
The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Deb Robinson

The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science)The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this book due to the fact that you got a science lesson but didn’t realise it. The illustrations were bright and colourful and littles were able to pick out the mermaid, ice cubes, lemonade etc. Give you the opportunity to show little ones with a real ice cube and create play time. The additional information on the state of water was a very interesting addition for older children and parents.

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The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Barbie England

The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science)The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace is a children’s story in the group that follows two friends and a mermaid. Maia is the one who can communicate with the mermaid, whose name is Trezzie. This book teaches factual information that may help teachers introduce or supplement science lessons on the states of matter. The art style is a nice complement to the content as well.

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The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Jordan Allen

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really adore the concept of this book! It is about two friends that go on a picnic together. It is there that the science behind ice cubes is explored with these two little characters!
I loved this book! I thought it was really fun how there were tidbits of information sown together in the middle of a story! After I had read it once, I read it to my daughter. She didn’t understand the terms completely, but she enjoyed the story a lot. She has had endless questions for me about water and ice since then! It gave her a new understanding of the world all while decorated with pictures and a fun story!
I plan on homeschooling my little ones. This will be a book that I use in my teachings when we get to the grade level it is apporiate for!

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The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Anantha Rusum

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really like this author’s ideas and her effort to teach science to children through a series of enchanting magical stories. Two cute girls, Maia and Fig go on a picnic together and encounter a mermaid, Trezzie. Maia can interact with Trezzie but Fig cannot.Maia decides to make a necklace for Trezzie, which is where the science part comes in. The two girls blow holes into the ice cubes they brought for lemonade through a straw and make a necklace. When Fig sees a necklace hanging in the air, she begins to chase it and almost gets drowned. Trezzie and the necklace save her and then Fig begins to believe.

It’s a real cute story with lot of wonderful illustrations. I have started liking this author’s books a lot.

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The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Bethany Rucker

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is another cute kid’s book. The science featured in this book includes the forms of matter. As a teacher, I love books like these for my students. These are great for teaching younger kids science in a new way. This is not the first Science Mermaid book I have read, and I have loved each and every one of them so far!

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The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Jerricka Brown

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was very cute. I love that it introduces younger kids to science. It allows them to see that there is science all around them in a fun way. I loved the colorful pictures. It makes it easier for younger kids to follow along with the story. I highly recommend this to anyone with younger kids.

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The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Elizabeth Sanchez

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Mermaid and ice cube Necklace is another book in the Mermaid Science series. It is a cute book for elementary school age children. The pictures all all very colorful. My son was thrown off by the names, as they are not common names, wondering who was who. I like the scientific explanations at the end. But I feel are a little more complex than the book… making it not as suitable for young ages. My 6 year old doesn’t understand what molecules are or comprehend density… but I do like how the book can be paired with an elementary lesson on solid/liquid/gas etc.
We tried the ice cube beads and it didn’t work, to my sons disappointment. Maybe his breath wasn’t hot enough. However it was a cute idea and I like how it explained the why/how behind it all. A little bit of learning and science while having fun and reading is always a win for me.

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Reviewed by @way2gosmartguy

The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Kerry Baker

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a truly fantastic series. Each book must daughter seems to enjoy even more than the last it is really is a pleasure to read them with her. They are engaging and imaginative and this book is everything we have come to expect. My daughter finds them so entertaining and makes it worth reading every time. I can’t wait to see what else is still to come.

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The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Hannah Porter

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Lois Wickstrom does it again. I’m truly enjoying all of her children’s books and my kid also. After reading this informative book we tried to blow holes in ice cubes lol 🤣it worked on a couple. We are definitely going to continue reading more of her stories. I really liked it.🥰

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The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Paula R Sayers

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book for children combines mermaids and science. The mermaids learn about ice cubes through a cute story that will keep kids interested. I love books that are able to teach kids without them realizing that is what is happening!!

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The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Darla Yocom

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This adorable book is such a fun learning experience for children. Not only is this an easy and interesting read but I loved that the story teaches the reader a bit of science in the midst of the small adventure.

The illustrations are beautiful and colorful. The overall story is well written.

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars.

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The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Alexandria Richard

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Everyday science experiments plus fantasy, love this series.

The next installment in the very cute Mermaid Science series. A great kids picture storybook. Includes some fantasy (imaginary friend, mermaid) plus everyday science.

I’m loving this series and the little science lessons and experiments which can occur with everyday items. I also enjoy that the characters (Maia, Fig, and Trezzie) look diverse in how they’re depicted and in their names.

Here, we get to see the effect that breath has on ice cubes, as well as external stimuli, such as warm air and cold water. A cool lesson for young ones that they can then replicate on their own (with supervision).

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The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is such a cute book for younger kids. I read it with my 7 year old who LOVES mermaids. This book is a great way to add a little science into your kids life without them even realizing that they are learning something! The book is about a pair of friends (Maia and Fig) who are out on a picnic together. While on the picnic they blow holes into ice cubes they brought for their lemonade, so they can make a necklace for Trizzie the mermaid. One of the girls notices that the ice cubes that were in their cup were melting faster than the ice cubes they blew the holes into. “That’s Science!” was the other’s response. How cute right?! The book also adds in more information on other forms of water at the end. My daughter really liked the book. I feel adding in small bits of information like this helps kids retain it for later when they learn more about it in school. I’d personally recommend this book for kids ages 3-8.

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Reviewed by @jaimie0459

The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Katie Matthews

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Another fun science read from this author and again its well written and would make an excellent resource for children to encourage their scientific knowledge. I could definitely see this forming a lesson at school and the children following it up by trying to make their own ice cube necklaces. The characters are really fun and engaging and as always the lovely illustrations really bring the story alive.

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The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Yellowtulips11

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am new to the Mermaid Science Series by Lois Wickstrom. I read this book with my little girl, who is obsessed with all things mermaid! The storyline is sweet and endearing and I love how the author mixes fiction and science so perfectly. Maia and Fig are sweet little friends who inspired us to plan our own picnic. If only we could meet a mermaid on our adventures!!!

My daughter and I really enjoyed this book. I was a great bed time read and we plan to read the other books in the series soon.

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The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Moriah Venable

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

During a picnic, Maia the Mermaid makes an ice cube necklace for Trezzie.

When Fig almost drowns in the water, the ice on the necklace becomes bigger and helps Fig stay above the water, being used as a life preserver.

Reading this made me feel like I was back in 5th grade science class. Learning about the phases of water. Now only did I enjoy the pictures but it was great to learn about water and how it freezes.

I think I am starting to get into middle grade books again after so many years of not reading them.

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The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Julie Johnson

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So many great things to say about this book! The illustrations are beautiful and very colorful, first and foremost. They will capture the eye and grab the reader’s attention! I love the story too! Maia and Fig are having a picnic and Maia is showing Fig how to make an ice cube necklace. Fig has a lot of questions about the ice cubes….why are they getting smaller…how do they float on water…how to blow the hole to add the string. Then, Fig falls into the water and the necklace is thrown to her to help her to safety. I love how the author intertwines science with safety in this cute little book! The last page goes into more scientific depth about ice and water. There are elements in this book that will appeal to all young learners!

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Reviewed by: @faithfulgirl4

The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Donya Pedigo

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Science is all around you.

The Mermaid and the Ice Cube, Mermaid Science, by Lois Wickstrom, is part of an interesting series of books that help the readers see that science is all around them, not just in a classroom. Kids of all ages will get excited about learning science from everyday objects. The illustrations are beautifully rendered, with fun colors and scenes. This is a fast read that can lead to a fun learning experience by talking about and recreating things the characters did in the book.
Maia and Fig are having a picnic when Trezzie, the mermaid, shows up. Trezzie loves the way the ice cubes sparkle and asks them to make her a necklace out of them. As they do they talk about all kinds of things about ice, water, and how it changes forms and melts. When Maia gives Trezzie the necklace, Fig (who can’t see Trezzie because she doesn’t believe in mermaids) sees the necklace floating in the water and decides to jump in after it. As she’s swimming for the necklace she has a leg cramp, will the mermaid she can’t see save her?
I found this to be a great way to open up a discussion on water safety with the readers. The author has not only brought science to everyday life, but the need to believe in things, and also how it’s important to be safe and think before you act. I think parents, teachers, and kids alike will love this book and learn from it. The last page goes into more scientific details about water and all its forms, so even adults or older children can learn or refresh their knowledge.

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The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Rayne East

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Making learning fun!
This colourful scientific tale was a delight to read. Aimed at early childhood readers, the bright illustrations and simple language convey an important science lesson. Interwoven is also a message of friendship and trust. A beautiful resource for a home or school library.

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The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Melissa Saxton

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Another story engaging Maia & Fig. This time we also meet friend Tezzie who sees ice in their drinks at their picnic and thinks its shiny, sparkly and wants a necklace! so the trio set off to make a necklace out of ice cubes.
This author engages kids into a fantasy story full of color and fun while also teaching them science. Very well done!

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The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars
The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom

The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace is part of the Mermaid Science series. What a cute and educational children’s book. My four year old son loved it . He loved it so much we read it several times in a row. I’d say its for the younger group like 3 and up but honestly believe any age would get enjoyment from reading. This is a short story about Maia and Fig who are enjoying a picnic when Trezzie the Mermaid arrives, the beauty of this is only one of them can see her, while the other isn’t quite sure. So they make a Necklace out of ice cubes. This is a cute story that I enjoyed reading and there’s a little science lesson at the end. I highly recommend reading this children’s book. I forsee it being read many more times in the future. I look forward to reading more from this Author.

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The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Janel Bernotas

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Janel Bernotas

Such a cute little childrens story! Imagination, curiosity, and a little science lesson on the properties of water thrown in too. Kids will learn without realizing that they’re learning. Great illustrations…very vivid and appropriate to the story’s dialogue. Would definitely recommend this book to parents and children alike. Also would be great for a science teacher to have in the classroom!

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The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Dr. Anya Schultz

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a great little story about Maia and Fig who are having a picnic by the lake. As they are enjoying their lunch, a mermaid friend named Trezzie pops up and is entranced by all the ice in their lemonade and thinks they are so sparkly. Trezzie asks if they could make her a necklace out of the ice. Maia starts to make her necklace by blowing into a straw at the center of the ice (Fig is not able to see Trezzie). Once the necklace is made Fig sees the necklace just floating there and jumps in to chase it. Fig starts to drown and Trezzie and her necklace save her. Fig didn’t believe Trezzie was real but may be changing her mind!! This book was a really cute book that blended science and imagination together. One of the best ways to get kids learning is through fun innovation and this book was able to do that.

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The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Dahnielle Hibbert

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I do not have small children any longer, however I have found this series to be amazing in several ways. My first love is the way this author tells such a cute fantasy story and yet finds a way to fit science facts into the narrative. Not only are the characters inclusive, interesting and critical thinkers but they are also fun, engaging and charming. Your kids will get a kick out of the whole gang and as a parent you will get a kick out of the fun science facts they learn that make them want to blow holes in ice cubes to make an ice cube necklace. These books really are a great way to start teaching your kids science and for them to beg you to learn more with the next mermaid story.

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The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Cindy Mayberry

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I LOVE a book that children can learn from. This Science adventure does just that. The story line, as well as the activities set the stage for good wet fun. Maia is picnicking with Fig, down by the lake. When along swims Trezzie the mermaid. Trezzie loves the sparkle of the ice cubes. So Maia and Fig put a hole in the cube and string it into a necklace, for Trezzie. Feelings are hurt and leg cramps are active, as these girls work together. This author wrote what I call an open ended book. Meaning it’s more than just a story. So get out those ice cubes and have some good wet reading fun. I recommend this story to parents, children and teachers. This was a nice summer story as well, picnic, playing at the lake, and crafting all in a day’s fun adventure.


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The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Angela Plate

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Another cute story for a younger child that mixes both fantasy and science. My youngest son enjoys all these stories. He likes how science is made fun.

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The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Angela Hayes

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


4 Stars

Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace the latest instalment in the Mermaid Science series by Lois Wickstrom. It is a bright, colourful, interesting, educational, and entertaining children’s story that takes the reader on a cute adventure, whilst also teaching and inspiring them to learn about science.
We meet back up with Maia, Fig, and mermaid Trezzie as they make a necklace out of ice cubes. These cute characters bring the story to life, while also imparting lessons along the way. The use of fantasy teamed with science, engages both imagination and learning. I think the story is a clever way to teach children about science and make it fun at the same time.
Happy reading!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Stephanie Robb

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In this book we meet Trezzie the mermaid, and her human friends Fig and Maia. Fig and Maia have brought a picnic, they learn about the science of forms of water in this story. I absolutely loved the small section with more information about the science behind forms of water.
This short but sweet picture book is perfect for 6-9 year olds to teach them simple and fun tricks they can try themselves. Highly recommended.

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The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Angela Renee Diaz

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Maia wants to make Trezzie the mermaid a necklace. While making the necklace Maia teaches fig science regarded water in different temperatures. Fig can’t hear or see Treezie but that doesn’t stop Treezie from saving figs life. I loved this children book. I also loved the science lesson.

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The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Jenni Bishop

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Lois has given kids another Mermaid story that is more than a simple tale. It is also a teaching tale. It is showing some of the science of water and ice. It is appropriate for children between 4 – 8 years. It is also a story of friendship. The pictures and the story are colourful, entertaining and imaginative.

It is a fun read with a floating ice cube necklace but is it really floating? Could it be Maia’s “imaginary friend?”

Reviewed by @jennadb

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