
The Ghastly Gumball by Naomi Valkyrie

💜 .•°*°•.💜 BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE 💜 .•°*°•.💜
The Ghastly Gumball by Naomi Valkyrie
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – Paranormal Romance, RomCom
Page Count – 98
Cover Designer – RMGraphX
Magic, Romance, and Shifters – OH MY!
This is a zany, wacky story about a guy named Lockwood King.
There’s magic.
There’s humor.
There’s chaos.
There’s meddling by outside forces (but it’s for their own good – really, it is).
There’s sort of fated mates (fate gets a little push – okay, a big shove, but everyone deserves an HEA, right)?
There’s a bit of cursing (the magic and the swearing kind).
There’s inconvenient tentacle wrestling. (Don’t ask me, I just write what the characters tell me to).
And speaking of tentacles, did I mention the cigar-smoking octopus named Clyde?
If you don’t like absurdly unbelievable tales and magical mishaps, this probably isn’t the book for you. You’ve been warned.


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Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of The Ghastly Gumball by Naomi Valkyrie

Naomi Valkyrie, often called a Firebrand Provocateur, brings her unique Autistic perspectives and curiosities to life by weaving tales of deep connection, mystery, and romance. She is inspired by being able to spontaneously create a thought that takes on a life of its own, opening up new adventures for her readers.


The Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy realms are particular areas of interest for Naomi as they allow for the vast exploration of magic, adventure, and the impossible while creating diverse characters that her readers connect with on an emotional level.


When she isn’t attending to familial connections, Naomi loves a dark, comfy reading space surrounded by the symbolism of her spiritual archetypes and her daemon/familiars, while she sips her tea and immerses herself in imagination.



Unrequited Love (Magic and Heartache Series Book #1) by E.L. Roux – Review by Angela Hayes

Unrequited Love (Magic and Heartache, #1)Unrequited Love by E.L. Roux
My rating: 3 of 5 stars


3.5 Stars


Unrequited Love is the first book in the Magic and Heartache series by E.L. Roux. This book captured my attention from the moment I laid eyes on the cover- and then the blurb sealed the deal for me. I could do with a charmed coffee or 100 in my life right about now…
Jordan and her friend and business partner, Perri, operate The Top Up coffee shop and café, providing delicious morsels and charmed beverages to humans and paranormals alike. Business is booming and everything should be coming up roses, except that her ex, Nathan and his new fiancée Tiffany, seem to pop up everywhere. Urghh, can’t a girl get a break. Cane is one of her most frequent customers, so when he makes a strange request, begging for her help to do a vision quest, Jordan can’t help but say yes…. Even though it will benefit her ex and his fiancée. But the promise of ‘seeing more’ of Cane is simply too irresistible to refuse. What happens once the ritual starts? Will the simmering embers between Jordan and Cane ignite, or will they fizzle and burn out? No spoilers from me, so you will just have to read the story for yourself to discover how everything plays out in the end…
This is a short, sweet, novella length (96pages) romantasy/paranormal romance- with charms, magic, paranormal beings, chemistry, spice, humour, and fun.
A cute story, but I wish it had been a little longer, and more ‘fleshed out’ so we got more of the characters background info, magic lore, world-building, and tension. As it was things did seem a little rushed towards the end- but overall it was sweet…
The next book ‘Unrewarded Love’ (Book #2) is Perri and Kyla’s story (whom we both meet here)- and from what we get to know of them here, the sparks are set to fly.
Happy Reading…

Thank you, E.L. Roux!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell Series) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Laura Jones

Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell Series) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Jennifer Reimer

Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell #2)Hell Hath No Fury by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I couldn’t wait to dive into this book. I read the first one and can say it was incredible, so I just had to read the next one. Plus, I absolutely love series books, so this was just icing on the top. I did find these books quite a fast read, which made me a little sad but also happy, because my TBR pile is huge. This was a paranormal romance which I have been finding more enjoyable as each one I grab. this had everything I loved to a demon woman, no pun intended, that tries to make a relationship work. The book continues from the first one, so I highly suggest reading the first. Once again, the characters are hard not to fall for and enjoy reading about their adventure togethers. So, if you like reading paranormal, romance, drama, demons, witches, magic, angles, chemistry, suspense and so much more this is your book. But first read the first one you wont regret it.

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Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell Series) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Ayla Phipps

Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell #2)Hell Hath No Fury by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Lord how mercy that doll, nope. This is the second book in the Life is Hell series, and yes to get the full understanding of the book and the story I would highly recommend reading book one, No Rest for the Wicked, first. It helps the story be more understandable as everything started in book one. Hell Hath No Fury, begins in the weeks after the conclusion of book one, before the epilogue of book one. Dual perspectives of Millicent and Sheridan.
Millicent is a deputy in the little town of Juniper Lake. She once thought that it was a safe place to live until two murders and a disappearance rocked the little town and her to their core. While she is quickly filled in by her boss Sheriff Malakhi on the truth of what happened in book one, including that Delilah and Sheridan are demons she is filled with anger. She questions how long or if they would have told her the truth if she didn’t ask. Paranoia fueled by mysterious, magical gifts that disappear once she has opened them only make her feel more unsafe. Sheridan enjoyed life in the city until her best friend and boss Delilah decided to take a hiatus that led to her selling her bar and moving to Juniper Lake. With no choice Sheridan pops into Delilah’s cabin in need a of new place to live. The moment she first sees Deputy Millicent Casey she has her heart, and she suddenly wants to know what it’s like to care about someone and be cared for. After a week of being tormented by a porcelain doll that keeps coming back Millicent gives up her plan of ignoring it and it will go away and goes to Delilah for help. She can’t live like this anymore. Instantly defensive Sheridan is forced to face her feelings for Millicent and stop trying to be subtle. Given an unwinnable ultimatum everything comes to light with the fates of Millicent and Sheridan in the air until the dust settles.
Can Sheridan protect Millicent? Will they get a chance to see if they can work? The world of Juniper Lake continues to get more complex as Sheridan and Millicent’s story builds from Delilah and Malakhi’s. Favors called in once more and secrets weave a bigger web of mystery that builds to the end. I am caught in this world and can’t see what happens next. Teivel and Oren’s story is next in Hell in a Handbasket. I’ll see you there.

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Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell Series) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Shannen Kern

Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell #2)Hell Hath No Fury by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I never hesitate to pick up a book by this author because I know I’m in for an amazing ride! The first book in the series was incredible, but this one surpassed it which caught me off guard. It’s a pretty quick read that you can fit into your afternoon, which is literally my only complaint because I want these to last so much longer! The author has an unbelievable way of expertly crafting the story to encompass everything you’d get in a longer book, even down to the development of the characters. I always love seeing the LGBTQ+ in any genre, but paranormal romances are definitely my jam. I can’t wait to see what the next book in this series has in store! I highly recommend picking this up if you enjoy short paranormal/fantasy romance that still feel incredibly detailed.

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell Series) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Jamie Truex

Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell #2)Hell Hath No Fury by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is book two in the Life is Hell series by Naomi Valkyrie. It was just as good as the first book! This time we get to learn more about Millicent and Sheridan. Millicent has a magical stalker and turns to her friends to help. This book is another from this author that keeps you turning pages until the end. It’s full of action and wonderful characters. I would recommend reading the books in order but absolutely pick up this wonderful paranormal story and settle in for great afternoon read.

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Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell Series) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Santana Hicks

Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell #2)Hell Hath No Fury by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book takes place shortly after the first book in the series and although it could be read as a stand alone, you get to know the characters and subplots a lot more in the first book.

Millicent knows that her co-worker and boss are hiding information from her. Two murders and a missing person doesn’t just solve itself but it seems like they know more about the cases then they let on. After a bit, she can’t stand being left out and demands answers. Thus she is introduced to the supernatural world.

Being thrust into a world where the woman you are interested in is actually a demon is crazy enough but then a magical stalker on top of that?! Millicent thinks she’s going insane. She goes to Delilah for help.

Sheridan is not the relationship type, especially since she is a hedonism demon, but there’s something about Millicent that makes her want to try. Once they make their interest for each other known, Millicent’s stalker targets Sheridan as well, giving her an ultimatum.

Would Millicent be better off without Sheridan or will the budding romance conquer all? Including a stalker.

I really enjoyed Sheridan’s bubbly and hyper personality in the first book so when I heard this installment is about her love story, I was super excited. I am happy to announce that I was not disappointed.

I have said it many times before, I love Naomi Valkyrie!

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Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell Series) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell #2)Hell Hath No Fury by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hell Hath No Fury is Book Two in the Life is Hell Series. It is a paranormal F/F romance with drama, mystery, intrigue, demons, witches, shifters, fallen angels, magic, chemistry and a dash of humor. The story picks up with characters that we met in book one, Sheridan and Millicent, in the small town of Juniper Lake. Sheridan is a demon and Millicent is the deputy sheriff of Juniper Lake. Both are attracted to one another, but neither is brave enough to act on their crush so any chance of romance between them is slow burning. When Millicent gets a stalker who leaves her anonymous cryptic notes, and a creepy doll Sheridan is spurred into action and becomes determined to help her and keep her safe. Another brilliantly written story by this talented author who has a way of weaving an interesting and unique story that keeps the reader hooked. Looking forward to reading the next book in this fantastic series.

View all my reviews@tarab

Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell Series) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Hannah Porter

Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell #2)Hell Hath No Fury by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Just as I said I had to come back and read the second book of this series( Life is hell series). After reading the first one, I couldn’t wait to dive into this world again. I was so excited to see who we got to see next. Turns out we got to see Millie & Sheridan. I made quick work of this, not putting it down at all lmao. But this really has everything you could think of and more. This author really knows how to keep you wanting more and makes you want to run to the next book so you could jump right back into this amazing world she’s built and see all the new and old amazing characters that have been built. Speaking of which lol I love we got to see the characters from the previous book 🥰 excited to go pick up the next books, I can’t read them fast enough.

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Hell Hath No Fury, Life is Hell Series, Naomi Valkyrie, Review, Itsy Bitsy Book Bits, Paranormal Romance, FF

Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell #2)Hell Hath No Fury by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really liked this one! It’s a fantasy meets modern day world. Millicent isn’t aware all her friends around her are supernatural beings but when she finds out she’s shocked. Not only that she has a magical stalker. As her friends rally around her and they investigate who her stalker is Millicent tries to keep up with all the new information thrown her way and carry on with her life but it’s difficult especially when she’s falling in love. Can they find the stalker and can Millicent get the girl in the end? I really enjoyed this, loved all the characters and really liked that it kept you guessing about who the stalker was. Highly recommend!

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Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell Series) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Amber Howard

Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell #2)Hell Hath No Fury by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I like this series. I just wish each book was longer. It sucks you don’t need from the first page and never lacks action and entertainment. It actually reads quickly. I really like Millicent. It was great getting to know her more. Hopefully we learn more about Oren and Teival next.

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Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell Series) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by LaliLovely

Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell #2)Hell Hath No Fury by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

As with all of Naomi Valkyrie’s books , this was a fun little adventure . Quick enough to read in an afternoon , but there’s something about it that makes you want to stretch it out longer . I wish I had felt more chemistry between Millie & Sheridan , but I could still see how they like each other . Fantastic short story full of flirtation , cool characters , & twists & turns . Love this book !

Review by @lalilovely

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Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell Series) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Anastasia Dodson

Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell #2)Hell Hath No Fury by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This FF Paranormal read was a fun short read that I enjoyed one evening. This book focuses on side characters that were in book one, So I feel like reading these in order would give the best reading experience! All different types of supernatural characters were included in this book (which I loved) and I enjoyed this way this book flowed. The main characters grabbed my attention and I loved that there was a stalker( awful for Millicent, great for story telling lol).
I am looking forward to reading more by this author in the future!!

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Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell Series) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Rita White

Hell Hath No Fury Book 2 by Naomi Valkrie.
This book is as fantastic as the first in the series. It expounds on two of the other characters from the first book, Millicent and Sheridan. Sheridan is a demon, and Millicent is a sheriff deputy who are drawn together. To say that these two shouldn’t be together is an understatement. There are many factors keeping them apart throughout the book. Everyone comes together to fight their way out of the situations they find themselves in. Great fast read.

Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell Series) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Francis O’Sullivan

Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell #2)Hell Hath No Fury by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hell Hath No Fury is the second book in the Life Is Hell series. I enjoy the variety of LGBT+ relationships in this series, and the diverse cast of paranormal characters. It’s an action-packed read that’s hard to put down!

Hell Hath No Fury focuses on the relationship between Sheridan and Millicent, who met each other in the first book in the series. It’s early days for them, and Millicent is new to the whole paranormal thing so there are a lot of obstacles for them to overcome. Millicent’s mysterious stalker forces her to come to terms with this new world and accept help from her friends, but also puts a strain on her relationship with Sheridan.

I’m glad that we got to see more of some of the regular characters, like Jezebel! And I loved Millicent in the previous book so I was excited to see her story get more attention.

This book gets five stars from me. I’d recommend the series to readers who are already fans of the author’s work, and those who enjoy varied LGBTQ+ paranormal romances.

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Touched: Elemental Passions Book One by Skye Turner, Sloane Nicole, April D. Berry, C.J. Pinard, Danielle Jamie, Darlene Tallman, Julie Morgan, Livell James, Machelle Hanleigh, and Melissa MacKinnon – Review by Angela Hayes

Touched (Elemental Passions #1)Touched by Skye Turner
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


4 Stars


‘ Aeris, the adventurous. Aeris, the rule-breaker. Aeris, the rebel.
That’s me. Though, I don’t ever actually intend to break the rules.
It just sort of… happens.
What can I say? I’m curious.
There’s a great, big world outside of our own and I want to explore it all.
Is that really so bad?
I don’t think it is. ’

‘ Smiling down at me again, he offers me his hand. I stare up at him, uncertain as to what to do. Do I go with Callum to where he wants to take me, or do I fly away to the safety of Laric and the wards and never see this man again? I know what I should do, but I’m not certain that I’m going to do it… Grinning with sudden bravado, I slide my hand into his. No adventure is ever told by running away from a story. It’s told while running toward it. Let’s see where this story leads. ’

Touched is the first book in the Elemental Passions series brought to us by 10 talented authors who have come together as one. I must say that I was curious about this book,, because at first I thought it was an anthology- but it isn’t- it is one story told/written by 10 different authors. Well, I have never heard of that being done before- so of course I had to grab a copy and see how the story turned out.
The ten authors who contributed to this book are:
-Skye Turner
-Sloane Nicole
-April D. Berry
-C.J. Pinard
-Danielle Jamie
-Darlene Tallman
-Julie Moran
-Livell James
-Machelle Hanleigh
-Melissa McKinnon
They have produced an intriguing paranormal romance with action, fantasy, adventure, magic, Fairies (Fae), sylphs, werewolves, drama, danger, agendas, fated loved/fated mates, forbidden romance, chemistry, steam, tension, mystery, elemental forces, prophecy, war, insta-love/insta-lust, and emotion.
With there being ten different authors lending their talents to this one story, it would be understandable if you were somewhat skeptical about the end result being cohesive. But I am here to assure you that this book reads as if there had only been one author- so colour me impressed.
Sneaking through the wards into the human realm isn’t anything new for Aeris, she’s been breaking the rules since she could remember- so what is different this time? Well, a tall dark stranger who knocks her off her feet and locks eyes with her is what…. Aeris and Callum are from two different worlds, a fairy and a human. But is he, human, that is. Afterall he can see through her glamour, which he shouldn’t be able to do. And why can’t she stop thinking about him? Things take a bit of a dangerous turn throwing these two into a situation they could never have predicted. What happens when their forbidden union is discovered? Where does prophecy and war fit in? And what does fate have in store for these two? Well, you really should read all the captivating details for yourself and discover how it all plays out in the end.
This is the first book in a five-instalment series- so I can’t wait to see where we go from here. Elemental Passions is the next book in the series (yet to be released).
Happy Reading…

Thank you to all the contributing authors!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell Series) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Crystal Brehant

Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell #2)Hell Hath No Fury by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am loving this series! This is the second book in the Life is Hell series, and I cannot wait to read more. This one is just as good as the first, if not better. I love when a series takes a side character from the first book, and gives them their own story. We still see characters from the original, but you get to experience more. There are just as many supernatural elements in this one as the first. If that’s your thing, then you will love this book!

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Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell Series) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Rose McCaskey

Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell #2)Hell Hath No Fury by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell Book 2) follows Millicent as she deals with a magical stalker. Book 2 includes all of the same characters as Book 1 just shifts the focus of the main character from Delilah who is now a supporting character. This is a great book with wonderful characters that mesh well together. There are demons, nixs, angels, demon hunters, He’ll hounds, witches and many other supernatural beings in Naomi Valkyrie’s books. I absolutely love her stories not only because they capture and hold ny attention but because even though they short fast reads they are full of detail.

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Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell Series) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Megan Conley

Hell Hath No Fury (Life is Hell #2)Hell Hath No Fury by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the second installment of the Life is Hell series and I literally read it in one sitting. I could not put this down. I absolutely love how Valkyrie focuses on a set of different characters but we still get glimpses of past and future characters and they are just as integral to the story. In this story, we follow the demon Sheridan as she battles to keep her crush (and one of the three town deputies), Millicent, safe from an unforeseen force. The twists and turns in this story were great and kept me on the edge of my seat and reading well past my bed time. I can’t wait for the next book in this series to come out. Valkyrie is quickly becoming one of those authors I binge read and add-to-cart as soon as a new book hits the shelves.

Reviewed by @meggs1717
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No Rest for the Wicked (Life is Hell Series) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Laura Jones

No Rest for the Wicked (Life is Hell Series) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Crystal Brehant

No Rest for the Wicked (Life is Hell #1)No Rest for the Wicked by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I started this book only expecting to read a couple of pages. I finished reading it in one sitting. This book was fast paced and very captivating. I cannot wait to read more in this series! I loved it so much, I want to purchase a physical copy for my “trophy” book shelf. These are books I thoroughly relished after reading the ebook, that I feel like I need a physical copy too. This is the second series I have read by this author, and she never fails to keep me coming back for more. I delight in her writing and stories.

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No Rest for the Wicked (Life is Hell Series) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Gabrielle

No Rest for the Wicked (Life is Hell #1)No Rest for the Wicked by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is an interesting start to the Life is Hell series. Delilah needs a vacation and she goes to Juniper Lake thinking that the small town will be a nice break, little does she know what is in store for her there. This vacation comes with a plethora of paranormal beings and one sexy sheriff.
I enjoyed meeting Delilah and being along for the adventure that is her vacation. There is more than one surprise for Delilah in this little town. I loved that Delilah is a strong woman who can stand on her own and is more than ready to fight for what is right. Her story moves at a good pace and is full of engaging characters. The author has created a delightful little town with interesting characters that pull you into their adventures and have you eager to return for more.

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No Rest for the Wicked (Life is Hell Series) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Jennifer Reimer

No Rest for the Wicked (Life is Hell #1)No Rest for the Wicked by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am so happy I picked up this book, once I started reading I couldn’t out it down. This book had me tiring pages like they were on fire. It had everything I love reading, demon, paranormal, supernatural, suspense, drama, summing’s, love, I could go on. Deliah is an amazing character; she sold her soul almost 200 years ago and is taking some sweet revenge on all cheating husbands. Owning a bar and living in the city thou she rents out a cabin on the lake to take sometime away from it all, but boy did she have that wrong, take a trip with Deliah no nonsense attitude and find out why the things that were happening well were happening. This book was incredible, and I really enjoyed every word of it.

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No Rest for the Wicked (Life is Hell Series) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Shannen Kern

No Rest for the Wicked (Life is Hell #1)No Rest for the Wicked by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This author is one that I never hesitate to pick up! Every single time I read one of their books, I am always blown away. I was beyond excited to start this series and after I’ve finished this book, I am running to pick up the next! Delilah has no time for anyone’s drama and has the feel of ‘take me as I am’ which I LOVED. Malakhi is the sheriff and may have some chemistry pop on the pages with Delilah. Both of them felt incredibly relatable, and the flow of the story is marvelous! This was such an entertaining experience as I was completely immersed in this world once I began reading. If you’re looking for an action-packed, polyamorous, LGBTQ paranormal romance, this has to be your next book! I’ll give you a tip – clear your afternoon because once you start this book, there’s no putting it down. I highly recommend picking up this one as I’m running to buy the second in the series!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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No Rest for the Wicked (Life is Hell Series) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Tausha Treadway

No Rest for the Wicked (Life is Hell #1)No Rest for the Wicked by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

No Rest for the Wicked (Life is Hell Series) by Naomi Valkyrie . This book was an amazing start to this series! I love this author so I wasn’t surprised but wow. Its the story of Delilah who is a demon who gets revenge on cheaters. She is burned out and needs a change of pace so she heads to Juniper Lake where she thinks it will be quiet and calm, of course that is not what she finds. The sheriff Malakahi has been sheriff in Juniper Lake for a few years now and he is so tried of trying to hide the fact that he is not human. Delilah keeps getting the sense of a spell coming on and somehow gets bonded to a trio of witches. She also keeps getting a pull toward the sheriff and she knows that won’t work out. Will Malakahi find out that Delilah is a demon before she can get done what she needs to? Seems like the sheriff is everywhere Delilah shows up. She also has the witches to deal with. She came here wanting a break and she is not getting that at all. Such a fun, fast paced paranormal romance.

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No Rest for the Wicked (Life is Hell Series) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

No Rest for the Wicked (Life is Hell #1)No Rest for the Wicked by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

No Rest for the Wicked is Book One in the Life is Hell Series. It is a polyamorous paranormal romance with action, drama, suspense, mystery, danger, passion, magic, demons, demon hunters, witches, and shifters. The story centers around the MC Delilah, a demon who has been hunting adulterers for as long as she can remember. She used to enjoy it but now she finds herself bored and in need of a break. Delilah decides she needs a holiday, so she drives until she finds a quaint little town called Juniper Lake. She figures this is just the quiet little place where she can relax and recharge but instead finds herself wrapped up in a mystery that will put her to the ultimate test. This was a fast-paced and intriguing read full of twists and turns that kept me hooked until the very end. This is one of my favorite authors because of her unique writing style and way of weaving a story that never fails to deliver. She always has interesting characters that fascinate me with their quirks and multi faceted personalities. Delilah is yet another of those characters that I loved because of her feisty attitude, strength, determination, and witty sense of humor. Oh, and let’s not forget the amazing cover on this book, wow! Anxious to read the next book in this series!

View all my reviews@tarab

No Rest for the Wicked (Life is Hell Series) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Ayla Phipps

No Rest for the Wicked (Life is Hell #1)No Rest for the Wicked by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Burn out in need of a vacation turns into a messy mystery. Truly one of my all-time favorite authors I take every chance I am given to read one of Naomi Valkyrie’s books and they never disappoint. Book one of the Life is Hell series gives us a bang of an introduction to this tiny world with big secrets hiding in the shadows. Dual perspectives of Delilah and Malakhi this book takes you on a mystery from two different sides.
Delilah is essentially a vengeance demon that gets revenge on cheating partners. Two hundred years ago that’s what she sold her soul to do for herself when her boyfriend cheated on her. Life in the big city has become too much and she is in dire need of a vacation and after three days of driving she finds a tiny town in the middle of nowhere, Juniper Lake. Sheriff Malakhi has been in Juniper Lake for five years, and after pretending to be human for so long he has forgotten how to research the paranormal way. Summoning circles, a murdered demon hunter and the intriguing Delilah have his head spinning on how they are all connected. Mortified with herself that she fell for a trap Delilah has no choice but to follow the orders the trio of witches give her, no matter how much she doesn’t want to. No rest for the wicked irks her as during the day she tries to find ways to free herself of their binding and reclaim her freedom from them. Thanks to an old journal she discovers that the unassuming little town has a history with demons but how and why.
Can Delilah free herself before Malakhi figures out who she is? Will she give into her attraction to Malakhi? What life could she have in Juniper Lake if she gave in to the urge to move there? The author never skimps on the details and this book is no different. Instantly sucked into the world as you devour the pages in search of answers with Delilah and Malakhi. Both intriguing characters as they have lived far longer than they look and after such mundane lives they have a spark of interest and curiosity in each other that despite trying to fight it sometimes they can’t help but be drawn to each other. I am trapped in this world but it’s in a good way. Can’t wait to jump into book two in the Life is Hell series, Hell Hath No Fury, and learn more about Sheridan. Delilah’s friend that looks after the bar during her vacation. I’ll see you there.

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No Rest for the Wicked (Life is Hell Series) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Megan Conley

No Rest for the Wicked (Life is Hell #1)No Rest for the Wicked by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first book in Valkyrie’s Life is Hell series and it is superb! I was hooked from the first page and I literally could not put it down. I finished this book in a day…maybe a day and a half because ya know…responsibilities and all. I fell in love with all of the characters in this book and just how they interacted with each other and evolved was *chef’s kiss*. The plot of No Rest for the Wicked is original and very well-done and so seamless. This is a very fast-paced book that you are going to have a very hard time putting down once you pick it up so go ahead and cancel your plans for the day or night…whatever. I cannot wait for this series to continue and see what Valkyrie has in store for the other characters!
Reviewed by @meggs1717
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* ^ * 🌟 * ^ * PREORDER * ^ * 🌟 * ^ * Finding Cheer (Magical Emerald Hollow Series) by Heather Schneider

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Finding Cheer (Magical Emerald Hollow Series) by Heather Schneider
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – Paranormal Sweet Romance
Page Count – 300
Cover Designer – Kylie Sek
Now that Holly Claus is a full-time resident of Emerald Hollow, the small town in Oregon is experiencing some unusual occurrences, such as tulip super blooms and an influx of visitors for its many magical festivals. But the strangest occurrence may be the man who shows up in the middle of a snowstorm without any memories of his past.
Sofia Reyes, Emerald Hollow local, is skeptical of the man’s story, and her attraction to him is an inconvenience she hopes she can rid herself of by helping him discover his identity.
But as she gets to know him better through an unfortunate bet, regular trips to the library, an epic tulip festival, and a magical pull that she can’t seem to escape, she wonders if she dares to risk opening herself up to a man whose past is a mystery to them both.
And behind the scenes, unbeknownst to the human residents of Emerald Hollow, Holly Claus may be on the cusp of uncovering some decades-old magical secrets that will affect them all.
This second book in the Magical Emerald Hollow series sees the return of fan favorites Holly and Ash and a greater focus on Sofia and her new love interest, all set against the backdrop of the town’s most magical spring season in history.