
The Cannibal Caper (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden – Review by Shea Gilkerson

The Cannibal Caper: A Sparky of Bunker Hill MysteryThe Cannibal Caper: A Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery by Rosalind Barden
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Book 2 in the Sparky of Bunker Hill series and a second that is absolutely knocked out of the park. Charming, gritty, endearing, unique…this story pulls me in in so many ways. Sparky is as street-wise and curious as ever in her neighborhood in Los Angeles. The community is absolutely loaded with unique and memorable characters and is vividly detailed to share the wistful, gritty, beautiful but dark times. One of those cozy books you read on a cold wet day and wish you could meet the characters in real life.

In addition to the myriad of wacky events Sparky investigates, she’s also looking to catch a cannibal with strong preferences. I’m unable to share much as I don’t have the way with words that the author does, but another absolute home run in the series.

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The Cold Kid Case (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden – Review by Shea Gilkerson

The Cold Kid Case: A Sparky of Bunker Hill MysteryThe Cold Kid Case: A Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery by Rosalind Barden
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What an utterly charming story! I would never have guessed that reading from a point of view of a smart-aleck 11 year old orphan in the Depression Era would have had me so engrossed and invested! Beautiful visuals, learned some new verbiage from the past, I am invested in all of the zany assortment of characters. I do feel a couple more loose ends could have been finished up, but it was so much fun to read that I couldn’t put it down!

As previously mentioned, Sparky is an 11 year old orphan in the 1930’s. The neighborhood is Bunker Hill in Los Angeles. She’s street-wise, she’s smart, she’s a bit of a trouble maker, she’s an amateur investigator and now she’s accused of murder of a fellow kid in the area! After the initial accusation, the community piles on and the things she gets accused of are utterly absurd. Will Sparky be able to find the actual killer before it’s too late?

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The Cannibal Caper (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden – Review by Shadel Ayerbe

The Cannibal Caper: A Sparky of Bunker Hill MysteryThe Cannibal Caper: A Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery by Rosalind Barden
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Cannibal Caper (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden is a great cozy mystery

Orphaned 11-year-old amateur girl sleuth Sparky returns in another noirish adventure, set in the sketchy milieu of 1930s Bunker Hill in downtown Los Angeles. The clock is ticking as Sparky tries to track down stolen precious jewels while, at the same time, a gourmet cannibal is on the loose in the city, seeking new prey. As the suspect count escalates, Sparky’s protector, the former silent movie star Tootsie, is oblivious to the danger. She’s too busy getting Sparky back to school. No! Meanwhile, with her stalwart pal Bobby out of town, Sparky finds herself sometimes annoyed, and fascinated by the mysterious boy who works in a most peculiar pet shop.

Every page had you hanging on every sentence and I couldn’t wait to see what would happen. It is a very unique story with even compelling people. The story transports you into this world. I couldn’t put the book down.

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The Cannibal Caper (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden – Review by Shadel Ayerbe

The Cold Kid Case: A Sparky of Bunker Hill MysteryThe Cold Kid Case: A Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery by Rosalind Barden
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Cold Kid Case (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden is a great mystery series.

Meet Sparky, an orphaned, street-savvy 11-year-old living by her wits in the Depression-era Bunker Hill neighborhood of downtown Los Angeles. She is on a mission to clear her name after being accused of the murder of a little girl whose body she discovers on a park bench—talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time! Things only get worse when Sparky is blamed for more outrageous crimes until her body count is ridiculous.

Every page had you hanging on every sentence and I couldn’t wait to see what would happen. It is a very unique story with even compelling people. The story transports you into this world. I couldn’t put the book down.

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The Cold Kid Case (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden – Review by Jess Engel

The Cold Kid Case: A Sparky of Bunker Hill MysteryThe Cold Kid Case: A Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery by Rosalind Barden
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow. I’m not even sure quite how to describe the experience of enjoying this story. The author puts together an intriguing and unique story told from the perspective of the 11yo Sparky. I honestly expected a more juvenile story with a writing style to match for this type of cozy mystery—instead what I got was a compelling story and witty dialogue. The author also did a wonderful job with character development and creating unique, but believable characters to help Cary the storyline. I also quite enjoyed the setting of the story and incorporation of the culture of the 1930s which helped transport me directly into the time and story—a proven talent of this author’s writing style. I honestly can’t say enough good things, just pick this one up and be prepared to be transported into the mystery and helping Sparky clear her name!

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The Cannibal Caper (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden – Review by Christine Baranek

The Cannibal Caper: A Sparky of Bunker Hill MysteryThe Cannibal Caper: A Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery by Rosalind Barden
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Cannibal Caper
By: Rosalind Barden

This is the second book in the Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery series. This book (and the first in the series) is a historical cozy mystery that takes place in Los Angeles in the 1930s. Sparky is a tween who happens to be incredibly street smart which leads to her being an incredible amateur sleuth.
One thing that I have really enjoyed about both the books in the series is how different each of the characters is, they all are very quirky / eccentric and that to me makes the story unique. Also Rosalind Barden pays attention to the little details that make you feel as if you have traveled back in time and are experiencing everything along with Sparky, it really feels like no detail has been left out. I found this book to be a quick read that really kept me wanting to read more. I definitely enjoyed each and every word on the pages and I highly recommend picking this book up!

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The Cannibal Caper: A Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery by Rosalind Barden – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Cannibal Caper: A Sparky of Bunker Hill MysteryThe Cannibal Caper: A Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery by Rosalind Barden
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sparky is an eleven-year-old girl living in Los Angeles, more specifically, the Bunker Hill area during the 1930’s depression, but she is not one of the well to do who live just down the road, no, she has had hardships, lost a family, a home and at one point, her reputation. However, she is now back, still up to her old tricks, but she has people who care about her and somewhere to live again which is not a cellar or basement in an abandoned house, but somewhere with a comfortable bed in a room which is all her own and even now, she cannot believe her luck.

One thing about Sparky is that her name is not just representative of her flaming red hair and wild nature, it is her quick wit and shenanigans as well, she is still working off her debts, albeit not everyone knows about it. That is until she ends up in the middle of an unbelievable event which leads her to watching over a pet and finding out an incredible news story, a story about cannibals in Los Angeles! This news interests Sparky and she cannot help but try and figure out who the cannibal is, but the more she finds out, the more her list of suspects grows, not to mention the ongoing capers within her secret double life.

This does mean that she has to keep secrets from her friends, Tootsie, her unofficial guardian and the boy who swears he will marry her one day, Bobby and this does make her feel lonely. Tootsie however, is determined to tame her wildness and that involves school (again) but Sparky is reluctant, especially with a cannibal on the loose and a mysterious pet shop which everyone warns her away from, but are these places and people connected, or is this caper one all on its own and will this caper be too much for Sparky to handle? This is a sassy, historical mystery where danger lies on every street corner and ne’er-do-wells hang around everywhere while this one-of-a-kind amateur sleuth tries to solve this cannibal caper while keeping her double life undercover all at the same time.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Cannibal Caper (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden – Review by Jennifer Gordon

The Cannibal Caper: A Sparky of Bunker Hill MysteryThe Cannibal Caper: A Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery by Rosalind Barden
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Another fun historical cozy mystery with our young, orphaned heroine eleven-year-old Sparky. Once again, the storyline is set in Bunker Hill in downtown LA during the 1930’s. Sparky turns amateur sleuth once again as she tries to track down stolen precious jewels, whilst a gourmet cannibal is on the loose in the city. Meanwhile, her protector, the former silent movie star Tootsie is trying to get Sparky back to school. With friend Bobby not around Sparky gets friendly with a mysterious boy who works in a peculiar pet shop. Sparky must protect Tootsie and identify the cannibal before she becomes his next victim, oh and discover the whereabouts of the jewels. A fast paced read full of action with great characters and a likeable main character in Sparky. The descriptive narrative brings the setting vividly to life whilst the added historical details also bring the era to life. I look forward to being back in Bunker Hill with Sparky again soon!

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The Cannibal Caper (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series Book #2) by Rosalind Barden – Review by Angela Hayes

The Cannibal Caper: A Sparky of Bunker Hill MysteryThe Cannibal Caper: A Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery by Rosalind Barden
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


3.5 Stars


The Cannibal Caper is the second book in the Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery series by Rosalind Barden. It is another fun historical cozy mystery set in the 1930’s Las Angeles following along with Sparky- our MC, who is a spunky, street smart, precocious tween- and amateur sleuth.
Even though she is only 11, she has been through quite a lot. Her adventures have been much more than most people would deal with in a lifetime. So you would think that would dampen her spirits- but not Sparky- she has a zest for life, a bit of a magnet for trouble, too.
This is a cozy mysteries with interesting/quirky characters, historical detailing, crime & investigation, adventure, action, and a cannibal. Did I say cannibal- yes, yeas I did- and if you want to know where the cannibal fits into this capper, then you really should read all the developments for yourself. It makes for an intriguing read.
As with the first book, the story contains all the historical detailing, language, sights, and societal norms that you would expect from the 1930’s era It’s richly descriptive and detailed. While the characters have been crafted into quirky and ‘colourful’ individuals with their own unique personalities, quirks, and flaws. And again the author did a great job of bringing everything to life.
From murder to mobsters, movie stars, and a little mayhem this turned out to be an intriguing and fun read.
Looking forward to ‘Monkey Island Murder’ (Book #3).
Happy Reading…

Thank you, Rosalind Barden!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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The Cannibal Caper (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden – Review by Jenni Bishop

The Cannibal Caper: A Sparky of Bunker Hill MysteryThe Cannibal Caper: A Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery by Rosalind Barden
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The mayhem is about to surround our amateur detective Sparky once again. She is back in the next adventure in a Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery, The Cannibal Caper.
As with the first book The Cold Kid Case the book is aimed at a younger audience aged between 11- 18 years of age, but even at my age I enjoyed the story. Make sure to read them in order so you don’t miss out on this fun and crazy tale and spunky group of friends.
There are quirky and eclectic characters and lots of action as Sparky and try to solve the mystery of the missing jewels and mad Cannibal on the loose. The danger is real in this fast-paced tale where Sparky and old friends reside.
Let the fun begin in this humour filled cozy mystery set in the historical 1930’s.
Find out what happens in this story full of mayhem and madness by grabbing a copy today.
A perfect gift for the holiday season.
I can’t wait for Monkey Island Murder: A Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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The Cannibal Caper (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden – Review by Jennifer Crain

The Cannibal Caper: A Sparky of Bunker Hill MysteryThe Cannibal Caper: A Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery by Rosalind Barden
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“Cannibal Caper” by Rosalind Barden takes readers on a thrilling adventure set in the seedy streets of 1930s Los Angeles. The story revolves around Sparky, an eleven-year-old former street punk turned amateur detective, who finds herself entangled in a peculiar case involving a cannibal with sophisticated taste. I also learned some words popular in the ’30s, such as oubliette.

Barden artfully captures the essence of the era, painting a vivid picture of the gritty and atmospheric downtown Los Angeles. The setting serves as a captivating backdrop for the unfolding mystery, adding depth and authenticity to the narrative. The attention to detail in describing the time period enhances the overall reading experience, immersing the audience fully into the story. I also appreciated the nods to the first book, such as reference to the dog/goat costume that Sparky wore.

Sparky is a charismatic and determined protagonist, who proves that age and societal expectations are no barriers to solving a peculiar case. Despite her young age, her wits and street-smarts make her a believable and engaging character. I did like the comic parts thrown in, such as when Goblin makes her a treat. Through her eyes, readers are taken on a thrilling journey filled with twists and turns, as she attempts to crack the case of the cannibal on the loose. Sparky’s growth throughout the book is evident, as she discovers her true potential and confronts her own vulnerabilities.

The plot itself is fast-paced, keeping readers hooked from start to finish. The concept of a cannibal with gourmet tastes adds an intriguing and unique element to the story, providing a fresh take on the classic detective genre. Barden’s writing style is accessible yet descriptive, creating a perfect balance between action and suspense, and I thought this novel was more polished and smooth compared to the first one.

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The Cannibal Caper (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden – Review by Shelly Kittell

The Cannibal Caper: A Sparky of Bunker Hill MysteryThe Cannibal Caper: A Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery by Rosalind Barden
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Another entertaining installment in this series. I love reading these. Sparky is a humorous 11 year old that cracks me up as she tries to survive on the streets and not get caught while she’s trying to solve mysteries. A colorful cast of characters is involved in the story from Mugs to Chum-Chum and more. Oh, the giggles the story gives me. I so enjoyed this story.

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The Cannibal Caper (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden


The Cannibal Caper (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden

Amazon –

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Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits

Genre – Historical, Cozy Mystery

It’s the hot, end of summer days in gritty downtown Los Angeles, 1932. A cannibal with gourmet taste is on the loose. Can Sparky, an eleven-year-old former street punk and amateur girl detective, crack this crazy case?

Sparky gets no crime-solving help from former silent screen star Tootsie and her assistant Gilbert, who’s always busy cooking. Sure, Sparky’s found a home in their spooky mansion stuffed with old costumes. But Tootsie decides it will be great publicity if the press thinks she’s the cannibal.


Sparky’s only help comes from a mysterious twelve-year-old boy who works at a peculiar pet shop. Wait a minute—what if he’s the cannibal?

Sparky faces tommy guns. She faces fists from tough girl Petunia (a cannibal?). Worst of all, she faces going back to school. No!

Adding to the mystery is the pair of missing priceless jewels.

The rub? This mess might all be Sparky’s fault.

The Cannibal Caper: A Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery follows award-winning The Cold Kid Case: A Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery. This zany, 1930s historical mystery series is a fast-paced, humorous read for fans of historical cozy mysteries and historical fiction.


Click here to view the Book Trailer for The Cannibal Caper (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of The Cannibal Caper (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden

Rosalind Barden has long been fascinated by the history of Los Angeles’s lost noir neighborhood, Bunker Hill. Cold Kid Case, the first in her zany, 1930s Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery series has been awarded multiple accolades, including the Firebird Book Award 1st Place for Cozy Mysteries and the Literary Titan Gold Medal Book Award. Over thirty of her short mystery and horror stories have been published, including her inspiration for the Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery series, “The Monkey’s Ghost,” part of the FAPA President’s Book Awards Silver Medalist anthology, History and Mystery, Oh My! She writes and continues to explore lost history in Los Angeles. Discover more at

Author Interview with Rosalind Barden



The Cold Kid Case (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden – Review by Christine Baranek

The Cold Kid Case: A Sparky of Bunker Hill MysteryThe Cold Kid Case: A Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery by Rosalind Barden
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Cold Kid Case
By: Rosalind Barden
This was an incredibly unique historical mystery. The main character in this is an 11 year old girl which makes the plot incredibly interesting. This story is incredibly fast moving and Rosalind Barden creates a character that is absolutely enchanting. She has given Sparky such an interesting personality and really made me fall in love with the character of Sparky. I wanted to see how she was going to keep getting herself out of trouble. I wanted to see everything really work out for her. Sparky drives the plot and is such a well written character. I definitely cannot wait to see what more the author will bring to the series.

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The Cold Kid Case (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden – Review by Kerry Baker

The Cold Kid Case: A Sparky of Bunker Hill MysteryThe Cold Kid Case: A Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery by Rosalind Barden
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a unique and interesting historical mystery. I wasn’t sure how I would find it with the main character being an eleven year old girl and yet somehow the author makes it work. I was interested in the story and how Sparky was going to get herself out of trouble. She was a strong character and really carried the book the whole way through.
This is a new author to me and I was pleased that I gave this book a go. Her writing style drew me in and definitely helped me to connect with the story. The book was well written with well developed characters. This was a great story and I will certainly see what else this series has to offer.

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~☕️~📕~🔎 PREORDER ~☕️~📘~🔍 The Cannibal Caper (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden

~☕️~📕~🔎 PREORDER ~☕️~📘~🔍
The Cannibal Caper (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden
Genre – Historical, Cozy Mystery

It’s the hot, end of summer days in gritty downtown Los Angeles, 1932. A cannibal with gourmet taste is on the loose. Can Sparky, an eleven-year-old former street punk and amateur girl detective, crack this crazy case?

Sparky gets no crime-solving help from former silent screen star Tootsie and her assistant Gilbert, who’s always busy cooking. Sure, Sparky’s found a home in their spooky mansion stuffed with old costumes. But Tootsie decides it will be great publicity if the press thinks she’s the cannibal.


Sparky’s only help comes from a mysterious twelve-year-old boy who works at a peculiar pet shop. Wait a minute—what if he’s the cannibal?

Sparky faces tommy guns. She faces fists from tough girl Petunia (a cannibal?). Worst of all, she faces going back to school. No!

Adding to the mystery is the pair of missing priceless jewels.

The rub? This mess might all be Sparky’s fault.

The Cannibal Caper: A Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery follows award-winning The Cold Kid Case: A Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery. This zany, 1930s historical mystery series is a fast-paced, humorous read for fans of historical cozy mysteries and historical fiction.



The Cold Kid Case (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden – Review by Jennifer Gordon

The Cold Kid Case: A Sparky of Bunker Hill MysteryThe Cold Kid Case: A Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery by Rosalind Barden
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

An entertaining historical cozy mystery with an orphaned street savvy eleven year old, Sparky as the heroine. Set during the 1930’s in the Depression-era Bunker Hill neighbourhood of downtown LA, Sparky lives by her wits. When she discovers the body of a little girl on a park bench she’s accused of the murder. On a mission to clear her name, Sparky turns amateur sleuth and meets an array of colourful characters as she tries to solve the mystery and clear her name. This is a fun and at times humorous mystery with a quirky main character, in Sparky who is likeable and relatable. The setting and the era are brought to life through the descriptive narrative, and the added historical details bring the charm of the era to life including, Hollywood, movie stars, mobsters, and murder. I look forward to being back with Sparky of Bunker Hill soon!

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The Cold Kid Case (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden – Review by Kerry Carr

Sparky of Bunker Hill and the Cold Kid CaseSparky of Bunker Hill and the Cold Kid Case by Rosalind Barden
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a interesting murder mystery set in the 1930s. The author does an amazing job of researching and writing about era really bringing it to life. I loved the main character of Sparky. She strength and resilience as well as her attitude to let nothing stop her really endeared her to my heart.

Sparky hasn’t had the easiest life. She is an orphan living on the streets struggling to survive. On her birthday she decides to venture to her special place with the treats she has saved. When she arrives she finds a little girl. What she doesn’t realise at first is that the little girl is dead.
In panic she raises the alarm which in turn turns her into the number 1 suspect. Not only is she the suspect of that murder but everything bad that has happened is now placed at her feet. So she is now on the run and with the help of an eccentric actress( who all the children think is scary and dangerous) and her friend from the streets Bobby they need to find out who the murderer is to clear Sparky’s name.

This is a fast paced murder mystery which i really enjoyed. The author’s writing style and descriptive writing really brought this story and characters to life.

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The Cold Kid Case (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series Book #1) by Rosalind Barden – Review by Angela Hayes

The Cold Kid Case: A Sparky of Bunker Hill MysteryThe Cold Kid Case: A Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery by Rosalind Barden
My rating: 4 of 5 stars




The Cold Kid Case is the first book in the Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery series by Rosalind Barden. It is an historical cozy mystery set in the 1930’s Las Angeles with a spunky, street smart, precocious tween named Sparky as our MC.
I love cozy mysteries, and this promised something a little different, so I was intrigued by what I might find under the cover.
Sparky takes us on a crime and investigation adventure when she becomes a murder suspect and has to work to clear her name. The story contains all the historical detailing, language, sights, and societal norms that you would expect from that era- it is richly detailed, and the descriptions are quite ‘visual’, and the characters are many and varied- but all are quirky and ‘colourful’. The author definitely did a great job of bringing everything to life.
From murder to mobsters, movie stars, and a little mayhem this turned out to be an intriguing and fun read.
Looking forward to ‘The Cannibal Caper’ (Book #2) and ‘Monkey Island Murder’ (Book #3).
Happy Reading…

Thank you, Rosalind Barden!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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The Cold Kid Case (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden – Review by Jenni Bishop

The Cold Kid Case: A Sparky of Bunker Hill MysteryThe Cold Kid Case: A Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery by Rosalind Barden
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What a tale. With no one to trust and nowhere to turn Sparky a young street-smart girl is on the run. Sparky is set to clear her name and find a killer, but friends soon turn to foes in this fun, mystery filled tale.
The Cold Kid Case – A Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery is set in the 1930’s. Even though the book is aimed at a younger audience, it was still enjoyable even at my age, if not a little crazy.
This book of filled with plenty of quirky characters and lots of crazy action as Sparky and her would be helpers that tend to hinder rather than help track down what happened to the Cold Kid.
It took me a while to get used to the way the story is told but overall, I found it to be an enjoyable read.
To find out what happens in this story full of mayhem and madness you will have to read it for yourself.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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~☕️~📕~🔎 COVER REVEAL ~☕️~📘~🔍 The Cannibal Caper (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden

~☕️~📕~🔎 COVER REVEAL ~☕️~📘~🔍
The Cannibal Caper (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden
Genre – Historical, Cozy Mystery

It’s the hot, end of summer days in gritty downtown Los Angeles, 1932. A cannibal with gourmet taste is on the loose. Can Sparky, an eleven-year-old former street punk and amateur girl detective, crack this crazy case?

Sparky gets no crime-solving help from former silent screen star Tootsie and her assistant Gilbert, who’s always busy cooking. Sure, Sparky’s found a home in their spooky mansion stuffed with old costumes. But Tootsie decides it will be great publicity if the press thinks she’s the cannibal.


Sparky’s only help comes from a mysterious twelve-year-old boy who works at a peculiar pet shop. Wait a minute—what if he’s the cannibal?

Sparky faces tommy guns. She faces fists from tough girl Petunia (a cannibal?). Worst of all, she faces going back to school. No!

Adding to the mystery is the pair of missing priceless jewels.

The rub? This mess might all be Sparky’s fault.

The Cannibal Caper: A Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery follows award-winning The Cold Kid Case: A Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery. This zany, 1930s historical mystery series is a fast-paced, humorous read for fans of historical cozy mysteries and historical fiction.

Click here to view the Cover Reveal for The Cannibal Caper (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden



The Cold Kid Case (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden – Review by Jennifer Crain

The Cold Kid Case: A Sparky of Bunker Hill MysteryThe Cold Kid Case: A Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery by Rosalind Barden
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Overall, The Cold Kid Case by Rosalind Barden is an exciting and engaging mystery novel. The story follows a determined and spunky eleven-year-old girl named Sparky who finds herself on the run and wanted for murder after discovering a dead girl on a park bench. Set in 1932 Los Angeles, the book paints a vivid picture of the tough times and struggles of the era.

The plot is well-crafted, with plenty of twists and turns to keep readers engaged. The characters are memorable, especially Sparky, who is easy to root for. Tootsie, the former silent film star, and the mysterious goblin also add an interesting element to the story.

The writing style is engaging and well-paced, making it easy to get lost in the story. The author does an excellent job of capturing the time period, and the dialogue feels authentic.

Overall, The Cold Kid Case is a great read for mystery fans, and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for an engaging and well-written story. I look forward to reading more from Rosalind Barden in the future. It is NOT a kids story despite the cover, and found it an intriguing read.

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The Cold Kid Case (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden – Review by Shelly Kittell

The Cold Kid Case: A Sparky of Bunker Hill MysteryThe Cold Kid Case: A Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery by Rosalind Barden
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an entertaining cozy mystery. Sparky is quite little protagonist. I found the story to be humorous and mysterious. It kept me engaged all the way through. The story has quite a colorful cast of characters that you are not likely to forget. I definitely couldn’t put it down. I’m looking forward to reading the next in the series.

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The Cold Kid Case (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden

The Cold Kid Case (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden
Genre – Historical Cozy Mystery

What happens when a spunky, streetwise eleven-year-old discovers a dead girl on a park bench? She ends up on the run and wanted for murder. If finding a dead girl wasn’t enough, the newspapers pin every body in Los Angeles on her. It’s 1932, and times are hard. The price on Sparky’s head gets bigger by the day. Lots of friends are willing to squeal for that kind of dough. Her candy buddies finger her to the cop who wants to lock her in an orphan home. Even the bookie she works for turns rat. None of her old haunts are safe. Sparky chooses a spooky old house for a hideout, and comes face-to-face with a maybe-real goblin and Tootsie, a former silent film star. Instead of turning her in, the strange pair become her partners in solving the crime. But with City Hall involved and cops on every corner anything can happen.


Firebird Book Award 1st Place Cozy Mystery Winner, Literary Titan Gold Medal Book Award Winner, Author Academy Top 10 Mystery Winner, and Critters Readers Poll Top 10 Finisher for both Best Mystery and Best Young Adult Book.


Click here to view the Book Trailer for The Cold Kid Case (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of The Cold Kid Case (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden

Rosalind Barden has long been fascinated by the history of Los Angeles’s lost noir neighborhood, Bunker Hill. Cold Kid Case, the first in her zany, 1930s Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery series has been awarded multiple accolades, including the Firebird Book Award 1st Place for Cozy Mysteries and the Literary Titan Gold Medal Book Award. Over thirty of her short mystery and horror stories have been published, including her inspiration for the Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery series, “The Monkey’s Ghost,” part of the FAPA President’s Book Awards Silver Medalist anthology, History and Mystery, Oh My! She writes and continues to explore lost history in Los Angeles. Discover more at

Author Interview with Rosalind Barden



~☕️~📕~🔎 PREORDER ~☕️~📘~🔍 The Cold Kid Case (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden

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The Cold Kid Case (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden
Genre – Historical Cozy Mystery

What happens when a spunky, streetwise eleven-year-old discovers a dead girl on a park bench? She ends up on the run and wanted for murder. If finding a dead girl wasn’t enough, the newspapers pin every body in Los Angeles on her. It’s 1932, and times are hard. The price on Sparky’s head gets bigger by the day. Lots of friends are willing to squeal for that kind of dough. Her candy buddies finger her to the cop who wants to lock her in an orphan home. Even the bookie she works for turns rat. None of her old haunts are safe. Sparky chooses a spooky old house for a hideout, and comes face-to-face with a maybe-real goblin and Tootsie, a former silent film star. Instead of turning her in, the strange pair become her partners in solving the crime. But with City Hall involved and cops on every corner anything can happen.


Firebird Book Award 1st Place Cozy Mystery Winner, Literary Titan Gold Medal Book Award Winner, Author Academy Top 10 Mystery Winner, and Critters Readers Poll Top 10 Finisher for both Best Mystery and Best Young Adult Book.



~☕️~📕~🔎 COVER REVEAL ~☕️~📘~🔍 The Cold Kid Case (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden

~☕️~📕~🔎 COVER REVEAL ~☕️~📘~🔍
The Cold Kid Case (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden
Genre – Historical Cozy Mystery
GOODREADS – Coming Soon
BOOKBUB – Coming Soon

What happens when a spunky, streetwise eleven-year-old discovers a dead girl on a park bench? She ends up on the run and wanted for murder. If finding a dead girl wasn’t enough, the newspapers pin every body in Los Angeles on her. It’s 1932, and times are hard. The price on Sparky’s head gets bigger by the day. Lots of friends are willing to squeal for that kind of dough. Her candy buddies finger her to the cop who wants to lock her in an orphan home. Even the bookie she works for turns rat. None of her old haunts are safe. Sparky chooses a spooky old house for a hideout, and comes face-to-face with a maybe-real goblin and Tootsie, a former silent film star. Instead of turning her in, the strange pair become her partners in solving the crime. But with City Hall involved and cops on every corner anything can happen.


Firebird Book Award 1st Place Cozy Mystery Winner, Literary Titan Gold Medal Book Award Winner, Author Academy Top 10 Mystery Winner, and Critters Readers Poll Top 10 Finisher for both Best Mystery and Best Young Adult Book.

Click here to view the Cover Reveal for The Cold Kid Case (Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery Series) by Rosalind Barden