
Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora- Review by Laura Jones

Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora – Review by Stephanie Robb

Unclutter (Inner Voice, #1)Unclutter by Winnie D. Pagora
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This impactful debut novel is aimed at teenagers but can be read by older readers as well. It focuses on the abuse, gaslighting and manipulation girls and women can experience. It brings pain, sadness, but also hope. I would highly recommend reading this book when you are in the right headspace.

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Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora – Review by Shannen Kern

Unclutter: A Survivor's Story (Inner Voice, #1)Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story by Winnie D. Pagora
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I picked this book up, but something about it called out to me, so I gave it a go. This is definitely one of my favorite books of the year! This was a relatable story that hit very close to home which made it impossible to put down. You will sit at the edge of your seat with a rollercoaster of emotions and astonishing twists and turns as you read through this book. I feel like this is a must-read for everyone, but please pay attention to the trigger warning/content guidance to ensure that it is an appropriate fit for you. I genuinely appreciate the time and consideration that shows in this book as we dive into trauma and how it affects every single area of your life. The endless amount of strength and courage that it takes to go on a self-healing journey is immeasurable. I can’t recommend this enough and can’t wait to see what this author has in store for us next!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora – Review by Megan Pesek

Unclutter: A Survivor's Story (Inner Voice, #1)Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story by Winnie D. Pagora
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Tina is a survivor through and through. She has faced more than anyone should ever have to, yet she is determined to not let her abusers win anymore. As Tina fights to reclaim herself she finds real friends, something she wasn’t sure she would ever have again.
Uncluttered is raw and emotional.
I needed a bit more at the end of the book to tie up loose ends, but it was still a good read.

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Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora – Review by Kay Stritesky

Unclutter: A Survivor's Story (Inner Voice, #1)Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story by Winnie D. Pagora
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

While I personally learned a lot from Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story, I truly had a hard time getting into it and finding my hook. The story was clear and the trauma us heavy. The trigger warnings are valid. For me it was just missing something that I cannot put my finger on.

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Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora – Review by Tanya Wall, December 2023

Unclutter: A Survivor's Story (Inner Voice, #1)Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story by Winnie D. Pagora
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story, the first book in the Inner Voice series by Winnie D. Pagora, is a rollercoaster of emotions that dives deep into overcoming trauma and finding your way back. The story is heavy and gritty, tackling sensitive topics like sexual abuse, mental health, and domestic violence. There are trigger warnings because it’s no light read. Truth is – I wasn’t sure I was going to enjoy it.

Tina’s journey is shockingly heart-wrenching, but you get to see her grow and overcome, adding a layer of depth to the story. Despite the heaviness, there are touching moments, true friendships, and resilience that balance it out. Pagora nails the realism without falling into stereotypes, and the relationships in the book feel authentic and nuanced.

Sure, it’s a bit wordy, and the heavy stuff slows it down, but that doesn’t take away from the overall impact. “Unclutter” pleasantly surprised me. It’s not your typical contemporary, but it’s a genuine, slow-paced exploration of recovery and relationships. It might lag a bit in the middle, but if you’re patient and up for a deeper dive, it’s definitely worth a read.

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Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora – Review by Tonya Merritt

Unclutter: A Survivor's Story (Inner Voice, #1)Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story by Winnie D. Pagora
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This story was really hard to get through as a survivor of abuse. It is a wonderful story. Pagora wrote the book in such a manner that will gather all emotions available and bring them out of you. This story will allow you to heal and help you understand so much that survivors go through. Definitely recommend this to anyone.

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Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora – Review by Nakyshia Leger

Unclutter: A Survivor's Story (Inner Voice, #1)Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story by Winnie D. Pagora
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was nervous to read and unpack this story due to past experiences of my own.. however, I found the journey beautifully healing. Tina is a complex soul just trying to survive the world that broke her. The experiences are raw and emotional, and all too real. The author did not hold back and while some may find that triggering, I appreciate it. Tina’s healing journey was emotional and heart wrenching, but everything I needed to experience with her. There were a lot of loose ends in the story, but I know that leaves rooms for other characters to develop and the story to continue which I am SO here for!

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Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora – Review by Elisha Johnson

Unclutter: A Survivor's Story (Inner Voice, #1)Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story by Winnie D. Pagora
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D. Pagora- 5 out of 5 stars

This story hits my heart really close to home. Tina is in pain, traumatized, lost a part of herself that she can never get back, and yet she fights through it all because she is a survivor. I wanted to jump into the pages so bad to give Tina a big momma hug. That being said, this author does a beautiful job at dealing with such a delicate subject. I highly recommend but please take in account your mental health.

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Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora – Review by Lucy Machard

Unclutter: A Survivor's Story (Inner Voice, #1)Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story by Winnie D. Pagora
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was absolutely amazing. I took my time reading it, and it was honestly a hard book to read. Surviving through abuse is such a hard thing to manage, and from personal experience, I want to give major props to the author for how well this was done. I’m so proud of the main character’s fight and resiliency; and I can’t wait to see more from her.

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Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora – Review by Ashley Sugar

Unclutter: A Survivor's Story (Inner Voice, #1)Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story by Winnie D. Pagora
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The shocking turns were definitely shocking. My gosh this book had me feeling so many different emotions! Sadness, anger, hopeful…all of it. The topics in this book are rather dark and heavy. Tina has gone through quite a bit of stuff in her life and I feel for her so much! As much as this book made me sad and upset, I did enjoy it. Definitely kept my attention.

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Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora – Review by Carrie Cross

Unclutter: A Survivor's Story (Inner Voice, #1)Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story by Winnie D. Pagora
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story” by Winnie D. Pagora is a powerful and inspiring memoir that takes readers on a journey of resilience, self-discovery, and ultimately, healing.
Pagora’s writing is raw and honest, inviting readers into her world and sharing her experiences with authenticity. The author’s storytelling ability is commendable, as she navigates through difficult and traumatic events while providing insights and moments of reflection.
The book delves into the depths of trauma and its impact on one’s life, but it also shines a light on the strength of the human spirit and the power of healing. Tina’s journey from victim to survivor is both heartbreaking and inspiring, and her courage in sharing her story is evident throughout the pages.
What sets “Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story” apart is its focus on the process of self-healing and personal growth. The book provides valuable lessons and practical advice for readers who may be facing their own struggles, making it not just a memoir, but also a guide towards finding inner strength and moving forward.
Although the subject matter can be difficult and heavy, Pagora’s writing is imbued with hope and resilience. This creates a balance in the narrative that allows readers to connect with the author and find solace in her words.
In conclusion, “Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story” is a powerful memoir that sheds light on the journey of healing and resilience. Winnie D. Pagora’s ability to share her story with vulnerability and grace makes this book a must-read for anyone seeking inspiration, understanding, and hope in the face of adversity.

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Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora – Review by Tausha Treadway

Unclutter: A Survivor's Story (Inner Voice, #1)Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story by Winnie D. Pagora
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora. This is a young adult very traumatic read. Its the story of Tina Lauren who is a survivor of sexual abuse. She is attacked by powerful and wealthy Nicholas Parker and when she stands up for herself it becomes even worse. So all Tina’s life she has been abused by men on different levels. She is so traumatized that she acts out in different ways such as cutting. Letting the abuse get in her head she believes she doesn’t deserve any better so she keeps getting herself into these situations. Rory and Jai are Tina’s friends and they are what help keep her sane. Then she meets Ekon and he is cute and friendly and she actually really likes him. This is a wonderful book full of deeply tragic things but shows that Tina with the help of her friends can survive this hard life she has been given. There are some triggers in this read so be prepared and its also very emotional at times. Such a good story that probably happens in real life a lot more than we want to believe.

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Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora – Review by Angela Renee Diaz

Unclutter: A Survivor's Story (Inner Voice, #1)Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story by Winnie D. Pagora
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Tiara went through a lot. Abusers kept seeing her as easy prey. Through it all Tiara almost gave up but got the help and courage to keep fighting. People looked up to Tiara and she helped them fight as well. This was a good book about what she went through and I recommend it but also put trigger warning for abuse.

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Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora – Review by Trisha Cargile

Unclutter: A Survivor's Story (Inner Voice, #1)Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story by Winnie D. Pagora
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

While I don’t get triggered by much, I have had a past that aligns closely with this read, and this book helped unpacked some pent up emotions for sure. The story of this young, teenager girl in this book followed down a path that I know personally, and a path that way too many people have to follow. This is a strong, well-written book that sincerely sheds just a glimmer of light on way to common situations, from sexual abuse to therapy afterwards and even getting a life back on track after multiple ‘failures’. Read this book with caution and with an open mind, someone you know and love may have these paths that they fight and you have no idea about it (another too common issue).

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Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora – Review by Ashley Mertz

Unclutter: A Survivor's Story (Inner Voice, #1)Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story by Winnie D. Pagora
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Unclutter by Winnie Pagora is available now in eBook and Physical Book
⭐️⭐️⭐⭐⭐+ Book Review

Unclutter is a young adult novel about fighting abuse. This was my first time reading a novel written by Pagora and I would not hesitate in the future to pick up another novel written by this author. Within this novel, Pagora touches on very touchy subjects such as sexual abuse and self harm. Her ability to touch on these topics with such delicacy and poise really attracts me as a reader. Tina’s story of surviving and overcoming trauma sent me through a whirlwind of emotions. I found myself routing for her to overcome her horrific past. I personally have not been in this type of situation, but someone very dear to my heart has. To read of such strength gives me hope that people who have undergone this type of treatment can live a fulfilling life despite it. I highly recommend this book!

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Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora – Review by Jennie M Bechtel

Unclutter: A Survivor's Story (Inner Voice, #1)Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story by Winnie D. Pagora
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is about surviving sexual abuse and overcoming the trauma resulting from that abuse. It may be triggering to some readers. The author did a good job of developing the characters. The book was long enough for readers to get to know each of the main characters well. I felt dialogue was realistic and relevant to the story. I loved the main character, Tina. She is such an inspiration to fellow survivors in the story as well as to readers. Tina’s inner voice empowered her throughout the story, something we as readers can learn to tune into in our own lives. I enjoyed the details in this book, especially the descriptions of the many international food dishes and how they taste. It is obvious this author took time to develop this story before publication, and I appreciate that. I recommend this read for older teens and adults.

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Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora – Review by Michelle Austin

Unclutter: A Survivor's Story (Inner Voice, #1)Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story by Winnie D. Pagora
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was an emotional 5 star read. I was pulled in right from the beginning. This story addresses many things: betrayal, abuse, and so much more. The main character was working on getting past her trauma. She is a strong character that had a good support as well in her friends. With a twist she finds herself dealing yet again with a traumatic experience. Ekon was perfect for Tina, I feel like he was sent to her at the right time. Overall this was a great story. The author does a great job with her writing. I felt every emotion while reading. I definitely recommend reading this book. I look forward to reading more from her. 1-click and get started today.

Reviewed by @mab54615
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Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora – Review by Michelle Marlow

Unclutter: A Survivor's Story (Inner Voice, #1)Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story by Winnie D. Pagora
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Please check the warnings. Your mental well being is important.  This story hit so hard for me. Tina is doing what she can the best way she knows how. While dealing with trauma  and other situations. I cried and I just felt this. This story will sit with me for sure.

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Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora – Review by Trista Martin

Unclutter: A Survivor's Story (Inner Voice, #1)Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story by Winnie D. Pagora
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My first book by this author and I thought she did a wonderful job covering difficult topics. I work in a mental health setting with youth and will be recommending it to many of my youth who have overcome or are working through trauma.

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Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Unclutter: A Survivor's Story (Inner Voice, #1)Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story by Winnie D. Pagora
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Unclutter is Book One in the Inner Voice Series. This is the debut novel by this talented author and was so beautifully written that I anxiously await more novels written by her. This book touches on difficult topics such as abuse and self harm but was done in a way that is realistic and honest yet done in a respectful and empathetic manner. The story centers around the character of an eighteen-year-old girl named Tina who has never felt like she belongs. After a traumatic incident with an abuser young Tina is labelled as a liar, slandered, and bullied. She must find the inner strength and courage to stand up to her abuser and overcome her inner demons. This was a powerful and poignant read about the journey that victims of abuse struggle through and as a survivor of abuse, this story really hit home for me. I know how difficult it is to find the courage to not only move forward but to find the strength to face your bully or abuser. It is imperative to create a support system as Tina did and have those that will support you through the highs and lows. I loved the character of Tina who was vulnerable yet strong, smart, feisty, determined, and resilient. I loved that she found the inner strength she needed to come forward. Unfortunately, society is often too quick to judge and label victims of abuse while allowing the abusers to get away with what they have done. This creates a cycle of revictimizing the victim which adds to the trauma they have already suffered. This book contained themes of trauma, abuse, gaslighting, cover-ups, injustice, friendship, hope, and faith. A great book and I look forward to reading more by this author.

View all my reviews@tarab

Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora – Review by Katie Turner

Unclutter: A Survivor's Story (Inner Voice, #1)Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story by Winnie D. Pagora
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story, by Winnie D Pagora, is a story that will make you really be inside all of your emotions. The novel centers around an eighteen year old girl, Tina, who is navigating life as best she can with deep-seated trauma. Many traumatic themes play a role here, but I didn’t feel like it was over-the-top or unbelievable. These subject matters addressed are things that really happen to people and my heart broke so many times. The author writes beautifully, perfect pacing and characters were very well developed. It made it easy to really connect with them. Despite the sad topics, this is an absolutely beautiful story and I am so thankful that I read it. I recommend to anyone. These topics deserve more spotlight.

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Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora – Review by Christine Baranek

Unclutter: A Survivor's Story (Inner Voice, #1)Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story by Winnie D. Pagora
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

By: Winnie D. Pagora

This is a very heavy book that covers many sensitive topics – including sexual abuse and self-harm. However, this is written in such a raw way that it really appeals to all of your emotions as you read. Winnie Pagora does a fantastic tale of taking these hard topics and really give a voice to the victims.
This story tells about the parts of surviving abuse that are not pretty, they are ugly and hard, However, they are the parts that are also beautiful. It shows what the cost of survival is worth. This book gives a very true look at the legal system and what those that are abuse face when it comes to receiving any form of justice. I do wish that the end of this book didn’t seem so abrupt. But I do definitely recommend picking this story up and giving it a read. It sheds a wonderful life on those who have gone through abuse.

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Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora – Review by Kerry Carr

Unclutter: A Survivor's Story (Inner Voice, #1)Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story by Winnie D. Pagora
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a YA story which has been very well thought out and written. The author deals with subjects in this story that are very sensitive and could trigger some people such as sexual abuse, self harm and the after effects of being a victim of abuse. The author takes us on a journey with Tina Lauren as she struggles to find her way in the world while trying to come to terms with the abuse in her past and the mental scars she has been left with. The author does an amazing job of allowing the reader to feel and experiences emotions that Tina feels. One thing I loved about this book was the fact even though the subject was sensitive and could be a hard read, I loved how determined Tina was and how she was determined to not like her abusers or the abuse she suffered control her forever.
As hard as it was for me to read I was unaware of the way abuse could effect people in ways such as not liking to be touched. Tina knows her boundaries and won’t let anyone cross them no matter the repercussions of her actions cause or people’s opinions of her.

She treads a fine line between caring about what people think of her and being true to herself. When your a young woman being normal and fitting in is all you want and when you can’t have that everything becomes a struggle.
This was an inspiring story which I enjoyed very much.

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Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora – Review by Brandy Vaughn

Unclutter: A Survivor's Story (Inner Voice, #1)Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story by Winnie D. Pagora
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Unclutter is a raw and compelling YA debut novel. It shows how the victim can take back your life and you can fight back. It is also a strong message of hope. This novel is a complex tale that explores the difficult subject of sexual abuse and self-harm. Pagota boldly tackles the hard and traumatic themes with dignity. Even though it’s a young adult story, adults will also like reading this too.

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Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

Unclutter: A Survivor's Story (Inner Voice, #1)Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story by Winnie D. Pagora
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4 Stars
Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora

Unclutter is the first book in the Inner Voice series and is a YA that will have you turning the pages till the end. This is a raw emotional journey that had me tearing up a few times. Its about heartbreak, betrayal, and learning how to love yourself. This is a fairly new author to me but holy cow did she write one heck of a story. There may be some triggers but keep reading its worth the read. I highly recommend anyone especially women to read this book. I’m looking forward to seeing what this author brings us next.

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Unclutter (Inner Voice Book #1) by Winnie D Pagora – Review by Angela Hayes

Unclutter: A Survivor's Story (Inner Voice, #1)Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story by Winnie D. Pagora
My rating: 3 of 5 stars


3.5 Stars


Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story is the first book in the Inner Voice series by Winnie D. Pagora is raw and emotional story about overcoming trauma while also learning to ‘live’ again. This story is heavy, dark, gritty, and thought-provoking in parts. It contains sensitive subject matter that could be triggering for some readers- so read the TWs before diving in (topics such as sexual abuse/child abuse, rape, self-harm/cutting, mental health issues, suicidal thoughts, PTSD, betrayal, shaming, gaslighting, domestic abuse, bullying- and more).
This story is shocking, heart-wrenching, and touching, all wrapped up in a dramatic package. I really felt for Tina and what she went through. But I got to watch her, develop, grow, and overcome over the course of the story, which gave the story some extra depth.
The heavy subject matter was well-balanced with some touching and tender moments, some light-hearted scenes, true friendship, resilience, strength of character, and a lot of heart.
The story is quite ‘wordy’ in parts, and contains a lot of character, with quite a lot going on- which made for a lot to process. At times the ‘wordiness and ‘heavy’ aspects slowed the flow of the story down considerably- but this didn’t detract much from my overall opinion of the book.
This appears to be Ms. Pagora’s debut novel and is also the first book in a series- so I am intrigued to see what else Ms. Pagora can/will do.
Happy Reading…

Thank you, Winnie D. Pagora!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Unclutter: A Survivor's Story (Inner Voice, #1)Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story by Winnie D. Pagora
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is my first book by this author which I enjoyed reading and look forward to seeing what is next for them. This is an emotional story that could cause triggers for some. If you can get past those, you will find a great story. This is a well written story about trauma and survival. This is a story that took me on an emotional roller coaster ride that just kept going. The characters pull you into their world and I had no problems picturing myself with them. They will pull at your heart strings for sure. I found this book to be fast paced and hard to put down. You don’t want to miss this one. I enjoyed reading this book and I highly recommend it.

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Review by @bjwagner

Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora – Review by Shelly Kittell

Unclutter: A Survivor's Story (Inner Voice, #1)Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story by Winnie D. Pagora
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a book that hit home in more ways than one. It was hard to read at times. I just set it down for a bit and then kept going. i am glad that I did. It is truly a book that needed to be written. There are topics in the book that are worthy of major trigger warnings. Tina went through a lot and went through an incredible journey that is not easy for any survivor. It is an incredibly well-written story that I couldn’t put down and only did when my emotions told me too. The characters were well developed. Thank you for sharing that story!

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Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora – Review by Jenni Bishop

Unclutter: A Survivor's Story (Inner Voice, #1)Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story by Winnie D. Pagora
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Beware: This novel tackles sensitive subjects, such as sexual abuse and self-harm.
Wow. Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story is a YA novel and is a raw and compelling must-read. It is a complex tale that explores the difficult subject of abuse. Winnie has cleverly woven multi layered threads together giving us a compelling read. She boldly tackles hard and traumatic themes and does so with dignity.
This is a story of betrayal in one of its harshest forms. It is a story of survival but what is the cost to get there. It is a story of one young woman who must look at herself and learn to love herself once again.
Tina is vulnerable and broken, in pain and has lost a part of herself but she is strong and resilient even if she doesn’t feel like it at the start. This feisty young woman is a SURVIVOR! With help she fights back and slowly reclaims herself even if it is a new self.
This is a powerful YA novel, and I recommend that women of any age read it. It shows just how unfair the legal system, the world, harsh truths and perceptions women face in the event of abuse and their attackers. Some want to shove their heads in the sand and others want to shout it from the roof tops but either way there are injustices in the world.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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