Mountains Wanted (Mountains Series #1) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Sheri Schrader

Mountains Wanted (Mountains Series Book 1)Mountains Wanted by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Mountains Wanted by Phoebe Alexander is the first in the Mountains Series books. The first three books in the series are a continuing storyline so you will want to read those in order. The story is about Dr. Sarah Lynde, a single mom, looking for her next friend with benefits. Army First Sergeant James McAllister is looking for the same because he doesn’t know when he will be deployed next. The two of them meet and the steam begins to rise. Despite wanting other people are they the right match for each other?
This is a good read that I read quickly. The story leaves off for the next book so I am looking forward to where the story goes after this book. The characters are interesting and I liked some right off and others I found to like more as I got to read more about them. There are some background characters who are also interesting. I like the story because these are not perfect people but each has its own flaws and problems they bring to the relationship. Unlike other romances, this has some reality brought to the table with this feature. I look forward to seeing where this story goes.

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