Rushed by Kerri Ann – Review by Tracy Manderson

RushedRushed by Kerri Ann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rushed by Kerri Ann

5 out of 5 stars
This is the first book by Ms. Ann that I have read and I simply loved it. The characters where well developed and the secondary characters where hilarious as well as well-developed the story line was amazing and intriguing at the same time. I just couldn’t put this book down I read it in one sitting.
She has no memory but a knight in shining armor named her Keenan and she is a mystery to herself and others. An accident caused her amnesia and she can’t remember anything about her life before she woke up and was rescued. She has no name, no family, no history. Now she’s trying to survive and live her life and try to figure out who the heck she is. She comes across some amazing people and their friends and family become her family.
Stepping into the club and no misgivings about what she’ll like and what she’ll find, but he wasn’t it. Tall, dangerous, hands that roam everywhere she need them to and a voice like silk. She doesn’t want to see his face, she wants him to be a mystery like I am.
One night is all she’ll need to feel, to be caressed and revered, then she can go back to being no one in the crowd.

But fate had a different plan…..
Rush is a fighter. He fights for what he believes in and he fights for the people he cares about, but he’s never been the guy fighting for the girl, they fall at his feet. His club is swimming with sex, women and able bodies to take to his bed, but he doesn’t. He finds his relief, enjoy them and then set them loose anything more and your head gets twisted up. That was his rule.
When she stepped through the door he knew he wanted her, he wanted to taste her and feel her soft body up against his. He had to touch her. He had to see the color rise in her cheeks. Did he know it would become more?
Maybe he should have stayed away….
I simply loved this story and can’t wait to see more of Keenan and Rush. I highly recommend this book.

review @tracym

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