpse by Ef Deal
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the first book I’ve picked up from this author, and I think it was incredible! I’ve never read anything like Esprit de Corpse before as it was so original. The characters were relatable and in-depth, and the world itself will pull you right in. Jacqueline and Angélique have a wonderfully unique relationship as twins, and I loved seeing everything play out between them. When Jacqueline investigates the supernatural aspect of the metal man, she puts both her and Angélique in grave danger. Will help arrive just in time for the twins, or will they meet their demise together? I can’t wait to see what else this author brings to life because this was absolutely magnificent! I highly recommend picking it up if you enjoy a paranormal steampunk adventure.

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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