Hero High: Heartbreak Rebellion (Hero High Collections Book 2) by Mina Chara – Review by Kerry Baker

Heartbreak Rebellion (Hero High, #4)Heartbreak Rebellion by Mina Chara
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hero High: Heartbreak Rebellion by Mina Chara is the second book in the Hero High Collections. This is a brilliant collection of books that will grab your attention and simply not let go. This is books 4-6 in the series so I would definitely recommend reading the others ones first.
I think the author has done an amazing job of creating such a strong and interesting series. Each of the books are great in their own right, resulting in an overall amazing series. The characters are all so well written and you really do engage with them. It is so easy to picture them all as if you are right their alongside them.
Each of the stories in these books kept me interested for different reasons. They are clearly part of the same series but all have a slightly different feel about them. It helped to keep them separate in my mind while also keeping them cohesive and flowing well. This is a brilliant series and if you are a fan of this genre I would high recommend them!

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