Unclutter (Inner Voice Book 1) by Winnie D Pagora – Review by Jenni Bishop

Unclutter: A Survivor's Story (Inner Voice, #1)Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story by Winnie D. Pagora
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Beware: This novel tackles sensitive subjects, such as sexual abuse and self-harm.
Wow. Unclutter: A Survivor’s Story is a YA novel and is a raw and compelling must-read. It is a complex tale that explores the difficult subject of abuse. Winnie has cleverly woven multi layered threads together giving us a compelling read. She boldly tackles hard and traumatic themes and does so with dignity.
This is a story of betrayal in one of its harshest forms. It is a story of survival but what is the cost to get there. It is a story of one young woman who must look at herself and learn to love herself once again.
Tina is vulnerable and broken, in pain and has lost a part of herself but she is strong and resilient even if she doesn’t feel like it at the start. This feisty young woman is a SURVIVOR! With help she fights back and slowly reclaims herself even if it is a new self.
This is a powerful YA novel, and I recommend that women of any age read it. It shows just how unfair the legal system, the world, harsh truths and perceptions women face in the event of abuse and their attackers. Some want to shove their heads in the sand and others want to shout it from the roof tops but either way there are injustices in the world.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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