Child of Prophecy (Tirumfall Trilogy Book 2) by J Drew Brumbaugh – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Child of ProphecyChild of Prophecy by J. Drew Brumbaugh
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In this installment of the Tirumfall trilogy, we start off the tale four years after the first book finished in Gant and Dalphnia’s house as he waits for Pris to arrive for his usual visit. As Gant is watching for Pris’s approach on the pathway through the forest and worrying that he has been waylaid in his travels, he hears a knock on the door and is shocked to see Pris there and he is reminded of when they first met and how he loved to play pranks on people. As Pris explains that he has been studying magic and he has used it to travel to see Gant, he is able to do more now, than other wizards in the past, however, it does take a toll on him and as Dalphnia is still out in the woods, Gant asks what it is that Pris has been doing, Pris goes on to talk about events in his empire and how the populace want his as the Emperor to solve all of their problems for them, this, plus his worries about the other kingdom over the mountains where the Demons are still causing a problem.

When Dalphnia returns and they have said their hellos, a golden light begins to appear and strengthen and turn white until it becomes almost blinding and a woman appears within the light. She is familiar to Gant, as she has appeared to him once before and she then warns them that a child is to be born across the mountains and that this child is destined to unite the forces of darkness who dwell there. The child in question will be born on the darkest night in Ferd, the capital of Scaltzland and deep into the heart of the demon territory. As she leaves, she finishes the prophecy by saying that this union must not come to pass and that they must do something to stop it as she is unable to do so herself.

After the lady and the light disappear, they continue to talk about this upcoming event and ways in which they can stop the demons getting the child long into the night. They discuss all the possibilities, where the child will be, how well it will be guarded and by whom, as well as what they can do once they have the child, as killing it is not an option. They realise that it is only two and a half months away and that they will need some help with figuring out the plan and they know exactly who to talk to.

They travel to see Abadis and Amelia where they figure out a plan and prepare to head out to Ferd, as long as they stay together, they can use each other’s strengths and weaknesses to their advantage. As the journey progresses, they keep running into obstacles and barriers, but fortunate events as well lead to some ways to make progress and keep spirits high from some unexpected allies.

This is another epic journey through dangerous lands with friends, foes, magic and fights, all the things you want from a fantastic fantasy tale, so go on another exciting journey with Gant, Pris, Abadis and Amelia and see what comes to pass!

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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