Landing the Lawman (Hills of Texas #5) by Kadie Scott – Review by Laura Furuta

Landing the Lawman (Hills of Texas, #5)Landing the Lawman by Kadie Scott
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Landing the Lawman (Hills of Texas Book 5)
By Kadie Scott
5 out of 5 stars

I loved reading the book Landing the Lawman (Hills of Texas Book 5) by Kadie Scott. It is a western romance book that pulled me in from the beginning and I found myself not able to put it down. I loved reading about the character of Carter Hill and Logan Cartez. Carter is a strong, intelligent, and independent woman. She does, however, feel the loneliness seeing her brothers who are happily married. Logan is a man who doesn’t do relationships and puts his career first. He doesn’t have time for commitments as he puts all his passion into his work. There is an attraction between Carter and Logan. They both feel it. One-night changes things. What does the future hold for Carter and Logan? Will Logan take a chance with Carter? Read this book to find out. This is a story that had my emotions going up and down with the characters. I grew to care about Carter and Logan and wanted them to find happiness. I have read other books in this series and I enjoyed that the characters from the previous books are brought forward into this one. There is plenty of romance in this book that will make the temperature in the room rise. This is a story that warms the heart and I loved the close feeling of family that characters show. Don’t miss out on an amazing book that will not let you go until the final page. I highly recommend reading it.

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