The Bad Twin by Avery Scott – Review by Angela Hayes

The Bad TwinThe Bad Twin by Avery Scott
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


The Bad Twin by Avery Scott grabbed my attention from the moment it showed up on my recommended book feed. I couldn’t wait to dive in and find out what this book was all about. To say that I enjoyed this story is an understatement- I F-LOVED it! It was such a fun read- with a sweet, romantic, and emotional story that had just the right amount of drama and angst to keep things really interesting. There was so much to love about this book as the story delved into mistaken identity, family ties, sibling bonds, secrets, recrimination, guilt, passion, love, longing, courage, acknowledgement, discovery, being true to yourself, and chasing dreams.
Ms. Scott paints such a vivid picture- she took me on a sightseeing tour of Paris, creating such rich, vivid imagery- it felt like I was watching a movie and ‘seeing’ the story, instead of reading it.
Abagail Levesque is the practical, responsible, and reliable sister- while her identical twin is more of a spontaneous wild child. Abby had been struggling to make ends meet, especially so since losing her job recently in a company takeover. With a mortgage payment due sooner that she’d like- Abby is worried that they may lose their home. So when her sister’s boss turns up at the house expecting Gabby (her twin) to be packed and ready for a very important business trip to Paris, Abby is left with no choice but to assume her sister’s identity and try to salvage the situation- as Gabby seems to have gone AWOL. She’s totally unprepared for the job- and she’s going to have to ‘fake it till she makes it’. But not before making a few potentially costly mistakes- and falling for her ‘boss’ in the process.
Hudson Quinn is a bit of a playboy billionaire, who has a bit of a heavy heart. He’s under a lot of pressure to make sure an incredibly lucrative deal goes through without a hitch. He thought he’d hired the perfect person to assist him with the task- but he’s beginning to suspect that hiring her is just another mistake to add to his long list of failures. But their time in Paris has him questioning a lot of things, including his feelings. But what happens when things go off the rails? Can they salvage the situation? What happens when secrets are revealed? Will everything work out- or will it all end in emptiness and regret?
I loved Hudson and Abby right from the beginning- they were really interesting and incredibly endearing! I didn’t like Gabby much- she was so irresponsible, self-indulgent, spiteful, and careless. Even after she’d ‘turned over a new leaf’ I was still annoyed with her.
The story is told from duel perspectives- which gave me a complete ‘picture’ of what was happening and how the characters were feeling. It has such a great pace, and a wonderfully smooth flow- the story was incredibly easy to read, and I devoured it in a matter of hours.
The ending is perfect!!
Can not wait to read whatever Ms. Scott does next! I’m going to be all over it like white on rice!

Thank you, Ms. Scott!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

View all my reviews

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