Whisper (The Entian Curse) by Kay Ross – Review by Ayla Phipps
Whisper by Kay Ross
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Oh, wow what a ride. This is the first book I have read by Kay Ross and my oh my it was a spectacular ride. In a world where magic is known but forbidden to combine the outcome giving birth to “curses” this book gives an original take on discovering what it is to be alive.
Whisper is a disembodied spirit with knowledge, but no memories. While this might sound like a good thing, Whisper’s first experience of existence is fear, panic, and coldness. Finding compassion in a young woman named Ethene, this instantly becomes her favorite connection. All too quickly the joy of learning how to control “her” body and move, and talk she is faced with what death means. Death is an ending. Her goal quickly becomes that of staying alive and keeping others from being ended because of them. Whisper wants to make death, killing and ending outlawed. They want fear to be eradicated so that no one will ever feel it again.
Will Whisper succeed in protecting all from death and fear? Can she keep Ethene safe to achieve her goals? Or will Whisper slip back into the trees, and vines to live out their days? Being inside Whisper’s mind gave me Host feelings but at the same time so much more. Whisper isn’t a preexisting being they are a newborn and while they have no memories, they have knowledge they can pull on to quickly understand basic information. Only their first feeling of existence is nearly their ending. Ending another is quickly understood to be wrong by them and the journey they go on to try and abolish it will take you on an adventure with twists, turns, and revelations you may have never thought about before opening this book and diving in headfirst. Highly recommend. I will diffidently be keeping my eyes out for book two, to see what happens next in this amazing new and original series.