
Bake Believe Audiobook by Cori Cooper – Review by Barbara Stegall

Bake BelieveBake Believe by Cori Cooper
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Bake Believe AUDIO BOOK by Cori Cooper – Review by Barbara Stegall

This is a very light read well listen to book. It took me a few chapters to get pulled in. Pre-teens, younger siblings, and a little something extra what could go wrong? There were parts that had me laughing and I just love when a book can do that. This is a perfect book for when you want something light, funny, and a little different. Now I want to bake! Or just to have some really good bake goods. Hope they make me feel good!

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Bake Believe AUDIO BOOK by Cori Cooper – Review by Bridget McCullough

I was very impressed with the characters in this book. Often times adult authors forget what it was like to be a kid and child characters can come off a bit too mature for their age but these characters were spot on with their attitudes and the things that seem like the end of the world when you’re that age as well as the healthy dose of respect for adults even when you don’t want to listen to them that you still have at that age before you hit the rebellious phase. I thoroughly enjoyed this and would absolutely read this with my daughter when she is older. I think kids around 12 or 13 will love this story and find the characters very relatable. The magic style in the story sounds corny in the synopsis but the way it was written felt very organic to the storyline and I never felt like it was over the top or pushing past what is believably realistic in a fantasy novel. All in all I was impressed with the writing and I hope we get to see more of Cat’s journey.

The Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

The Forsaken: WraithThe Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow, this book was phenomenal! I really enjoyed this young adult/fantasy book. Alena was a young girl when she lost per family and her home. A few years later, she becomes a member of “The Guild” and now goes by the name of “Slayer” (which I love!!). Slayer is fearless and strong, and I love her character. As she now ventures off to find a missing Increment and works for The Sacred, this is when Slayer will discover what evil is where the adventure begins.

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The Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson- Review by Micalah Weatherholtz

The Forsaken: WraithThe Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

As a young girl on a night of terrifying fire, death, and blood Alena lost her entire family. She is luckily saved by her uncle and due to a devastating power she possesses is raised and trained in secret to become a guild member. After completing her training she sets off to complete her guild trial to become a fully fledged member. Once that is completed she is given her first official assignment. Given leave to travel to the tavern and recruit help for her journey she builds her cadre with the promise of coin upon completion. Thank goodness she didn’t decide to complete her mission alone! I love a good fantasy, young adult, or otherwise, and this one did not disappoint. I had an incredibly hard time putting this down to participate in life. Once you get into this story your are swept along and kept on the edge of your seat. I felt rather than atmosphere driven this novel is more character driven and what great characters they were, minus the one, he will deserve everything coming to him. I really enjoyed the camaraderie and friendship that developed in the group as they battled for their lives despite all of their differences. I’m really looking forward to reading more of The Forsaken.

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The Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson – Review by Stephanie Nicole

The Forsaken: WraithThe Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When I first saw the cover for The Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson I knew I had to read it. Personally I love fantasy and this cover alone drew me right in, and the synopsis just added to the thrill of wanting to read it. While I have read a lot of fantasy novels in my lifetime but this one was one of my personal favorites, there was so much adventure, great characters, and a fantastic plot line. I was so captivated by the fine details, the journey that the main character goes on and just the overall plot of the story that I just couldn’t put it down. So if your looking for a great adventure/fantasy book this weekend then I highly recommend The Forsaken: Wraith.

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The Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson – Review by Jasmin Marie

The Forsaken: WraithThe Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Forsaken: Wraith was my first book from this author. I’m not going to lie, this book was a slow start for me. In the first few chapters, I felt like there was a lot of promise but I just couldn’t find the spark I was looking for. However, I was soon drawn into the story around chapters 3-4! Martin Ferguson included so much detail into this world that I felt like I was a part of the Apprentice’s journey. The world he built gave me Game of Thrones vibes with more fantasy elements. I’ll definitely be on the lookout for more stories by this author!

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Bake Believe AUDIO BOOK by Cori Cooper – Review by Kerry Baker

Bake Believe Audible Logo Unabridged Audio Book by Cori Cooper is a great YA book that really draws you in and makes you become invested in Cat. She is such a loveable character that brings the whole story to life.

Having read this book previously I was excited to listen to the audio book version. And while I still really enjoyed the story I did struggle with the narration a bit. I found it hard to connect with the person telling this story, hard to listen to their way of bringing it to life. Their style definitely suited this type of book which makes me think this is definitely a personal thing. and knowing how good this book is, it doesn’t take away from it being a 5* read.

The Dream Catchers (Prestoria) by J. U. Menon – Review by Piper Foster

The Dream Catchers: PRESTORIA Series Book 1The Dream Catchers: PRESTORIA Series Book 1 by J.U. Menon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Prestoria is alot different to what I though it would be like. This is definitely aimed at older children it a book filled with adventure, mystery and some nightmare. This is a lovely quick read.

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The Dream Catchers (Prestoria) by J. U. Menon – Review by Tamisha Janay

The Dream Catchers: PRESTORIA Series Book 1The Dream Catchers: PRESTORIA Series Book 1 by J.U. Menon

There was never a dull moment in this story! We start with Radhika and a bit of her backstory. We meet her aunt, grandmother, and brother and discover how everything starts to tie together. I have been reading books lately that are slightly out of my small comfort zone, and I have been astounded at the amazing writing I have encountered so far. This book did not fail me on that aspect. The characters were wonderfully written, the deception and taunting made everything that much more intriguing, and not being able to tell whether they were in a dream or real life was wildly entertaining. I love the myths and folklore that took up storylines in this book and was pleasantly surprised at my ability to solve a riddle as quickly as I did! I am thankful this is a series because JU Menon has done such a beautiful job that I cannot wait to read the next installment!

View all my reviews @tamishajanay

The Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson – Review by Kerry Carr

The Forsaken: WraithThe Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first book is a new series by this author and from this book its going to be a great series. It is a young adult read but I really enjoyed it. I loves the fantasy aspect and the danger. With twists and turns around every corner you are kept on the edge of your seat all the way through.

When Alena’s world is destroyed she loses everything. She loses her home, her family and eventually her name. She is taken away and trained to become part of The Guild. The Guild is a group of people who are highly trained and Alena needs to find where she belongs.
After a successful trail on her own she comes back with the head of a Siren which makes her a Slayer.
Now she gets placed in the service of the Sacred and now her real adventure begins.

It’s a great 1st book in the series and I am eager to see where the next book takes us.

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The Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Forsaken: WraithThe Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Alena Athscar is a young woman of sixteen who lost her family in one night eight years before which was filled with blood, fire and snow, all because she has a gift people are searching for, but she is rescued by her Uncle and she is taken to live with him and grew up training to be a part of the Guild of thieves, assassins, saviours and slayers which he is the Guild master, now she is in the midst of her trial and is walking through a torrential downpour towards a tavern at a crossroads, it is warm and inviting and the bar keep is friendly, it looks like there isn’t going to be much information she can use, that is until a man comes running in speaking of a terrifying incident which has destroyed his caravan and possibly those he was travelling with in a nearby forest, that is all she needs to know and she heads off in that direction. When she gets there, she immediately senses something isn’t right and her suspicions are confirmed when she sees a trio of bandits she crossed paths with earlier attack each other in such a way that she knows they are not quite themselves, when she looks closer and is then confronted by the cause of the disquiet, she ends up fighting for her life and triumphs in the end, as she returns to the inn, she observes another confrontation, this time between the man and someone in his party, this leads to her getting paid.

When she returns to the Guildhall to receive confirmation of the her apprenticeship and completion of her trial, she is given the brand of the Guild and the designation of Slayer, closely followed by designation of her first contracted job, she has to retrieve a missing person for the Sacred, a group of sorcerers who either recruit or destroy those with arcane abilities, the need for discretion and speed in insisted upon and after receiving all the information she can, she takes her payment and goes to visit some vendors to stock up on what she will need for the job. Her first stop is the Healer to treat her wounds and give an offering to the Gods, she visits the Fence to sell the things she didn’t give to the Guild, next is the Scholar to gather some information about where she will be going and the current situation there, including a map with the way clearly marked, a trip to the Alchemist for healing potions and something to help slay any obstacles in front of her and finally to the Armourer to replace her short sword, chainmail armour and gathering a few more weapons to add to her arsenal.

After she is packed and ready to go, she goes to a local inn to recruit a party tot travel with her and support her with the job, there isn’t much uptake to begin with, they disbelieve that she, a mere girl is worthy of them, but eventually people step up to the plate and they finally set off onto their journey, but it isn’t smooth sailing on the way, never mind when they reach their destination, however what they find there is nothing short of terrifying, but will the group be able to destroy what needs to be destroyed and stay alive in the process, or will the beasts and demons prevail over the Slayer and her group of individuals? This is a thrilling fantasy adventure which keeps you on a rollercoaster of emotions as you journey along a perilous path with this group of misfits.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson – Review by Erin Wolf

The Forsaken: WraithThe Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I give The Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson, 5 stars.

This book is incredible. It is completely different than the author’s Relic Hunters series, yet it still has the same sense of adventure the author excels at. This new world is so detailed and interesting. I really want to be there and felt pulled in immediately. The author does such a fantastic job in this tale of fantasy. Then there are the characters. Slayer is such a wonderful primary character. She has such a past that forged who she has become. Not to mention that she still learns as the book goes on. She has her flaws, but is ruled by her heart. She is what really makes this book and what I hope to be a long-running series.

If you like fantasy stories with imaginative worlds and strong female main characters, this book is definitely for you.

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The Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson – Review by Kerry Baker

The Forsaken: WraithThe Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson is an explosive start to a new series. It is not often you get a book like this, one that absolutely captures you from start to finish. This whole book is thrilling. The author takes you on such an exciting journey. Half the time I didn’t know which way to turn because I was so caught up in what was happening.
Having previously read his Relic Hunters series I couldn’t wait to get my hands on this book and it did not disappoint at all! The whole book was so well executed that I am already looking forward to seeing more from these characters.

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Bake Believe AUDIO BOOK by Cori Cooper – Review by Bobbi Wagner

I enjoyed reading this book and was excited to pick up and listen to the audio.  I enjoyed how the narrator made the story fun and entertaining to listen to.  I also enjoyed how they brought the story to life with the different tones for each character.  This is a cute young adult story about Cat and what happens to her when a scheduling mix up places her in a culinary class. Her family has a secret and she is about to find out what it is.  I really enjoyed Cat’s character, she was fun  and I enjoyed her  growth throughout her mix up.   Great story to listen to and worth the audio pick up.  I highly recommend this audio.

The Girl and the Gargoyle (The Girl and the Raven Book 2) by Pauline Gruber

~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~
The Girl and the Gargoyle (The Girl and the Raven Book 2) by Pauline Gruber
Genre – Paranormal for young adults; fantasy for young adults; supernatural for young adults
Page Count – 486 pages
When a meet-the-parents moment becomes an assassination attempt, can one magical teenager save everyone she loves?
Lucy Walker is overwhelmed. Discovering her demon dad is on the opposite side of a supernatural war with her gargoyle boyfriend’s family was hard enough. But when a dinner date with her beau’s parents results in his father announcing his mission to make her an orphan, Lucy’s blood threatens to boil.
Determined to recruit all the support she can find to help save her father, Lucy is baffled by how easily her white-witch mentors agree to assist…until they reveal her own life is also at risk. And with her demon blood causing dangerous jealousies over sessions with her combat training partner, she fears she may lose everything.
Can Lucy bridge the divide between two warring factions before their feud sends her to her doom?
The Girl and The Gargoyle is the suspenseful second book in The Girl and The Raven YA paranormal romance series. If you like fireball-hurling heroines, forbidden attractions, and terrifying twists, then you’ll love Pauline Gruber’s dark tale.


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Pauline Gruber is a self-professed music junkie, cat wrangler, and travel nut. She went to Paris in the 90’s where she discovered a love of three things: croissants, old cathedrals, and gargoyles. Deciding that the paranormal world could use a new kind of hero, Pauline translated her fascination with the protective gargoyle into a suspenseful love story. She is the author of the young adult series, The Girl and the Raven, The Girl and the Gargoyle, and The Girl and the Demon. By day, Pauline is a legal assistant for a Chicago law firm where she borrows identities and incorporates them into her books. If you tell anyone, she’ll deny, deny, deny.


Pauline lives outside of Chicago with her precocious black cats.


For more information about The Girl and the Raven series and the author, please visit:

Author Interview With Pauline Gruber




The Girl and the Raven by Pauline Gruber – Review by Crystal Jimmo

The Girl and the Raven (The Girl and the Raven #1)The Girl and the Raven by Pauline Gruber
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I got chills reading this book. From the very first page you are bombarded with emotions from Lucy. Watching her lose her mother in the most horrible way makes you want to just grab her and hold onto her and never let her go. This girl is met with trial after trial and rises above it. At first she is very reluctant. I would be too if I was in her shoes! But, you see her grow and you want to read more. The storytelling is absolutely fantastic. I enjoyed every moment of this story. I can’t wait to read more from this author!

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The Girl and the Raven (The Girl and the Raven series) by Pauline Gruber – Review by Donna Dawkin

The Girl and The RavenThe Girl and The Raven by Pauline Gruber
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I like how the author weaves the threads of the story through the different characters into web of intrigue.. Great foundation building for the series of stories to come. Not a regular of YA Paranormal Romance, I enjoyed the sweet romantic suspense of first love amidst all the adventure of learning who she really is.
Lucy is a girl that’s had to stand on her own for years, but now she finds herself surrounded by a family and champions she never knew she had. This is my first read by Pauline Gruber and I won’t hesitate to read the next installment!

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Ryan’s Bed by Tijan – Review by Colleen Noyes

Ryan's BedRyan’s Bed by Tijan
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

So I read Enemies by Tijan and was so enthralled with it that I wanted to read another book and chose Ryan’s Bed. For me this book didn’t compare much to the writing of Enemies. I thought that the story was good and the author’s writing was on point, but I felt like so much was missing from the story. I found it hard to be consumed by the storytelling especially given the subject matter which could have been completely heartwrenching. I found it hard to connect with the parents, the brother, or Ryan’s friends although I did connect minimally with Ryan and Mac. I found it hard to believe some of the scenarios. I think there is a big difference in the writing of this book from 2018 versus the writing of Enemies in 2019. It won’t be my last Tijan book, but it’s not my favorite by a long shot.

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Bake Believe AUDIO BOOK by Cori Cooper – Review by Heidi Schoolman

This story follows Cat, an 8th grader with a family secret. She inadvertently ends up in a culinary class. Cat’s family never bakes – never. So, when she does bake, something crazy happens! This story describes teens to a tee. The author did an amazing job with character descriptions and details. Bonus – there are even recipes in there!

The Girl and the Raven (The Girl and the Raven series) by Pauline Gruber – Review by Cindy Rushin

The Girl and The RavenThe Girl and The Raven by Pauline Gruber
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this novel by Pauline Gruber. The Girl and the Raven included love, adventure, intrigue, witches and demons, all favorites of mine. The start of Lucy’s journey to uncovering who she is and where she fits in the world was a joy to read. Pauline Gruber has created a vibrant world and I found myself unable to put the book down. I look forward to reading the next installment from Pauline Gruber.

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The Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson – Review by Emily McCoy

The Forsaken: WraithThe Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a super enjoyable read, there is nothing better than a fierce no nonsense female lead. Especially when you throw in a bunch of misfits that have to figure out how to work together! The chemistry was great, I loved Alenas character so much, after everything she went through as a child and then being trained under the Guild of thieves and assassins?! This book had great world building, relatable characters and an adventure that doesn’t stop. I can’t wait to see where the rest of the books go! This was the first book I have read by Martin Ferguson and I’m ready for more.

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The Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson – Review by Jessica Phillips

The Forsaken: WraithThe Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Forsaken: Wraith was my first book by Martin Ferguson and I was very impressed!
The story really came alive for me and I found myself excited to see what would happen next.

Alena (Slayer), having lost her family and home at a young age, is raised and trained by the Guild.
Training to be either Savior, Slayer, Assassin or Thief, Alena passed her trial earning herself a position in the Guild as Slayer.
Given her first assignment, she rounds up a team of unlikely misfits. They are faced with danger and evils. I don’t know how you would be able to resist getting sucked into the story!

This book was a quick read and I am so happy that I was able to experience it! It was a page turner for me and now I impatiently wait for book 2!

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The Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson – Review by Louise Loughran

The Forsaken: WraithThe Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was brilliant, I really enjoyed the plot and it had me hooked straight away, the details on the characters were brilliant and all well written it has been awhile since I have been so invested in a book

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The Girl and The Raven by Pauline Gruber Review by Michelle Marlow

The Girl and the Raven (The Girl and the Raven #1)The Girl and the Raven by Pauline Gruber
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Right away this story grabs your attention with our main character. Lucy is just a 16 year old trying to cope with her life.

She is then thrown into a turmoil. As she ends up living with her great uncles, she learns she is not of this world. Which she already had a clue to.

This story had wonderful fantasy elements to it that I don’t believe we see often enough. It wasn’t all fairies and mortals. No, it was something much different. I cannot wait to get my hands on the rest of this series. And would recommend it to anyone who truly loves a fresh feel to a Young Adult series.

Reviewed by @michellerenee6590
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The Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson – Review by Ayla Eddy

The Forsaken: WraithThe Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson is a book that draws you into the fantasy world written in its pages. Alena’s world is upturned at the loss of everything she was born to; her family, her home and her name. From one life into another she is raised by The Guild, but must face a trial alone to become a true member. Sent out to find her place she returns victorious as a Slayer. She is then sent out on an adventure which places her in the service of the Scared. With determination and a drive to not fail she sets out on her quest with a unique group of individuals. A journey with unexpected twists, danger, monsters, and evil. It was a page turning story that kept me wanting to know what would happen next. I could not put the book down. This is the first book of the Hidden Realms of Centuros series and I cannot wait for the next book.

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The Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson – Review by Jennifer Reimer

The Forsaken: WraithThe Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A very well written book that draws you in quickly from the beginning and has you wondering what will happen next. Very entertaining and enjoyable read, with amazing interesting characters the dynamics and the adventure this story takes you down. The magical elements and plot are just as enticing, a page turner from beginning to end.
I can’t wait for the next installment of Wraith’s journey and to see how the path develops and I really couldn’t have asked for a more entertaining read!

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The Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson – Review by Rayne East

The Forsaken: WraithThe Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A brilliant series starter.
What a fantastic world Martin Ferguson has created. I devoured this book and can’t wait to delve into the next. Wonderful characters (loved Alena), excellent world building and faultless execution makes this a series not to missed. The author takes us on an epic journey that brings together the band of misfits ready for the next instalment, which I eagerly await.

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The Dream Catchers (Prestoria) by J. U. Menon – Review by Erica Shoebridge

The Dream Catchers: PRESTORIA Series Book 1The Dream Catchers: PRESTORIA Series Book 1 by J.U. Menon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a fun adventure fantasy book for all ages. I loved the fast-paced action and the menagerie of Dream Catchers and Prestoria creatures. The writing was very accessible, and the plot exciting and imaginative. Radhika is a great heroine – smart, creative, and talented. Following these teens on their challenges was a great time. Definitely give this one a go!

Reviewed by @ericalorraine
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The Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson – Review by Desiree Ottinger

The Forsaken: WraithThe Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

First time reading this author and I loved it! I thought the world building was well written and felt like this book is setting up for an epic series!

I love a great fantasy book with a strong female character that has the influence of becoming great by a strong male character. I enjoyed how she picked a band of misfits and built a team out of the ones you didn’t necessarily see as being a good group together! All the characters were well rounded with just enough mystery to some of them that it kept you guessing as to what could be their story. While only a couple of characters are explained, others are left with an open ending to carry on the story!

All in all… a very quick, enjoyable read. Can’t wait to read more in this world!

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The Dream Catchers (Prestoria) by J. U. Menon – Review by Shelly Kittell

The Dream Catchers: PRESTORIA Series Book 1The Dream Catchers: PRESTORIA Series Book 1 by J.U. Menon

Prestoria, a land of nightmares. Will you be chosen to play in this secret game of revenge? Radhika Varma and 11 others were chosen to play in this game. Not all is as it seems. Treachery, jealousy, revenge with also friendship make for a book full of adventure that will have any young adult on the edge of their seat reading. Radhika will learn that she has the courage within her to overcome any challenges thrown at her. The characters such as Derek, Vivienne and Leonara are written to feel so much like your typical teen that you can feel what they are feeling. The whole plot of the challenge in the land of nightmares is intense and action packed. Highly recommend.

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