
Cabin Eight (The Millersville Series Book 3) by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Christine Baranek

Cabin Eight (The Millersville series)Cabin Eight by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Cabin Eight
By: Susan Specht Oram

This is not my first book by Susan Specht Oram. I have to say that her books never disappoint. This is the third book in the Millersville Series. I have read all of them but I would say that they could stand alone. This book is so suspenseful. It focuses on Miranda Diggs. She has lived a questionable life, at best, and now she is making another questionable decision. This book is part suspense part sci fi. This book contains so many twists and turns that it definitely kept me guessing and definitely kept me turning the page. This is definitely a book where nothing is as it seems. I definitely recommend this one!

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Cabin Eight (The Millersville Series Book 3) by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Jennifer Gordon

Cabin Eight (The Millersville series)Cabin Eight by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is an entertaining and gripping high-stakes psychological conspiracy thriller, which had me hooked from start to finish. Although part of a series it can easily be read as a standalone story, however I would recommend each book in the series. Miranda Diggs was a house cleaner who whilst trying to purge bad memories accidentally set fire to a motel, and so now full of regret and longing for absolution she checks herself into a mysterious remote resort. Although she was hoping for some peace, her curiosity led her to venture beyond the “No Trespassing” signs, and she finds herself in a rundown barn.
Miranda is then horrified when the door suddenly slams shut, and then locks, the only way out appears to be through a trapdoor leading into a tunnel below. Miranda soon discovers that she’s in an eerie game that seems to know all her secrets, and the trials which start as subtle emotional prods quickly turn into life and death situations. Miranda is not only tackling these trials, and her phobias but also the walls, which are literally closing in. This is a fast paced, action packed story, with plenty of plot twists and turns which kept me reading late into the night! The suspense levels had me on the edge of my seat whilst reading this, and I definitely felt totally immersed in the story and was there alongside Miranda as the walls were closing in!

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Cabin Eight (The Millersville Series Book 3) by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Kerry Baker

Cabin Eight (The Millersville series)Cabin Eight by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a great addition to the series and it just as exciting to read as the other books. I found myself becoming invested in this book with ease, wanting to find out what would happen. I enjoyed learning about the main character. You could really see her development throughout the story. This is a fast paced story and the author throws in a lot of twists and turns. It is enough to keep you interested throughout the whole book. I think this book really complements the others and I am looking forward to whatever is next.

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Cabin Eight (The Millersville Series Book 3) by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Mary Espinoza

Cabin Eight (The Millersville series)Cabin Eight by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Cabin Eight is the third book in The Millersville Series by Susan Specht Oram. I found this book to be like the previous two and had it’s fair share of lies, suspense and deceit.
Miranda (the main character) is well developed and find herself in multiple situations that I feel will leave you on the edge of your seat wondering what happens!
Tensions are at an all-time high as Miranda finds herself facing some of her greatest fears!
Miranda is trying to seek solace at a mysterious remote resort, and she finds herself faced with much more than she could ever have imagined. Miranda has no stop when it comes to her curiosity being peaked…it’s how the old saying goes “curiosity killed the cat”, will Miranda find herself as being next?
There are plenty of horrors, dangers, conspiracies, games, and twists and turns that make for an interesting read.
The only way to find out what dangers Miranda gets herself in to, is to read the book!

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Mary Espinoza, May 2023

The Thieves (The Millersville series) by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Mary Espinoza

The ThievesThe Thieves by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The author has done it again! I truly enjoyed Shore Lodge which is the first book in this series, I highly recommend reading it so you can get a feel for the town and the development of the characters in this book. To me, this book wasn’t as dark as the first one, but was equally as entertaining. Jasmine or Jas (the main character) loves her dad and just like any girl who loves her dad, she is willing to do anything for him. When her dad springs on her that he has a devastating lung disease that doesn’t have the best hopes for recovery, Jas start to think of ways to help her dad. She steps in and does what any daughter might do for their dad, or would they? Jas works for a man who doesn’t have the best reputation and is downright shady, especially with his had in laundering money. She decides that she needs to take a risk and steals the money that is needed to get her dad into a treatment center. Next thing she knows is that sirens, badges and being stranded on the side of the road quickly become her future.

With all of these exciting new things happening to Jas, she quickly has to learn who her friends are, aren’t and even finds herself making new friends along the way. She is on a “vacation of a lifetime” trying to get her dad to treatment. This book has all the feels involved…. there’s plenty of laughs, maybe a few tears and of course a huge dose of mystery.

This book was a pretty quick, entertaining read that will keep you on the edge of your seat. You just never know who’s going to show up, what’s going to happen and who it is going to happen to! Is Jas the only thief or are there multiple thieves? Does Jas get her dad the help that he needs or are her efforts a complete bust? The only way to find out is to read for yourself!

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Mary Espinoza

Cabin Eight (The Millersville Series Book 3) by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Tanya Wall, May 2023

Cabin Eight (The Millersville series)Cabin Eight by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

At the start of this book it gave me vibes like Willy Wonka and Chocolate Factory or Alice in Wonderland. I felt like the message throughout the book was that Miranda needed to face her wrongdoings in order to have a happy life. BUT, then I realized the intended message was more about the ethics behind what the company was doing to people without consent. Miranda was put in many interesting situations, but I felt they were very unrealistic and that could be that the timeline went SOOO fast. I did like that the ending found Miranda making apologies and that things were wrapped up. I also think that this book brings up many interesting ethics questions. So, overall, this one was just okay to me.

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Shore Lodge by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Mary Espinoza

Shore Lodge: A high-stakes psychological thriller (The Millersville series)Shore Lodge: A high-stakes psychological thriller by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow! What a thrilling read! From the beginning till the end, I was hooked, even though there were a couple of times I had to reread a paragraph or two just to make sure I understood what the author was trying to say with her story. Other than that, this was very well written!

The story begins with introducing us to Jacklyn Stone, who has recently lost her husband, and as expected she is absolutely crushed and heartbroken. Nothing is working out how she had planned and imagined it would. The bank accounts aren’t adding up like they used to, she’s had a fender bender, misplaced her keys, and overall is having a good run of bad luck! She’s beginning to wonder if all of this has to do with the grief she’s experiencing or if something more is contributing to her newfound chaos.

Dusty Stone (Jacklyn’s son) is a contractor and has recently convinced his mom to give him power of attorney over her health and finances. He’s truly concerned that his mother is really losing her mind and Dusty just feels like his sister needs caring for their mother.

Rose Stone (Dusty’s sister & Jacklyn’s daughter) is a hard-working single mother doing everything she can to provide for her son and now has the task of also taking care of her mother. While she’s not trying to neglect her mother’s needs, she agrees with her brother that their mother needs to be assessed and admitted to Shore Lodge. This will help Rose tremendously with a much-needed break from the double duties she has recently inquired.

Now that Jacklyn has been admitted to Shore Lodge as a resident, there are many disturbing and horrific situations that come about. Jacklyn handles several different situations to the best of her abilities. Does Jacklyn come out of these situations ok, did Dusty and Rose make the right decision by having their mother admitted to Shore Lodge…the only way to find out is to pick up the book and read it on your own! I promise you will not be disappointed!!

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Mary Espinoza, May 2023

The Thieves (The Millersville series) by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Lisa Helmick

The ThievesThe Thieves by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a good story that moves along at a good clip. This one is written with a different look than book 1. Almost made me think it was a different author. It starts off good then when the action just threw me with the words and actions of all of the characters. They were made to be like bumbling idiots. It just seemed weird to me. The idea of the story was good. I guess the best way to describe this is entertaining.

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Cabin Eight (The Millersville Series Book 3) by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Lisa Helmick

Cabin Eight (The Millersville series)Cabin Eight by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This one is a huge struggle! I was expecting a book like Shore Lodge but it is more along the line of Thieves. The character of Miranda seems like she has a good head on her shoulders. She is dropped into the most unbelievable storyline. I just really had a hard time keeping interest. Sorry I wanted to like it.

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Cabin Eight (The Millersville Series Book 3) by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Cabin Eight (The Millersville series)Cabin Eight by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Cabin Eight is a psychological thriller and the third book in The Millersville Series. It tells the story of Miranda Diggs, a housecleaner, who regrets making the mistake of starting a fire at a motel in the mountains. With the weight of that mistake, and several others from her past, Miranda is bogged down in guilt over her past decisions. Not knowing how to put it past her, or how to heal, Miranda accepts an offer to stay at a remote resort.

When Miranda arrives at Cabin Eight, she tries to settle in with the intention of having some time to work through her thoughts and feelings. However, a discovery inside the cabin leaves her feeling a bit unsettled so she decides to talk a walk. During her walk around the resort Miranda discovers a large, abandoned barn that immediately grabs her attention. Ignoring the large “No Trespassing” sign she wanders inside the barn and finds herself locked inside. Miranda becomes desperate to find a way out of the barn and starts looking for other ways to escape. She discovers a trap door in the floor which leads to a dark, dungy, underground tunnel. This is only the beginning of the nightmares Miranda encounters as she finds herself in one life or death struggle after another. Will Miranda be able to escape from the resort plagued with evil?

This was an intense, psychological, fast paced, edge of your seat, thrill ride as we follow Miranda’s struggle to survive at a resort where she is faced with one hellish experience after another. As she faces her fears and phobias Miranda is pushed to her limits in a deadly game by people who seem intent on breaking her. She is faced with decision after decision that test both her mental and physical strength. Miranda faces deadly challenges back-to-back, mad scientists, creepy clowns, sinister snakes, and evil corporations in a fight to the death.

The scenes were vividly described and really pull you into the scene with the characters. I got goosebumps and could feel my skin crawl through some of the scenes. The characters were all amazing and added layers and depth to the storyline. Miranda starts out feeling immense guilt from past mistakes and is feeling weak and vulnerable. When faced with deadly situations she reaches deep down and finds inner strength and courage that she did not realize she had. The people she meets along the way, from mad scientists to creepy clowns, all were interesting and unique. I could not help but chuckle out loud at the nicknames that Miranda came up with for many of the characters. A great psychological, crime thriller, with a smidge of humor sprinkled throughout.

View all my reviews@tarab

Cabin Eight (The Millersville Series Book 3) by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Cindy Mayberry

Cabin Eight (The Millersville series)Cabin Eight by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Miranda Diggs seems to find herself in trouble wherever she goes. Helping out with cleaning homes, she forgets things and even caused a fire that destroyed 3 other rooms. Now there are enough fines she will be paying back forever. She has just not found herself, well until she goes on a mind clearing vacation. At which point she finds herself fighting against crimes that continue to follow her. This is a well written crime based thriller. The events that happen are enough to keep you reading. This author has a way with words and getting her point across. I found this to be a fast paced story. The characters are believable as well as the events. Just the twists and turns are enough to keep your interest. Enjoy! Oh No Spoilers!


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Cabin Eight (The Millersville Series Book 3) by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Cabin Eight (The Millersville series)Cabin Eight by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is part of a series that I have enjoyed reading from the first book. This author is still kind of newer for me, each book tops the next. This one just might be my favorite of all yet. This is a suspenseful story that will push your phobia to new levels and secrets that just may be left just that a secret. I enjoyed the growth of the story as well as what the characters brought to the story. This is an engaging, hard to put down story that has twists and turns that had me turning pages fast just to see what would happen next. The characters pull you into their world from the start. They are creative, strong and supportive of each other. They add so much to the entertainment value of the story. I really enjoyed this book and you will never see the twists coming. I highly recommend this book and this author.

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Review by @bjwagner

Cabin Eight (The Millersville Series Book 3) by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Tonya Merritt

Cabin Eight (The Millersville series)Cabin Eight by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love the Millersville Series but this book took me a lot more time to get into the others. It takes you to the life of Miranda Diggs. She has had a lot of bad times in her life and is attempting to relax and get her life back. Yet again she makes choices that send her down an unknown path. This path is confusing to say the least. As always the book is full of twists, turns and other action packed issues!

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Cabin Eight (The Millersville Series Book 3) by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Shelly Kittell

Cabin Eight (The Millersville series)Cabin Eight by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Loved the premise to this one. A bit of redemption with the struggle. I couldn’t put this one down. Having read this since the beginning, I found it quite interesting and a bit of a thrill to see what happens. I enjoyed it and it was a quick read for me.

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Cabin Eight (The Millersville Series Book 3) by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Jenni Bishop

Cabin Eight (The Millersville series)Cabin Eight by Susan Specht Oram

Cabin Eight is the third book in The Millersville Series which is full of lies and deceit, suspense and danger in this psychological thriller with sci fi elements.
The characters are well developed, and the story will have you on the edge of your seat. Tensions are palpable as our MC finds herself facing her greatest fears……
Seeking solace at a mysterious remote resort she is faced with much more than she thought she could ever find herself in. Miranda has no sense of self-preservation. Curiosity definitely killed the cat and is she next?
With horrors and dangers, dark conspiracies, eerie games of life and death and surprising twists they make for an interesting read.
It’s a fast-paced crime thriller where the pages turn because you want to know what happens and how it ends but you will need to grab a copy yourself to discover what happens.
I am looking forward to seeing what Susan does next.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Cabin Eight (The Millersville Series Book 3) by Susan Specht Oram

📖 ~ 🔪 ~ 📙 ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE 📖 ~ 🔪 ~ 📙 ~
Cabin Eight (The Millersville Series Book 3) by Susan Specht Oram
Genre – Crime, Thriller
Page Count – 238
Cover Designer – Best Page Forward

She’s used to cleaning houses and getting down in the grime. But the dirt she just dug up could kill. 

Miranda Diggs longs for absolution. But when she tries to purge bad memories and accidentally sends a motel up in flames, the regret-filled young woman seeks peace by checking into a mysterious remote resort. Driven by insatiable curiosity and venturing beyond “No Trespassing” signs, she’s horrified after stepping into a rundown barn that the doors slam shut… and lock.

Seeking a way out, Miranda pries open a trapdoor and follows the tunnel beneath into an eerie game that seems to know all her closest-held secrets. And as the trials morph from subtle emotional prods into life-or-death situations, her fight against the ever-closing walls threatens to become fatal.

Will her phobias push her mind past the point of no return?

Cabin Eight is the tense third book in The Millersville thriller series. If you like startling twists, dark conspiracies, and explorations of the dangers of technology, then you’ll love Susan Specht Oram’s gritty search for survival.

Buy Cabin Eight to turn the key on terror today!


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Cabin Eight (The Millersville Series Book 3) by Susan Specht Oram

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Cabin Eight (The Millersville Series Book 3) by Susan Specht Oram

Author Interview with Susan Specht Oram



📖 ~ 🔪 ~ 📙 ~ COMING SOON 📖 ~ 🔪 ~ 📙 ~ Cabin Eight (The Millersville Series Book 3) by Susan Specht Oram

📖 ~ 🔪 ~ 📙 ~ COMING SOON 📖 ~ 🔪 ~ 📙 ~
Cabin Eight (The Millersville Series Book 3) by Susan Specht Oram
Genre – Crime, Thriller
Page Count – 238
Cover Designer – Best Page Forward

She’s used to cleaning houses and getting down in the grime. But the dirt she just dug up could kill. 

Miranda Diggs longs for absolution. But when she tries to purge bad memories and accidentally sends a motel up in flames, the regret-filled young woman seeks peace by checking into a mysterious remote resort. Driven by insatiable curiosity and venturing beyond “No Trespassing” signs, she’s horrified after stepping into a rundown barn that the doors slam shut… and lock.

Seeking a way out, Miranda pries open a trapdoor and follows the tunnel beneath into an eerie game that seems to know all her closest-held secrets. And as the trials morph from subtle emotional prods into life-or-death situations, her fight against the ever-closing walls threatens to become fatal.

Will her phobias push her mind past the point of no return?

Cabin Eight is the tense third book in The Millersville thriller series. If you like startling twists, dark conspiracies, and explorations of the dangers of technology, then you’ll love Susan Specht Oram’s gritty search for survival.

Buy Cabin Eight to turn the key on terror today!

Click here to view the Coming Soon Trailer for Cabin Eight (The Millersville Series Book 3) by Susan Specht Oram



The Thieves (The Millersville series) Audiobook by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Heather Hoke

The ThievesThe Thieves by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book was not my favorite. I stopped many times, but would start again in hopes that it would pick up and get exciting.
I do believe the one thing that I really didn’t like was that it had so much back and forth with the characters. And it was almost like there was too many characters.
When I finally made it to the end, it was pretty good. But it took forever to get there.

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The Thieves (The Millersville series) by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Jess Engel

The ThievesThe Thieves by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A fun, easy read. I enjoyed this one in a different way than the first book in the series. The writer creates an easy flow with the story, told from alternating view points of the female characters from opposing pairs. The premise of the book is fun and you feel the emotion driving them, especially Jas in trying to help
Her dad. They are likable despite their chosen paths throughout the story. The storyline is unique and I haven’t read anything quite like it and enjoyed the way it was presented.

This book can be read as a standalone and is a quick, action-packed read. I continue to find this author’s work to be engaging and entertaining!

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The Thieves (The Millersville series) by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Melissa Saxton

The ThievesThe Thieves by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Jasmine, determined to get her father the treatment he desperately needs as hes quickly running out of time decides to pull off a criminal and questionable stunt on her sleazy boss to make a quick payday, however someone else is also looking for a quick payday and the story evolves from there without giving too much away.
This story is fast paced, characters are well developed and have a “real” quality to them, and can be comical, witty and do ridiculously dumb things all in the same chapter. This is a multi pov story which also kept my attention.
Well done 2nd story in this series that kept my attention as well as the first

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The Thieves (The Millersville series) by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Shannen Kern

The ThievesThe Thieves by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the second book in The Millersville series, and Susan continues her marvelous way of creating an unforgettable story. Jasmine will do anything in the world for her father, including stealing the money he so desperately needs for treatment. She thinks she has the perfect plan because her boss is a terrible human being. Jasmine has the money when suddenly two “cops” steal it back from her. Does she have what it takes to pull off another crime…stealing this money again? She refuses to give up on her father, but she may be over her head here. I can’t wait until the third book in this series is released next month! I highly recommend picking this one up (as well as the first!) especially if you enjoy psychological thrillers.

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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The Thieves (The Millersville series) by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Paula R Sayers

The ThievesThe Thieves by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Jasmine is new at being a criminal. She needs a large amount of money to get life saving treatment that her father needs for his lung disease. When more criminals get involved, it looks like Jasmine will not have the money for her dad’s treatment. This book kept me hooked and I read it very fast. I am looking forward to more books by this author in the future.

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The Thieves (The Millersville series) by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

The ThievesThe Thieves by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

This is the 2nd book to the Millersville Series, and while the books can be read as a standlone I so highly recommend both books so much! This book was fast paced crime thriller from a gem of an author and so happy to discover. This story was gripping, had me at the edge of my seat, heart racing, jaw dropping moments with all kinds of twists and tangles.

Jasmine wants to do right by her father as she has promised to save money to help pay for medical treatments that her father so desperately needs. Believing the plan would work and take money from her employer, who is shady as heck, in turn backfires. When Jasmine and her friend, Phil, are robbed of their own money they stole by other criminals, the pursuit is on to take back money they stole in turn.

Along the way tow drive get involved in mix to help Jasmine and his mother trying to track down Bets and Zerk, whom are the criminals whom stole the money from Jasmine and Philip.

Will Jasmine be able to outsmart Bets and Zerk, take back the money she stole to save her father?

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The Thieves (The Millersville series) by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Jennifer Gordon

The ThievesThe Thieves by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I found this novel to be an entertaining page turner, with a gripping storyline, quirky characters and plenty of drama and action. It’s a fast paced crime thriller that had me hooked from page one, and the twists and turns kept me guessing, and turning the pages! Jasmine Bucker only turns to crime in order to provide her father with the cash needed to save him from a rare lung disease. Her plan is to steal the money from her shady boor of a boss, but things don’t go to plan when sirens are heard during the getaway. Jasmine soon discovers that the cops are bogus and have stolen the money from her. Although she’s stranded and broke, she’s determined to get the life saving money back, and so must outwit the more professional crooks, and pull off a high stakes recovery mission. This was an enjoyable and engaging read, with an action packed plot and wonderful characters, whether they were good guys or bad ones. I felt completely immersed in the storyline and felt invested in the outcome along with Jasmine.

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The Thieves (The Millersville series) by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Brittany Angel

The ThievesThe Thieves by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Thieves is the second installment of the Millersville Series. While a part of a series, it can be read as a standalone. This is a multiple POV and tells the story of 2 different groups of people. You have Jas and Phil who are trying to get money to take care of Jas’ dad when their plans are foiled by Becs and Zerk. This then sends you on a journey where you meet additional outlandish folks, and you can only hope that it all works out in the end.

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The Thieves (The Millersville series) by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Brandy Rymer

The ThievesThe Thieves by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Thieves by Susan Specht Oram has written a great second book in “The Millersville series.” I love the fact that we get to meet new characters from this small town that we have learned to love so much. If you have never read the first book, I highly recommend that you understand the atmosphere you are dealing with. It is ingenious the way that Susan starts this book out right from the start with an obvious robbery of a laundromat. I did not see the twist of two inexperienced young adults, Jasmine (Jas) and Phil, robbing a business, just to turn around and be robbed by some professional thieves Bets (Betsy Zerkowitz) and Zerk (Mark Zerkowitz). This book takes so many twists and turns that you will be on the edge of your seat wondering who’s the good guys and who’s the bad guys. Enter in Dan the tow truck driver who is supposed to save the day and tow away the kid’s vehicle, but instead decides to join them on their adventures, unbeknownst to him what they are. Eventually, we meet Dan’s Ma, Roberta (Robbie), who has decided she wants to join in on the road trip wherever it may be taking everyone. Why would Jas and Phil go to all this trouble to rob a laundromat and then track down the thieves who robbed them? You’ll want to read this book to find out how everything turns out and why two good kids do such a terrible thing.
@Brandy Rymer 3/2023

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Shore Lodge by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Brandy Rymer

Shore Lodge: A high-stakes psychological thriller (The Millersville series)Shore Lodge: A high-stakes psychological thriller by Susan Specht Oram

Shore Lodge by Susan Specht Oram was a fantastic read! Right from the beginning of the book, we jump right in with Jacklyn’s husband, Albert’s death. From there we get to go back and forth between the points of view of Jacklyn and her adult children, Dusty and Rose. Poor Jacklyn is struggling with depression after the sudden death of her husband, causing her son Dusty to step in and help care for her. Rose is so busy caring for her son, Max, dealing with her high-demand job, and being a divorcee. Dusty convinces Rose that their mother needs to be put into a home to receive around-the-clock care where she can rest from the stresses of running her garden store and relax from the things of the world while attending grief counseling. Dusty and Rose convince Jacklyn to agree to go to the resort for a couple of days stay to rest and get some grief counseling, little did Jacklyn know she was being put into a permanent facility where no one is allowed to leave. Jacklyn does everything she can to reverse her actions of signing over her power of attorney to her son, Dusty, who seems to have ulterior motives his sister Rose did not see coming. Will Jacklyn be able to find a way to escape this place of terror before she goes insane?
@Brandy Rymer 3/2023

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The Thieves (The Millersville series) by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Rebecca Hill

The ThievesThe Thieves by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book is part of a series, however it reads as a stand alone. The writing for this book was really good. The author does a good job developing the characters and making them relatable. I wasn’t a huge fan of the plot in this story. I found it to be semi unbelievable and some responses to be on the weird side. But, at the same time, I wanted to finish it and find out how everything was resolved. Jas and Phil are the main characters and find themselves robbed of the money that they stole. They end up chasing the robbers across the country and picking up a couple of accomplices along the way. I really enjoyed the twists and turns at the end. Overall a fun read and I’m looking forward to more of the series!

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The Thieves (The Millersville series) Audiobook by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Heather Watson

The ThievesThe Thieves by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This the second novel by Susan Specht Oram that I have read, and I was just intrigued as the first. I wish it was a little longer because it comes off to clean. A stand-alone novel has you wanting more. I will be picking up the rest of novels to see what see does next. You never know who is going to show up in this book to see what they are going to do. The author does well bringing these characters to live and I wanted to read more to get the feel for them. I hope this author keeps getting better.

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The Thieves (The Millersville series) by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Tausha Treadway

The ThievesThe Thieves by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Thieves (The Millersville series) by Susan Specht Oram. This series is amazing. I loved this first book and loved this one even more. It’s the story of Jasmine whose Dad is has a horrible lung disease and needs money for treatment or he’s going to die. Jasmine has no money so she doesn’t know what to do. Her boss is a pretty shady guy so she decides to steal money from him. He will never notice or so she hopes. When she gets pulled over by fake cops and they take her money she is devastated. Little do they know she is determined to get that money back. This is a fun filled action packed read that you will be reading late in the night to finish.

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