Evolution: Awakening (An Ash Kyndal Novel) by Hope Anika – Review by Maura Harper

Evolution: AwakeningEvolution: Awakening by Hope Anika
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When i started this story I thought I either had a bad copy of the book or it was a continuation of a previous story. Nope – it is just the way the author started this great story.

The story has originality, great world building, interesting characters and imagination. Told from multiple points of view, at times the pacing is so frenetic that it is maddening and other times it was just right.

This is one of those books that i will keep in my “to be read again” pile because I am definitely going to need to reread before reading the next in the series. I have questions that may be answered in a re-read.

The author is new to me and I will be reading them again in the future.

Review by @mauraharper

.View all my reviews

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