
Tickety Tock (Wicked Warriors MC Arizona Chapter) by Manda Mellett – Review by Shannen Kern

Tickety Tock: Wicked Warriors MC Arizona ChapterTickety Tock: Wicked Warriors MC Arizona Chapter by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

There is little time if any to ease into this book as it gets going very quickly! It grabs your attention and never lets go as there is not one lull in this story.

You can imagine that the first rule of any motorcycle club is don’t mess with their bikes. Dwarf has no such luck with a downed hog in the beginning of the book. As part of the Wicked Warriors MC Arizona Chapter, Dwarf is accustomed to having women look over him to his less vertically-challenged brothers. But his chemistry with Raven is something neither of them can deny. Brought together by a force that leaves both of them baffled, Dwarf has to wonder if fate is at hand.

This is a roller coaster ride and each time I thought I had it figured out, the story line would pull me in another direction. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I picked up an MC book but I am pleasantly surprised to say the least.

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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The Wolf’s Shadow (The Lycanthropy Files Book 1) by Cecilia Dominic – Review by Shannen Kern

The Wolf's Shadow (The Lycanthropy Files #1)The Wolf’s Shadow by Cecilia Dominic
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What an interesting perspective on werewolves. I love everything about this book and thought the author did a great job of creating this spectacular original spin on popular folklore.

Joanie is an epidemiologist that seems to have quite the streak of bad luck. Her lab burns to the ground destroying her research on CSL and her boss effectively ends her career, kicking her while she’s down. Joanie also lost her grandfather and though they haven’t had contact in quite some time, she starts to feel a closeness to him as she remembers her childhood with him. The author really knows how to tug at your heart with these memories and I may have reached for a tissue a time or two.

There are multiple interesting characters throughout this book that have wonderful development. I tend to have a hard time focusing on numerous characters but the author did incredible! I am on my way to grab the second book right now, thank goodness it’s a series!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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A Veil of Gods and Kings (Apollo Ascending Book 1) by Nicole Bailey – Review by Shannen Kern

A Veil of Gods and Kings (Apollo Ascending, #1)A Veil of Gods and Kings by Nicole Bailey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I devoured this book in one sitting and I absolutely need the second already! This was the first book I’ve picked up from this author and I can’t wait to get my hands on more.

Apollo is the son of Zeus who is battling with being a half-mortal, half-deity. What could be wrong or difficult about ascending to be a God? With his constant running from real connections by only indulging in fleeting vices, happiness evades him. Once his father gives him the ultimatum and he delays his ascension, he finds himself even more torn as he finds genuine friendships.

I feel like that author did such a great job developing the characters. You could feel the chemistry flowing throughout the entire story. This wonderful book caught me by surprise multiple times and I loved every moment of it. I never felt bored or guessed what would happen at any point which is a pretty big deal for me.

This fresh twist on Greek myth is a must read, you won’t be disappointed!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Manipulator’s War (Ruarnon Trilogy Book 1) by Elise Carlson – Review by Shannen Kern

Manipulator's War (Ruarnon Trilogy, #1)Manipulator’s War by Elise Carlson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Manipulator’s War is incredibly detailed and I took some breaks here and there just to really wrap my head around what was happening. It was a bit difficult to get into the groove at first but once I did, I was completely enthralled!

Ruarnon is our non-binary main character and they must prove that they are up to many challenges, including finding their abducted parents and trying to end a terrifying war in their home of Tarlah. They need to decide who to trust and rely on internal instincts in the face of opposition. The four students from Australia are in for a life-altering experience as they attempt to navigate through this unbelievable world they stumbled upon. Will they ever find their way back to Australia or will Tarlah become their new home?

There are many emotions woven into this book and I enjoyed the multiple vantage points from different characters. I’m excited for the release of the second book in this trilogy, highly recommend for any reader interested in YA, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, or LGBTQ+ Fiction!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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The Cruiser (The Hustlers Trilogy Book 1) by Rowan Rossler – Review by Shannen Kern

The Cruiser (The Hustlers Trilogy, #1)The Cruiser by Rowan Rossler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Cruiser took a little bit to pull me in so within the first few pages I wasn’t sure I would enjoy it. My doubts were quickly obliterated and I blew through the entire book in a day. I’ll warn you now that this book will have you wanting to travel and possibly invest in a yacht!

The author writes Vandana so well that you can feel her strength and self-confidence pour off the pages without crossing the line into conceited. Yet when she meets Morgan there is this immediate vulnerability that is so believable you can’t help but experience the emotions yourself. Will she be on board to take the PR challenge head-on or will she end up in deep water?

I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a page-turning romance that has drama infused in every chapter. I’m excited to grab the second book in this trilogy as soon as possible!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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The Last Cabin Girl (Detective Josie Thompson Series) by Tom Swyers – Review by Shannen Kern

The Last Cabin GirlThe Last Cabin Girl by Tom Swyers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I didn’t know what I was getting into when I picked this book up but what a ride!! I feel like the author has created his own genre of must-reads and I am now picking up all his other books. I couldn’t thumb through it fast enough yet I wanted more when it was over. This book is a thriller at its core and I did NOT see some of the twists and turns. This story being told in the age of COVID-19 made it even more relatable since everyone has had some sort of experience with it. The family secrets always tugging at the story along with crazy Eddie keep you wondering what’s really happening.

Josie is painted in different colors throughout the story and it’s interesting to see each shade of her. Of course, her being a mama bear pulls on my heartstrings because that’s such a strong connection. Will she do anything for her kids no matter the cost?
Highly recommend this psychological thriller, you won’t regret it!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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The Scent of Gardenias by Lorraine Haas – Review by Shannen Kern

The Scent of GardeniasThe Scent of Gardenias by Lorraine Haas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This isn’t a book I would have normally picked up but I am SO glad I did!! This amazingly worded narrative is on another level completely. Feeling Margaret Rose’s struggles, triumphs, anger, family tensions, and heartbreak as if they were my own stopped me in my tracks more than once.

I felt plunged into the 1940s as Margie told her tale of falling in love amongst the war and being reminded of how devastating things were for women at that time. The descriptions are marvelous and in-depth without being too wordy. Will she encounter countless obstacles, or will her immense drive finally get her where she’s dreaming? I held my breath on numerous occasions and had a few jaw-dropping moments as well.

I haven’t had a book elicit such strong emotions from me in quite a long time, I highly recommend it.

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Finding Melodie and The Wedding Special Boxset by Laura Rossi – Review by Shannen Kern

Melodie Boxset (Melodie #1-2)Melodie Boxset by Laura Rossi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I fell head over heels for Melodie in this rom-com! She has such a big heart and her quirkiness is very relatable. Isaac has his eyes opened to a whole new world when she comes along and you can feel the change in him. I got caught up in their wonderful romance first in Finding Melodie and then rode the ups and downs of The Wedding. You will laugh out loud at some of these mishaps but ultimately swoon over Office Guy and Pixie. This is such an uplifting read that gets you right in the feels and although they are shorter books, I couldn’t get enough of them. I 100% recommend this to anyone, you won’t be able to put it down!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Until There Was You by G. Colgrove – Review by Shannen Kern

Until there was youUntil there was you by G. Colgrove
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Star Review

This was my first book from this author and let me tell you, I’ll be picking up more! The characters were written so well which can be difficult with dual POV, but the author knocked it out of the park. I cannot remember the last book I finished this quickly and I definitely missed a good chunk of sleep because I couldn’t put it down.

The chemistry between Regan and Jeremy is potent and I enjoyed every minute of the up-and-down drama, humor, and romance between them. Regan comes from a not-so-great family, but it gives her the drive to make it on her own. Myrna is the mother figure that Regan needs and while she doesn’t have huge moments in this book, I feel that her presence is still felt throughout it.

Jeremy seems like he has it all until he meets Regan and everything changes. Regan knocks him out of his autopilot lifestyle and makes us all feel what he’s going through. The connection between these two is amazing but will it be enough in the long run?


Reviewed by @shannlynn

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