Gadrella was a witch and she looked like a witch. But Gadrella wanted changes. She was tired of the same black costumes, black cats and riding a broom. Gadrella decided to make the changes on her own. First, she started with transportation. She wanted something different than a broom. She’d always wanted a bike! Next, she decided to make her own clothes. Oh, how colorful she looked! Then she moved on to the potions. She didn’t want to use eye of newt or frog toes anymore, so she used different ingredients.
Gadrella showed up at the next Halloween gathering on her new bike wearing her colorful dragon costume and with her new potion. The other witches feared her thinking she was a monster. She decided to share her new ‘potion’ with the others. They were a little reluctant to try it, but when they did, they all loved her chocolate chip cookies and agreed that her potions smelled so much better than theirs.
Gadrella told the other witches they could be anything they wanted to be. When they realized this, they were all so excited and shared their dreams with the others. It seems the other witches wanted changes also but didn’t know how to share their thoughts with others. I’m sure the next Halloween gathering will be so colorful and smell so good!
I enjoyed reading about Gadrella and her courage to make changes when others didn’t think it was allowed. She wanted to express herself and wasn’t afraid to do that. The illustrations were so colorful and helped tell the story so well.