Dark Feathers by Natalina Reis – Review by Francis O’Sullivan

Dark FeathersDark Feathers by Natalina Reis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dark Feathers is a paranormal romance by Natalina Reis. It is a standalone novel, set in the same world as her book Lavender Fields with many characters appearing from the earlier book. It follows Phoenix, a dark angel sent to spy on Joan, a young woman who could see him when he was supposed to be invisible to humans. Joan’s search for a roommate provides the perfect opportunity for Phoenix to keep an eye on her, and (of course) fall in love.
Reis has a well-established system of angels, and Lavender Fields has already given us plenty of insight into the trouble they can get into. Although much of the world-building has been done before, Phoenix being a dark angel gives Reis a chance to explore more of the system and remind or introduce readers to the world from a different perspective.
Joan is a caring, loveable character. Her passion for baking speaks of her commitment to making others happy, and she is quick to note Phoenix’s favourite type of cookies. Phoenix is at times broody and reclusive, and Joan works hard to cheer him up and bring him out of his shell. As someone whose life experience so far has consisted almost entirely of pain and suffering, including sexual abuse, the positive and loving relationship does wonders for Phoenix, who reciprocates by setting out to protect Joan regardless of the cost.
This is an enjoyable page-turner of a book – definitely five stars! I would recommend it to fans of angel romances (and, let’s face it, who doesn’t enjoy a good angel romance?). You can definitely enjoy this book without having read Lavender Fields, but for me it was really great seeing how Caleb and Sky were getting on.

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