Project 99 (Perfect Human Book 1) by C.S. Patra – Review by Jenni Bishop

Project 99 (Perfect Human Book 1)Project 99 by C.S. Patra
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Crystal Garrison has had a long day and just wants to get home. Only a few more stops and she will be there.
Walking home Crystal hears a noise, turning she see’s someone who has jumped off the building. Struggling to come to grips with what she has seen and wondering who to call, she is confronted by a stranger, a woman who tells her to attend a meeting, come together and told her everything is a lie. Ashton Blackwell is making nice once again for his parents. The same parents who don’t really see or understand him. Ashton is confronted by a stranger, a woman who tells him to attend a meeting, come together and told him everything is a lie. Jackie Vargas turned up for work but is sick and not getting better. Confronted by a stranger, a woman who tells her to attend a meeting, come together and told her everything is a lie. Misty Zeng has just finished with practice when she is given a letter that tells her to attend a meeting, come together and tells her everything is a lie. Doug Ruskin, Pam Turner, Ren Abernathy and Nikhil Sampath are also confronted by a stranger, a woman who tells them to attend a meeting, come together and told everything is a lie. All attend the arena where another man commits suicide after yelling everything is a lie. After coming together
they learn bit by bit the truth behind their lives, they were not born like normal people, each one was created to be the perfect human. Each one was created by scientists as part of a project called Project 99. Many of those created under the same project have died but why? Coming together they are determined to find out who created them and why people are dying. What they find stuns them and changes everything, everything they have ever known.

What happens when they get to close? What happens when they don’t cooperate? Can they ever get back to a normal life? Can they risk it all to come together?

The story is told by each of the eight individuals giving it a unique touch with lots of twists and turns. This book is a Sci-Fi fantasy and people who like Sci-Fi will enjoy it.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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