Rhapsody and Rebellion: (Once Upon a Widow) (Enduring Legacy Book 7) by Aubrey Wynne – Review by Erica Fish

Rhapsody and Rebellion (Enduring Legacy #7)Rhapsody and Rebellion by Aubrey Wynne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Rhapsody and Rebellion is the seventh book in the series but can be a stand-alone book by Aubrey Wynne. This is a historical romance book with drama, suspense, and second chances. There must have been research done by Aubrey Wynne to be able to write with such clarity with in the time period of this book. I am not one who likes to learn about history because of all the dates but I find this historical romance different. It is interesting when you see the history through another set of eyes. This story is about Alisabeth and Ian then Alisabeth and Gideon. Alisabeth is betrothed to Ian from the day she was born. She became best friends and from there the relationship went into marriage. However, Ian was not long for this world as he was killed one year during a battle and Alisabeth became a widow. An English Lord, Gideon enters into Alisabeth’s life and starts to court her. What becomes of that relationship I will leave you to read about it. It is a heart-felt read and it is beautiful written. It makes me want to read more book by Aubrey Wynne.

Reviewed by @firestars0002

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