Alligators in the Trees by Cynthia Hamilton – Review by Tausha Treadway

Alligators in the treesAlligators in the trees by Cynthia Hamilton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Alligators in the Trees by Cynthia Hamilton. I LOVED this book! Its the best story about fate and how things are meant to be happen. Its the story of Priscilla Vanderpool who works at a Frank’s Coffee Shop in Manhattan’s Lower East Side. Priscilla loves her job but her heart and soul is in music & song writing. She has written several songs but no one has ever heard them. Tobias Jordan is a 90’s rock star who is middle aged and trying to rebuild his career. Phillip Glessner is a down and out architect who found Frank one day trying to avoid reporters so they end up in Frank’s Coffee Shop and meet Priscilla. Phillip is very attracted to Priscilla and since his wife is divorcing him he feels like she may be just what he needs. As they continue to learn about each other they have connections that could only be fate. Each character has flaws and yet they tend to bring out the best in one another. This is such a fun, sweet book about chance meetings and how life just works out sometimes.

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