
Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour) by Victoria Zak – Review by Shannon Fowler

Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour Book One)Rock Me To The Top by Victoria Zak
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is my first story by Victoria Zak. Rock Me to the Top is a good story although it is almost predictable. Guy and girl who are best friends, finally admit their feelings for each other, guy is “caught” in the arms of another girl. Girlfriend misinterprets situation and flees causing grief for them both. Of course, there is more going on which makes me want to keep reading to see how they will figure things out. The ending leaves me wondering if there will be more, there is so much potential for more not only for Joe and Melody but for the rest of the band members. Even Melody’s friend Dani has a story. I look forward to seeing what this author can bring to this story line and what kind of trouble these characters will get into.

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Reviewed by @shannonlovesbooks


Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour) by Victoria Zak – Review by Shelly Kittell

Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour Book One)Rock Me To The Top by Victoria Zak
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rock Me To The Top by Victoria Saks is a wonderfully romantic story. Joe and Melanie are childhood best friends. They are childhood friends that have been in love with each other for all their lives. They made a pact when they were younger to keep their friendship first. Do they cross that line? Joe and his band have finally achieved their dreams of fame. Melanie is close to achieving hers, she dreams of playing with the LA Symphony. Can she have her dreams and the man of her dreams? I really enjoyed reading the story to find out. The chemistry between her and Joe sizzles. These two are like watching an electric storm. Moxley, Dylan,, Dani and Taylor were amazing supporting characters. They each had their roles to play. I cried to see Mox’s cut short. I would love to see his story with his wife. Joe and Melanie see some huge challenge’s to their relationship (summer tour, band antics, etc. ) but they come through it and still end up back together and the ending from the proposal on…let’s just say I’m not crying, you’re crying (happy tears). I loved the book. Rock and roll, groupies, tours, etc., what’s not to love. Highly recommend.

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Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour) by Victoria Zak – Review by Rayne East

Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour Book One)Rock Me To The Top by Victoria Zak
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rock and Roll sexy times
This was another brilliant series starter by Victoria Zak. I absolutely fell in love with Joe Grace and was so vested in his relationship with Melody. Unputdownable, this book had me turning the pages into the early hours. Romance, drama, friends turned to lovers and music – what more could you want? I can not recommend this book enough!

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Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour) by Victoria Zak – Review by Tracy Wilkin

Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour Book One)Rock Me To The Top by Victoria Zak
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rock Me to the Top is book one in the Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour series by Victoria Zak. This author is a new discovery. And what a refreshing and arousing delight this story was. There was a sensuality that was extremely addictive and Joe and Melody were the most enticing couple. Joe was a rock star drummer. Rough around the edges perfection. He was your typical bad boy star with that extra zing. He possessed a little something special that was undeniably alluring. Melody knew the rocker life and while maybe she was a little crazy for even contemplating a life wit ha rocker, she was unable to deny the attraction that sizzled between them. Secrets would threaten to wreck their world. There was always one problem after another and the odds seemed to be stacked against them. It was such a drawn out drama that made me insatiable for more. In a quest for the elusive happy ever after, once they get used to the idea of a them, these two go at it guns blazing. You would think their relationship would be just about impossible, being friends first and all, and the whole rocker lifestyle being so difficult and temperamental, but no, their incredible personalities shone through the pages and they gave it their all. This story provided an endless unveiling of true love, loyalty, honour and tenacity. a brilliant 5 star read.

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Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour) by Victoria Zak – Review by Jenni Bishop

Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour Book One)Rock Me To The Top by Victoria Zak
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rock Me to the Top: A Gracefall Rock Star romance and the first book in the Vicious Love Tour series by Victoria Zak. This new adult contemporary romance is a friends-to-lovers tale where there is the push and pull, should I or shouldn’t I. AND whelp, they definitely should. OMG this one has all the feels. It was hot, sexy and sizzling. Victoria has given us complex but loveable characters and you cannot help but root for them. But nothing is plain sailing and emotions are all over the place.
Having seen what it’s like on the other end of the rock and roll, rock star life Melody has seen its dark and devastating effects. So can she handle that for herself? But dark secrets may just destroy them.
Loved it. It is a great start to this series and I can’t wait to see where Victoria goes next.
Reviewed by @jennadb

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Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour ) by Victoria Zak – Review by Jules Herbert

Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour Book One)Rock Me To The Top by Victoria Zak
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Victoria Zak is a wonderfully talented author who brought us a story filled with emotion and characters who are totally relatable even if living a very different life to us. There are twists and turns along the way….one I was totally not expecting!! oh my poor heart!! I can’t wait for the next book in this series…I NEED to know what is next for these fantastic characters and for Gracefall.

This fantastic book sees the band Gracefall finally get their big break….a headline tour!…their star is on the rise! For Joe and the rest of the band it is the stuff dreams are made of and he not only wants to grab this opportunity with both hands but he decides its time his best friend Melody becomes more than his best friend….something he has wanted for a very long time. Melody is the daughter of a HUGE Rockstar and has seen first hand what that life style can do to someone so she is not keen to fully step back into that world. Joe is determined to convince her that not only can they make a relationship between them work but they can both follow their dreams and have them come true.

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Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour) by Victoria Zak – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour Book One)Rock Me To The Top by Victoria Zak
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow, I really loved this book. I do not get many opportunities to read rock and roll friends to lovers so this was great change for me to read. Melody and Joe are best friends but yes have these feelings for each other that is more than friendship. Growing up, Melody is the daughter of a famous drummer and Joe takes lessons from Melody’s father. Joe Grace and his band “GraceFall” get the opportunity of a lifetime, to go on tour and be the main headliner for their concert tour. Melody .. after being disappointed on not making the LA Orchestra, decides to go on tour with the band. Sparks fly between Joe and Melody while on the tour, but there are secrets too. This book is a roller coaster of emotions that make you want more. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour) by Victoria Zak – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour Book One)Rock Me To The Top by Victoria Zak
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this shorter romance story. This is a new author for me that I look forward to seeing what is next for her. This is a well written story that takes romance and adds some comedy to it. The characters are connectable and they made me laugh throughout the story. They made the story for me and kept me turning pages. They not only brought life to the story but they made the story engaging. This is a story where romance puts everything on the line. What will fate have in store for Joe and Melody? What will happen with the steamy drummer and this down on her luck female. I really enjoyed their growth and chemistry throughout the story. They truly made the story for me. I highly recommend this story.

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Review by @bjwagner

Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour) by Victoria Zak – Review by Angela Hayes

Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour Book One)Rock Me To The Top by Victoria Zak
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


4.5 Stars


Rock Me to the Top is the first book in the Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour series by Victoria Zak. It is a fantastic rockstar romance with friends-to-lovers, angst, drama, secrets, chemistry, sizzle, and plenty of emotion.
I know Ms. Zak for her ‘Guardian’s of Scotland’ stories- a paranormal historical highlander series. So this book is definitely a change from what I would have expected from her. I was curious to see what she would do with a rockstar romance- and let me say right off the bat- she does not disappoint. I should never have doubted that, as Ms. Zak definitely know how to tell a captivating story, and as I just learned- she can handle any genre brilliantly.
This is Joe Grace and Melody Sterling’s story. Joe is the HOT drummer for Gracefall- a metal band climbing the charts and stamping their mark on the music industry. Melody is Joe’s best friend, who also happens to be the daughter of a rock legend. Due to seeing the tole that rock-and-roll and fame took on her parents relationship, Mel had vowed to never date a rock star, ever. But when Joe hires her to manage the band’s latest tour, things take a steamy and unexpected turn. What happens when past secrets are revealed, putting pressure on their relationship? This is definitely worth the read to find out!
Can’t wait to read the rest of the series!

Thank you, Victoria Zak!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour) by Victoria Zak – Review by Barbara Bohls

Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour Book One)Rock Me To The Top by Victoria Zak
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book took me on some twists and turns, it was like riding a roller coaster. This is not your typical rock star romance book. Yes, it has the typical alpha male that most do but he has a twist that isn’t typical in your rock star romance. He is not an @$$. The slow burn that is built in the book has you constantly turning the page to see what happens next in their journey. Can they overcome what has happened in their lives in the past to build something that could be amazing for their future? That is what I was constantly asking myself while reading this book. Then, once I thought I had a handle on how things were going to go…. BAM…. out of no where comes a twist that not only turned everything upside down but messed with my emotions. This book almost had me in tears for so many different reason. That is what told me that this book was written really good. Not many authors can build your emotions to go through a vast array and make you feel them. I am giving this book 4 stars because, even though I know this is the first book in the series, I felt like there could have been more story lines with the side characters. We can guess that the next books are going to be about them, so not having many details is probably a good thing. I am just one that likes to know more about the characters that I will continue reading about. That being said, I will continue to read this series because I need to know what happens after that crazy twist.

Review by @bbohls

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Rock Me To The Top ( Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour) by Victoria Zak – Review by Cindy Mayberry

Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour Book One)Rock Me To The Top by Victoria Zak
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rock Me To The Top
A Gracefall Rock Star Romance
Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour Series
Book 1
By Victoria Zak
In this full length novel, you will find Joe Grace, the band drummer and Melody Sterling, a friend in this story. Melody’s father was a legendary rocker, and she knows what can happen to a family in this lifestyle. While they were friends to start with. This soon turns into a budding romance. One they both know can open a ugly can of worms. Are these two young people prepared to discover the secrets and lies that will be out in the open? Can they withstand the rocker world? It’s time to open this fantastic contemporary romance and fall in love with Joe and Melody.
Victoria Zak wrote this fast paced romance. For me she has opened my eyes to the world behind the band tours. Her writing is clear, her characters are believable and the romance will keep you reading. While I don’t normally read this genre, I decided to give it a read. I am so glad I did. For this was a great story. This history behind the band’s was spot on. Now I am looking forward to the next book in this series.Well Done Victoria Zak! Well Done! ! !


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Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour) by Victoria Zak – Review by Lorrene Huisman

Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour Book One)Rock Me To The Top by Victoria Zak
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a brand new author for me to discover, and I am so glad that I did! I loved how this talented author weaved together a very entertaining story, with my love of rock thrown into the mix! The story was engaging, full of the drama that can come with rock n roll, and a few unexpected notes as well!

For me what really pulled me into this book, was the insight it gave me. A rock star has a good life, adoring fans what more could they want right? There was so much behind the scenes, some things I had thought about, and well other things his book the way it was written, opened my eyes up and it really gave me a in depth feel for the characters! The book itself brought on a lot of feelings, all were welcomed by me, because to me they are what made this wonderful book!

I loved Melody and Joe as characters. Both came from a love of rock, not just for their interest, but for what filled their hearts for the love of rock. I loved how they were so close friends, and destiny brought them to work together. I new it would not all be perfect notes when they started their journey, but the key to good music is getting those bad notes and keys out of the way right I loved their story and their sides to their own personal sides of who they were, and what make them who they are. They were two souls in the world of rock, and their hearts were heavy for sure. I loved their story, and it really made this book powerful in every way. This book was so addictive, I could not put it down till I finished it!

As said this was a brand new discovered author for me, but this is far from my final book to read by them. I can not wait for more books in this series to come out. Plus an author who portrayed a beautiful rock n roll story as this is highly commendable! Loved their writing skill and how they flowed the story!

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Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour) by Victoria Zak

~💞 ¨☆🌸 ☆¨* BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE *¨☆🌸 ☆¨💞~
Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour) by Victoria Zak
Gracefall, the Vicious Love tour, coming to a digital bookstore near you.
Gracefall hit the rock scene and never looked back. Now one of the hottest metal bands on the charts, things are looking up, until a tragic accident threatens to rip the band apart. Can the guys recapture the beat that rocketed them to the top, or will they crash and burn?
He believed the lie.
Uber-sexy drummer, Joe Grace, has it all, except the one woman he wants to share it with, his best friend, Melody. When he hires Mel to manage his band’s tour, hot summer nights flame into a new passion neither can deny, but their fire ignites the darkness hiding behind long-buried secrets and lies. Lies that could lose him the woman he loves unless he bares his soul and lays it all on the line.
She fell for the fantasy.
Melody Sterling is no stranger to rock and roll. As the daughter of a legendary rocker, she had a front row seat to the destruction that lifestyle did to her parents’ relationship. Dating a rock star after that disaster? Out of the question! Until her best friend becomes one. Down on her luck—and apparently out of her mind—she joins Joe on their Gracefall summer tour, and soon finds herself falling fast for the fantasy of his crazy world. Now she must decide if her own dreams are worth fighting for, even if believing in herself again means losing the man she loves.


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Victoria Zak is an internationally bestselling author of Scottish historical paranormal romance. She weaves magic into her timeless tales, reminding readers anything is possible, especially with a dragon by your side. Raised in Dunedin, Florida, the sister city to Stirling Scotland, it’s no wonder she grew up fascinated with anything Scottish. Add the ocean into the mix, and it’s easy to see where Victoria finds inspiration for her stories.

When not writing, she enjoys historical research and hanging out at the nearest coffee shop. Currently, she resides in Maryland with her real-life heroes, her husband and two children.