Alamir (Blood of Kaos Series Book 1) by Nesa Miller – Review by Liz Vrchota

AlamirAlamir by J.D. Miller
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is one of those dark and detailed fantasy books that you just get completely lost in and lose track of the world going on around you. Alamir was instantly on my TBR as soon as I saw the breathtaking cover come across my feed and I was itching to find out what the story behind it was going to be. It definitely did not disappoint and I am even more elated to find out there will be more books within this series to devour.

Alamir introduces us to Etain, an ordinary gal at first until an event changes everything. She is left to figure out where she fits in the new world of the Alamir, and help to keep the balance between the good and evil surrounding her. Her new powers are just the tip of the iceberg and she finds herself in some adventurous situations. I felt transplanted into this fantasy world and I loved every moment of it. Bring on book two!

Review by @lizaileen
View all my reviews

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