High Fae Academy – Year One: Fae Paranormal Romance by Kaylin Peyerk – Review by Tausha Treadway

High Fae Academy - Year One: Fae Paranormal RomanceHigh Fae Academy – Year One: Fae Paranormal Romance by Kaylin Peyerk
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

High Fae Academy – Year One: Fae Paranormal Romance by Kaylin Peyerk. This is a great book about a young girl living her life happily never having any interest in attending High Fae Academy for Gifted Supernaturals but couldn’t avoid it in the end. There she found 5 hot Fae males who wanted her bad but she had to choose just one. Being that she can control all the elements and each one attracts her to a different guy its going to be difficult. Add to it she is destined to end the war between light and dark her plate is very full. This prophecy that says she is to end the war is just that a prophecy but it is controlling her life and dragging her into some messy situations. On top of all this she has to keep her grade point up so no pressure really! Will she find the male she’s supposed to be with, will she create peace instead of war and will she keep her grade point up? Read this book to find out!

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