
Competing with the Star (Star Series Book 2) by Krysten Lindsay Hager – Review by Ashley Lape

Competing with the StarCompeting with the Star by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

After reading the first book, Next Door to a Star I was thrilled there was a sequel. Competing with a Star did not disappoint. It was full of teenage drama, love and confusion. Hadley and Nick’s relationship seems to be blooming well when Hadley shows her true naïve side. I did love how Nick was vulnerable with Hadley. All in all I liked the book, the drama and the realness of relationships these days.

Reviewed by @alape
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Grave Digger Academy (Grave Digger Academy Series Book 1) by C.A. King – Review by Jenni Bishop

Grave Digger AcademyGrave Digger Academy by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was excited to get my hands on Grave Digger Academy by C.A. King. It is a YA paranormal fantasy, that gives us a light hearted look at young Witches at the Grave Digger Academy and one in particular who has newly learned of her abilities and doesn’t want to be there. This book had a Harry Potteresque feel to it, I mean who doesn’t love Potter? and it is a fun read. This adventurous tale flows nicely and is excitingly intriguing. With great world-building, and delightful characters CA has set the scene with multiple layers to be explored and revealed and a plot going forward that looks exciting and promising. It is an Academy that is full of secrets and things that are hidden within the grounds and in the dark. It is a great start to this series.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Alexandria Richard

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Heads up, this is a spin off to The Blood Dagger trilogy, which I did not realize going in.

Having not read the Blood Dagger trilogy, this had slower start that left me scratching my head at some of the references, but once I got to about 30% I was completely immersed and couldn’t put the book down! All of my questions and confusion were answered, and then more! I’m in awe of the character building in this book and cannot wait to read more in this series!

Shield & Shade takes the paranormal genres for vampires, angels, and demons, and turns them on their heads!

I’m not normally a big fan of books that switch POV between more than two characters, but here I didn’t feel like I was losing out on information by being in another’s perspective, instead I felt it gave us more information and background than we would have otherwise had. I enjoyed the “coming of age” aspect for Zoey and Cruz, with their minds being blown that angels and the paranormal exist. I can appreciate Zoey’s mom wanting to protect her youngest child, who had a traumatic experience at 5, but c’mon, you also have to let your child live!

I will certainly be searching for the Blood Dagger books, as well as any others written by Misty.

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Competing with the Star (Star Series Book 2) by Krysten Lindsay Hager – Review by Erica Shoebridge

Competing with the StarCompeting with the Star by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a sweet story that deals with coming of age, and navigating all the tricky waters of adolescence. Hadley is a teenager who is starting to date for the first time, and although she seems to have found a great guy, it’s not without its challenges. Especially when your friends seem to be blocking the relationship at every turn. Like the first book in this series, Hadley is learning who her true friends really are, and how complex all relationships can be. Despite second-guessing herself a lot, she does manage to sift through her feelings and find a path that feels true to her.

If you liked Next Door to a Star, you’ll be right at home in the second book in this series. It took me back to the awkward days of high school, with all the feels and confusion and new experiences. Hager has a real gift for letting us remember how that time felt, in all its ups and downs.

Reviewed by @ericalorraine
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Grave Digger Academy (Grave Digger Academy Series Book 1) by C.A. King – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Grave Digger AcademyGrave Digger Academy by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is an author I have enjoyed from the first book I picked up from her and I never hesitate to pick up her books. They are well written, fun, entertaining stories that pull me in from the first page. This book is no different. This is a paranormal story that I couldn’t put down until the end. This is a story about Makayla and her last chance to go to an academy. The first couple turned her down but the one that gives her the opportunity she doesn’t want to go to. The curriculum at this place is as it says, gravediggers are just that they dig graves. The problem is that the dead don’t stay buried and they refuse to cooperate. This is an action filled story that I just loved reading. The characters are entertaining and made the story fun and thrilling to read. I highly recommend this book and this author.

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Review by @bjwagner

Competing with the Star (Star Series Book 2) by Krysten Lindsay Hager – Review by Jenni Bishop

Competing with the StarCompeting with the Star by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

3.5 stars

This sweet YA Romance by Krysten Lindsay Hager, Competing with the Star is the second book in the series. As I said before Krysten is known for her YA romances and it is what she does best. It is full of drama and angst, insecurity and anxiety, jealousy, and high emotions makes life hard enough as a teenager but without confidence and trust self-doubt is a bad thing. Mean girls and bullies, lies and deceit, love, and betrayal and so much more will delight YA readers.

Just who should she believe?
Reviewed by @jennadb

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Competing with the Star (Star Series Book 2) by Krysten Lindsay Hager – Review by Candida Hopper

Competing with the StarCompeting with the Star by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Competing with the Star : Sweet YA Romance
By Krysten Lindsay Hagar

Another great book. This is the second book and it’s just as good as the first one. You don’t have to have read the first book in order to read this one but it is my suggestion that you do because you will have a better back story of the characters and because it’s also a great story. The author does a great job in showing us the drama, insecurities, teenage feelings and more. This book is a good read for adults as well as young adults. I had a hard time putting this book down because I wanted to know what would happen in these relationships and friendships. I enjoyed this story from start to finish. I highly recommend this book.

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Competing with the Star (Star Series Book 2) by Krysten Lindsay Hager – Review by Candida Hopper

Competing with the StarCompeting with the Star by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Competing with the Star : Sweet YA Romance
By Krysten Lindsay Hagar

Another great book. This is the second book and it’s just as good as the first one. You don’t have to have read the first book in order to read this one but it is my suggestion that you do because you will have a better back story of the characters and because it’s also a great story. The author does a great job in showing us the drama, insecurities, teenage feelings and more. This book is a good read for adults as well as young adults. I had a hard time putting this book down because I wanted to know what would happen in these relationships and friendships. I enjoyed this story from start to finish. I highly recommend this book.

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Next Door to a Star (The Star Series) by Krysten Lindsay Hager – Review by Candida Hopper

Next Door to a StarNext Door to a Star by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Next Door to a Star
By Krysten Lindsay Hagar

This book was such a great read. I couldn’t put it down once I started. The author did an excellent job portraying all the feelings and drama teenagers go through. I can definitely relate when I think back to my youth and also thinking about all things my kids have been through. Hadley is socially awkward so a lot of the things she’s experiencing with having new friends is all new for her and she isn’t sure how to navigate some of it. I was definitely rooting for her to make good choices when put in a situation that calls for her to do what’s right or not. This is a good book for all. I highly recommend this book.

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Emma Clawson

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The characters in this novel are amazing. Misty Hayes has portrayed the characters as human with emotions and wit. Hayes has become one of my must read authors with this novel. The plot and story line kept me engaged and was easy to follow along. Shield and Shade is the start of a new series. It’s the story of a girl who’s life gets turned absolutely upside down and shattered by family secrets. Talk about a page turner! Highly recommended.

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Competing with the Star (Star Series Book 2) by Krysten Lindsay Hager – Review by Karyn Taylor

Competing with the StarCompeting with the Star by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Competing With The Star is the follow-up book to Next Door To The Star by Krysten Lindsay Hager. It is a sweet young adult romance that I really enjoyed (although I’m far from a young adult these days, lol). I had enjoyed Next Door To The Star but I must say that I enjoyed this book more than the first one.
Having moved next door to tv star Simone and becoming friends with her, Hadley is now struggling when she finds out that her boyfriend Nick used to be totally infatuated with Simone. She feels that she can’t compete with the beautiful former tv star. It’s her first ever boyfriend and she doesn’t know how to deal with it.
Added to the is the group of girls she now hangs around with. I mentioned in my review of the first book that every teenage girl should read the book. Well they should then follow it with this one. It’s such an accurate representation of how cliquey, bitchy and nasty teenage girls are, even when they are your friend, never mind them being your enemy.
I love Hadley’s character and see a lot of my teenage self in her. I never really felt that I fitted in with any group of girls and felt like an outsider at times. She’s a fantastic character that I’m sure a lot of teenage girls can relate to.
Another must read for all teenage girls.

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Competing with the Star (Star Series Book 2) by Krysten Lindsay Hager – Review by Angela Packard

Competing with the StarCompeting with the Star by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love YA books and this was no exception. I read it in one sitting I enjoyed it so much. Took me back to high school and first love that the world revolves around. Hadley is a down to earth teenager, that has a lot of doubt and insecurities that most of us experience as we mature and discover who we are and who we want to be. She has changed schools and went from having one good friend to finding a circle of friends she regularly hangs out with. But can she trust everyone in that circle? I enjoyed how Hadley struggles with finding who her true friends are and finding connections that were kind of a surprise. She is in love with Nick and I love how their story was sweet and innocent and didn’t just jump in to physical relations. I feel like a lot of high school stories now are all about drinking, drugs, and sex. It was a beautiful story that I would read again.

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Competing with the Star (Star Series Book 2) by Krysten Lindsay Hager – Review by Sara Oxton

Competing with the StarCompeting with the Star by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Competing with the Star by Krysten Lindsay Hagar a fab four-star read. This is number two in the Star series and its best to read them in order as they do follow on the story and build the characters. This will have you harking back to being a teenager if you aren’t one reading this story, if you are a teenager, it will be like reading your diary. Hadley will pull you as she faces her struggles, and they are struggles we all face at some point in life, it just so happens that Hadley’s seem to be happening just as she was getting it all together. I enjoyed this story, but it didn’t pull me like the first, it could be me as I am so crazy right now, so I am eagerly awaiting number three to see what will be happening next.

Review by @saraoxo

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Sarah Hammel

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Vampires, angels, demons, we are all familiar with them and probably have come to expect certain things from those topics and types of characters, but Misty Hayes really made their own original spin on it. If you come into it expecting it to go a certain way you might end up being disappointed, but I greatly enjoyed the different take on the mythology of the creatures. At times it was hard to follow because of some of the changes but once you get used to the differences it is fun and exciting. There is a lot of dark material in the story so it is not a light read, it might trigger some hard feelings, but it is worth it at least in my opinion. I read it as an ebook but it definitely felt like a big thick book that you could lose yourself in if you had the time to sit and really dive into it. Recommended for anyone that is a fan of the vampire legend but wants something new about them to taste.

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Krista Vaughan

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Krista Vaughan

This action-packed fantasy made it almost impossible to put down! Zoey starts out with a almost crippling fear of the dark and no memories of why. Her family is loud, boisterous and overprotective. They are also telling lies and withholding truths. When the truth of the world she lives in starts to come to the surface everything is terrifying and tragic. Zoey needs to be brave and to fight for her life and the lives of her family. Zoey’s character grows from a naive little girl to a brave little warrior. Sometimes the truth is scary, but the fight is worth it. A must read!

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Melissa Collins

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I absolutely love this book! Yes, it has dark and crazy moment but I was hooked especially the second chapter really hooked me and gave a good back story. I’ve not read anything by her but I’m definitely a fan.

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Emily McCoy

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Shield and Shade had me hooked from the beginning, I could not put it down! Misty Hayes did an incredible job, bringing this characters to life in every way. I truly fell in love with Zoey, Corinth, and Cruz. There were some twists and turns that I didn’t see coming and it had me going back over to make sure I read it right! This book was hands down one of the very best that I have read this year. I did not know this was a spin off series but I will definitely be checking into the Blood Dagger trilogy, after reading this I have no doubt in mind it won’t be amazing.

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Jo Frizzell

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This story was captivating. When I started reading, I didn’t want to stop. The world building and characters were fantastic! It kept me guessing and wondering what was coming next. It was fantastic and I was on the edge of my seat while I was reading.

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by May LeadStone

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

THIS WAS A FREAKIN’ AWESOME ADVENTURE! The main Character Zoey is definitely on a roller coaster of dark twists and turns, angelic loops, and devilish corkscrews, and a story wouldn’t be complete without a boy dilemma in Fort Worth, Texas! (Not Cowboys, oil companies, and horses anywhere in sight!) Zoey and her group face when an infernal demon decides on revenge and destruction of humanity as they know it! Ms. Hayes has written an extreme action-packed adventure, where the reader can view the action from ALL her characters, and I have never seen the action scenes with this detail and raw emotion on every page. The love the characters show for family and close friends is undeniable, and even though the characters are tested and brutally challenged, however, family and love is the strongest bond of all is what I read through this book. Join Zoey Taylor and others on this roller coaster adventure for a one-of-a-kind experience!

Travels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A Memoir by Mary E. Gregory – Review by Liz Vrchota

Travels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A MemoirTravels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A Memoir by Mary E. Gregory
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was quite the interesting read and escape from my typical normal pick up. I like books that make me think regardless of the storyline or ideas behind them and that is normally what will draw me to them, so that is was drew me into Travels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A Memoir by Mary E. Gregory. This is written very much like a journal or diary and gives us a glimpse into the mind of Mary E Gregory and her struggles as she traverses life and travel. I loved the way she kept things raw and real and didn’t attempt to sugarcoat anything. I was invested from the very beginning and was never really bored with the story, which is always a concern when you pick up a memoir. I would be highly interested in seeing what else we may get in the future from Ms. Gregory.

Review by @lizaileen
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Next Door to a Star (The Star Series) by Krysten Lindsay Hager – Review by Ashley Dover

Next Door to a StarNext Door to a Star by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Next Door to a Star written by Krysten Lindsay Hager is a story of the coming of age in high school. It is a perfect tale of every unpopular girl’s desire to be seen. In fact, this could be my story. It is wonderfully written and was by far one of the best young adult books that I have read.

Hadley Daniels had never been the most popular girl in school. In fact, she struggled to find her place in her high school. She had one best friend, Lexi Irvin. It was the summer after freshman year, and Hadley’s life was about to change. Lexi was moving to Texas with her family. Since she had no other friends, after an invitation, Hadley decides to spend the summer in Grand Haven with her grandparents.

Next door to her grandparents lived Simone Hendrickson. Simone is a former actress from Hadley’s favorite show, Duncan’s Corner. Hadley has no intention of becoming Simone’s friend. She does want to see if she can make friends though.

Will Hadley make friends in Grand Haven? Will Simone welcome Hadley into her world? How will sophomore year be for Hadley? To find out, read this amazing book!

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Ashley Dover

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

At fifteen, Zoey Taylor is different compared to normal high schoolers. Zoey, as a freshman, takes AP (or Advanced Placement) courses hoping that she can graduate high school early. She is always studying, and with a nighttime curfew of 7:30, she doesn’t have a lot of friends. Plus, there’s her secret. She’s afraid of the dark because that’s when she gets night terrors of the time when she wandered out of her house at night at the tender age of five.

The one person she considers a friend is Trevor. He has creamy skin, auburn hair, and chocolate brown eyes which he hides behind square rimmed glasses. You would think he was nerdy, but his athletic build and self-confidence made the girls fawn over him at every chance. His parents never seem to be home, but since his parents are mansion rich, he has money to do whatever he pleases or whatever his parents wish for him to do.

Zoey’s life has a dose of reality on Thanksgiving when she finds out the truth about the night when she was five. Read this amazing story about demons and Nephilim to find out how Zoey, her family, and friends acclimate to an ordeal that is definitely not “normal”.

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Travels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A Memoir by Mary E. Gregory – Review by Sherry Sharpnack

Travels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A MemoirTravels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A Memoir by Mary E. Gregory
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a memoir by Mary Gregory about life w/ a mentally ill mother while suffering from a facial deformity. What.A.Combination.
Mary’s mother leaves her husband b/c the husband, a pastor, comes out as gay. She moves the family around, eventually cross-country to California. Mom has mental issues, but the three kids don’t know that, nor understand. They just know they spend a lot of time in the car, eating fast food or from convenience stores/gas stations. Mary is ugly b/c of her cleft lip, and has problems w/ eating b/c of the holes in her mouth from her cleft palate. I deeply felt all her problems in school with classmates.
It’s understandable that when the family finally lands in Long Beach, CA, Mary eventually ends up as a drug addict and exploring a different lifestyle. This makes me sad, b/c for a while, she was really into basketball, fitness, and school, but slid away from that. The eldest, Paul, leaves the family as soon as possible. Sam, the elder daughter and middle child, bonds w/ an undocumented immigrant boyfriend and spends years getting him back to California from Mexico. This leaves Mary to fend for herself, and for her mother. Mary’s mother gets fatter and fatter, and less and less able to manage her own life, much less raise children. Reading the descriptions of the mother’s various domiciles left me nauseous.
Mary eventually falls for a guy eleven years older than her, another immigrant who needs her to marry him for a green card. It is surprising that this works out at all, but it does. The reader roots HARD for Mary to find love and stability outside of her nuclear family unit. After Mary meets Pierre, it feels like the memoir speeds up, far more superficial than the parts about her young childhood.
The whole book reminds me of Tara Westover’s “Educated,” without the Mormon background, and w/ an overtly schizophrenic parent. I was SO pleased to read about Mary finally getting surgeries to fix her deformities!
I will round up to four stars for this nearly stream-of-consciousness salute to a girl who survived to find a better life.

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Shield and Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes- Review by Kristy Nelson

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

From what I understand, this is connected to the Blood Dagger trilogy, which I haven’t read. However, after finishing this book and loving it as much as I did, I plan to read all of her work! It was fast paced and easy to get sucked into the book. The characters had good development and felt very real. I always love when a book is told from different viewpoints; and Hayes accomplished it seamlessly. A very suspenseful and exciting read. I can’t wait for the others!

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Competing with the Star (Star Series Book 2) by Krysten Lindsay Hager – Review by Kerry Baker

Competing with the StarCompeting with the Star by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Competing With The Star: Sweet YA Romance by Krysten Lindsay Hager. This book can be read as a stand-alone as it is easy to engage with the characters.
This is an easy to read, sweet romance that is fairly quick to read. The characters are all pretty interesting, although I didn’t find Hadley to be quite frustrating at times.
The book for me had quite a slow pace, it was a slow build up leading you gently where it wanted to take you. This is one of those stories that is a great way to pass a lazy afternoon. You can get lost in the story and everything going on.
This was an enjoyable book a good follow up to the first one.

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Shield & Shade: Ascended Guardians Series by Misty Hayes – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Zoey Taylor is just a normal girl on her way to graduating early, she studies hard and is a bit of a loner apart from one friend who she hangs around with, this is due to being an introvert by nature, but also because her family are really overprotective ever since she walked out of the house and into the woods behind in the middle of the night when she was five years old. As Zoey goes through her normal routine of school, studying, more school, more studying and maybe meeting her friend at the local diner for a snack before heading home, she is coming to terms with her desperate need to escape from it, to escape from her family and its drama which comes from being the only girl surrounded by four brothers, its loud and distracting.

One of the days she goes to the diner, her friend did mention that one of the guys who works there has a crush on her, but she didn’t believe it, she is too plain for anyone to notice her, but when she starts talking to him, she realises he is actually a nice guy under the uniform and permanent scent of sugar and grease from the fryers. When her friend turns up she is annoyed with herself bevuase of asking a stupid question which pretty much wrecked any chance of further conversation and she regrets it so she decides to leave early, unknowingly leaving her bag charm behind, her friend isn’t overly fussed and just proceeds to chat up the girls in the diner instead.

As Thanksgiving approaches, Zoey is worried that she won’t be able to study with everyone being in the house and tries to extend her curfew a bit so she can get some work done at the library, but her parents are having none of it, so she struggles ahead like normal. When her older brother comes home a couple of days after school has broken up, she is happy, but when a friend of his comes to see him, things start to turn odd, so she calls on her friend to come over to help her investigate what is happening and he agrees to come over on Thanksgiving itself.

When the day arrives, the family is preparing the meal, but unknown to her, the guy from the diner is going to turn up as well to return her charm and bearing cake, while she is talking to him, tensions rise between the two guys when her friend arrives and she asks one to leave. However, the day proceeds to become more shocking when someone she never expected turns up on her doorstep, Gabriel Stanton is wealthy, popular to the point of celebrity status and a philanthropist in his spare time and completely out of place in her living room, but there he is nonetheless. How will Zoey react when he manages to turn her life upside down with answers she never expected to hear and what will happen in the aftermath of these revelations? This is a thrilling tale of secrets, revelations and family bonds that is a rollercoaster of emotion and action as the story unfolds to reveal its final conclusion.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Shield & Shade (Ascend Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Reviewed Laura-Jane Minnie

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a great spin off, especially if you haven’t read the original trilogy which I have not but i definitely will now. If you love The Mortal Instruments series you will absolutely enjoy this Young Adult paranormal fantasy. It has great strong characters and there is twists, suspense and drama round every turn. you will not be disappointed.

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Heather Lovelace

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ok. I knew from the description that this book was right up my alley. But I was unprepared for the adventure that unfolded before me. Wow. What a book. Just full of detail and amazing characters. I loved how the story was set up. Couldn’t wait to find out how everything would come together and get answers to the questions set in the beginning. The author brilliantly provided a new world to dive into. My only complaint is that i have to wait for the next book. Wonderful.

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace
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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Shelly Kittell

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the BEST paranormal book out there for 2021. If books similar to Supernatural had a category, this would be up there (even though it is way better), This author has done a phenomenal job putting together the plot. It is good vs evil with angels, demons, nephilims, etc. Holy cow! I found myself chuckling through some and holding my breath through the others. Her action packed scenes between Zoey, Cruz and the gang are classic. Zoe is a young woman who shows her family that she is stronger than they give her credit for when she learns they have been lying to her. Her friends haven’t been much help. She is an introvert and prefers studying and reading (I feel her). This is a book that will have you counting down the days to read the next one.

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Travels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A Memoir by Mary E. Gregory – Review by Lorrene Huisman

Travels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A MemoirTravels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A Memoir by Mary E. Gregory
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I always enjoy reading a memoir as it tells me a story thru the author through themselves to what they experienced and how they would describe things rather than having someone else describe it for them.

Reading this I certainly felt so many emotions reading the very well written memoir thru the eyes of Mary. I believe we all have had ups and downs in life and its hard and difficult to understand what exactly the person had to undergo when they tell their story. But with Mary and their story, I truly felt I was there living every moment, feeling emotion, what they experienced and endured.

Mary didn’t have an easy childhood to say the least. She had been born with Cleft Palate and I find thru reading , as I would expect, it was not easy as she often felt she didn’t belong and had no place in the world, This stirred a lot of emotions for. I had a illness as a teenager that I did conquer, but I still can remember the kids making fun of me as I lost some of my hair through treatments.

If that wasn’t enough to have to live through her mom had a mental illness and it often impacted Mary and how they felt and it wasn’t always easy as anyone would expect. On top of all this her father who was a part of the church as a preacher revealed he was in fact gay. This greatly impacted Mary and how their life would develop.

As I read on the emotions and things I felt in my heart were very much real. Mary rose above everything in the end that life had thrown at her. I don’t know her personally but if I did I’d look her in the eyes and tell her that I’m proud of her, through out her memoir there was a lot of pain, and hard times, and emotions for sure. But all in all it tells you no matter what you are going thru, you can beat anything and everything at all costs. You can achieve more than you ever thought was to be the path you were mean to walk. Mary never gave up and was a wonderful person who believed in going against the odds. In the end, despite it all, she became victorious. Though it was a hard struggle, of hardships and even a uncertain future, Mary pushed and conquered everything, She truly triumphed and is a remarkable person.

I loved this memoir from start to end. Defiantly going on as one of my personal favorites. I highly recommend, This memoir does anything but disappoint the reader. I dare you to read it and walk in Mary’s shoes and see what she felt, and went thru, and the courageous woman she became.

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