A Person Could Disappear HereA Person Could Disappear Here by Terri George
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

HOLY COW! I was intrigued from the beginning but did not expect it to be so freaking good! A Person Could Disappear Here is a novel written by Terri George. This book is full of suspense and mystery. I loved every minute of it! Abbey is from London and has met a man on Facebook whom she is going to fly to Denver to meet. His name is Jensen. We don’t know much about Jensen except that he is handsome and is super perfect for Abbey. Everything goes well until they go into Nebraska to meet up with Jensen’s grandfather who is getting out of the hospital supposedly. That’s when everything goes wrong. That’s when Cristina, Abbey’s bestfriend steps in and starts her own search party to find her since she did not come back to London. However, that’s when EVERYTHING starts to become twisted and crazy! Like I said before, I did not expect things to turn out the way that they did. I seriously couldn’t put this book down and I in fact wanted to read more. But I was glad the end turned out the way that it did. I can’t wait to read more from this author if they are going to be just like this one!

Review by @vegasdaisie

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